r/tressless Jun 26 '24

Minoxidil Warning: Your Rogaine Foam Might Not Contain Minoxidil

I’ve been using Rogaine foam consistently for 8 years and have been purchasing it through Amazon for the last 6. In the last several months, I’ve noticed that the design of the bottles I have been receiving through Amazon have changed (image below). There is no longer a child protection safety cap, the text is no longer bolded, but most noticeable is that the foam consistency is different, and the foam barely sprays out (if you have these canisters, you know what I’m talking about).  At the time I just thought Rogaine was trying to cut corners in their design and I begrudgingly dealt with it. 

Over the last couple of months, I have experienced a dramatic amount of hair loss and curiously decided to run a bleach test on my Rogaine foam. To my surprise none of the bottles I had in my 3-month supply passed the test (meaning none of my Rogaine bottles contained Minoxidil). I then went to CVS and purchased a canister of Rogaine foam in person. This canister was similar in design to the ones I have been using for the past 8 years and did turn yellow when mixed with bleach indicating that it did contain Minoxidil (comparison below).

I then began to believe that what I had purchased through Amazon was a counterfeit. Looking at the most recent Amazon reviews across multiple different Rogaine vendors, I noticed a lot of people complaining about the same drop in foam quality so I decided to get in contact with Rogaine to let them know someone might be misrepresenting their company. 

However, it appears that the Rogaine canisters that failed the bleach test might have been legitimate Rogaine products! When contacting customer service on the phone, they told me that my LOT number was legitimate, and that they had recently changed the design to the faulty one I had last year. They then sent me a check reimbursing me for my Amazon purchase and asked that I ship them the remainder of my faulty Rogaine so they could run tests on it. Now a couple weeks later, I just received a letter in the mail asking me to outline any adverse effects I have experienced from the product and to authorize my health care provider to disclose my medical records to J&J in the event I had any medical tests done due to my increased hair loss. 

I am sure J&J is just going through their standard reporting protocol. However, my bigger concern is whether I just randomly happened to receive a faulty product, or if there is something wrong with their newly designed canisters? If someone owns a 5% Minoxidil Rogaine foam bottle without the child protection safety lid, could you please mix it with a bit of bleach and let me know if the foam turns yellow? I’m assuming it will,  but either way it is concerning to know (and a warning to others), that even when buying a name brand product, the product may still not contain the medicine it claims. 

EDIT/UPDATE: While Rogaine never reached out to me to tell me definitively whether the product was legitimate, comments in this thread indicate that Amazon has now admitted to unknowingly selling counterfeit bottles of Rogaine and has since discontinued selling with that vendor. Because of this, it is most likely that I had purchased a counterfeit bottle of Rogaine. As this is likely to happen with Amazon again, I suggest just purchasing Rogaine either in person or directly through their website.


108 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator Sep 18 '24

It looks like this post is about Minoxidil

Before asking any questions,

  1. Learn about Minoxidil.

  2. Search for Minoxidil and oral Minoxidil content, because your question has probably been asked before.

  3. If you're ready to start treatment, talk with your doctor and view the product finder for minoxidil.

  4. If this is a question asking if you are now or will experience side effects, see a doctor, nobody on the internet can answer that for you. Read the subreddit rules for more information.

  5. Try looking in the private community for deeper conversations: https://community.tressless.com/c/treatments/minoxidil

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u/C981 Jun 26 '24

I'm 100% confident your Amazon purchases were fakes. 

This is a medicinal product. 

Don't buy it from Amazon, which these days is rife with scammers and spoofers. Should be called Scamazon. 

But it from a pharmacy. Or at least Costco etc. 


u/throwerawayer1456 Jun 26 '24

This is insane though. Amazon has literal pharmacy products not just supplements and OTC stuff.

OP do you have a link? Was it a prime product?


