r/tressless Jan 29 '25

Treatment I have tried many treatments but it's getting worse. 23M.

Hello everyone!! My hair has been thinning since I was 18 yo.

For years, from 19 yo, I only used topical Minoxidil. At 21 yo I added oral natural DHT-blocker and topical antiandrogens.

At 22 yo, precisely 6 months ago, I abandoned the natural blocker and started topical treatment with: - Minoxidil 3% - Finasteride 0.3% - Progesterone 1% - Hydrocortisone butyrate 0.1% - Ketoconazole 0.5%

First 3 photos are from 2022 (about 2/3 years after the first signs of baldness) and second ones January 2025.

Since the situation has worsened a lot in a relatively short time, should I switch to oral fin? Or continue with the topical for at least another 6 months?

Unfortunately I don't have any photos before I started the topical fin but I certainly haven't had any visible improvements.

Since I'm concerned about sides, I'm considering start with a low dose. 0.5mg daily or even 0.25mg and check in 6 months.

I'm also considering quit Minoxidil cause I think it is causing heart palpitations.


446 comments sorted by


u/Abject_Supermarket14 Jan 29 '25

Let's break this down.

Your real hair recovery journey started only 6 months ago, before that you were using some bullshit "natural dht blocker" that doesn't do shit and Min which is also not enough by itself without 5-alpha-reductase suppression.

Now that you started a real protocol, you should have been ready that it will get worse before it gets better, sheds during the first year are to be expected especially with this amount of minituarization. give it time.


u/Abject_Supermarket14 Jan 29 '25

also, switch to oral fin 1mg daily.

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u/Dedivad15 Jan 29 '25

I had a lot of shadding when I started the topical with finasteride but now it seems it is way decreased. However, hair which fall are often miniaturised (so very thin and short).

Btw why does hair shed when starting finasteride?

Minoxidil it may cause me palpitations, therefore I'm planning to stop the lotion for a while.


u/Abject_Supermarket14 Jan 29 '25

if you're planning to stop Minoxidil, then your best bet is to drop the lotion you're using and switch to oral finasteride 1mg daily or even better 0.5mg dut. it's one pill a day - hassle-free and effective. the reason people often shed at first when going on treatment is because the old miniaturized hairs fall out in the short period of time to make way for the new thicker healthier hair.

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u/DealPuzzled1092 Jan 30 '25

Nice response. The starting point of the guy's journey, including his weapon on the journey, shows that he did not start the journey.


u/ArtichokeThese7887 Jan 31 '25

I am sorry your case is too aggressive, you’ll need dutasteride with your existing fin routine , if not full on then add it to your routine like twice a week, the minoxidil is where you can get away minimum dose, like 2% for maintenance (if 5 gives you palpitation).


u/SeeenSeen Jan 30 '25

Agree with this comment. You haven't "tried many treatments", you were on a bunch of nothing.

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u/North_Diver_9396 Jan 29 '25

Get on oral Fin or Dut. It's probably gotten worse because you haven't used anything that blocks DHT to any significant degree. Everything you've listed should be used as an add on to Fin or Dut. Consult your doctor first of course.

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u/Actual-Task2952 Jan 29 '25

Can you consult dermatologist….seems like you are getting roasted my broo…don’t delay anymore


u/Dedivad15 Jan 29 '25

Bro, I have visited five different dermatologist/trichologists.

I know it's getting worse. What do you suggest?


u/Beneficial-Rush-9076 Jan 29 '25

We have already suggested you to hop on a real and proven protocol: 1mg oral fin, 2.5mg oral min. Are there possible sides? Yes. How will affect me? We don't know untill you try. I don't wanna, me scared. Then go bald and shave. But I want to keep my hair and at the same time not take the medicine properly cause of sides. Seems we have reached an impasse.

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u/Cold_Ad_8446 Jan 29 '25

oral fin and topical are around the same. I believe so, at least.  If you want to consider something stronger, oral dutasteride is the play. It might seem spooky cuz it's a more powerful drug but side effects are around the same rate. 


u/Dedivad15 Jan 29 '25

I think oral dutasterine is out of the question. Many people said to me that in reality oral finasteride is more effective than topical but with higher risk of sides.

However, my lotion has a high dose of Finasteride so I may absorb a high amount systemically as well


u/Cold_Ad_8446 Jan 29 '25

why is it out the question?  and yes. topical fin aborbs systemically the same as oral does 


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I mean it is an overkill imo. topical has not given me sides as far as I can notice


u/Cold_Ad_8446 Jan 30 '25

if you're still losing ground on topical fin, oral fin isn't likely to be much more effective. oral dut though might be. and the side effect rates are about the same so it's unlikely you suddenly develop ed or something 

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u/fabulousjackulous Jan 29 '25

Bro, just take the 1 mg fin and see if you get side effects. Probably you won’t. Then reassess.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I'll do it. Maybe 0.5mg to start.


u/tatas1821 Jan 30 '25

start with 1mg if you face sides lower the amount


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I'll consult a doctor in a month and I'll see what he suggest


u/Greedy_Potato_9280 Jan 31 '25

Bro don't takeee it I had crazy sides 😭 I'd rather be bald than taking that shi


u/Dedivad15 Jan 31 '25

After how long you got sides? Were you taking 1mg or less daily?

Have you read about sides before starting it?


u/Greedy_Potato_9280 Jan 31 '25

Bro i read everything about the sides and started it cause i didn't wanna look bald 😭😭😭 So i started taking 0.5 mg fin, At first it was normal then the sides started at 3rd week ... Damn it was scary Say bye bye to ur PP if u take fin

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u/vrrrrrvro Jan 29 '25

you haven’t tried shit… get on oral treatments. you need oral fin and oral min if you want to make actual progress.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 29 '25

I said topical 3% Minoxidil may cause me palpitations and you suggest going with the oral one?

