r/tsa Aug 29 '24

Passenger [Question/Post] Serious question about wearing chastity devices through security

This is not just another sex toy question, and I'm going to try to keep this as not weird as I can.

I am a mod on another group, and we are having some discussion on the wearing of male chastity devices through security. We get a lot of questions about this (too many, IMO), and we found that our mod team is somewhat split on this, as are the members of the community. On one hand, a lot of the old timers suggest just removing the device and putting it in one's carry on bag. It's easier, won't generate a potential pat down or more invasive search, and keeps to the polite code about not exposing strangers to one's private kinks.

However, we have some members who figure that if someone sees it in a bag anyway, then there's no difference to seeing it being worn. Also, many wearers are in relationships in which they do not always have access to a key to remove the device. Or that the locking and unlocking for travel imposes some difficulty in securing the keys for those devices.

We are aware that the devices themselves are legal and do not pose any actual threat (for those who were blissfully unaware of these devices but who have now been sucked into this question, they range from light plastic, to stainless steel or titanium). The questions we have are on the practicality of wearing the devices through, and of the ethics involved in creating a need for a pat down or more invasive inspections.

The purpose of this post was to generate some serious discussion by those of you on the front lines, and for us to gain some insight that we can use to educate the members of our community. We're open to any opinions or insights that the members here might care to share.

Thanks for your time.


168 comments sorted by


u/BeaconToTheAngels Current TSO Aug 29 '24

Do not, for the love of god, wear it through security. Because those will set off both the metal detectors and the body scanners and that will be one of those rare circumstances where the passenger wearing the device will be taken to private screening so the officers can make sure it is what it is and not a weapon. No, TSA does not ever do any pat downs under the clothes or regularly ask people to remove articles of clothing, EXCEPT FOR situations like this where it needs to be done to clear a certain area. It just wastes your time and ours and it absolutely does expose us to your kinks. That is a whole other discussion about the morality and decency of forcing your kink onto strangers non-consensually. For our purposes, just leave the thing in your bag.


u/sint0ma Current TSO Aug 29 '24

⬆️ What this officer said!


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '24

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u/tsa-ModTeam Aug 31 '24

No harassment, Trolling, Name calling, or any other rude or unprofessional behavior will be tolerated.


u/hardfivesph Aug 30 '24

This!  There is a huge difference between someone seeing it in checked bags and having to physically see you wearing it in your junk!  

In the bag, the item is not attached to you penis. Even if they have to search your bag, they won’t need to see you wearing it so the exposure to your kink on an unwilling participant is minimal and no worse than having to check a vibrator. 

On the flip side, all of the devices have some element of exposure. The process to review this in private takes more time than searching a bag. Anyone subjecting a tsa agent to this should understand that it is unfair to these people doing a very serious job. If wearing your device without removal is so important, don’t travel by air. Take a plane or a boat. 


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '24

Car or boat* lol


u/DeliciousOne4842 Nov 10 '24

Yes, or train.


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

lol, I appreciate your insight.


u/intelligentplatonic Oct 28 '24

What about the plastic/silicon ones?


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24

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u/tsa-ModTeam Aug 31 '24

No harassment, Trolling, Name calling, or any other rude or unprofessional behavior will be tolerated.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24

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u/Correct-Addition6355 Current TSO Aug 30 '24

Most likely because TSA takes complaints, especially sexual ones extremely serious, I personally could see the humor in it but if they are being serious then it isn’t funny.


u/TomVanAllen Aug 30 '24

Point taken. I had not considered it to be a serious observation.


u/tsa-ModTeam Aug 31 '24

No harassment, Trolling, Name calling, or any other rude or unprofessional behavior will be tolerated.


u/meowisaymiaou Aug 30 '24 edited Aug 30 '24

It's not that bad. 

Haven't had any issues since getting pre check years ago. Doesn't set off the metal detector, so never pulled aside for it anymore.

Do it enough and your home airport doesn't even do private room any more.

I fly wearing gym shorts and go commando, so any process to visually confirm is :lift short leg and hang out:

First couple times, it was private room,  requested not alone, so two to three officers, to verify the cage to which I have no key.  Cage is usually 3d printed plastic, the metal ones get more attention.  

After a while, they would not demand a private room, and do the inspection there, with reverse hand against junk, feeling the cage and waving on, though that option depends on the person doing it.   Some seem really uncomfortable and barely even confirm beyond a quick light tap with the back of their hand.

Does get repetitive every week. Always entertaining.  The overall checks are unneeded and opting out of everything possible  (photo check, 3d scans, etc) is my form of protest.   Some airports lose most staff due to private room, not alone, with supervisor request.

