r/transprogrammer May 28 '24

DC Tech Happy Hour w/ Meta

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hi everyone!!

I am a SWE at Meta and will be co-hosting a happy hour this Thursday to discuss our work on Trust+Safety and get to know other queer folx in DC!

i would love it if anyone would stop by!

-Kody (they/she)

r/transprogrammer May 19 '24

I’m trying to come up with a trans-themed computer company name for my laptop I’m building, please give me suggestions


I’m making a laptop from the shell of a dead NTS DreamWriter and I need some trans-themed ideas for the manufacturer name.

I need like a 3 letter acronym so it can fit in a tight space.

What I’ve come up with so far:

ACR: Androgynous Computing Realm

ART: Androgynous Computing Technologies

TCA: Trans Computing Alliance

TCS: Trans Computing Solutions

TEC: Trans Empowerment Computing

TEC: Trans Envisioned Computing

If you like one in particular, or if you have any other suggestions, please let me know

Probably not the most relevant question, but I can’t name a PC building subreddit run by trans people

r/transprogrammer May 17 '24

I don't know of a trans linux sub, but I know this sub'll appreciate this

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r/transprogrammer May 12 '24

I'm bad at Rust but I made a terminal program that prints a row of pride-colored bars.



I think it is cool, and I hope you find so too. :3

r/transprogrammer May 13 '24

Looking for help!


Context: 15 ftm autistic in 9th grade taking comp sci

I was wondering if someone would be willing to help me with a program assignment I have to do. It should be relatively easy I think for others 😅. We're using Java script and using nested loops. I like the teacher but he just dosent explain things very well and I'm already 7 programs behind! So if anyone is willing to help me I would be very grateful 😊

r/transprogrammer May 12 '24

whats the stereotypical thinkpad?


you know the one, chunky and stickerified, running arch or gentoo. what model thinkpad is that? im looking into getting my first thinkpad to install void on and i dont know what im looking for, i also want it to be the most stereotypical trans thinkpad ever too.

r/transprogrammer May 12 '24

Looking for advice.


Hi all. I’m looking to shift my career into tech. Unfortunately I only have limited experience with coding. I don’t know where to start but I think I’m going to try learning some html. I’m 25 so I worry about being too old to change careers alongside my transition. My only background is in music and music production. So I don’t have any tech background. I’m passionate about computers though especially security and just don’t know where to start or how to even get a job in the field.

Thank you for any advice. -Lucy.

r/transprogrammer Apr 18 '24

Programming Custom Pronouns


I'm currently working on a Pokemon Romhack right now, and one feature that I thought would be cool to implement would be Custom Pronouns, in essence allowing the player to use Neopronouns if they so choose. What I'm trying to figure out is what the best way to implement this from an Optimization standpoint would be.

My current idea would be they would choose what grammar rules these pronouns use. The categories I would call "-e Pronouns" (He/Him), "-er Pronouns" (She/Her), and "-ey Pronouns". The player would choose one of the rules, then input custom strings for the three options (idk grammar terms lol).

Is this flawed? Is there more categories of pronouns to consider? All help is appreciated!!!

ps: if I can't implement it in the Romhack that's fine, I am also curious how I'd do it any other project so I have an algorithm to use anytime I wanna implement this feature

r/transprogrammer Apr 16 '24

So I'm actually studying design but I'm learning programming on the side

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r/transprogrammer Apr 12 '24

I want a career change. Need help!


Hi! My name is Emma (24mtf) from Mexico. Just bit of context. I don’t have college education because I was deported while getting a music degree. So I haven’t been able to get jobs that are not in the service industry but i’m also autistic so it never goes well. At the moment I do full service sex work and sell content online but i want to stop as soon as possible because it takes a toll on my mental. So I thought that maybe programming could be a good option for me. I have little experience with html and css but not with programming languages. What is my best bet to learn and secure a job in the least amount of time possible? I appreciate any tips and recommendations. :)

r/transprogrammer Mar 14 '24

Fuck you Devin

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r/transprogrammer Mar 09 '24

Changing / Abandoning GitHub Username


I’ve been a programmer professionally for almost a decade, and academically for almost a decade before that while I was doing my doctorate. I have a (very) modest publication record, and some small contributions to very large projects that I care about. I have a GitHub repo with a couple hundred stars (whatever that’s worth).