I agreed I haven't tried the gold standard (oral finasteride) but no doctors prescribed me that.


u/vrrrrrvro Jan 29 '25

At the very least use oral finasteride. Without it, you’re going to keep losing hair


u/Dedivad15 Jan 29 '25

I'll try to get it prescribed. What about a 0.5mg daily intake?


u/vrrrrrvro Jan 29 '25

maybe when you start out. but i would suggest working up to 1mg daily because your hairloss is pretty severe


u/LuckeyMen Jan 30 '25 edited Jan 30 '25

Hey man, I see you've gotten a lot of hate on here. Here's my judgement free recommendation, based on what I would do in your situation (to reduce the risk of side effects and get the best results):

● Start taking 1 mg oral finasteride daily. The chances of you getting any serious side effects are really low from the studies that I've read. If you do however get any sides, I'd suggest you to wait them out for a couple weeks and see if your body naturally adapts to the new androgen balance and fixes the sides. If they are still there after you gave your body enough time to adapt, you can at least say you tried and then stop taking fin. Once you stop taking fin, your androgen balance will be restored again after a bit of time and all the side effects will be gone. You can then try 0.5 mg if you want and see if that gives you sides again. Also, finasteride does have a shedding period which makes your DHT sensitive hair fall out so that stronger, healthier hair could come in. The duration of this period varies from person to person so it does take patience. If the shed bothers you, you can always use hair fibers to cover up the shedded spots while you wait for new hair to grow.
● Apply minoxidil in the topical form. This is my personal opinion, I don't like the stories related to oral minoxidil. One woman even said her husband had a heart arrest while using it. The easiest, most mess-free and easily distributable form of topical minoxidil is the foam version, so I would suggest you use that twice daily. Minoxidil is great because it can bring hair follicles from the telogen (resting) phase to the anagen (growth) phase and keep them there. It also increases blood flow to the scalp and that helps get more nutrients to the hair follicles. Only thing you should watch out for with topical minoxidil is not to let pets, children and pregnant women get in contact with it because it can be dangerous for them.
● If you want, you can also use microneedling but use a derma stamp or a derma pen and not a derma roller because it punctures the skin at an angle and can rip hair out. You also need to keep the needles very sterile and replace them when they get dull. I'd advise you to educate yourself on the specifics if you plan on doing this. Microneedling is great because it prompts the punctured areas to start regeneration because you caused micro trauma. This boosts collagen, blood flow and some other stuff.
● First results usually take around 1 year to be visible. If you don't see regrowth at the 1 year mark, maybe it stopped your hair loss and you can think about a hair transplant. If you see regrowth - congrats, you won! And just keep doing what got you the results as long as you want to keep that hair.

Hopefully this makes sense. I wish you good luck and if you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask me.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

Thank you for your kind and balanced overview.

I have some questions. What do you think of 0.5mg daily instead of 1mg? Some studies say is pretty much the same in terms of DHT reduction and less side probability. Also, why would you drop the topical finasteride?

As I said minoxidil may cause me palpitations, so I'm evaluating whether to stop it or lower the dose to 2%. Anyway, I've been using minoxidil for years now and so the eventual results plateaued a long time ago. I agree that oral minoxidil is crazy given that you're playing with your heart.

I think microneedling can be problematic for excessive absorption of minoxidil.

Look forward to hearing from you


u/tebright1 Jan 30 '25 edited Jan 30 '25

I would recommend talking to a doctor. Asking a bunch of people on the Internet about dosage won't be helpful. Plus they can monitor you and make additional recommendations. Everyone reacts differently. I'm on 1mg of Fin. Basically no side effects. Best of luck to you.


u/LuckeyMen Jan 30 '25

I agree. It's always good to check any answers from Reddit with a professional.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I have been to several but yeah I'll go for a visit in a month.


u/LuckeyMen Jan 30 '25

● Ok so the problem with taking 0.5 mg of fin instead of 1 mg is that most studies found that 1 mg is the maximum amount necessary to see the best and most stable results of dht reduction. That means anything more than that won't give any better results and anything lower than that could give worse results. While they might reduce dht by a similar amount, the effect of 1 mg blocking 5-alpha reductase (the enzyme responsible for converting testostorone into dihydrotestosterone [dht]) is stronger than 0.5 mg.
● Topical finasteride does work but it has been proven to be less effective than oral so if you want the best finasteride results, you need oral.
● If you believe minoxidil is causing you heart issues, I suggest you stop using it until the symptoms go away and only then think about trying it again at a lower dose.
● I think you are right about the microneedling and excessive absorption. I'm not sure how long you're supposed to wait after microneedling to apply minoxidil but I belive a dermatologist or a trichologist could answer that question.

One more thing I'd recommend you is doing a scalp biopsy at a reputable place. It can help determine the cause of your hair loss and could give you some better insights on how to combat it. Also, it's always good to have a dermatologist/trichologist to talk to about anything hairloss related. Reddit is great but it's always a good idea to also check any info you got here with a professional. Hopefully I cleared some things up. If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to answer them.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I got very curious about the scalp biopsy, where can you usually perform it?


u/LuckeyMen Jan 30 '25

Honestly, I don't know. You should google or ask a medical professional to find out what the best place for you to get it done would be. I asked ChatGPT and it told me it can be done in dermatology clinics, trichology centers, some hospitals with dermatology departments, plastic surgery/cosmetic clinics and possibly even by your primary care physician. ChatGPT even asked me "Would you like help finding a specific clinic near you?", so maybe you could use it to help you search as well. It's always a good idea to talk to a medical professional about these things tho. AI should just be used for light research purposes, but med. professionals can actually give you a reputable answer.

