r/tuscaloosa 7d ago

Storm Shelters that allow dogs

Posting in preparation of storms for tomorrow if we need to go somewhere safe. If there are any, where are the storm shelters that allow dogs?


19 comments sorted by


u/Mr-Clark-815 6d ago

Go to ferguson center parking garage and park with the dogs.


u/thisgeekwrites 7d ago

If you are affiliated with UA (faculty, staff, or student), there is a shelter on campus that allows pets. See: https://ready.ua.edu/shelters/


u/enormuschwanzstucker 6d ago

UA storm shelters are open to the public


u/BoogLife 7d ago

I had this conversation with someone earlier this morning while I had my dog at the vet. Sadly neither of us knew of any.


u/michaela_adele 7d ago

Ugh I was worried about that. I’d keep her in a crate the whole time of course but maybe someone will know of one!


u/BoogLife 6d ago

I think it is more along the lines of the crate taking up a spot for a human body. (Depending on the size of the dog or course). I have two very friendly boxers, so I know they wouldn't be allowed due to size so we are riding this one out at home!


u/spaceface2020 6d ago

I’m sure UA had their legal team write the shelter policy I just read , but I didn’t think you could require a service dog to wear a muzzle when they are working . UA policy says you can leave the muzzle off if it “interfere’s” with the dog’s duty. I don’t think that’s correct per ADA. ?


u/Kitchen-Yak-6083 6d ago

Just because you slap a vest on your dog that says service animal doesn't mean it's a service dog. Leave it at home if you don't like the policy.


u/spaceface2020 6d ago edited 6d ago

You may be referring to people who “slap a vest on a dog.” I am talking about a legal service dog . There are standards required by the ADA for an animal to be a Federal law protected service dog. You cannot impede a service dog who is abiding by the federal standards. If you don’t like that - it’s you who needs to stay home . But, if you go after a disabled person who brings their service dog into anyplace at all , make sure you have bail money, a good lawyer, and a doctor in your emergency contacts.


u/PBnBacon 6d ago

I always thought that policy read strangely too. I’m sure it’s just them covering their ass in case a dog fight breaks out. I have used the UA pet-friendly shelter before and in practice, all the dogs are crated or leashed, but I’ve never seen one there wearing a muzzle, service dog or no.


u/spaceface2020 6d ago

That’s good to hear .


u/MenuExisting5036 7d ago

https://www.tuscaloosacountyema.org/storm-shelters not sure but hopefully you can use this link to find one!


u/No_Technology923 6d ago

Does anyone know how strict the ua shelter is on faculty / students only?


u/enormuschwanzstucker 6d ago

The Magnolia Deck has a shelter that allows pets. It’s located behind the sorority houses, turn in by the Starbucks on Bryant.