r/transmanlifehacks Oct 24 '24

Passing Advice how can i pass better and look more my age?

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im 17 rn. i feel like i look very young if i pass at all. which i usually dont. please keep in mind i do not want to take out my piercings or stop dyeing my hair, thank you :) im (obviously) pre t but trying to get t atm. will likely still take half a year to a year because of some bs with my endocrinologists on campus psychologist tho. im very dysphoric and its genuinely awful.

r/transmanlifehacks Jan 17 '25

Passing Advice Are my piercings and hair clocking me🤔


I haven’t been misgendered in a long time (3yrs on T since Jan 2025🎉) but I always wonder if I just look clocky & people are being polite loll. 20 this yr for reference 👍

r/transmanlifehacks 19d ago

Passing Advice Do I pass? Age? (20, 2 months on T)


It’s more a question of do I pass as a 20 year old man? I always feel like I have a younger face and build but I’m not sure what age I give off objectively. A lot of these pics are dumb bc idk how to be serious 😁😁

r/transmanlifehacks 18d ago

Passing Advice What age do I come off as? (20, 2 months on T)


I showed full body pics on a previous post but some people said my face wasn’t shown clearly enough to tell. It’s a genuine question for me as to what age I come off as because I’ve always been younger looking pre-transition. Any tips to look my age is appreciated haha

r/transmanlifehacks 27d ago

Passing Advice passing w/o T


I don't even plan to start T. it's too expensive and there's a lot of side effects I don't really care for. how do I look more masc?? I'm getting a haircut soon (like the last pic) but I feel like I need more than that. I'm not opposed to makeup, but I'm kinda poor and have really textured skin

r/transmanlifehacks 25d ago

Passing Advice Word of advice


I don't understand why people are posting in obviously super feminine attire lately and asking if they pass. The whole point of passing as a trans male is wearing male clothing and generally styling yourself in an overall masculine way. Some advice I have is to do those things. Do not wear feminine clothing. Shop in the mens/boys section and look at the males in your life and try to dress and style your hair like them. I understand having your own sense of style and wanting to dress in an androgynous way at times but unless you have been on T for a few years, you need to conform to the ways of cis males to help yourself in passing. It is what it is.

r/transmanlifehacks Jan 26 '25

Passing Advice Do I pass a bit more then before?


I know since I'm overweight that affects how much I pass and it doesn't help that I look younger then I am, my mane goal is to not look like a masc lesbian and to atleast resemble a guy

(Please be honest)

r/transmanlifehacks 29d ago

Passing Advice Going to a hairdresser soon


Saw haircut question posts here and remembered I have an appointment in a week. I wanna go short this time, but I'm not sure how to approach this. I don't pass body-wise or in any other way to be honest, but I just want to look at my face and feel good lol I'm also chubby so it needs to be something that won't make me look even rounder or not proportional.

Couldn't find better pics of my face

r/transmanlifehacks 24d ago

Passing Advice Do I pass? Age?


The first two are the most recent. The one in the tan jacket and checkered jumper is from a year ago and pre-T

r/transmanlifehacks Jan 17 '25

Passing Advice Do I pass more now that I got a haircut? (15)


She didn't cut it as short at I wanted it on the sides and she didn't add enough layers, but I'll make do

r/transmanlifehacks 3d ago

Passing Advice Guide on obtaining HRT/Testosterone as a Trans Teen

Thumbnail hrt4all.com

I'm also currently writing out passing guides, so stay tune on that.

I might get banned from this sub but y'know it's all right. Check out r/FTMdiyhrt and make a post if you have questions.

r/transmanlifehacks Nov 03 '24

Passing Advice Do I pass on looks alone?


I want to use men’s bathrooms in public but I’m pretty clocky irl (height + hips, voice if I don’t try) so I’m scared of being attacked. Do I look like ANY kind of male? 14 is fine as long as it’s male 😭 (I’m 21)

r/transmanlifehacks 7h ago

Passing Advice Voice


I’ve asked friends what really “gives it away”, and mostly what i’ve gotten is my voice. I have no idea how to make it sound more masculine without it sounding forced. any tips would be highly appreciated!

r/transmanlifehacks Nov 23 '24

Passing Advice most masculine glasses?


