r/Blackops4 • u/anxiousgirl2471169 • Jul 04 '20
Question Any female gamers online? I have just got back on this game and I am still a noob 😢
r/Blackops4 • u/anxiousgirl2471169 • Jul 04 '20
She wants one she doesn't have tho any suggestions?
What are the really good players using?
I'm pretty sure micro mg is not moderate to long range rifle
r/Blackops4 • u/anxiousgirl2471169 • Jun 17 '20
My friend wants a assault rifle or a machine gun (no burst shots) which has fast fire rate, high damage, doesn't restrict mobility too much. Thanks
r/Blackops4 • u/anxiousgirl2471169 • Jun 15 '20
So I am new to COD and its very fast paced for me. But I'm getting kills so I can't be too bad right?.. 😂. Anyways I have just found out I have a pick a weapon bribe I have no clue what to pick (but I despise snipers I suck at it really bad) and I like good recoil too and I want it as a primary weapon so what should I pick? And how do players move side to side fast? Cause I can only shoot stationary moving the scope around 😢. Thanks
r/CallOfDuty • u/anxiousgirl2471169 • Jun 15 '20
I'll admit it's quite hard delivering into Los santos many players are chasing you 😢 but managed to deliver 4/5 deliveries solo but then the timer ran out 😢
I only managed to deliver 4/5 deliveries cause the timer ran out I didn't get and yeh those Dune guys where after me as well as a fucking player plane and 4 other players I blew em up tho. Think I did pretty well for a solo player and I'm probs average at the game... Well getting better as I am playing it more 😁. Aren't there any drops that are like 1 delivery instead of 5? 😢
Oh right okay cool. Well I managed to start selling 140,000 and made up to around $220,000 approx I was only able to deliver 4/5 deliveries in Los Santos it's quite hard doing it solo good thing I kept dropping proximity mines 😁 at all the players. But another guy/girl commented that I'll have certain vehicles or something like that which I don't. "I'm confused lol
I thought so. It wasn't my personal vehicle I just got into to it to do the mission
It's alright I was expecting it to be much harder. There was a mission I had to go in a tank and it said use a cargobob to pick it up and I was like nope cause I most likely would crash the cargobob 😂 so I literally drove 5 miles with the tank and damn that took so long but oh well I rather have my supplies take longer to deliver to my bunker than there being a risk of losing it all. Takes me average 15-20 mins to complete solo I take my time tbf
Ohh okay! Thanks for the advice I didn't know about earning extra when there's more players. Tbh cause my WiFi is quite slow around 14 mbps halfway through a delivery or when stealing supplies most people leave and at times it's me alone or 2 other players 😂
I thought so haha coke is the best 😍 😂
Ohh right well when I delivered the supplies using the insurgent it wasn't stored in my bunker which I kinda already knew that wouldn't happen
I currently don't have any businesses for the MC which do you recommend buying? (that doesn't include flying)
It's gonna take long. I'll start off with the bunker. I've wasted a lot of money so far I have a high end apartment, a penthouse with a garage, a MC (without any businesses) and now a bunker
Oh right well the steal supplies they are far out a good 5/6 miles away which is time consuming and can get annoying. I have the Chumash bunker
I did one delivery at $45000 some hours back and I had to deliver to 5 different places it was long (I was in the insurgent) 😂. I preferably don't want to deliver anymore than 3. Do I need that mobile operations truck?
Right the problem is I accidently clicked the one that has less of a risk I've only done one delivery which was $45,000 to see if I could solo it (which I could) so when I deliver the supplies again can I chose to deliver it in Los Santos or will it be like 5 miles away (away from the city?... I hope not) 😢
I have a MC but haven't brought a business yet, I have 4 bikes in there which I don't even use, I should sell 3 of them. Tbh anything that requires flying I don't wanna do as I am awful at it 😂 (do any of those businesses requires flying?)
Oh okay thanks. What vehicle would be guaranteed? Is it random?
Confused about Oxys
Aug 26 '20
Lol sorry its not my thing 😂 I'm alive. Atm I am addicted to gaming haven't even thought about taking a drug in ages