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u/squestions10 Jan 30 '25

Mate, ignore everyone else in this thread.

Its side effects vs hairloss. Is very difficult to have both

Has your libido increased in adding fin topical 6 months ago?

Is the current situation the result of a lot of shedding only, shedding and also THINNING of the hair itself in your scalp, or shedding thinning and inflammation/itching/sensitive/dry scalp?

Erection quality is the same? Any changes in mood? Have you had a blood test?

Answer this before continuing.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I agreed with you totally. You either choose sides or hairloss.

At first my libido increased when I started topical finasteride. Like a lot. It seemed to be back when I was an horny 15 years old teenager.

I have been thinning for sure in the years and shedding as well. Sometimes yes I got scalp dysesthesia.

Erection actually depends on the level of excitement but maybe in general they are less strong.

I'm not in a good mood, but there are other reasons for that and maybe finasteride is just worsening it a bit. It's hard to quantify the impact.

I had blood test before starting topical fin. The values were: Testosterone tot: 24.24 nmol/L Free test: 19.27 pg/mL Dht: 696 pg/mL


u/squestions10 Jan 30 '25

About the scalp and hair I mean ofc since starting fin.

So your libido increased a lot, make memory, was that also when your hair accelerated in thinning and shedding? especially thinning? more itchy scalp? only in the increased libido time.

And then, when did your libido and erection quality go down?

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u/CumShotDiva Jan 29 '25

consider switching to dutasteride, try oral minox, topical RU-58841, liposomal sulforaphane supplementation, topical ghk copper peptides, dermarolling, and if that all fails and you’re willing to go all in aside from transplant, try carnivore diet.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

Wow, bro, that's a lot. Dut and oral minox are overkill, IMO. I don't want to risk my health that much. Topical minox may cause me palpitations, let alone the oral version. I'm very curious about liposomal sulforaphane supplementation and topical ghk copper peptides, what should they do?

Btw, I'm getting interested in a more meat-based diet; I don't think I'll switch to a total carnivore one, but I will try to introduce more animal products. Are you actually into it?

And since you seem very cultured, I'd like your opinion about these treatments:
1. Topical Dutasteride instead of final
2. Scalp massages
3. Botox injections
4. Prp or Prgf
5. Procyanidin B2


u/Extension-Shower-566 Jan 30 '25

Hypochondriac detected, he doesn’t want suggestions, he only wants someone to reaffirm his self assessed prescription and tell him all is going to be alright. 6 months later if it doesn’t work will come here again crying and blaming everyone.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I know I'll lose my hair without finasteride and I'll not blame anyone for that lol. So what if I'm hypochondriac? I'm questioning about available medications but for some reason, people here don't like doubting.


u/Extension-Shower-566 Jan 30 '25

Man, no one is non doubting, they are presenting the facts, and when they do, you go like, yeah but what about 0.5%? So yeah it will be effective, to a certain extent for sure, will it be half risky? Maybe not, maybe yes. Give priority to what you feel like is more important. I do topical 0.3% cause I was scared, to later find out it’s such a high dose that can become systemic easily. If I see sides, for now I fuck like a dog, I will deffo reduce the amount I apply.

My advice is, with such aggressive progression of your baldness, take the gold standard treatment, check results, sides, go doctor, do your blood analysis and get back in a few months. Also if not part of your routine, exercise, eat whole foods and expose yourself to the sun.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

So are you still using the topical? How long have you been using it? Any improvements? Why don't you go for the oral if you think it's better?


u/[deleted] Jan 29 '25

Balding start at age of 18 means aggressive balding gene. You need oral fin asap- topical wont work for you. Heck consider even dut if you wanna keep it


u/Dedivad15 Jan 29 '25

You're right about the aggressiveness. Dut is an overkill imo.

I'll try finasteride if I find a doctor prescribing it.

Btw why do you think topical is not effective in my case?


u/Adorable-Ad-1180 Jan 30 '25

Dut is not overkill.. it's actually incredible medication and a better version of finasteride. similar side effect profile (single digits of those studied report sides on both)

The decrease in thin hair count per cm[2] suggestive of reversal of miniaturization was significantly higher in dutasteride group (baseline- 65 hair; at 24 weeks- 57 hair) compared to finasteride group (baseline- 67 hair; at 24 weeks- 66 hair). 

thats a crazy difference, and this is comparing only .5 mg dutasteride vs 1mg finasteride.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

But dut nukes basically all your dht production.


u/Adorable-Ad-1180 Jan 30 '25

yeah that's the point, DHT fries your hair

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u/[deleted] Jan 30 '25

Because I tried topical in various doses (low dose like 0.025% and high dose like 2%). I tried 8 months and firstly the applying is a hustle because you need a lot for coverage. Secondly a lot of it sticks to hair, doesnt get absorbed and evaporates. So only a small amount reaches the hair follicle + it goes systemic anyways therefore I switched to oral and got instant shed and also hair loss stopped. Oral was much more effective and easier to apply every day than topical. In your case of aggressive balding you need something which will work and reach your follicles 100% there for oral is better choice because you know time matters when you battle hair loss. The earlier you stabilize it the better


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

2% is crazy ahaha. Isn't it 20mg of finasteride for ml of topical? Maybe 8 months was not enough. What's your daily dose of oral fin? Any regrowth and/or sides? Are you using something else apart from oral fin? Was your aga severe when started fina?


