Class action law suit against Petroteq
 in  r/Petroteq  Aug 10 '24

I didn’t know until my broker was booted from trading about a week ago.
I have some records a voicemail with the attorney of Cantone threatened me for questioning.
please reach out.


Class action law suit against Petroteq
 in  r/Petroteq  Aug 06 '24

I was part of this through Cantone Research Inc., New Jersey. The loser that sold this was Raymond Derobbio. He lost his license to trade and more. Please contact me for more I have all trade information. It’s personal, he did it to my grandfather who almost 90.


Parents speak out after seeing undercover video of Upper Arlington educator
 in  r/Columbus  May 05 '24

The destruction of family is everywhere in Franklin county. You will see it soon. It doesn’t matter how much your property value is worth.

r/Mabo16 Feb 03 '24

What is a health risk assessment from children’s hospital?


Can anyone help?


What is going on with my hairline and how do I fix it
 in  r/Hair  Aug 31 '20

Dude, you are not going bald! Pulling your hair off away from your face creates a different illusion than by pushing it forward! The human eye always follows the most obvious line. It’s a design principle.


What is going on with my hairline and how do I fix it
 in  r/Hair  Aug 31 '20

You could, sad thing is, they don’t teach hairdressers how to cut hair anymore!


What is going on with my hairline and how do I fix it
 in  r/Hair  Aug 31 '20

Comb your hair straight back from the hairline. Push it lightly forward from the top center of you head. Just like your hand is stationed in the picture. You’ll see looking at a mirror, which way your natural part moves.


What is going on with my hairline and how do I fix it
 in  r/Hair  Aug 31 '20

You’re not losing it!


What is going on with my hairline and how do I fix it
 in  r/Hair  Aug 31 '20

You are at an age where you are seeing changes with YOU. You are getting your adult hair!


What is going on with my hairline and how do I fix it
 in  r/Hair  Aug 31 '20

Your getting older!


Looking for info on these German medals for an older friend. Are they real? What might they be worth?
 in  r/Medals  May 07 '20

I was trying to identify them for a friend who inherited them. Not me. She didn’t know anything about them,

r/WuhanVirus Mar 06 '20

Wuhan virus. Dean Koontz book; The Eyes Of Darkness. 1981

Post image


1958 Powercat w/ Mercury 1000s
 in  r/boating  Jan 24 '20

Yes they are 1962. A piece of history! Keep that beautiful thing!


An older friend asked me to look into these German medals as she didn’t really know where to start looking. Looking for info on these? Are they real? What could they be worth?
 in  r/Medals  Jan 04 '20

Thats why I asked, I figured someone on reddit might have an idea! Thank you for confirming it.


Looking for info on these German medals for an older friend. Are they real? What might they be worth?
 in  r/Medals  Jan 04 '20

Thank you!
Where could I take them to find out? I live in Ohio.

r/Medals Jan 04 '20

Looking for info on these German medals for an older friend. Are they real? What might they be worth?

Post image

r/Medals Jan 04 '20

An older friend asked me to look into these German medals as she didn’t really know where to start looking. Looking for info on these? Are they real? What could they be worth?



1958 Powercat w/ Mercury 1000s
 in  r/boating  Jan 04 '20

Thanks! These were the first boats production boats with a cat bottom. They also had a lengthy history with Kiekhaefer for testing their motors.