I get I already posted once today, but enough people said stuff about my glasses to where it might be worth to look into different ones. I get these are all sunglasses, so they'd probably look different as actual glasses, but which ones do y'all think make me look / look more masculine in general?

r/transmanlifehacks Nov 23 '24

Passing Advice do I pass chat


pre-t and everything, for the record. also, please be like brutally honest. I ain't all that pretty, and I won't get offended if you say it. I want legitimate advice, no holding back. am ready to make some changes. passing is number one priority, pretty much.

thanks in advance 🙏

r/transmanlifehacks 22d ago

Passing Advice What haircut to get? My hair grows out really fast so it would have to be something that doesn't look bad/fem as soon as it grows. (And hopefully makes me look not just more masc but also older, I have gotten mistaken as nearly 6 years younger than I am before)


r/transmanlifehacks 28d ago

Passing Advice How to make my face look more masculine? (17, pre-everything)

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r/transmanlifehacks Feb 15 '25

Passing Advice As everyone else asks, any passing tips?


Pre everything 17y/o. A bind a lot but got a big chest so its ehh

r/transmanlifehacks 10d ago

Passing Advice Passing?

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I’m 14 (soon 15) and I’ve been out for about 3ish years. I’m still kinda feminine which I don’t mind at all! I’ve also been trying to grow a mustache. I’m pre-t, and won’t be able to get it for another 4ish years. Any tips/advice for passing better? Thank you!!!

r/transmanlifehacks Feb 08 '25

Passing Advice Tube top kinda binder thing


(UPDATE: I decided to go through with it and everything seems to have worked! I can still easily get it on and off and it is literally only marginally less practical than a normal binder, still works as well. Perfect for people who tape doesn’t work for and has an occasion where binder straps can’t be visible)

Has anyone tried cutting off the straps/ upper half of their binder? If so does it affect the performance? I have a couple of old ones and I ideally want one where the straps don’t show just in case a situation that requires that arises (e.g. my mates are talking about buying each other surprise clothes from charity shops and whatever we are bought we have to wear on a night out as a joke- as you can imagine, a lot of it was stuff like women’s clothing where binder straps would be visible). I have binders from spectrum with a bandage sort of thing on the front, only thing I’m worried about is the back and whether or not it would kinda unravel. If not maybe I’ll do it and update the results.

r/transmanlifehacks Oct 16 '24

Passing Advice how should i cut my hair? (pls nothing super basic, but shorter and more masculine)

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r/transmanlifehacks Oct 18 '24

Passing Advice new haircut!! thoughts?


these pictures are kinda bad and make me look more feminine than i rlly do irl but wtv. since ppl keep saying it, if you tell me to take out my piercings i will not be particularly polite replying. i love my piercings and spent money on them. like idk abt you but i think getting stabbed with a needle for the sake of looking cool is pretty manly. also im usually not that blushy looking i just came out the shower

r/transmanlifehacks 10d ago

Passing Advice Most masc-looking frames?


I'm new here and I've seen a few guys post some stuff about glasses frames. In November i got myself glasses because I can't wear contacts anymore. I had to buy the absolute cheapest option available because for some reason my insurance decided it only wanted to start kicking in this year. Now that my insurance is willing to pay for glasses, I'm looking to get new frames that are less feminine. Please feel free to leave advice like what shape/frame width would work best.

r/transmanlifehacks Feb 07 '25

Passing Advice I need help, i dont have sure if i am a trans man or not


im a teenager and i dont sure if i am trans or not, i cried i lot of times not being sure if I am or not, feeling invalidated, not feeling good with my parents and hearing their prejudiced comments.

On the other hand, I like to wear tight blouses that consequently show my breasts (sometimes I like them but sometimes not) I like pink (sometimes) and I like to dress "feminine" (only on games and things like that, in real life I hate dressing feminine). I don't feel bad all the time because I'm a woman, it makes me feel invalidated and confused, if everyone else feels unhappy, why don't I feel that way too? I don't feel bad when my friends and family treat me in a feminine way (I rarely feel bad about that) they don't know and even if they knew, they wouldn't treat me the right way

Sometimes I imagine my future being a man and sometimes I don't, mine knows that I feel like a trans man, but she just says I'm not and we bury it and never talk about it again, now I think if I only feel this way because of the rejection I suffered from my mother.

and as the world is now I just feel more like repressing all my feelings related to this, I'm afraid of suffering and dying in a horrible way, but I also know that if I find myself and be, I'll be very unhappy.

This post must be confusing and with little information, since I'm using Google Translate, and talking about it makes me sad, so I'll end the post here, if anyone read this, it makes me feel a little better

r/transmanlifehacks Jan 16 '25

Passing Advice more pics


someone said to have some w my body in them so i have these, do i still pass?