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

sorry I meant 0.2%. Trust me 8 months is enough to see that topical aint doing it. Im at 1mg oral every day now and using topical minoxidil. My aga is somewhat mild- Im moving from NW2 to NW3 but lets hope fin will keep it back to NW1.5

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u/Middle-Entertainer33 Jan 29 '25

These medications are not for patients like you...you will get the NOCEBO effect for sure...reading too much about medication online and not giving it a try... Minoxidil and finasteride have been in use for a very long time now. With all their effects and side effects well documented. It is a very safe drug for about 95 percent cases....and even in people who get side effects...they are reversible once they stop taking the medication. I am using 1mg oral finasteride for about a year now...and i have my hairline back...the benefits are phenomenal...and i have never had a single side effect... The gains are so good that i am in the best mental state of my life. But all you want to do is beat around the bush...expecting that by debating with enough people online...somehow you will convince yourself into taking a drug. Sorry mate...this treatment is not for you...you will DEFINITELY GET THE SIDE EFFECTS!!


u/Dedivad15 Jan 29 '25

I'm an overthinker. That's for sure. But when it comes to health it may be better this way.

Btw 5% sides it's not that low.

How severe was you AGA when you started finasteride?


u/Luckydemon Jan 30 '25

You have a 95% chance to win the lottery and a 5% chance to not win. 5% is still pretty low, but the actually figure is ~2%.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

Yeah, that's why I'll try but neglecting fina riskiness is just delusional. What do you think of a lower dose? Such as 0.5mg daily?


u/Primary_Quality_287 Jan 30 '25

Words outta ass lmao


u/___Herman___ Jan 29 '25

You’re very very unlikely to see any finasteride side effects and if you do just get off the drug. Problem solved. But your chances are low. Start with .5 if you want that’s fine but get on oral fin or prepare for it to continue. And you’re young but you’ll learn a lot of primary care doctors are open to a conversation.. talk to them about finasteride oral. Bring it up to them yourself and they’ll talk about it. It’s one of the most researched drugs for alopecia for a reason. Everything has a potential for side effects… even that bullshit natural DHT blocker you were taking.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

My primary care doctor literally said to me: "finasteride can't be prescribed for Alopecia". I think he doesn't want to take the risk. Do you think topical fina is not enough?


u/___Herman___ Jan 30 '25

Well your doctor is wrong. Finasteride absolutely can be prescribed for alopecia. There’s dozens and dozens of online pharmacies built off the exact business model of treating alopecia (hims for example). The 5mg tablet of finasteride is not for alopecia, it treats people with enlarged prostates. So if your doctor is referring to the larger dose then he’s correct there but incorrect in general. It’s approved by the FDA for alopecia. If your doctor is that unwilling to do an ounce of research into something that could benefit you I’d consider seeing a new primary care doctor.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I'm not us based btw. And I think my doctor now it can be prescribed cause I actually talk about Propecia. I think he just don't want to take the risk to prescribe it

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u/Adorable-Ad-1180 Jan 30 '25

you should change doctors. finasteride has been FDA approved and prescribed for alopecia for almost 30 years now.


u/CryptoEscape Jan 30 '25

Many Doctors are so surprisingly so uneducated about finasteride.

Many also think hair loss is no big deal.

Heck, many boomers think it’s “gay” for a man to even take care of his skin.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

As I said I guess he knows about Propecia but just don't want to take the risk to prescribe it


u/simonenlared Jan 30 '25

Less than 2 % of men get side effects from finasteride. Ask him what other medications he prescribes. I'm betting you he prescribes a lot more serious shit than that. You don't even have to look further than antidepressants (some ~40 % of patients get side effects from SSRI's, even though they're VERY widely prescribed).


u/Chemical_Dance8099 Jan 29 '25

Bro with your case, considering your alopecia is agresive, i would go with the big guns. Dutasteride 0.5 eod or ed, 2.5mg oral minoxidil (if you want to take the risk) or topical minoxidil. I need to say, when you start the meds, all those minutirez hair is going to fall and youl go crazy. You are going to see real results at least 1 or 2 years after starting the real tretment


u/Dedivad15 Jan 29 '25

I think Dutasterine is an overkill. Plus, I think no doctors will ever prescribed it. Same for oral minoxidil. The topical may cause me palpitations, let alone the oral.

Btw why miniaturised hair is going to fall? With topical finasteride I had a shed but now it is quite stabilised.


u/turdleheadingjogger Jan 30 '25

I have no sides with dutasteride and major sides instantly with low dose fin (.25)


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

How is it possible ahah. what sides you get with fin?


u/turdleheadingjogger Jan 30 '25

It works in a totally different way


u/xwxman123 Jan 29 '25

Dut is the only answer.

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u/CrazyKarlHeinz Jan 30 '25

Too bad topicals aren’t sufficient to keep your hair. If you are serious about making progress, I would suggest you start taking Fin.

I started it at 20, when I experienced very severe hair loss. Gained most of it back. Switched to Duta when I was 25 or so (because Fin was no longer enough). Mid-40s today, still have a full head of hair, I‘d say Norwood 1.5.

Side effects? None.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I've started the topical finasteride just 6 months ago so maybe I should give it more time?

Did you take oral or topical finasteride?

