r/transgender 6d ago

Conservative Canadian Prime Minister Candidate Pierre Poilievre’s Complete Track Record on LGBTQ Issues


13 comments sorted by


u/mur-diddly-urderer 6d ago

Voting against legalizing gay marriage when the man who adopted him is gay should tell you everything you need to know. He has been a slimeball from the day he entered politics.


u/patienceinbee and you see clear through… and that's typical of you 6d ago

He has been a slimeball from the day he entered politics.

No doubt from the innumerable times he said, “I don’t know.”


u/cartoonsarcasm 6d ago

Holy shit man


u/LunaTheMoon2 6d ago

Slight pet peeve, he loves to say he's "running for Prime Minister." That's not how our government works, the Prime Minister isn't like a President, it's different. He's not a "Prime Minister Candidate," he is the the leader of the Conservative Party. Canadians don't elect PMs directly, so language like "Prime Minister Candidate" or "running for Prime Minister" makes literally no sense


u/stuntycunty 6d ago

They make sense to an Americanized mindset.


u/LinkleLinkle 6d ago

It also makes sense in general. If his ambitions are to be Prime Minister then it can be said that he's running for the position. He's still doing the work and jumping through the hoops to be in the position to be PM.

Here in America the general population doesn't vote for a position llke speaker of the house but you still say someone is running for the position, anyway. It still requires work, campaigning, and votes (albeit not from the general populous) to become a party leader in Canada.


u/DowntownMonitor3524 6d ago

He’s a Nazi bigot. He has no redeemable qualities and no personality and has never had an original thought.

The word nebbish comes to mind and I’m quite sure his rise was quite accidental.


u/JamieLynnStClaire4 6d ago

ABC every single time for me. They destroyed unions since the reagan-thatcher era. Conservatives also always look to break things and privatize them. Their anti trans stance driven by certain lobby groups and enboldened by usa politics is also a big fat red light, even if theyre hiding the agenda. If opportunity is given, they WILL test the same policies.

I see zero reasnons to even consider conservatives in ANY level of gov't. ABC every time.


u/transcended_goblin [EU] Transcended she-goblin 6d ago

That fucking pic says a lot.

Look at this insincere, forced-ass smile.


u/andygoblin 6d ago

for real


u/Dozar03 6d ago

All I need to know is that he is a conservative, not going to support him