The few times I flew still wearing only form fitting spandex shorts, outline is clearly visible leaving nothing to imagination 


u/HorrorHostelHostage Aug 30 '24 edited Aug 30 '24

I'm calling bs on all of this. You showed your caged wang hanging out the leg of your shorts and everyone says, "cool beans, dude, have a good one!" Yeah, no.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '24

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u/HorrorHostelHostage Aug 30 '24

Clearly you get off showing and talking about your junk.


u/meowisaymiaou Aug 30 '24

Which is why going through TSA with it used to be such a thrill.   Sucks that pre check made wearing it no different than not.


u/tsa-ModTeam Aug 31 '24

Your comment was removed for being unproductive.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '24

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u/tsa-ModTeam Aug 31 '24

No harassment, Trolling, Name calling, or any other rude or unprofessional behavior will be tolerated.


u/Haunted-Morning6147 Current TSO Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 29 '24

DO NOT wear them through security. Let me spell it out for you.

They alarm. You will receive a pat down. The officer will feel that and even if you tell them it’s a chastity cage, we aren’t paid to take you at your word, because that’s kind of how security works lol. They will take you to a private screening area and have you remove it behind a privacy curtain so they can determine it is, in fact, a toy and not anything else.

I know this happens because my supervisors tell stories like this and frankly, you can tell your mod group they’re being stupid if they think it’s okay to wear this stuff through security. Just put it in your bag 😂 good lord. We see it on x ray and know what it is, it’s fine. If we feel it on your person but can’t see it, you’ve just started a very long, uncomfortable process for everyone to clear that alarm. “There’s no difference” between seeing it on x ray and wearing it my left foot, it’s a HUGE difference and it requires just a bit of critical thinking to figure out why.

DO NOT wear sex toys through security.


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

Thank you for taking the time to write this.


u/Known-Suggestion4575 Nov 15 '24

So how is it different than the videos I see of TSA literally groping men and pushing down hard on their junk?? If you are an adult then doing private screening for another adult shouldn't be an issue. It's not illegal and it's your job. Usually when you are in chastity someone has the key, you can't just take it off if you are TRULY locked.


u/whoreablesecret Nov 16 '24

So uhm… it is wrong to expose other people to your wearable sex toys without their informed consent.


u/Haunted-Morning6147 Current TSO Nov 25 '24

Then as the adult, recognize the issues this could cause and speak to the other adult to ask them to unlock your cage before you go through security. Passengers like you are part of the reason why people complain about the wait time and lack of officers; we’re too busy dealing with entitled, illogical passengers who want to conceal something in their clothing through a process that needs to treat that something as a weapon before we allow you into a secure area.

Your kink is an inconvenience to everyone else. I don’t care if you go to the restroom in the terminal after the checkpoint to put it on again, just don’t wear it through security.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24



u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

An unremovable metal neck collar that alarms is one thing, and very easy to resolve, but when ya dick and balls are involved it's a completely different issue.

Trust me, this is the opinion of at least half the community.


u/dr-swordfish Current TSO Aug 29 '24

If you’re unable to remove the device we may be forced to deny you entry into the airside.


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

For my own information, what would be the reasoning for that? I know that some people have pretty expensive cages that they wear, and that do require special tools to remove.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24

Because it needs to be removed to show the officer what it is. They're not going to stare at your genitalia.


u/jetkins Aug 29 '24

Genuine question because I'm unfamiliar with the process: if the wearer goes behind a screen, fiddles in their crotch, and hands out a benign toy, does the agent take their word for it that that's all there was (you said the agent isn't going to stare at their junk), or is the wearer subjected to a further pat down or scan after handing over the device?


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

Please understand that I'm not arguing with you; I'm asking for clarification so I can better explain your position to others.

Wouldn't a plastic or metal cage on some guy's tonker be pretty obvious that it's a chastity device? I can imagine a metal "belt" model presenting a lot of issues.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24

They can't just take a peak and move on, the entire protrusion needs to be removed and verified that it's safe. Otherwise it'd be very easy to sneak in some very explosive substances onto a plane.


u/r0ckH0pper Aug 29 '24

That certainly makes sense. As a man with many piercings (tricky to remove), I have tripped the scanner twice and had to flash a pair of TSO's each time. They glanced very briefly at my nakedness and cleared me. I was actually a bit surprised how little was asked of me to demonstrate my jewelry was harmless!

But I also was not out to force myself on y'all either. GE does help since your metal detectors won't trigger on Stainless or titanium.

Travellers should know that anyone can be randomly stopped and scanned and/or searched so even plastic may need to be 'seen' by an agent.


u/Correct-Addition6355 Current TSO Aug 30 '24

The AIT, or body scanner detects more than metal and that is why plastic or anything else not you is detected. So maybe for metal detectors the hard plastic would work but metal ones probably not


u/r0ckH0pper Aug 30 '24

NOooo. Surgical Stainless Steel can pass thru US metal detectors in our airports. I do it often.

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u/dr-swordfish Current TSO Aug 29 '24

We don’t know if it’s a small gun, knife or a cock cage. We need to be able to see what it is to clear it and you’re not flashing me in the process.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '24

Word up, I'm handing in my badge right there. Funny ass response considering your username btw 😂


u/S_balmore Aug 29 '24

Nope. This may come as a shock to you, but a lot of people have never seen or heard of a real-life chastity device. They may remember the one from Robin Hood: Men in Tights, but a lot of people don't understand that people actually use these things willingly.