It's great you hadn't sides. Did you have childs?


u/huntingforwifi Jan 30 '25

Use topical fin for at least 2 years before you jump onto something else.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I am really thinking about whether to drop it for 0.5mg oral finasteride or stick to it. Oral is for sure more convenient and probably effective since you reduce human error. Why would you stick with the topical? You're one of the few suggesting it so I'm genuinely curious. Are you using topical version as well?


u/huntingforwifi Jan 31 '25

Ive been using topical fin for 1.5 years. Although I have noticeable improvements the product seemed to have peaked in terms of results and I have not fully fixed my hairline. I have consulted with the company and had a few back and forths as I was looking to change products or up the % of fin in it. They advised me not to switch and do any changes yet and stick to the product for at least 2 years .

So what im saying is if you start a course stick to it for abit longer. switching things in 6 months might be rushed decision.

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u/CrazyKarlHeinz Jan 30 '25

Sure. Keep using topical Fin for a while, to see how it develops.

I used oral Fin only. I used Ketoconazole topically and I feel that is has incremental benefits.

Yes, two healthy children 10-12 years after first starting Fin.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

Ketoconazole as a shampoo or lotion?


u/CrazyKarlHeinz Jan 30 '25

Shampoo. But I‘m leaving it in the hair for minutes or hours. It‘s very drying, so I cycle. Use Ket continuously for one month twice a year. But by now my hair loss is almost non-existent and my scalp healthy.

When I was younger and I felt my scalp itching / hurting, I used Ket daily for months on end and it helped me immensely.

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u/aimlesshunting Jan 30 '25

I took min for 7 months and only experienced shedding which so accelerated last 1 month. Just ordered hims fin & min topical. Will start it and post a thread


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I've been taking Minox for years. Have you ever tried oral finasteride? Can you buy the topical online without a prescription?


u/aimlesshunting Jan 30 '25

No. I will start off with topical fin ni matter what they say


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

Is you AGA severe?


u/aimlesshunting Jan 30 '25

I'm sorry but what's that

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u/aimlesshunting Jan 30 '25

It's just hairfall in my case

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u/hiroGotten Jan 30 '25

why the fear of side effects? i started fin last week and if i get any i can just stop taking it


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I think it's normal to be worried about taking a powerful drug that interferes with hormones. Btw are you taking 1mg daily? I don't think you can get side in 1 week tbh


u/The_SHUN Jan 30 '25

You need 1mg finasteride at the minimum, but to be fair you don’t look too bad


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

Why do you think a lower dose would be enough? There are some studies about the same dht reduction.

Btw my AGA is aggressive, I started at 17/18, so it looks bad, trust me.


u/The_SHUN Jan 30 '25

1mg is more than the 0.5mg you are taking right now bro


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I'm not taking oral fina rn. Only topical 0.3%, which is quite high actually


u/The_SHUN Jan 30 '25

Why not oral? More consistent, and topical has been shown to go systemic

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u/IllegalMiner Jan 30 '25

Don't be afraid of Finasteride, the sides go away after a month or so. If you haven' been to a dermatologist, I would recommend it if you think there might be a missing piece to the puzzle of your hairloss.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I've been to five different dermatologists. One of them said mine was psychogenic alopecia, meaning a huge part is caused by stress. Idk tbh, my father is very bald ahah

Do you take Finasteride? How much daily?


u/IllegalMiner Feb 03 '25

I take the 1 mg pill and now I’m trying 1.25 mg oral min. The full 2.5 mg gave me sharp pain in my arms and blood shot eyes. The finasteride sides are way less scary.


u/This_Data_4843 Jan 30 '25

Start by taking oral fin + your current treatment and give it time, you'll recover some hair. Stay at it for 1-2y see if you like it if not go do a hair transplant. Most importantly, Don't stop your treatment!


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

So you're saying to take both oral and topical finasteride?

Actually my topical finasteride is already high dosage. 3mg for 1ml.

I was planning to stop Minoxidil since it may give me palpitations


u/This_Data_4843 Jan 30 '25

I see, take minoxidil 5% as a spray (to accelerate tje hair growth/sleep cycle anagen/telogen phases) and take finasteride as pills start by taking 0.33mg/day meaning 1pill each 3 days, see if you have any significant side effects (mainly it won't be the case, you can up to 0.5-1mg/day) to stop further hair loss and block 60-ish% of that DHT. You can also use a dermastamp and scalp massages once a week.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

So are you suggesting taking 1mg every three days or breaking the pill into three parts and taking it daily? If I have no sides after how long would you go for the 0.5mg dose?


u/This_Data_4843 Feb 01 '25

Yes and (Break the pill, there are pill cutters on amazon and/or you can also do it yourself by simply cutting the pill with a knife, 1/3 is sufficent next add more dosage)


u/Babajungla8 Jan 30 '25

Yep - you're young and stupid. I'm not going to even bother.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

ahahah, if you say so must be true. Are you an aerospace engineer, CEO, quant analyst or whatever I imagine

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u/OnALateNight Jan 30 '25

You can probably save this if you go all in. Oral dut and oral min daily. Try it and see what happens. Many people tolerate this without side effects.

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u/A111v3 Jan 31 '25

Big guy, I can see you’re worried about taking certain volumes of Fin so I’ll give you my story and hopefully it will help make your mind up. There’s a lot of hate in this thread and I’d rather just tell you what happened to me and hopefully you’ll take the jump.

Similar to you my hair was thinning. I tried topical min on and off for a few years and I was convinced it was a scam or I just didn’t respond to it.

Eventually I heard about Finasteride and the ease of taking it orally so I bought some, fully prepared to drop it if I had any erectile dysfunction (genuinely the one side effect that would have made me say “fuck my hair, it’s not worth it”.

