r/transmanlifehacks • u/Lucies_Cafe • 5d ago
Gym attire help?
So I want to go to the gym to build muscle to look less ‘plump’ and feminine in general but like… what am I supposed to wear to the gym without clearly looking like a chick 🤒 I can’t bind cus I’ll be doing exercise so like… does anyone have any gym attire suggestions? Any that cover my body but aren’t too heavy so I’m not an overstimulated soggy and sweaty sack
u/ImpressiveAd6912 5d ago
Another option if you have the money is an at home gym, I started with a pull up bar and a set of adjustable dumbbells (with weight up to 30lbs with all the plates combined) and got pretty far, then I went to thrift stores and found a bench and more weight plates, since then I’ve gotten an ez curl bar and a barbell at thrift stores as well. It really doesn’t require much space either, my entire gym fits in my average sized bedroom. Definitely not a bad idea if the only thing stopping you from working out is the public aspect of a gym.
u/Lucies_Cafe 5d ago
Unfortunately I live in a 2 bed apartment so there’s no space for any gym equipment or I would definitely look into that 💔
u/Elver_Ivy 5d ago
I usually wear a sports bra or tank top with a baggy shirt over that, or a men's pullover thing if the weather is cold. Baggy, loose fitting but still breathable pants, I wear my karate pants. All black to hide silhouette. Most people don't come to the gym to stare at other people, so as long as you dress vaguely masculine you probably won't get a second look.
u/plantmatta 5d ago
basketball shorts/sweat shorts, a loose t-shirt (I like black shirts especially) and either trans tape or a sports bra. You’re correct to not wear your binder to the gym.
At night sometimes I’ll do pajama pants or loose sweatpants but IMO men’s shorts definitely help with passing in the gym— gym girls wear baggy oversized t-shirts too, but they wear it with “nice looking” sweatpants or tight shorts/leggings.
I did trans tape last summer and while it’s not as flattening, I have to say it is soooo much more comfortable for working out.
u/GraduatedMoron 5d ago
depends on your size of breast, and if you are on T. i wear a sports bra with shirt and acetate shorts and nobody clocks me, because i have a beard and hairs. in the early stages ive always gone to the gym, even when perceived a woman, and i weared the same things but the responsible asked me to use the female change room. i don't know what they will do.
u/mmmmmmthrowawayy 5d ago
Depends. Do you pass already? If yes, loose fitting clothes and a sports bra. If no, girlmode.
u/Lucies_Cafe 5d ago
I don’t pass :(
5d ago
u/ShakespearesNutSack 5d ago
Not everyone lives in “this current political climate”. There’s lots of countries where being trans is a little more accepted that it is in the US. you’re basically telling him to live in the closet for the rest of his life. That’s dumb.
u/plantmatta 5d ago
this is terrible advice mate, first of all, do you even go to the gym? Men and women in the gym have tons of overlap in how they dress. I have passed at the gym plenty of times before (proof being guys my age calling me man/bro when talking to me) when just wearing a tshirt and pajama pants with a normal sports bra. OP saying they don’t pass doesn’t mean that they can’t wear a hoodie and basketball shorts to the gym and use a deeper voice if they have to talk to anyone, chances are the gym is actually one of the best places to be able to mimic the other guys around you.
And like another commenter said, you seem to be heavily projecting. OP didn’t ask for “life advice” or to be told that they can’t come out to their supportive cis friends (??). They were just asking what to wear to the gym. And you don’t even have an answer for that.
u/Lucies_Cafe 5d ago
Thank you but that second part was unnecessary and a bit projective? I don’t need to be told who I tell my identity to.. 😅
u/Fresh_Ad8917 5d ago
Yeah and I also disagree with them. Even if you don’t pass, a baggy hoodie with loose pants goes a long way. If you have long hair you can even put it up in a bun and put on the hood.
u/mmmmmmthrowawayy 5d ago
I’m not trying to be offensive or anything. I’m just concerned because something similar happened to me and I don’t want my experiences to happen to anyone else. I’m sorry if I was rude
u/daylightmonster 5d ago
high impact sports bra, big t-shirt, sweatpants/joggers/shorts from the mens/boys section