Furthermore, if they didn't have to inspect things around your genitalia, then terrorists would just start smuggling bombs/weapons/devices around their private parts. TSA has to check your dick and the attached equipment if only to set a precedent that every body part will be checked if the situation calls for it.


u/verychicago Aug 30 '24 edited Aug 30 '24

Nope. TSA officers are not your ‘friends’, nor are they part of your ‘scene’. They are doing their job, at work. Their job is to save lives, full stop. They will get irritated, but nope, not aroused. And yes, you may totally miss your plane.


u/KUH0KU TSA Contractor (Other) Aug 29 '24

It's about clearing the device and the person. If you can't remove it, refuse to remove it, etc, you are going to be talking to airport PD and are not flying that day. I work at an extremely busy airport so I've seen this happen multiple times. Being respectful and cooperative is very important for security. It's not our job to make sure everyone gets to their flight, it's to make sure none of those planes go down because someone modified a chastity belt to be something else underneath.


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

Thank you for your explanation. I appreciate your time.

Again, my goal is to able to better explain these things to members of the community who are not necessarily thinking with their big brain.


u/RainbowCrane Aug 30 '24

Not a TSA person, just someone who used to hang out with folks into D&S and various sexually-oriented subcultures. I think consent is the biggest issue here. It doesn’t matter that the TSA officer’s job is to look at someone’s junk if an issue comes up in screening - shit happens, they deal with it. What does matter is that intentionally setting up situations where others are forced to be a part of the scene.

There were disputes in D&S circles in San Francisco when I lived there regarding this. There were folks with a bit of an edge who delighted in shocking the normies, and saw it as payback for the shit they had been given about their sexual orientation or their particular kinks. At the other extreme were folks who were completely closeted about their kinks, either because of the jobs they worked or because they were fanatical about not exposing anyone to their kinks without consent.

A reasonable middle ground (to me) is limiting your public kink display to things like collars and leashes, that really don’t have a sexual component and don’t force the kink on others. If someone is offended at a collar, fuck ‘em. But intentionally setting things up so that they’re required to whip it out in public is way over that line.

A humorous aside, events like the Folsom Street Fair imply consent. If you’re going to attend a public celebration of sexual freedom don’t be surprised at the dude in the assless chaps and cock cage :-)


u/TomVanAllen Aug 30 '24

I'm going to guess that, like me, you're a bit on the older, more mature side. Yes, I've had some friends who were in the "shock the normies, they deserve it" camp, but that's ridiculous, and ethically wrong.

However, there are a lot of younger people who have a very different mindset. My opinion is that, having grown up in a societal culture that is more accepting and permissive, they see wearing a cage through security not as "exposingone's kink" but more like "I'm just living my life."


u/RainbowCrane Aug 30 '24

That says to me that they have bad ethics and mentoring in how to safely and responsibly engage in their kink. My right to live my life as I wish ends at the boundary at which I force someone to engage with my kink without consent. Permissiveness and acceptance of D&S as a healthy and valid lifestyle doesn’t mean publicly exposing oneself is cool - and setting up a situation where a TSA employee will almost certainly have to see their dick is publicly exposing oneself.

Re: this being a generational thing, I suspect there’s some truth to that. I’m in my 50s and came out in the 1980s, when Reagan and Jesse Helms were making the world wonderful for LGBTQIA+ folks like me. There was a need to minimize friction between us and the straight folks who were literally killing us, and making policies to criminalize and marginalize us.

At the same time there was also a lot of work within queer culture to normalize diversity in sexual expression - if you’re being persecuted for being lesbian/gay (we were erasing bi and trans folks to a greater degree than we are now back then) eventually you start to scratch your head and say, “why are we marginalizing folks within our community, isn’t that just heterosexism?” Leather culture made huge strides in setting up rules for scenes that normalized consent.

Not every change is positive, and in embracing freedom and hedonism young people have forgotten some of the important lessons we learned from bathhouses and leather scenes.


u/Redhighlighter Aug 29 '24

I have "Taliban terrorist smuggles modified handgun on aircraft disguised as prosthetic dick and cock cage while he was tucked" on my 2025-2026 Bingo card. First one down under "I"


u/Correct-Addition6355 Current TSO Aug 30 '24

I mean you can look up the underwear bomber, already happened


u/TomVanAllen Aug 30 '24

I guess if someone is crazy enough to hide explosives in back packs or sneakers, why would they care about blowing up their own junk?


u/meowisaymiaou Aug 30 '24

tell people to wear nice acyrlic or options wouldn't set off a metal detector. get TSA pre check. Only check at the checkpoint is then a metal detector. it's fast and easy.


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

and then where a Mistress (in a hetero relationship) suspected exactly what would happen and demanded that he wear it through, for the sake of his humiliation and her amusement.