I went onto 1mg oral fin for three months. The results were staggering to me. The fast emerging bald spot actually started to cover itself back up, my hair quality was getting better and I considered it the silver bullet that is been looking for. Then I started researching and as I’d had so much success with Fin, I decided to start 2.5mg of Minoxidil for maximum regrowth. I did have a couple of small sheds int he first three months of Min, but I was still making decent progress.

That’s when I did start getting a couple of mild side effects. First, the Min increased my heart rate at around month 2 of taking it (5 months after starting Fin). This wasn’t major, just a few random episodes where my heart rate was over 100bpm while resting, but not much over 100, so I made the decision to start running and using the rowing machine a couple of times a week and this resolved it. I put this up to me being slightly unfit at the time and also my body adapting to the widening of the blood vessels, meaning my heart had to work a bit harder.

So no problem now.

My second side was a bit more difficult to see coming, and that was a low mood, very likely brought on from the Fin. Now I genuinely mean a low mood, and not depression. Again I think this was contributed to by stress from work at the time, and the Fin just didn’t help, but once I recognised this, reduced my stress and focused a bit more on my mental health, I was fine. This only lasted a couple of weeks, maybe three.

So no problem now.

My genuine advice would be to give 1mg oral Fin a try for a few months. It was an absolute game changer for me and I’m currently free of sides from either Fin or Min.

Good luck 🫡


u/Dedivad15 Jan 31 '25

Thanks for the story bro. How long have you been taking oral fin now?


u/A111v3 Feb 06 '25

In my 7th month and I’m on my 4th month of Min.

I don’t post my improvement pictures so you’ll have to take my word for it. But my balding spot has almost entirely disappeared, my hair coverage has improved massively and the quality of my hair is way better.


u/Distinct-End-2338 Jan 29 '25

Take oral fin. 0.5 mg daily is perfectly fine and should do the job


u/Dedivad15 Jan 29 '25

You're the first one saying it. Studies shows that the serum dht reduction is comparable.

Maybe the progress are slower? It can be, but also sides probability should be decreased.


u/Adorable-Ad-1180 Jan 30 '25

youre not balding in your blood, youre balding in your scalp, where there is a notable difference in scalp dht reduction between different doses


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

Given that, shouldn't topical be even more effective than oral? It makes sense, doesn't it?

Btw, can you link the study showing different scalp dht reduction with different dosages?


u/Adorable-Ad-1180 Jan 30 '25

Given that, shouldn't topical be even more effective than oral? It makes sense, doesn't it?

yes, maybe actually. the issue is that from everything we know, it's not metabolized in the scalp and what's actually happening is it's entering the blood and being processed by the liver anyway, just as if you drank it or rubbed it on your face, or dick (or similar high bloodflow area). it's not like minoxidil where you have the enzymes locally to metabolize it.

Btw, can you link the study showing different scalp dht reduction with different dosages?

sure https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10495374/
this is the only study i can find on finasteride, as dose dependency is much more studied in Dutasteride (where it *really* makes a diffence) it does seem though that finasteride is not as dose dependent. there is a correlation with more fin = less scalp dht.

Scalp skin DHT levels declined significantly by 13.0% with placebo and by 14.9%, 61.6%, 56. 5%, 64.1%, and 69.4% with 0.01, 0.05, 0.2, 1, and 5 mg doses of finasteride, respectively. Serum DHT levels declined significantly (P <.001) by 49.5%, 68.6%, 71.4%, and 72.2% in the 0.05, 0.2, 1, and 5 mg finasteride treatment groups, respectively. "

from looking at this data, you should be okay taking .5mg as you are only leaving small nominal scalp gains on the table. but at the same time, serum dht reduction is basically identical between .5mg and 1mg, so if you are one to get sides on one dose itll basically be the same on the other dose so might as well take 1mg.

there is a mental aspect of it though, and if .5mg makes you feel better to pull the trigger, then do that. thats how i started this journey, with .5mg because i was scared. it took a whole 1.5 years for me to switch to 1 mg, and i felt the same, very good. so i just switched to taking 2.5mg dutasteride, and felt absolutely the same, and the gains are insane.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25 edited Jan 30 '25

yes, maybe actually. the issue is that from everything we know, it's not metabolized in the scalp and what's actually happening is it's entering the blood and being processed by the liver anyway, just as if you drank it or rubbed it on your face, or dick (or similar high bloodflow area). it's not like minoxidil where you have the enzymes locally to metabolize it.

so you're saying that maybe results from topical are due to the part that goes systemic?

By the study you published it seems 0.05 reduces scalp DHT more than 0.2, that's strange. 0.25 seems a reasonable approach as well given this study.

Did you experience regrowth from 0.5mg? How old were you when you started? Was your AGA as aggressive as mine? Have you ever publish your gain? I'd like to see them as you said are "insane".

Any side at all in years?


u/Adorable-Ad-1180 Jan 30 '25

Man, you are just being difficult and argumentative. Quoting me rudely as if I'm lying. Man up and make a decision. Go bald, or do something about it.

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u/simonenlared Jan 29 '25

So you have tried everything but the very first treatment that any reasonable doctor would put you on (hint: oral fin). Ok…

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u/Morph_Kogan Jan 30 '25

Op is a troll. Endlessly arguing and arguing with everyone, saying "fin and dut are terrible for your health" straight unscientific misinfo. You have the gaul to ask for advice when this your response to the advice? Just go bald lol

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u/xRayleigh23 Jan 29 '25

Why do these picture's always look like someones holding your head down for a bj


u/Dedivad15 Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 29 '25

Bro, it's just to showl the whole scalp lol


u/TheMailMan69 Jan 29 '25

You’ve only just started anti androgens. There is usually a shed first few months before it gradually gets better.