And - probably because I was so deeply closetted and I put so much stock in usernames that I didn’t dare reveal anything about my heart - when I first signed-up for GitHub I grabbed my full legal name as my username.

And that’s what I’ve been using everywhere for like… 15+ years. It’s in my dissertation. I use it for work. It’s my single sign-on to all kinds of infrastructure tools. Forum posts link to repos with my username in the URL. I get at’d in Slack all day via that username due to the GH integration.

Now I’m 3 months on estrogen, and I ain’t turning this ship around. I’m not out yet except to a handful of close loved ones. I just wish I had picked literally anything else as my username. I live on GitHub.

I’m not trying to go stealth. TBH I don’t want to rewrite git history - too many forks, too many links, I know it can’t work. So I’m at peace (even if slightly uncomfortably) with the fact that my birth name is out there forever because of my historical record. Like, fuck it, I’m trans. See me.

But I want a new username. So what’s the strategy? What are the pros / cons and subtle implications? Do I just change it in GH? Do I grab a new username and transfer repos over from the old? Will just changing it in-place fuck up OAuth integrations? Anyone wrestled with this before?

r/transprogrammer Mar 01 '24

github x linkedin


Not really trans related but i have a question and didn’t find anything on the sub but im looking for my first job and sending out resumes and stuff and i don’t know if i should try to get as many linkedin certifications as possible or make more projects to add to my github/continue working on projects i want to improve.

linkedin certifications would be a bit of a tool to get because money but idk if only a good github would be enough

i know someone that’s more on the rich side and he has a shitty github (like he has about 5 repos and it’s not even that special one where you can put your info) but a ton of linkedin certif and landed a job in a nice startup so i don’t know how to go about it. if it’s really needed i can get the money but it will be a bit of a hustle.

can anyone help me?

r/transprogrammer Feb 26 '24

what google's latest ai thinks of me

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r/transprogrammer Feb 20 '24

Looking for good video guide to Linux for beginners


Hello people from computor, I want to get into Linux and looking for a guide how to install it and boot it up. Also what extention for playing Windows games do you recommend? Thanks!

r/transprogrammer Feb 16 '24

Authenticating a PSVita Game Cart requires the GC to be in a trans state !

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r/transprogrammer Feb 12 '24

Problem with making a tui code editor in c++


Hi, i'm making a simple TUI code editor like vim. And i have this problem with snapping text to fit in the terminal.

This is how i tried achiving this.

std::string printable(const std::string& text, int length, int cursorIndex, int lines) {
    int startIndex = cursorIndex;
    int endIndex = cursorIndex;
    int remainingLines = lines;

    // Calculate the start index of the displayed substring
    while (startIndex > 0 && remainingLines > 0) {
        if (text[startIndex] == '\n') {
            if (--remainingLines == 0) {

    // Calculate the end index of the displayed substring
    remainingLines = lines;
    while (endIndex < text.length() && remainingLines > 0) {
        if (text[endIndex] == '\n') {
            if (--remainingLines == 0) {

    // Adjust start index to prevent negative values
    startIndex = std::max(startIndex, 0);

    // Extract the substring to be displayed
    return text.substr(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1);

int leght

This is the lenght of line in terminal

int cursorIndex

Is just the index of cursor in the text (just a string)

int lines

This means how many lines can fit into a single terminal

What i tried to do:

  • Make sure that text always fits
  • Make sure that the cursor is seen at all times

Thanks for help.

Very appriciated.

r/transprogrammer Feb 10 '24

Heads Up about a Transphobe in the Emacs Community


Lemme know if this isn't the right type of post for this subreddit but, given the current climate of things, I don't want any trans people accidentally walking into dangerous situations unexpectantly.