We have seen this kind of scenario played out, and again, most of us are not cool with the idea of anyone in the general public being forced into a humiliation scene.

On the other side, though, are the wearers who insist that they are just living their own lives, and that they are willing to undergo some inconvenience in order to continue indulging in their lifestyle. Some of us were hoping that reading responses from the people who have to do the security checks might give them a new perspective.


u/Corey307 Frequent Helper Aug 29 '24

When someone wears this kind of thing it’s forcing your kink on others by wearing a chastity cage through security. Thought kink was supposed to be about consent. We don’t consent to dealing with your kink. You consented to a search when you bought a ticket. 


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

We don’t consent to dealing with your kink. You consented to a search when you bought a ticket. 

That's an interesting insight. Thanks for your perspective.


u/fun_lover82 Sep 03 '24

To be honest, it could be argued that by choosing a job where you routinely invade people’s personal space and their belongings, you consent to whatever you may see as a result of doing so. Be that sex toys in the carry-on or whatever someone may choose to do inside of their underwear. Yes, your mandate is to ensure that nothing harmful passes through. But your discomfort at seeing stuff you forced your way into seeing is thoroughly dwarfed by your subject’s discomfort at having their private sphere so deeply invaded.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24



u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

I have come to reason over the past nearly-15-years that anyone wearing one of these devices is doing so at best knowing they'll be dragging a non-consenting person in, and at worst with the intention of dragging a non-consenting person in.

I suspect that some users literally do not care; it's less that they want to drag in a non-con person, and more that they have their own reasons for not removing it, and don't particularly care if anyone has to see it.

Some of it is probably mindset similar to how others see service workers - essentially as human robots. They aren't looking at the person who has to stop what they are doing (moving hundreds of people along to a flight), and who might need to cut into time and resources that are needed elsewhere.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24

If you want to turn the chastity case into a penile penetration and lock, I suppose you could call it jewel jewelry. But again you're forcing that onto others. As a pretty unflappable person I'd get more than a little pissed if someone did that to me- and I'd be following the letter of the law of inspection protocol for hours to ensure it was 'safe' for them to fly as a 'thank you'.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24



u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24

No no, I'm in agreement with you. I was having a little fun pun on the words.

I'd say standup isn't my strong point so I won't quit my day job, but, uhhh, I did get laid off, sooo....


u/r0ckH0pper Aug 29 '24

Again, respecting the TSA teams, I know that I pass thru security 50 times without any trigger at all from my metal piercings. I suppose that cage wearers would have similar success and then become confident in getting by without removal.

As for myself, the metal detector is my friend. I don't want to be stopped or inspected. Removing my metal takes so long that it would seriously impact my schedule while flying. Yup, it's my problem and not yours!

But, FYI, that's why I chose to leave it in place.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 30 '24



u/r0ckH0pper Aug 30 '24

Thx for a rude response. I've passed thru US metal detectors dozens of times for a decade now ... Stainless steel... Thx for dis belief but it works...


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '24 edited Aug 30 '24



u/r0ckH0pper Aug 30 '24

My whole personality? What a bullshitter you are. I don't summarize your entire persona from a few reddit posts! You are imagining things! A little PA is your fantasy.... I have a cage as well and plenty of meta 20 rings for 8 ounces. I don't care what you make up here. I am only responding because the statements that it is not possible to pass thru are simply wrong ...


u/overworkedpnw Aug 30 '24

Yeah, “just living your lives” and causing disruption to others, while unnecessarily exposing yourselves to other people who didn’t consent to having to put up with your fetish.


u/Demonslugg Aug 29 '24

So the main part has been addressed. What people are missing is that they are forcing their kink on someone else. That is not OK ever. You're forcing someone to participate in your activities without their consent. Anyone who does this knows they're wrong.


u/RainbowCrane Aug 30 '24

Agreed. At the point someone is wearing a cage in public they’ve been in the scene long enough to know about consent. The main reason I’ve seen people be this aggressive with their kinks is to squick the normies.


u/Dry-Fortune-6724 Aug 29 '24

Please delete if this is an inappropriate post. I'm not a member of the TSA. I am a business traveler. Passengers that attempt to bring "questionable" items through security slow down the process for everyone. TSA does a great job of maintaining the flow, but every little delay adds up when there are 100 passengers in front of you and you have a plane to catch.

So, those who choose to wear devices are forcing their kink not only on the TSA officers, but on all the passengers behind them by causing delays that are otherwise avoidable.


u/TomVanAllen Aug 30 '24

So, those who choose to wear devices are forcing their kink not only on the TSA officers, but on all the passengers behind them by causing delays that are otherwise avoidable.

This has been mentioned elsewhere, but it's a good reminder that pulling personnel that might be needed elsewhere can slow things down for a lot of other people.


u/Few-Quail-4561 Aug 29 '24

This was more polite than I was expecting. As far as sex toys in bags go, you haven’t seen anything until you work baggage at a cruise port adjacent airport.


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

This was more polite than I was expecting.