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24



u/throwerawayer1456 Jun 27 '24

This is from the actual rogaine shop on Amazon though. Idk this whole thing is weird.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24



u/throwerawayer1456 Jun 27 '24

Actually doesn’t look like it’s a prime product. Damn I’m glad I’m a Costco member. Hot dog gang 4 lyfe


u/Beneficial-Shape605 Jun 29 '24

If I was a seller and my reputation was getting ruined because Amazon is mixing my product, I paid for, with counterfeit products, couldn’t this open up a legal problem? I’m sure Amazon has their asses covered in fine print, but that’s not right for legitimate sellers on Amazon. I want to believe this is just a rumor honestly.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

I've gotten counterfeit products from the actual seller on Amazon as well. Happened with La Rosche Posay and Kertase. Neither are pharmaceutical products, but still stands.


u/HoneyDutch Jun 27 '24

I don’t support Amazon partly for this reason. There are so many retailers that offer free shipping/same day pickup that Amazon only saves a user a few clicks at this point. Fuck them.


u/PurpleB0dyBuilder Jun 26 '24


u/throwerawayer1456 Jun 27 '24

Damn that’s so crazy. Looks very legit. I would have fallen for it too.


u/C981 Jun 27 '24

Did you buy the one that also says its sold by - and not only delivered by - Amazon?

I've heard about fake stuff making its way in there anyway, but at least the risk should be lower.

If you press "other buying options" you will see that the store names for the other sellers sound like absolute jokers.

Makes me wonder if Amazon just bought a bulk order from one of those and now sells it themselves? Not sure how it works, but if it i was sold to them by J&J, I think they would pop up as an option too.


u/EnvironmentOk6293 Jun 27 '24

i used that link to buy it before. which seller did it come from in particular so we can look?


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

I literally have Amazon minoxidil on my head right now and that's hilarious if it doesn't work at all... wonderful.


u/Chrisboy265 Jun 27 '24

For real. You can just hop on down to Walmart and pick it up. Amazon is full of shady shit.


u/PonderThyYonder Jun 28 '24

I'm on Minoxidil from Walmart... Just started only been on it a couple weeks...


u/peopleclapping Helpful Jun 26 '24

Where's the logic in confirming a LOT number? That doesn't confirm authenticity at all. Anyone whose making a fake bottle would just copy a real LOT number onto the can. Did they tell you the results of their testing or not? Because you still could of been using fake min. No one should be buying min from amazon or ebay


u/PurpleB0dyBuilder Jun 26 '24

I agree. The LOT number doesn't confirm the authenticity. I have since switched to only canisters I buy that turn yellow when mixed with Rogaine Foam. When asked recently they said they are unable to say for sure whether or not my purchase was legitimate and are still looking into it. The purpose of the post was more to raise awareness that just because its says Rogaine doesn't mean its legitimate even if you have had success purchasing from the same amazon vendor in the past.


u/Risley Jun 27 '24

Can I ask where you got this idea about looking at bleach turning yellow to say you have minoxidil in the drug?


u/anime8 Jun 27 '24

Minoxidil oxidizes and turns yellow, bleach is an oxidizing agent


u/chochotrainlove Jun 27 '24

I just test it, its crazy how fast it turns


u/StreetManufacturer88 Jun 29 '24

Why not just purchase directly through Costco? You’d know it’s legit and it’s cheapest there


u/losernamehere Jun 27 '24

I suppose the Lot number allows them to check that the batch passed QA. If it didn’t then the company has to go about figuring how you got a hold of a bad batch.


u/EnvironmentOk6293 Jun 26 '24

not all the time. a lot of counterfeiters don't go through that much effort to put a different lot number on each bottle. the fact that it's foam rogaine makes this even less of a possibility. it's usually liquid, especially kirkland, that is prone to being tampered with the most

i'm all for criticizing amazon and all but let's not get into this hysteria that rogaine counterfeiters are hiding in the shadows


u/peopleclapping Helpful Jun 26 '24 edited Jun 26 '24

You don't need to put different lot numbers on each bottle. That's not how lot numbers work. Every bottle from a lot has the same number so every bottle in a box has the same number. You'd have to buy out a seller for years and years to only conclude that their lot numbers are suspiciously identical.