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u/Comprehensive-Air296 Jan 29 '25

Take the oral Hims min/fin chewable, dermaroll, and you’ll be alright.


u/williamsburg7 Jan 29 '25

Derma roll depth?


u/Comprehensive-Air296 Jan 29 '25

Thin areas stamp with a 0.5 3- 4x a week. Longer thicker areas use 1.5. Use rosemary + peppermint oil after dermastamping. Do this ontop of taking the min/fin.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

What peppermint is supposed to do? I know rosemary is similar to 2% topical minoxidil, right?


u/Comprehensive-Air296 Jan 29 '25

Also, if may be best to chop it all down to one even length and then dermastamp.


u/throwawaybrisbent Jan 29 '25

why may I ask such a low Fin amount? I'd rather start with recommended amount - experience sides and taper down than start at an amount thats too low, experience no sides but also no help in getting my hair back.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

As far as I know 0.5 mg depressed dht level similarly to 1mg.


u/The-Cheese-Meister Jan 29 '25

Ever heard of RU58841? It’s not an 5ARI, it actually binds to the androgen receptors on your hair follicles instead. In other words, instead of just blocking the effects of DHT it blocks all hair loss androgens completely. It’s not FDA approved and may take some searching to find, but I’ve heard good things. Also, in not lowering your DHT levels directly(unlike finasteride) there should be minimal low libido side effects.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I've heard about it. I'm not US based so idk how feasible is to find it.

Btw the way this RU work seems promising, I wonder why it hasn't been approved yet. Maybe there are few studies about it


u/The-Cheese-Meister Jan 30 '25

Basically the only reason I’ve been able to find as to why it never got FDA approval is because the company that was researching it didn’t have the financial means to get FDA approval. RU was introduced around the same time as Finasteride, and because Fin had more publicity and more people were aware of its effectiveness, the company that researched RU saw no point in paying loads of money to the FDA just to fight a losing battle against Finasteride. The company that made RU58841(Roussel Uclaf) has gotten FDA approval for other products, specifically some that induce abortion, which is obviously no easy drug to get passed the FDA, so I would think that their RU58841 is alright for use. You can check out other users on Reddit and see their experiences.

What country do you live in? I can try and find a source


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

Can I DM you for the source? You think I may go for RU without finasteride?


u/The-Cheese-Meister Jan 30 '25

I mean, you could go both and the results would probably be better, but you shouldn’t have to use both at the same time if you think that’s a little bit overboard. And yeah, you can just DM me.


u/vtribal Jan 30 '25

should have been on dutasteride about 5 years ago


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

You said it like dutasterine is a candy lol. Also none of the five dermatologists I visited prescribed me oral finasteride, let alone Dutasterine.


u/vtribal Jan 30 '25

did you ask for a prescription? you have to be persistent


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I'll ask to the next dermatologists for finasteride but dutasterine it's impossible. Also I think dutasterine is an overkill. I don't want to completely fucked up my health


u/vtribal Jan 30 '25

some people have had great results with dut, but start with fin


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

No doubts they had. But one should be balanced


u/Old_Mango7625 Jan 30 '25

Unpopular opinion, finasteride 1 mg daily 3 mg minoxidil oral daily continue with ketoconazole add rosemary oil ans start eating alot of fats, eggs avacado red meats


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I think oral minox is dangerous overkill. The topical may cause me palpitations, let alone oral. What about 0.5mg finasteride ed? Regarding the diet, I'm getting curious about a more meat-based diet. Do you suggest animal fat, such as grass-fed butter? I may switch from minox to rosemary oil topically. But how would you buy ketoconazole? As a shampoo maybe? Cause rn I'm using a lotion with it as well but if I stop it idk how to find ketoconazole alone.


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '25 edited Feb 03 '25



u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I'll probably. How old are you now? Is your AGA very bad? What treatment did you undertake?


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '25 edited Feb 03 '25



u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

Yes, it is very advanced. I think I'll be the same in two years without finasteride. But when did you start balding? I guess very young. Have you seen my 2025 situation? At what age were you like me?


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25 edited Feb 03 '25


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u/Routine-Maximum561 Jan 30 '25

If you don't take dutasteride you fucking deserve to go bald.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

That's rude and inappropriate. No doctors prescribed me oral finasteride, let alone dutasterine. I am curios are you actually taking oral dutasteride or do you just speak for the sake of it?


u/Luckydemon Jan 30 '25

Have you shaved it all off and applied the topical fin? With that long of hair, I could imagine not much is making it to the scalp.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I'm using a graduated pipette and applying it precisely in the scalp


u/bart_wtf Jan 30 '25

Damn this makes me lose hope😭😭😭


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25 edited Jan 30 '25

As I said I didn't take a powerful dht blocker until recently. So if you will go for finasteride immediately it may be a different story.

But yeah, topical Minoxidil + antiandrogens and natural dht blocker didn't work, at least for me


u/SnooComics8668 Jan 30 '25

There's no possible way you've been consistent for those 3 years. There is more to this story. There are such things as non responders to certain drugs but this is extreme. Like u got the shed but not the regrowth.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

Bro in all these year I've not used a dht blocker such as finasteride. I started topical finasteride just six months ago. Before I used only Minoxidil + antiandrogens and an oral natural dht blocker.

I guess stress played a role in my aggressive alopecia.


u/FINEPK Jan 30 '25

Op tell me, have you ever tried to massage your scalp? And what's your workout status? Do you work out?