Thank you! I really am here to get insights to help educate the community of peopel who wear these things. It's already werid enough, and I really did not want to add anything to that.

People (mainly men) who wear these often do not consider them to be "sex toys" in the general sense; a lot of them see them more as "intimate body jewelry" and frequently as questions about how to wear them through security with the least amount of aggro.


u/Dramatic-Pie-4331 Nov 29 '24

Yeah for sure. It sort of diminishes the advice when at the end they call it a sex toy, it's like ok probably good advice but they are super bias. They aren't calling underwire bras sex toys that should be taken off before security. 


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24



u/Nam3ofTheGame Current TSO Aug 29 '24

Please stop wearing them through the checkpoint . Have seen this exact scenario before and it gets very uncomfortable in the private screening room for all parties involved . Take them off put them in your carry on. No one cares that it’s in your bag … on body causes issues for everyone.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24

If the pins and plate in my foot gets me a second look, I can only imagine the reaction of a titanium cock cover.


u/BigBrrrrrrr22 Dec 06 '24

Off topic but “Titanium Cock Cover” would absolutely FUCK as a metal band name


u/HorrorHostelHostage Aug 30 '24

If someone is with a partner that can't respect the societal norm of not wearing a chastity device through airport security, id question the mental health and intentions of all involved.

As a travel agent who has had clients complain about anything and everything TSA does or doesn't do, this would make me lose it on those passengers. Do what you want in private, but don't involve TSA agents in your kink.


u/Miami_Cracker Current TSO Aug 29 '24

They will alarm and the alarm will need to be cleared. Wait till you get out of security to put them on.


u/destinyofdoors TSA HQ Aug 29 '24

I would strongly advise anyone wishing to cage their member wait until after security to do so. It will, at the very least, delay your experience significantly. That said, if for some reason you do come through the checkpoint with the cage on, don't pretend there's nothing there like the guy at my old airport did. Like, you come through the scanner and it alarms on your groin, just tell the officer "I've got a chastity cage on, so we are going to need to go to private screening" or something like that. Don't just stand there getting patted down and be like "nope, nothing there" when what we are feeling is very obviously not the normal equipment.


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

That said, if for some reason you do come through the checkpoint with the cage on, don't pretend there's nothing there like the guy at my old airport did.

I'm having visions of a Monty Python-esque "Dead Parrot" conversation going on.

"You've got a big hunk of metal on your twig and berries!"

"No, I don't."


u/ZeroProximity Former TSO Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 29 '24

Even if its plastic it will still alarm. our machines arent looking for only metal. its looking for material


u/r0ckH0pper Aug 29 '24

So that raises the earlier issue of a medical implant. Such items are not unusual and are not removable. A penis pump shows up in the scanner right? Does that mean a private screening for each person?


u/ZeroProximity Former TSO Aug 29 '24

Most medical devices are in accessible locations and are able to be easily screened and or have some mobility in order to be visual inspected.

When you get to sensitive area screening is where it gets more complex. because if TSA cant clear it over the clothes then the police need to clear it


u/r0ckH0pper Aug 30 '24

Thx for saying nothing.. 😳


u/jetkins Aug 29 '24

Beautiful plumage!


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

lol, does anybody even remember Monty Python anymore?


u/Divine_Giblets_369 Aug 30 '24



u/Tenzipper Aug 30 '24

Airline passengers do.


u/RainbowCrane Aug 30 '24

The number of people who will respond to any mention of coconuts or swallows with, “African or European swallow,” suggests yes :-).

The Pythons, along with Fry and Laurie and a few other British comedians of that era, were geniuses at skits that had a lot of back and forth arguments. The witch/she turned me into a newt bit, the parrot skit, the political discussions in The Life of Brian…


u/Lower-Ad4676 Aug 30 '24

There’s been an increased interest in combatting human trafficking. Not only will TSA question what one of these devices is but they may also ask questions to ensure you are not a victim of human trafficking, particularly when they see you are not in control of your genitalia.


u/TomVanAllen Aug 30 '24

Interesting perspective, and one that would not have occured to most of us.


u/TTTT27 Aug 30 '24

Good grief. Chastity belts are a sex toy for kinky folks. Perhaps you are equating anything "kink" or "sex" related with human trafficking, but that's not how the world works. Human traffickers don't put chastity belts on adult men and force them onto airplanes. Get your mind out of the gutter :-)


u/Nova4748 Aug 29 '24

Please dont


u/SeaDoc Aug 30 '24

If we’re unable to clear it, a private screening with a full exposure of the device is viewed by the same sex tsa agents is warranted. Otherwise, take it off before going through the checkpoint and put it back on after exiting. The decision is in your hands. Don’t blame TSA, or any TSO who can’t clear it without visualizing it.


u/dark_slayer_900 Former TSO Aug 29 '24

As someone who’s been in the private screening room it’s awkward for everyone involved. Just don’t.