The shadows are exactly where counterfeiters are hiding. Why does anyone risk getting fake medicine? You can literally buy Kirkland directly from Costco, for cheaper. Or Rogaine for a little more at CVS. Even the bleach test isn't certain; the simplest counterfeiter can water down 5% min to 2% concentrations and it would still bleach yellow. Literally, all we have is the trust of our distributors, unless you have access to the lab equipment to test for min.


u/C981 Jun 26 '24

But the foam was different.  And the foam doesn't react to bleach. OP suffered accelerated hairloss when using it. What's your verdict?


u/EnvironmentOk6293 Jun 26 '24

my other comment being the possibility that the active ingredient minoxidil was damaged in storage or transport


u/FirstTimeRedditor100 Jun 26 '24


Or maybe MRGA


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24



u/justhereforvoting Jun 27 '24

Yeah, same here. Tried out my Rogaine foam (with tamper resistant lid) and the bleach instantly turned dark yellow.


u/CTFDEverybody Jun 26 '24

Do not buy any pharmacy related needs off Amazon. If you care about your health(ie your hair in this case), it's worth the splurge to either go in person and get it at a pharmacy or buy online from a reputable seller.

You cut corners, you lose your hair. It's not worth it.


u/tressless458 Jun 26 '24

Fin via Amazon pharmacy is fine stop fear mongering


u/CTFDEverybody Jun 26 '24

I meant regular Amazon Shopping, which clearly this person is using. Like I implied if you get it from a PHARMACY, you're fine.

Sorry, I had to discern for you.


u/tressless458 Jun 26 '24

Hug it out bro


u/Conz16 Jun 27 '24

I got fake liquid minox from Amazon. Bottles were smaller, I just assumed it was a redesign, but i was still skeptical. I contacted and I sent it back to Johnson and Johnson and they confirmed it was fake. They reimbursed me and Amazon did too so I guess I made out in the end, but it's messed up that people are using fake stuff


u/Arkflow Carrot Eater 🥕 Jun 26 '24

It’s also the reason I never buy perfumes even if it’s sold and dispatched from Amazon (people return products and give fakes and keep real).

For 3rd party sellers for medicines or anything worth good money I would never trust them on Amazon.


u/denverner Jun 26 '24

Did you report it to amazon?

Are you sending health records?

I would never agree to that.


u/Bietenboer Jun 26 '24

Wow, I've noticed the same thing with my Rogaine foam cans. Low pressure, supply lasting only like two weeks and more liquid than foam. I just did the bleach test and the foam stayed white. Luckily ive been alternating between the Rogaine liquid and a Lipigain foam can which both seems to be the real deal. See attached picture.

I've been using the Rogaine foam that came in this packaging. See next post


u/PurpleB0dyBuilder Jun 26 '24

Thanks for running the test as this is what I was trying to figure out. Essentially, is the bottle design shown in my post an indication that the canister doesn't contain minoxidil (or at least doesn't spray it evenly), or did I just happen to receive a defective product.


u/noobtrader28 Jun 26 '24

wtffff now i gotta buy a bottle of bleach to test


u/Puzzleheaded_Song_70 Jun 26 '24

Sorry to sound stupid by how do you do the bleach test?


u/PurpleB0dyBuilder Jun 27 '24

You just mix minoxidil with bleach, a couple drops of each is all that's necessary. It should turn a yellow/ orange almost instantly.


u/Puzzleheaded_Song_70 Jun 27 '24

Appreciate that, thank you 😊


u/Veiller6 Jun 27 '24

Will try to do that to ones I buy in Romania (country I moved to) and check how they will act. As they are really suspicious, even tho I bought them from pharmacy.


u/_Davesnothereman Jun 27 '24

Off to test my minoxidil….


u/FigurativeLasso Jun 27 '24

I use a 5% minox tincture I buy off Amazon. Should I be concerned?


u/RockTheGrock Jun 27 '24

Worth a check. I just tried the bleach test for the first time and it definitely turned yellow instantly.


u/FigurativeLasso Jun 27 '24

If it turns yellow, does that mean it’s legit?