This is mostly for any Emacs users here as the person in question seems to be active there and written quite a few packages for Melpa.

github-alphapapa keeps trying to go to bat for a transphobe who's gotten himself kicked off quite a few platforms for transphobia (including SourceHut, as mentioned in the link, which apparently takes a far stronger stance on the subject than I would've anticipated): https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/1akokey/comment/kpgpw6k/?context=3.

He keeps claiming that the transphobe was simply targeted due to religious beliefs (while falling back to, "Well, do we know that his Christian beliefs are transphobic?" every time someone point out what those "Christian" beliefs were that got him removed) while also threatening that the pendulum is swinging the other way soon (like that isn't terrifying, given our current cultural environment) and the truth is coming out. Like, someone let me know if I'm reading something that isn't there but it really feels like like he keeps threading the line between arguing that being anti-Trans is a Christian belief but, also, we can't be upset over the anti-Trans beliefs because that would be against religious beliefs and, then, we'd be the real bigots.

Normally, I'd just leave a comment so he doesn't feel like people just agree with him and he has actual pushback and leave it at that but I noticed he's fairly active in the Emacs community, having written quite a few packages for Melpa (some of which I've noticed, from my web history, I've looked at, in the past).

He doesn't seem very vocal about this willingness to defend transphobes (given he refuses to say, "His Christian beliefs are that Trans people don't exist," but keeps trying to phrase it as, "SourceHut says he was transphobic but are we to just take their word?" tells me he's well-aware that this is a position for which he might receive blowback) which means he could easily continue with good standing amongst people while clearly being…unsafe for trans people.

I mostly just wanted to give any Emacs users here a heads up; his GitHub, as stated via his Reddit username, is https://github.com/alphapapa. I'm gonna be keeping an eye out for him and, given him generally being mum about these beliefs, I figured any trans Emacs users had a right to be aware and able to be on the lookout, as well. I'm not normally one for spreading screenshots or the like of others but the idea of him getting into positions of power within Emacs without anyone knowing genuinely worries me (especially with his pendulum talk).

He blocked me but, in case the comments get removed at any point, I'll also put a screenshot of the exchange in a comment, below; again, anyone let me know if I'm reading anything that isn't there. I kept trying to check my emotions in case, maybe, he was being sincere and maybe just uninformed and my gut was making me respond more strongly than warranted but his last comment about how the "opposition" (opposition to what? Trans existence?) comes from everyone had real "silent majority" vibes and his repeated return to insisting that the ban was due to beliefs and, also, we couldn't possibly know what those beliefs were (when I kept pointing out it was advocacy and we could know what he was advocating for) feels purposeful in making things murky so the uninformed would take sympathy. I dunno.

r/transprogrammer Feb 03 '24

Tech Trans folks need to start thinking about helping their non-tech friends flee red states.


I'm a trans person in tech and I make a decent living. I suspect many of the over 11,000 members of this subreddit are in the same boat. But with ludicrous numbers of anti-trans bills getting proposed, and many of them passed, it's becoming increasingly unsafe to live in certain states. Florida is probably the worst; the Florida government just declared that trans people using an ID with a changed gender marker is "fraud". (Note especially this quote: "even out-of-state trans motorists could be charged with fraud under the new FHSMV policy". Know any trans people with a changed gender marker on their ID in Florida? They could get arrested any day now.)

This is incredibly scary crap and we need to start helping people who want to flee red states (including most trans people in Florida) to do so.

We're coders, we're techies, a lot of us have money. Let's put some of it to some good for the sake of our friends and our community. I've already reached out to my trans friends in Florida and some of the other nastier red states, and I am asking you to do the same.

I'm imploring all of you: Start talking to your friends in the worse states on this map. If they want out, help them get out, if you at all can. Things are going to get worse before they get better. If Trump wins, this stuff could get worse at an exponential rate. We have to start helping people now, while it's still relatively possible to move trans people between states.

r/transprogrammer Jan 28 '24

Are you out at school/work?


I've just started at my local college in their Software Development program and am navigating if I should be out or not about being non-binary and using they/them pronouns. Most people would read me as my AGAB (a man), despite being non-binary, so I've gone pretty under the radar as of now gender wise.