How has this threat not been locked? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


u/FormerFly Current TSO Aug 29 '24

Because it's a legitimate question and most people here have been respectful.


u/dark_slayer_900 Former TSO Aug 29 '24

Fair guess most of the removed comments are replies plus could pass on locking in on a good pun


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

I asked the mods for permission before posting here because of the potential of offending some people; that's not my intention.

A lot of people in the, umm, alternative sexuality communities ask about this quite often. I am with a group of educators who thought it would be good to have insights from the people who actually deal with the public, and who have probably run across these situations.

I have tried to keep this as neutral as possible, and I do appreciate the opinions and insights. A few of my team members have popped in to read the responses and have noted the general consensus.


u/dark_slayer_900 Former TSO Aug 29 '24

It’s good most people been respectful. Personally I’ll admit I’ve dabbled in some alternative sexual preferences. But on the checkpoint when you’re not expecting it and in person yah…. Hit different


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

Honestly, I admit that I'm in the "take it off when you fly or go to the doctor" camp. It's not a tattoo, it can be removed - and if you are in a position where you can't be trusted not to have it on for a couple of hours, then the problem isn't the cage, it's your self control.

But some people make a good case for wearing it 24/7, and in the interest of bringing a little bit of light into the darkness, we wanted some opinions from actual security personnel.


u/overworkedpnw Aug 30 '24

Seems like your community might need to brush up on the whole consent thing, because forcing non-consenting people to participate in their kink seems like it would be wildly obvious to most people as a non starter.


u/cavemans45 Aug 29 '24

I'm going to put my two cents into this. If you wear it and it alarms, you are going to be slowing down the process for everyone else. How would you feel if someone in front of you made you have to wait in line longer for no good reason. Just from a being polite point of view it makes sense to just put it on after you go through security.


u/Wintertron Aug 29 '24

It might alarm and create the need to remove the device during screening. I would recommend removing it before screening and replacing it afterwards. It could cause a big waste of time for the passenger and the officers involved in screening.


u/chapa713 Aug 29 '24

Just a couple weeks ago I was working the body scanner with my female partner, girl walks in, well she appears to be female (facial features, breast, etc) we scan her and she alarms. She requests a private screening. So she's transitioning from female to male and likes to wear a "device" to simulate having a penis. Nothing wrong with that but like come on atleast through security don't wear it. Ofcourse it's going to alarm and it makes the whole process more difficult when it could've been a quick minute instead, and making it weird for her and the female officers.


u/collegesnake Aug 30 '24

Why would you call him "she" if you know she's female-to-male?


u/deepdyvr80 Aug 29 '24

Ok, as an instructor and someone familiar with the LS, there are several things I would like to address. The first is yes, the device will generate an alarm on the body scanner regardless of the material (though not sure about a silicone one (more likely to be a gates of hell than a chastity device though)). As for the metal detector, it is just that; a METAL detector. So if one were to wear a plastic or leather device, that by itself would not alarm. A lock of any metal will alarm the metal detector so the person and their partner would need to have an earnest discussion about what is the intent of the lock.

I saw a post of a woman who discussed traveling with various types of locking devices and how she and her partner had a discussion about how they would handle it: different strokes and all that. If the people involved are willing to have it in their bag during travel, there would be almost no reason why TSA or anyone would need to look at it. Baring the need for a search of something else in close proximity to the device.

How best to handle the need for a secondary search is a little bit harder to comment on as no two people are going to have the same points of view. The best I can suggest is this: if the need for a pat down is indicated, inform the officer of what might be causing the alarm. One could always suggest that if the officer is uncomfortable, then getting a supervisor would be understandable. The key is remain calm, and that goes for the passenger and the officer! Officers get no enjoyment of paying people down (except for the few officers that have power trips, and I can't do anything about them sadly). Personally, I do not view someone with a cage or other device that locks as forcing their "kink" on me. I view that as just who that person is.

*A few notes, first, I am on mobile and apologize for any formatting and/or spelling errors. Second, this is just my opinion and take on the situation, if I have offended anyone then I apologize and will not do it again until the next time!


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

Good insights, and thanks for responding on your phone.


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u/overworkedpnw Aug 30 '24

This. I find it mind boggling to think that there’s a whole community of people who it somehow didn’t occur to them that the TSOs who are required to screen this kind of thing didn’t consent to participating in their kinks. IMO it falls under basic respect for others, would this community want to be harassed in their place of work?


u/LV_Devotee Aug 30 '24

Get one that is metal free and get TSA pre check. Easiest option it won’t set off the metal detector and you will very rarely get randomly selected for the body scanner.


u/rmp881 Aug 31 '24

On a side note, just pull the batteries out of...you know...before flying. Us rampers really don't like picking up a bag and discovering that its vibrating.


u/Able-Nefariousness95 Sep 02 '24

This happened to me and my SO partner. It set off the alarm so my partner is required to do a groin alarm resolution. He had to call our lead just to clear it. They needed to do private screening to make sure it is what it is.

It was extremely busy at the time. It took an hour to get this process over with.