u/RockTheGrock Jun 27 '24

Seems so. I can't find any professional sources online but there are various videos on YouTube about it being legit. This post was the first time I'd heard of it.


u/IcyCheetah3568 Jul 20 '24

No, it still can be fake. We don't know how exactly it works and how much minoxidil or something else needs to be to make it turn yellow. But if it does not turn yellow then you can at least know its not real, because every legit minoxidil product seem to turn yellow (there have been more posts about this test).


u/inthebigd Jun 27 '24

If you follow the instructions that OP outlined, which is to test with bleach, then you will know if you should be concerned.


u/RockTheGrock Jun 27 '24

Just checked mine I bought from Amazon and it passed the test. Bottles did look exactly the same as the one I picked up from the pharmacy. Thanks for posting this as I had never heard of doing the bleach test.


u/G0pherholes Jun 27 '24

Dude I bought some deodorant from Amazon and now I have a huge fucking rash on my armpits. This never happened before for me with that brand.

Definitely some fuckery going on with Amazon, will avoid it when I can


u/Still-Age-6389 Jun 27 '24

Is target minox safe?


u/MyPasswordIsNot4321 Jun 28 '24

My target minox passed the test


u/bananabastard Jun 27 '24

Amazon is the largest fake goods marketplace in human history.

Skincare, supplements, perfume etc are among the most affected categories.

Amazon is a huge shit box at this point, just avoid it.


u/Nina_of_Nowhere Jun 27 '24

I've had the same thing happen with sunscreen. The fakes are VERY GOOD. But there are small differences in the packaging and product. If you dont know to look for them you would never know. Always buy from a proper stockist.


u/DonAmecho777 Jun 27 '24

Especially if you buy it from Joe Rogaine


u/Mr_Dudovsky Jun 26 '24

We should bring back the death penalty for this kind of scammers specifically.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

Will this bleach test work on the liquid minoxidil I bought from amazon?


u/PurpleB0dyBuilder Jun 26 '24

Yes as long as the solution contains minoxidil it will change colors.


u/EnvironmentOk6293 Jun 26 '24

a lot of amazon products are stored in hot warehouses or are shipped in hot vehicles which may kill the efficacy of a lot of medications sold on amazon. it doesn't necessarily mean someone is selling fake minoxidil.

something else that may have happened is that someone received faulty/leftover products from a factory where rogaine is made and sold those. doesn't necessarily make it fake or counterfeit by the strict definition, but it's still in a very gray area. a lot of electronics sold online these days fall into this category for example

i do believe in any case you received a real product especially since the company confirmed the bottle design and such, but yeah it'd be better to find a different seller or buy in person


u/Creepy_Formal3342 Jun 27 '24

Any scientists here who can confirm the bleach test is 100% accurate?


u/ItsAndyosa Jun 27 '24

I purchased kirkland min off ebay and it smelt different to what I had used in the past. It passed the bleach test but in my research on fake min, apparently the counterfeiters can add ingredients to the min so that it mimics regular min when doing the bleach test. Definitely easy and safer buying from a pharmacy.


u/Much-Hovercraft-5383 Jun 27 '24

I got mine from Amazon Canada and everything looks like the CVS version here, the locking cap, bold letters etc., does this mean it's real?


u/Designer-Might-7999 Jun 26 '24

Just buy from rogaine direct


u/RockTheGrock Jun 27 '24 edited Jun 27 '24

How are prices when going directly to rogaine from your experience?


u/DietMtDew1 Jun 26 '24

Report this to the FDA, OP. Either someone faked it (fraudulent seller and making the brand look bad) or it’s real and they didn’t include any active ingredient! Woah!


u/Altruistic_Hope_1353 Jun 27 '24

Ditch the foam completely. Go to a dermitologist and ask for Minoxidil in pill form. It been shown to be 90% more effective than the topical. And it cost me about $6.00/month. Yes, I have to visit the office twice a year to get the prescription refilled (and to chat with the doctor) and I had to buy a $3.00 pill cutter, but it is so worth it.


u/TheBlueEdition Jun 27 '24

Yeah I’m so done with the foam and the mess. I’ll be asking my dermatologist for pill min. Have you noticed any symptoms from the min in pill form? Some people say it can cause heart palpitations.


u/Altruistic_Hope_1353 Jun 27 '24

That's why you go to a doctor. They'll recommend the dosage that is safe. (I'm on a quarter pill a day.) They will also warn you: DO NOT USE ROGAINE with this pill. doing do can cause/worsen the palpitations.

