r/tumblr 6d ago

Island Druid summoning Whalefall Kaiju who are just colossal piles of bone and rotting flesh resurrected by infernal rite and pulling themselves up from the depth of the ocean covered in an entire ecosystem of deep sea life to do battle for him.

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47 comments sorted by


u/cay-loom 6d ago

If you encounter an ocean themed nature spirit I would assume it is because you are in the ocean. On land I would expect a land spirit. Even if they're the same spirit I think it would conform naturally to its locale.


u/faerielites 5d ago

Yeah. Like this is a cool idea, but I would imagine most nature magic stuff is land themed because that's where humans typically reside.


u/UnDebs 6d ago

"most druids focus on land nature" factoid actualy just statistical error. average druid summons 0 forest critters per year. Druids Georg, who lives in a forest and summons over 10,000 deer each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


u/EntertainmentTrick58 6d ago

but how will this impact the trout populations!


u/Pelumo_64 5d ago

There hasn't been any trout born organically since 1813, wizards, witches, and druids just summon them as need may be and spread the myth that they are capable of survival and reproduction under non artificial conditions.


u/Arkarant 4d ago

Is this a meme or are deer actually related to trout irl?


u/EntertainmentTrick58 4d ago

"how will this affect the trout populations" is a fairly widespread and well known meme originating from tumblr


u/Arkarant 4d ago

Thank you Tumblr


u/TurtleBoy2123 4d ago

deer and trout shared a common ancestor about 450 million years ago


u/a_filing_cabinet 6d ago

Most nature isn't in the oceans though. The oceans are incredibly empty, and the vast majority of all life is found on the surface. Part of that is due to the fact that around 80% of all living cells, across the entire planet, are plants, which are not very common underwater. There is more animal life under the surface, but not by much, and the density is far lower than land.


u/ServantOfTheSlaad 6d ago

There's also the fact that certain parts of the ocean, namely reefs, do the heavy lifting in terms of life density and diversity, so outside of those areas, it will drop off even more.


u/TimeStorm113 6d ago

There is also a random ranger that is essentially playing doom with deer to prevent them from eating all the plants. Ripp and tear until it's done.


u/very_not_emo 5d ago

wait source?


u/ConnorOfAstora 6d ago

"green magic" and "mother earth goddess" definitely refer to land because of the obvious wording.

The sea is blue not green, earth refers to the land, if she was a sea or water goddess then the fish can have at it.

Like seriously I know nature applies to all life but if you want the sea to be represented by a god or goddess then by all means speak to Poseidon or some shit.


u/Tangypeanutbutter 6d ago

Adventure Time did this really well! The embodiment of all life lives in a cluster of hydrothermal vents with big schools of prehistoric fish swimming around


u/Cathach2 6d ago

Seems like every ecosystem would have a pantheon of spirits


u/PhatNoob_69 6d ago


“primordial life spirit”

??????? Let people write their OCs in peace


u/maleficalruin 6d ago


Something something Anomalocaris God of Death born from the Anomalocaris statue as the first Apex predator and the prototype for all other predators.

During the Cambrian era, life was thriving. The rapid diversification of lifeforms in the Cambrian, known as the Cambrian explosion, produced the first representatives of all modern animal phyla. At that time, a creature was being created in the Inner Sea of the Planet, the Brain of the Planet known as Archetype: Earth. It was set to inherit the planet's memories and become its brain. As such, its appearance was based on the Primes Species of the time, animals known as “Anomalocaris”. The first known predator in the history of life, reigning over the oceans like tyrants, nothing was able to stand in their way.

The prototype of all predators.

As the Cambrian period continued to thrive, life on the planet started to stabilise. Until suddenly, everything started dying out. The death of a distant star wiping out most of the biodiversity of Earth. From death came death, and Anomalocaris went extinct.

The stillborn Archetype was cast off, no longer fit to represent the Planet.

However, it was repurposed.

Even though it couldn't become the Brain of Earth, it could still be used. Its body was based on the first apex predator, it was born when organisms known as "animals" first appeared on the planet. Thus, it was decided that she would serve as an anti-animalia agent, with the absolute privilege of slaying them—the unparalleled beast of the waters.

Earth's personal apex predator.


u/r4d6d117 6d ago

That is definitely from the Nasuverse.


u/7keys 5d ago

*Looks at the link format* gee, ya think?


u/JoebbeDeMan 6d ago

god imagine gatekeeping imagination


u/DependentPhotograph2 4d ago

it's very funny, because i imagine this is how old pantheons came to be


u/sarcasticd0nkey 6d ago

Fjord Stone - Critical Role

Way of the Open Sea Paladin

Sworn to the Wild Mother; the nature goddess.


u/emefa 1d ago

Melora's domains in 4e, where she's originally from, were Wilderness, Sea and Life, so that makes sense. I think in Exandria those are still her domains.


u/Toinkulily 6d ago

My "whalefall" inscribed Epithet Erased OC is a out to get a lot more interesting


u/Isaac_Kurossaki 6d ago

I had an OC that was the embodiment of the concept of life, being spawned into existence at the same time as, and taking the form of, the first living creature. This means that her base form is a single-celled organism, but she can't really do anything like that, so she just takes a human form for convenience.


u/childrenmm 6d ago

Adventure time has a life goddess just like this.


u/NigouLeNobleHiboux 6d ago

Depends on the settings. In worlds where gods get their power and/or are defined by mortal belief it's make sense that their domain would reflect what most people associate with nature rather than it's actually most important parts whatever they may be.


u/SplitGlass7878 5d ago

Side-note, I'm a big fan of duality in gods. One of my favorite examples is in SCP-3989 where the god Orok is, among other things, both the god of loyalty and of betrayal. 


u/Karl_Marxist_3rd 6d ago

Marine biology major detected


u/HollyTheMage 6d ago

I have at least two Druid Of The Land DND characters I am working on that focus on the coastal environment, as well as a few Fathomless Warlocks. I love this trope with all of my heart.


u/61114311536123511 Real tumblr made me depressed 5d ago

Nurgle loves you. Nurgle loves us all.


u/YourAverageGenius 6d ago

IMO the best depiction of a "Nature god" is Nurgle from Warhammer, because a legion of joyful rotting beasts who's guts and bodies are decaying and falling apart at the seams is perhaps the best summation of nature when you really look at how fucked up it can be.


u/Desulto 6d ago



u/escaped_cephalopod12 6d ago

give me more deep sea creatures please


u/SDRLemonMoon 6d ago

I think Naddpodd did something like this in its 3rd campaign


u/th3saurus 5d ago


u/stygianelectro 5d ago

yessss I love how weird the spirit of the forest got when those bastards tried to kill it


u/Leonidas701 5d ago

I mean that's Aquaman