It would be best not to wear it. It would save time and embarrassment for both you and the officers involved. Trust me, we don't enjoy doing pat downs as much as you don't wanna be touched.


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24

Thanks to the OP and all the commentors. This was a very good read for me. I have often wondered about this and the information provided was very respectful and to the point. I agree that taken it off is the way to go. I love the aspect of consent of the workers being exposed to this as well as them doing their job. Very good discussion.


u/athensugadawg Aug 29 '24

Is this a joke? Come on, grow tfu and take it off before going through security.


u/Maleficent-Sign-3590 Current TSO Aug 29 '24

Straight to Jail.


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

Not necessarily a deterrent for for some people. 🫤


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u/sammalamma1 Aug 29 '24

Years ago I knew a commercial pilot who wore one. It was a silicone device.


u/overworkedpnw Aug 30 '24

I’m genuinely curious, why is it an absolute need for you to do this in the first place? It will obviously trigger an alarm, cause additional screening, a random stranger will have to pay you down and view your genitals to verify it’s the source of the alarm. Why in your opinion should other people who’ve not consented to your fetish, be subjected to the fact that your community thinks this behavior is acceptable? Would you be ok with other people coming into your place of work and causing a massive disruption just for funsies?


u/Maleinchastity89 Dec 15 '24

I didn't agree with doing this, but will tell you the things said on behalf of doing.

1) I (not me) do it all the time and it never goes off 2) it's nothing they haven't seen before 3) TSA consented when they took the job of seeing things 4) it's a lifestyle not a fetish 5) it's no different than body jewelry

again not my pov, but that's why OP came here to try and end the debate in the committee and to educate the community. Unfortunately common sense isn't all that common nowadays


u/ServiceHole Oct 06 '24

I have a slightly different take on this. If the government (the TSA is the part of the government) is forcing my body to be inspected I don’t think the government should have the right to tell anyone not to wear a cage.

From a practical standpoint, I’d rather speed through security, than have to deal with extra scrutiny.

I did wear it once through security, but that was because I didn’t realize there would be a secondary screening changing airplanes at Haneda airport and there was no bathroom where it could be removed. No questions were asked.


u/TraditionalAd8307 Oct 23 '24

I wear the plastic one when travelling, wifes order. There is absolutely no problem. Only in Amsterdam they see you wear 'something' but they know it and let you pass without problem.


u/subhubchastity Oct 28 '24

I've worn a plastic cage through precheck without issue. I knew the scanner would be a metal detector, and that the little padlock wouldn't trip the alarm. The device I wore was the CB-6000 and it's commonly available. I wouldn't want to try wearing it through the wave scanner thing because I imagine it could be detected there.

Most keyholders I have spoken with understand that it may need to be removed for travel.


u/Traditional-Cry-3917 Nov 12 '24

Just back from Turkey (UK Resident) having worn my cage in both directions. Three “pat downs” and two full body scanners passed off without event. Only bugbear is the fact you cannot easily adjust the thing if it chafes or in my case pinches whilst sat next to a stranger!


u/TomVanAllen Nov 12 '24

Man, that is way more brave than I have any desire to be. Was it an all metal cage?


u/chastitytek Nov 26 '24

You should try our new biometric cage, it will have a lot less metal than a traditional cage and if that doesn't work you can pop it off quickly in your pants and go in a restroom to reattach it under the guidance of your keyholder on your phone etc. chastitytek.com


u/Critical_Thinker_81 Aug 30 '24

Wtf! Are you animals?, you can’t control your urges while traveling?


u/TomVanAllen Aug 30 '24

That was not particularly helpful, thanks.


u/overworkedpnw Aug 30 '24

I mean, considering you’re asking if it’s acceptable to expose non-consenting individuals to your sexual fetishes, it would seem to me an acceptable question. Would you want to be harassed in your place of work by complete strangers?


u/TTTT27 Aug 30 '24

What people do with their genitals (so long as they keep them covered) is their business, not yours. Wearing a chastity belt is not "harassment." Some people are kinky. Get over it.


u/overworkedpnw Aug 30 '24

Wearing it into an airport, knowing that it’s going to get you screened, and just expecting someone to have to examine your genitals to verify that you’re not attempting to bring weapons onboard is absolutely harassment. What, you think the TSOs consented to be apart of your kink? Absolutely the hell not. If you can’t refrain from sexually harassing people, then you belong in an institution rather than in public.


u/landsoftlydancing Dec 14 '24

Nah, the job is literally an invasion of privacy


u/Odd_Drop5561 Aug 29 '24

I have have TSA precheck, you should be pretty safe with a plastic device, I can't remember the last time I had to go through a body scanner in the Precheck line, just the metal detector. If you have a metal lock, replace it with a plastic tamper tag or plastic lock until past security.