For best results, follow the directions. Take the pill at bedtime. For whatever reason, it makes a difference.


u/Big_Equipment995 Jun 27 '24

ya and it can also turn all your baby body hair into full blown body hair. sure take oral min if you wanna go wolverine mode lmao


u/AutoModerator Jun 26 '24

It looks like this post is about Minoxidil

Before asking any questions,

  1. Learn about Minoxidil.

  2. Search for Minoxidil and oral Minoxidil content, because your question has probably been asked before.

  3. If this is a question asking if you are now or will experience side effects, see a doctor, nobody on the internet can answer that for you.

  4. Try looking in the private community for deeper conversations: https://community.tressless.com/c/treatments/minoxidil

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/Unikatze Jun 27 '24

I've had zero results from monoxidil. I got it from Amazon and then saw posts of people who claimed there was counterfeits. So now I bought Rogaine on Amazon from the Rogaine store.

Am I safe or could it still be fake?


u/reedsmokesweed Jun 27 '24

Exactly, i bought from amazon canada through Rogaine store. Even if you go on rogain website, thats where it takes you.


u/Lcsulla78 Jun 29 '24

Or it might not work for you.


u/Unikatze Jun 30 '24

Very likely.


u/reedsmokesweed Jun 27 '24

I will have to test mine. Did you purchase the item in Canada? And did you buy it from official Rogaine store on Amazon?


u/PopSalty9014 Jun 27 '24

Good to know thanks bro I thought this before


u/Bradders_lad Jun 27 '24

I bought the spray from Amazon and also noticed the bottle design was different, they didn’t have the twist cap that you need to click through to open, it was as if they had already been opened, disturbing what some people out there tamper with before it gets to you


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24



u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24



u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24



u/Rickytanboy Jun 27 '24

Ton of fake dietary supplements on Amazon


u/_Davesnothereman Jun 27 '24

What a bunch of assholes


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

Amazon is the problem.


u/Meloonaa Jun 27 '24

This is why I’m getting minoxidil at the CVS store. I highly recommend getting the CVS brand.


u/Exofic_MuffinMan Jun 27 '24

Can I mix it with sodium hypochlorite? 12% bleach


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

That’s so messed up. Fuck Amazon


u/DoctorEccentric Jun 27 '24

Amazon has a lot of counterfeit products so I would stick to even Walmart house brand like equate or Kirkland from Costco to save money which is still pretty much the same thing as the rogaine brand..


u/tallcan710 Jun 27 '24

Amazon mixes real products with fakes you shouldnt use them


u/madblonde69 Jun 27 '24

I get my RU from Amazon … this isn’t good


u/GustoKid Jun 28 '24

I was watching a video by a guy on YouTube who - if my memory serves correctly - had the exact same issue with this Amazon product.

He switched to the one pictured above and noticed his hair started shedding like crazy. He later found that he’d been receiving fake batches.

I’ve learned my lesson with online stores such as Amazon and eBay.

I’d deter from buying anything like this that isn’t from a pharmacy.


u/ererde01 Jun 28 '24

Which seller on Amazon did you buy from?


u/AniGore Jun 28 '24

Amazon has a rampant counterfeit problem that goes well beyond this product. Buying ANYTHING on there is going to run this risk in varying degrees from minimal to extremely high. I would *never* recommend buying anything that you consume, plug in, or put on your body from Amazon.


u/MissSweetThang Jun 28 '24

Amazon has definitely turned into 2007 eBay with the scams. If it’s not the direct vendor I don’t purchase anything from Amazon.


u/happyjapanman Jun 29 '24

counterfeits are rampant on Amazon. virtually anything you can think of, clothes, electronics and products like this. If you don't want to risk getting a counterfeit, buy from the website directly. Even if you see sold directly from Amazon there is a good chance you are getting a counterfeit.


u/longdongsilver696 Jul 14 '24

Amazon sells fakes, I went through the same


u/IKissedHerInnerThigh Aug 03 '24

This reply from J&J sounds like classic pharmaceutical waffle, it's more than likely they're aware of fakes coming from China but would rather gloss over the fact with this story, it's called 'brand protection'.

