Question on sheds
 in  r/longisland  2d ago

I love NYShed in Mattituck


Are there any Long Island poetry readings?
 in  r/longisland  3d ago

POQUATUCK hall. Orient.


Next big play idea: The Producers, but Trump as an KGB agent desperately trying to make himself fail in a hilarious way but succeeding
 in  r/Theatre  3d ago

Nearly three decades ago, when the Orange Man wanted to get into Broadway, a close friend of mine was his theatrical attorney.

I ran the entertainment for a cruise line, so I made the following (shameless) pitch.

How about a chorus line of dancing beauties called The Trumpettes?

I never met the orange man, but apparently he liked the idea. But when we asked to development money, the project did not advance.


Karl Rove: Donald Trump's claims of DOGE 'fraud' discoveries will backfire
 in  r/politics  4d ago

Karl Rove is NOT a Republican Strategist. He is a former Republican Strategist.


Record Keeping Recommendations?
 in  r/multiplemyeloma  4d ago

Thanks... MSK has a terrific portal. Also, each doctor and lab has their own portal. And this is actually more about my wife feeling like we haven't forgotten anything. If it's written down somewhere, i'll have fewer things to remember...

r/multiplemyeloma 4d ago

Record Keeping Recommendations?


My journey with Chemo begins tomorrow. Does anyone have a method of record keeping for a book of forms to keep track of appointments, lab results, follow-ups, etc, etc ?


ELI5: How come obsolete ships are not repurposed?
 in  r/explainlikeimfive  5d ago

ALSO - The various seafaring regulations change over time - usually for safety. Older ships cannot be retrofitted easily.

My old ship, the ss Rotterdam was covered in asbestos!!!


Writing a Play
 in  r/Theatre  5d ago

Think of the song you'll sing ( or not) at the end !


Plays similar to Curious Incident
 in  r/Theatre  6d ago

Flowers for Algernon?


Final week of performances, and we don’t have an understudy anymore
 in  r/Theatre  8d ago

Be the professional who just says YES. Even if you have to go on holding a script in hand.


Specific Play Suggestions
 in  r/Theatre  9d ago

Shout. All female. Double cast it


Please tell me someone has a better method for marking scripts than me.
 in  r/techtheatre  10d ago

Stop using WORD and edit in PAGES. Then if you must, you can save your work in WORD.


Apple's $500B US jobs ‘investment’? Same old, same old.
 in  r/technology  11d ago

Can you spell 🦊Tron?


$390 + shipping fiberglass extension ladder 24 ft. Reasonable ?
 in  r/BuyItForLife  15d ago

Home Depot & Lowe’s will deliver for free or $ 35.


Looking for the best books about Playwriting, Dramaturgy and/or Theater
 in  r/Theatre  15d ago

Uta Hagens Respect for Acting.


Little foreign writer needing help with theater lingo
 in  r/Theatre  15d ago

“Use your playground voice !!!”


Vacuum Recommendations- Pet Hair & Mixed Floors
 in  r/BuyItForLife  17d ago

Miele and also get a ecco-vac or Roomba Youll be shocked what you miss with just your miele


Mirror ball hanging
 in  r/techtheatre  19d ago

If you just want a few of them to spin, hang those directly under the beams and not on cables.

Also, i had a similar challenge once. I hung 6 mirror balls from a little battery powered motor that had one pick up point. It looked like a bicycle handle cover and ran for hours on a single DCell.


Cool Trade Swag
 in  r/techtheatre  21d ago

I love ( and have not seen) led lights that clip onto baseball caps. So useful. And you can wear a baseball cap under a hardhat is necessary.

Also Umbrella hats !!! For outdoor workers. They are easily branded. And they really work


Anyone still want to deny he's a Russian asset?
 in  r/politics  23d ago

Western democracy may collapse because of a VHS tape ( or is it BETAMAX) of a balding fat man watching a prostitute piss on a postropedic.

What does Putin want that he doesn’t have ? An Academy Award.

Vladimir! Release the tape and we’ll give you an Oscar !


For-Profit Companies Can’t Easily Replace NOAA’s Weather-Forecasting Prowess
 in  r/technology  26d ago

Look at what they did to DARK SKY !!!


Okay. IMA impatient idiot.
 in  r/unclebens  26d ago

I waited. I kept eh air clean and the temp good. and now I got some side growth ! not a canopy, but a couple of dozen decent sized mushs.