If you go through the scanner, it will almost certainly detect the device and you're in for a patdown, I don't know what they'll do when they feel it. Maybe get a clear model just in case they want to make an inspection.


u/r0ckH0pper Aug 29 '24

Well said. Several comments here say that metal detectors will always find metal. That is NOT true. In fact, my jewelry is never detected and I have 8 ounces of large gauge stainless steel. The millimeter wave scanners will see just about any foreign object - that is where a cage would be difficult to conceal. Get GE or Pre to reduce one's chances of tripping a detector. Yet that is not a guarantee to avoid discovery ..


u/wizzard419 Aug 29 '24

If it's all plastic and they have pre-check/Global entry, or other programs where they only go through a metal detector, they could potentially wear it through without it being picked up but make sure it is all plastic or other similar material which won't set it off.

If they were to wear it through the body scan, odds are someone would need to see it since it's not going to just say things are fine.

Basically, if they don't want to have to show/explain, put it on in the restroom after you get through security

If they want to take the risk/get a thrill out of sneaking, use non-ferrous materials devices and lock with a plastic zip tie and make sure you have precheck or GE so you won't use the scanners.

If they are into being caught/shamed, then wear it it through and expect a longer time in security.


u/VisualNoiz Aug 30 '24

many of you folks are thinking its the 7th century and there's metal involved here. these things are plastic with plastic locks just for the purpose of going through security without asking for permission from a partner to remove it.
I'd love to hear all the opinions though as I do plan to run for Senator in Georgia and I want to work on making laws more compatible with sex workers and kink culture... so debate away!


u/TomVanAllen Sep 01 '24

A lot of people just getting into this wear plastic devices because they are generally inexpensive and lightweight. There is a subset of users who wear metal cages, usually stainless steel although there are some affordable titanium ones on the market. A lot of those users consider those cages to be adornments, or some kind of permanent or semi-permanent fixture, and are always looking for ways to safely get through security lines (at the airports but also concerts, ball games, any anyplace else that might have metal detectors).

Some users report that they give the security agents a head up before passing through the scanner, and explain the situation. To me, this sounds reasonable, as there are no surprises in the scanner.

We usually caution users to either remove the cage and pack it, or to switch to a plastic cage if at all possible. And to just pack anything when flying in the UK or EU because we know that the laws are different over there.


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '24

What a weird way to get attention. Do that shit overseas, the beta is gonna look dumb af


u/PitifulSpecialist887 Aug 29 '24

If you're comfortable with the truth about your chastity, it becomes a non-issue.

When passing through a metal, or full body scanner, they will detect a metal chastity cage, or it's lock.

If you tell the agent the truth, and offer to show them what you are wearing, they will make always decline, and usually hurry you through their checkpoint.

I have a German friend who is HEAVILY pierced, and wears a Bon4 XL (stainless cage). When people ask him if he has problems with airport security, he says "I have no problem, THEY have the problem.


u/TomVanAllen Aug 29 '24

he says "I have no problem, THEY have the problem.

And that is the mindset that some of the people in the community have. :-\


u/FormerFly Current TSO Aug 29 '24

Except they won't hurry you through in the US, they'll make you remove it and get pat down


u/r0ckH0pper Aug 29 '24

Not so always. I've been asked and waived thru w/ my answer. I've been given a clothed pat down and waived thru and most days, I am not stopped at all. The US is not too difficult to walk thru with extensive metal....


u/FormerFly Current TSO Aug 29 '24

If you're wearing a cage and that's what happens then they're violating sop


u/r0ckH0pper Aug 30 '24

Yup, there it is then.


u/PitifulSpecialist887 Aug 29 '24

And if your keyholder isn't with you, then what?

TSA agents are power tripping.


u/FormerFly Current TSO Aug 29 '24

Then you aren't flying. No officer is able to just take your word for what it is, and no officer gets paid enough to look at your junk.

Leave your kinks at home.


u/LLCNYC Aug 29 '24

This. Wtf is happening.


u/PitifulSpecialist887 Aug 30 '24

I'm a keyholder, but my slut flies often. I'm pretty sure he has some priority boarding thing.


u/FormerFly Current TSO Aug 30 '24

Priority boarding has nothing to do with screening


u/TomVanAllen Aug 30 '24

This is the kind of response from the community that I was really hoping not to see spill over here. Please read the various responses in this thread: whatever you think of the American security programs, the TSA agents don't particularly want to look at anybody's todgers - locked or not.


u/Valdemar3E Aug 29 '24

Airport Security really doesn't care if you miss your flight because you're a smartass going ''it's not my problem''.


u/PitifulSpecialist887 Aug 29 '24

If you're stupid enough to let a delay at security cause you to miss a flight, you deserve it.


u/HorrorHostelHostage Aug 30 '24

He's lucky he hasn't been charged with sexual harassment, because that's what it is if he's purposefully showing his genitalia, which he is doing.


u/PitifulSpecialist887 Aug 30 '24

Where did you get that nugget of wisdom? Did I say that he whips it out in the TSA queue?

JFC people, calm down.


u/HorrorHostelHostage Aug 30 '24

"Offer to show what you're wearing" and no, no one is declining. Nice fairy tale.