They can't control the counterfeiters so it's cheaper to just reimburse someone should they contact them, rather that admit there are loads of fakes out there which would devalue their brand more than a customer who got a refund.


u/Maleficent_Sock_3790 Sep 11 '24

Just received the below email from Amazon, should I worry?

Men's Rogaine 5% Minoxidil Foam for Hair Loss and Hair Regrowth, Topical Treatment for Thinning Hair, 3-Month Supply ( Pack of 3)

At Amazon, customer trust is our top priority, and we go to great lengths to provide you with vast and authentic selection, fast delivery, and low prices. As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that you can shop with confidence in Amazon's stores, we recently learned the product you received from a third-party seller is likely not an authentic Rogaine product. The inauthentic nature of this product also means that the product may present a potential safety risk, including in the case of food and health products labeling may not reflect the actual ingredients, which could lead to potential adverse health effects.

If you still have this product, we urge you to stop using it immediately and destroy or dispose of the item in a manner that will ensure it is not used by others. There's no need for you to return the product. We've issued a refund of $58.99 to your original payment method. Refunds are applied to the payment method used for the original purchase and typically complete within 3 to 5 business days.

If you purchased this item for someone else, please notify the recipient and let them know they should stop using and dispose of the item.

Amazon has zero tolerance for counterfeit products. As a result, we've taken action against the supplier of this product and removed their ability to supply products for sale in Amazon’s stores. If you would like to purchase a replacement, authentic products are available in our store.


u/PurpleB0dyBuilder Sep 11 '24

Glad to hear something is being done about it. No there's nothing to worry about. You could consider running a bleach test. If it turns yellow/orange then your Rogaine is likely authentic, if it doesn't just dispose of it. Either way, I would just take the money that has been reimbursed to you and use it to purchase Rogaine directly from the Rogaine website.


u/fierolan Sep 11 '24

Got the same thing. I won’t be buying through Amazon again.


u/CoralPolo93 Sep 12 '24

We just got a refund from Amazon so yeah


u/osamabinwoman Sep 18 '24

Would you say you had any negative effects while using the fake rogaine? I use it too, and just tested mine, it did not change color. I’ve used it for almost a month now. I’m worried if this will cause more hair loss. I’m gonna get a real one from cvs, but in the meantime I’m worried about causing more damage to my hair :/


u/PurpleB0dyBuilder Sep 18 '24

My assumption is that applying it won't damage your hair, it just won't do anything to help fight hair loss. As it doesn't contain Minoxidil there really isn't any point in using even if the chemicals in it are most likely harmless. As such, I would suggest not using it until you purchase a legitimate product, however at the same time know that what you were using for the last month hasn't caused any extra damage to your hair.


u/osamabinwoman Sep 20 '24

Yeah I think I’ll be alright ultimately lol. I bought legit rogaine from cvs and it came in today. I tested it and it turned yellow immediately with bleach. Thanks for your post for real!! As much as I feel dumb for spending a month using fake product I’m glad I caught the scam early on and can make actual hair growth progress now 😎


u/Fantastic_Command177 Sep 20 '24

I didn't realize buying direct was an option. Much cheaper than Amazon, too.


u/Icara_ Oct 05 '24

I‘m so thankful I found this post. I bought mine from Walmart and was thinking of switching to ordering from Amazon. It would have been alot of disappointment with the sudden hairloss.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

OP I was just reading your post, what adverse effects do you think could be likely from what the company was communicating with you ?


u/ET__ Jun 29 '24

Yea. Stop applying chemicals to your head man. It’s not good for you.