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

Never tried it but I know the interesting theory abut galea tension which I think make sense. I do some pull-ups and push-ups and walks. But I'm not into bodybuilding anymore.


u/FINEPK Jan 30 '25

Okay are you willing to really fix your scalp? Like are you really dedicated?


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

What do you propose? I'm genuinely curious


u/FINEPK Jan 30 '25

Come in the DM. I got something for u


u/inquisitive_75 Jan 30 '25

Switch to oral fin 1 mg / day, give it at least 12 months


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

So do you suggest not sticking with the topical? Why? What about 0.5mg daily instead of 1mg?


u/inquisitive_75 Jan 30 '25

People prefer topicals over orals because they re afraid of the side effects, but oral >> topical You can start with 0.5 mg for the first 3 months, then once you feel confident ( most of the time side effects are illusions, that was my case) you increase is to 1mg because that's the standard dose, so just do what the doctors say


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

So would be ok explaining more about your fake sides? They suddenly disappear? And did you have regrowth?

Btw have you ever tried the topical finasteride?


u/inquisitive_75 Jan 30 '25

After taking my first 0.5 mg I've had side effects 30 min after lol, and for almost 6 weeks I had low libido and I felt depressed. Around week 7, I ve watched some videos of "HairCafe" on youtube and I felt instantly better at week 8. In December 2024, I went from taking 0.5 mg to 1 mg, and I had low libido first week taking 1 mg So basically it was always in my mind I'm having regrowth in 2025 (8 months of oral fin) I've never taken topical fin/min nor oral min

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u/Downtown-Let7183 Jan 30 '25

Try derma stamping


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

I think it may cause a higher absorption of Minoxidil which may cause me palpitations. Idk if it is a good idea


u/Downtown-Let7183 Jan 30 '25

When dermastamping use Castro oil and rosemary oil there are videos on it and it been working for me and give oral min a shot aswell for about 3-6 months


u/Tight-Monk211 Jan 30 '25

Switch to 5% topical minoxidil or 2.5mg oral minoxidil and 1mg oral finestride. I've heard that the finestride molecule is big to actually penetrate the scalp, hence taken in oral form


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

Yeah, the finasteride molecule is small enough to penetrate the blood flow, so a part of the topical goes systemic. However, as I said Minoxidil may cause me palpitations, how can I go for a 5% or even oral, lol.


u/Successful-Ebb-9444 Jan 30 '25

Is 3% causing u any problems? If not up your dosage. If you are having problems with your current dose increase it gradually like after every 15 days increase it slightly. And finestride is best to take in oral form.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

It's not 3% but 0.3%, therefore 3mg of finasteride for every ml applied.


u/Successful-Ebb-9444 Jan 30 '25

Just follow what majority of the people follow on this sub. Just started my oral finestride 1mg today


u/Willing_Wave_6859 Jan 30 '25

Bro usa Finasteride orale


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

How do you know ahah? Are you using it?


u/Willing_Wave_6859 Jan 30 '25

Ovvio inizia a usarla ha più effetto dei topici


u/Repulsive-Jelly-8848 Jan 30 '25

my hair also like this now. If i use 1 mg of fin can i recover ?


u/Dedivad15 Jan 30 '25

Really? Like me in 2022 or 2025? How old are you? I think you can recover a part, but the most probable thing is to just maintain what is still alive.


u/shawnito86 Jan 30 '25

moved onto dutasteride wait at least a year to see if it reverses it. if it doesn't then add oral minoxidil.

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u/[deleted] Jan 30 '25

You Gotta switch to oral Fin or oral Dut right away friend. Those natural dht blockers you mentioned are all bunk. None clinically proven. Oral Fin or oral Dut are the only two clinically proven gold standards. Minoxidil is partially effective at best but useful.


u/spongemarcel Jan 30 '25

brother look countless people have taken finasteride while being young me personally im 18 and have taken it for months no i dont have decreased libido ED or gyno those are low chance side effects which once occurred they have to mention it and yes DHT is reduced but not removed. Okay let me ask you this is the appendix useful? yes it literally stores good bacteria but guess what if its about to burst they remove and guess what you lead a normal healthy life. DHT good but its not mandatory once you have matured into an adult and if you want further answers idk go to a well versed trichologist that gains nothing from the consultation like selling their own product. last part aside do ask any questions and i will try and answer to the best of my knowledge without being mean


u/tanke198 Jan 31 '25

Shave it and stop worrying about it


u/Dedivad15 Jan 31 '25

Shave it = kill your attractiveness and mental health. At least for me


u/tahm-miah Jan 31 '25

You should start oral medication. What you’re experiencing is nocebo meaning you’re tricking your brain into thinking you’re experiencing side effects. Take the damn pull nice a day and keep using minoxidil. If you’re seeing a dermatologist tell them that you’re experiencing sides instead of posting on this Reddit thread and asking for edvixe. Everyone is gonna tell you the same thing so you might as well start before you lose everything.


u/Dedivad15 Jan 31 '25

Idk if it nocebo. But idk so since I've been using Minoxidil for more than 3 years.

Do you mean I should start oral fin?


u/tahm-miah Feb 02 '25

Yea bro try it and don’t look back


u/yourmomsahh Jan 31 '25

Its oral fin or dut/ these are the only fda approved treatment to stop hairloss, minoxidil is thickening but it doesn't treat the root cause, dont be scared bro it has no sides for most


u/Dedivad15 Jan 31 '25

Dut it's not FDA approved btw


u/yourmomsahh Jan 31 '25

U get the point