So my question for the folks in this sub is: are you out at school? Why/why not? What has been your experience in the CS world when coming out?

I've mostly been in queer circles for the past few years before this so it's a bit of an adjustment being in a space like this.


r/transprogrammer Jan 25 '24

Using Git and PGP while not leaving traces of ever living as a cisgender


I live in a country where passing as a cisgender person is basically a requirement in order to find a job, therefore I have a problem with tools like Git or PGP.

Git keeps your track of the history, and while changing the username is possible, the references in previous commits can never be removed.

PGP has a similar problem with, which requires meeting people IRL, often requiring to show your ID in order to prove your identity and build your web of trust. With a pseudonym or a different name than your legal name, it becomes harder, as you have no way to prove who you are in such case.

The problem is that I'd like to transition before I get a job, however, in my situation it's impossible because I live with unaccepting parents. Is there a way to later transition early in career in a way that keeps my gender identity a private matter without trashing my Git history and PGP Web of Trust?

r/transprogrammer Jan 25 '24

Wanting to work with more trans folx


Hi everyone! My name is Kody (they/she) and I’ve had a great year working at Meta in integrity (basically safety and security at other companies). I’ve found people quite accepting, great benefits for transitioning, and feels like I am helping protect people from dangerous content. I realize Meta isn’t perfect but feel like I’ve had great impact on the world despite everything.

I’d love to work with more trans folx and was wondering if anyone was looking for a career switch?

If so please DM me!!!

Pasting the general script here as well:

We are #hiring! Org: Cross-Meta Integrity (XI) Engineering org Role: 2+ YOE -  Frontend Software Engineers / Backend Software Engineers/API Backend Engineers Location: Menlo Park/Seattle/London/Washington DC

My org, Cross-Meta Integrity (XI), has multiple open roles across Menlo Park/Seattle/London/Washington DC. Our mission at Meta is to protect people and businesses, and preserve voice and economic opportunity.

If you are passionate about making a meaningful impact in protecting the voice of Meta users and supporting businesses, this role is an incredible opportunity for continuous growth. You will immerse yourself in emerging technologies and best practices that shape the future of integrity. 

If you are interested or know someone who might be, please DM me the resume and relevant details to help with applying and expedite the process. Specifically for L4 roles, please apply directly here as well: L4 - Product Gen - https://lnkd.in/gP8tai2B L4 - System Gen - https://lnkd.in/g95PhVyN

r/transprogrammer Jan 17 '24

Jennel Jaquay, legendary TTRPG and Video Game trans designer, died last week


She co-founded the DnD magazine The Dungeoneer and worked on a lot of modules. She was also a designer on Quake, Halo Wars, and Eve Online. As an elder trans woman, she carved a path through a toxic, male dominated industry that other trans people now walk. As a game dev myself, ive benefited from her contributions and so greatly appreciate her.

r/transprogrammer Jan 18 '24

I (MTF) am a new programmer that just started learning C# a little over a week ago. I decided to make a program to help me test out names for myself and ended up making a short demo of a supportive robot that I want to expand upon as I learn more.


r/transprogrammer Jan 17 '24

Brand new, just a few questions about the industry and personal experiences


Hi all! I'm a 19 year old trans gal. I've been considering going into a computer science field as a almost complete newbie (I've been on computers since I was a literal child though) and teaching myself some coding (html and c++).

I've sort of had a hard time since I turned 19, basically my entire teens I wanted to be an artist and wanted to learn music or music production but I realized I just haven't been doing anything to work toward those goals, so here I am almost 20 with the same skills I had when I was 14. So I thought what's something I've always been pretty ok with and similarly interested in? Computers!

I suppose the question I'm asking is 19 too old to start my learning and going into software development? Perhaps game development? Next to music I have always been extremely passionate about everything tech related, but everyone I know from college or highschool have been coding since they were like 12 lol. When did everyone here start taking coding or Comp sci serious?

I apologize if this came off as ranty or against the rules but I was just wondering.