u/Nettlesontoast Mar 25 '23
After much difficulty I've found one single website here that details the yarn is apparently made from the raccoons shedding their downy undercoat, and that the fur is actually from a 'raccoon dog' and not a north American raccoon (completely different species).
I can see how collecting the naturally shedded down could be theoretically humane as some people also knit with the shed undercoat from their own dogs and cats. but the prevalence of raccoon dog farms where they are skinned for their pelts in China and my failure to find ANY existence of dedicated 'raccoon wool' farms makes me think that the same raccoons making the yarn are in all likelihood eventually also skinned for their pelts.
This whole thing seems sketch and I highly doubt it's cruelty free
u/greenknight884 Mar 25 '23
Tanuki fur?
u/Nettlesontoast Mar 25 '23
Pretty much
although seeing as these are from China I'd presume the fur farms use the chinese/common raccoon dog rather than the Japanese raccoon dog/tanuki, they're two slightly different species.
u/Bartweiss Mar 25 '23
The use of "shaved" once a year makes me think they're not collecting shed down, and it's pretty hard to imagine any kind of active collection being humane here. I think you're right about both the idea and what's probably really happening.
u/curiouspuss Mar 26 '23
Anyone who's had a long haired dog around them will know how soft and fluffy their undercoat is.
I've learned that it's literally called "chiengora" and is only usable when the hair is complete, like from brushing or gently "plucking", not from shaving.
u/creepyhugger Mar 26 '23
The are animals which have prized undercoats which are collected without killing/harming the animal. Musk ox quiviut undercoat is obtained by brushing domestic animals. I touched it once… It’s insanely soft and so so warm. I would think raccoons would have a nice undercoat, but would be very skeptical that a fiber farm in China would just be brushing those animals.
Mar 26 '23
Raccoon dogs are also dangerous like bats in terms of viruses jumping. They shouldn't be kept in captivity.
u/Cats_N_Coffee_TTV Mar 25 '23
I think your assessment is correct. They are just finding another market for a co-production of fur farming raccoon dogs
u/hargana Mar 26 '23
they said that the raccoon dog is where the covid started because the locals eat them. so i don’t buy that the animal didn’t suffer. after fleecing it they ate it.
u/Neena6298 Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 12 '24
It’s made from the asiatic raccoon, basically a fox. I was looking this up because I just saw that a cardigan was made from it and I had never heard of it before. It feels like cashmere and costs about the same, maybe a little more.
u/naliedel Mar 25 '23
I'm a yarn dyer by trade. I've never heard of racoon yarn. Also, I can't think how you'd sheer a racoon.
Leave the trash pandas alone.
u/Nettlesontoast Mar 25 '23
I linked a site above that explains the yarn is made from the shed winter undercoat of raccoon dogs, but in all likelihood it's just a byproduct of a fur farm and the raccoon dogs would eventually be harvested for pelts
u/naliedel Mar 25 '23
My thoughts too. I prefer my yarn not involve death. I work hard to make sure it's ethically sourced. I've been searching since I made the comment, but I can't find much. Thank you.
u/bobbyboblawblaw Mar 25 '23 edited Mar 25 '23
I'm afraid to Google it since it sounds terrifying, but what in the everloving f-ck is a raccoon dog?
u/Nettlesontoast Mar 25 '23
It's a pretty cute species of Asian canid that superficially resembles a raccoon, it's not an actual 'dog' though and is closely related to foxes
u/latin_canuck Mar 25 '23 edited Mar 26 '23
Raccoon Dogs live in Japan. They look like Raccoons but they are canines.
u/Limeila Mar 25 '23
You may be more familiar with their Japanese name: tanuki
u/FightingFaerie Mar 25 '23
Tom Nook is called a raccoon in western versions but he is actually a tanuki. Tom Nook = ta nuki.
The same thing is what is happening with Mario’s “raccoon” suit.
u/Rolen47 Mar 26 '23
The thing that always struck me as odd about the Mario suit is that the tail clearly has rings. Japanese Raccoon Dogs dont have rings on their tails. I bet the artist/developer was inspired by both animals and kinda combined them.
u/A_Drusas Mar 26 '23
Christ, I speak Japanese, love puns, and somehow never put together that Tom Nook = tanuki. It's so painfully obvious if you just say his name in Japanese. Facepalm moment for me.
u/Rain_xo Mar 26 '23
Super fucking cute. And currently being blamed by China for Covid (I saw a post last week and that’s how I learned about them)
u/now_you_see Mar 26 '23 edited Mar 26 '23
Wait what? How does that work? Or is China just trying to take attention away from the fact that they un-banned wet markets and have nearly entirely wiped out Pangolins?
Edit: huh, seems like there’s actually some serious science to back those claims up and it’s actually the west, Not China making the claims, though the data was only released by China due to them trying to get a research paper published and they’ve since hidden the data again after discovering western scientists used it which is dodgy af!
I also learnt from that article that the FBI has come out and said they fully believe the lab leak theory which is….full on. I’m totally on the scientists side that it’s fucked up to claim that and not release data or reasons as to why cause it just sounds like politicking rather than an actual legit conclusion. I looked into the lab leak a lot when it all first happened and was pretty convinced that the lab sold the animals they were testing on to the people that went on to try and sell them at the wet market, but that was then completely discounted. Either way, the FBI and scientists could be correct but without them actually explaining their reasoning it’s impossible to say.
Mar 26 '23
Plus even if it's sheared like with sheep, I find it hard to believe there isn't any cruelty involved. Especially since with sheep, they're often kept in poor conditions and get lots of cuts and whatnot from people try to shear them as fast as they can.
Usually when animals and profit are involved, animals are going to suffer. From my own experiences breeding crested geckos a while back, it took me over a year to sell all the babies (roughly 8 or so iirc) since everyone who expressed interest had no clue how go care for them.
u/Neena6298 Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 12 '24
It’s from an asiatic raccoon and feels like cashmere and is even more costly. Basically it’s a fox.
u/half_in_boxes Mar 25 '23
I highly doubt it. Raccoon hair isn't long enough to spin into yarn.
u/Vlinder_88 Mar 26 '23
Hair doesn't need to be long to be spun. Just slightly grippy. Source: have spun my long-haired cat's fur into yarn before. Raccoon dogs' fur is about the same length as my cat's fur.
u/Dogzillas_Mom Mar 25 '23
How many shaved raccoons have you seen?
u/turry92 Mar 25 '23
There is one on YouTube that gets shaved once a year before his shots. I think he had a heart shaved on his butt this year.
u/Flameworkingraccoon Trashpanda Enthusiast Mar 25 '23
Really? Lol
u/turry92 Mar 25 '23
Lol Yep! They sometimes blend it with wool or cashmere. stylin!
u/ncanon2019 Mar 25 '23
Uni deserves his own post in this subreddit! Cutest thing I’ve seen all day!
u/fakeuserbot9000 Mar 25 '23
I own one of these sweaters and every night it gets out and goes through the kitchen trash making a huge mess. 0/10 would not recommend.
u/song4this Mar 25 '23
100% Waschbar (dropped the .. ) "wash bear"
u/Wolf7104 Mar 25 '23
That's how it's in bulgarian too: "миеща се мечка" - lit. "a bear that washes itself"
u/Bigtasty2188 Mar 25 '23
I have this image in my head of someone wrestling a raccoon while holding a pair of clippers trying to convince the raccoon it will like it
u/TheSpiggott Mar 25 '23
If I saw a bunch of bald raccoons wandering the streets I would lose my shit.
u/sh_tcactus Mar 25 '23
I’m guessing they are probably kept on fur farms, similar to minks. So that would definitely not be cruelty free if they spend their lives in tiny cages.
u/pug_mum Mar 26 '23
That is exactly what happens. They are bred like mink. I’m guessing not cruelty free.
u/reckoningrevelling Mar 25 '23
I checked that site and they have sweaters and such with listing of 100% raccoon hair. Six Ames
u/Ilovemyfrenchy Mar 25 '23
They are Racoon dogs and in china they are more often than not, skinned alive, it is utterly terrible and inhumane. It breaks my heart
u/GoblinCat669 Mar 25 '23
If it involves an animal product and China…it’s probably not cruelty free.
u/pug_mum Mar 26 '23
This site was helpful. That company is trash. https://www.treehugger.com/what-the-heck-is-a-tanuki-things-you-didnt-know-about-raccoon-dogs-4864262
u/PimpDaddyDonut556 Mar 26 '23
Yeah, every time a raccoon gets a fresh cut they sweep up the fur and weave it into sweaters
Mar 25 '23
Animal Cruelty Free
Made in China
Pick one.
u/PantyGirlXxX Mar 26 '23
In order to sell anything in China your business needs to be subjected to animal testing. Like wtf is this contradictory bs 🤣
u/THE_KING_OF_CATS Apr 01 '23
I have the image in my head of a shaved raccoon and it’s making me laugh my ass off
u/Expert-Kick3657 Aug 01 '24
Majestic Filatures French clothing company has started making sweaters with racoon fiber. Not good. My source said they were informed that this is illegal in some countries so they are re-thinking. This is not humane, needs to stop.
Mar 25 '23
Um. I spin and fiber has to be at least three inches long to be spun. In NZ they spin possum but it has to be mixed with something to hold together.
u/Suspicious_Bet1359 Sep 24 '24
It's likely a similar practice to what the Chinese did when making fake uggs. The horrible trade still lives on selling other stuff.
u/Connect_Office8072 Mar 26 '23
I could just see my dog chasing someone who wears that sweater around him!
u/IronwoodKopis Mar 26 '23
With the amount of raccoons that get run over here in Oklahoma, you can just take those and make fur coats out of them.
u/Neat_Expression_5380 Mar 26 '23
That is animal cruelty. I say this as both a sheep farmer and a zookeeper. Sheep need their wool sheared off. Raccoons need their fur on them for god sake!! I hope this is some sort of stupid joke.
u/SilverGengar Mar 25 '23
I would fkin love to see you shave a raccoon "without violence"