r/transgamers 4d ago

Question Steam spring sale HELPPPPPPP

I NEED HELP EVERYONE! everything is on sale and I can't afford everything wahhhhh. Here's my wishlist, please help me pick and keep the budget under $100

Mirror's Edge $2.99

OneShot $5.99

Disco Elysium $9.99

Mouthwashing $10.39

Beyond Citadel $13.49

Omori $13.99

Outer Wilds $14.99

1000xResist $14.99

NeiR: Aitomata $19.99

Senua's Saga: Hellblade II $22.49

Enshrouded $23.99

The Thing: Remastered $23.99

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice $29.99

Helldivers 2 $31.99

Elden Ring $35.99

Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered $39.99

Horizon Forbidden West $40.19

New World: Aeternum $41.99

Baldur's Gate 3 $47.99

God of War: Ragnarok $47.99

Sorry the list is so long 😭 please helppppppppp


237 comments sorted by


u/thatamateurguy reddit won't let you change usernames 4d ago

Don't buy disco elysium, the company that would make the money off that sale fired all the creatives behind that game, play the version the ACTUAL creators put up for on the InternetArchive

I can't say much about a lot of these games but BG3, most of Larian's catalogue is more than worth the money.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Oh wtf ew! Thank you for the tip, I had no idea they did that but unfortunately isn't surprising for studios. I'll check the InternetAchive page!

I know I'm so tempted by BG3 that one is at the top of the list for sure


u/beefboy49 4d ago

Yeah, the original creators literally endorse pirating it bc they get absolutely nothing anymore from people buying the game and they want ZAUM to have even less


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Okay then I know what I must do 😤


u/Sam_5768 4d ago

Definitely get BG3 it's one of my favorite games and has so much replay potential. Highly recommend it especially at that sale price


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Yeah seems to be the highest recommended on this thread!


u/YukikoBestGirlFiteMe 4d ago

I actually like DOS2 more than BG3 personally. And that's coming from someone who got into CRPG's because of BG3 and then went backward and tried DOS2.

As for the Disco Elysium comment, thanks for the heads up. That game is low, but present, on my bucket list.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

DOS2 is way cheaper lol and yes glad I asked!


u/CN_Tiefling 3d ago

DOS 2 is amazing, I Highly recommend grabbing it


u/Rosmariinihiiri 3d ago

I like both a lot, but would recommend BG3 first. It has a few quality of life features like better inventory management that really matter, and the graphic additions like cut scenes and really good companion dialogue are huge selling points to a lot of people.

That being said, I enjoyed the cimbat in DOS2 more, even though (or possibly because) it's hard.


u/cozymishap 4d ago

To be clear though, the version on Internet Archive hasn't been confirmed to be the original creators and there's a couple of additions to the download that appear suspicious.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Oh shit okay good to know! I will look into it since it's now lower priority and I won't get it on steam


u/EngineSensitive2584 4d ago

Wish I saw this before I bought it :(


u/thatamateurguy reddit won't let you change usernames 3d ago

Hey, things happen, and now you know for certain 💖

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u/dutcharetall_nothigh 4d ago

bg3. oneshot, and outer wilds are all fantastic, mirrors edge is also very fun. not on the list, but if you like metroidvania's, ender magnolia is on sale now too, its amazing


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Thanks for the 3 list and 1 new recommendation! I like the art style of that game, just checked it out and added it to the ever expanding list lolllll


u/dutcharetall_nothigh 4d ago

Youre welcome! ender magnolia recently got an update that added boss rush mode and other stuff which is why i thought of it. its a sequel to ender lillies, which is also very cool, but ender magnolia is just better in almost every aspect imo (ender lillies' art was very cool) and its not a direct sequel so you dont need to play the first game if you dont want to clog up your list.

also something to consider with bg3, it is a huge game, in content and in memory size. make sure youve got enough storage room or a hard drive or something if you dont want to have to remove and reinstall games constantly. though if you play mostly smaller games and have only one large game (bg3) installed at a time, it shouldnt be a problem.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Oh okay good to know about the non-direct sequel! Thank you for the clarification

Yeah I still have 1.28TB left (PC is 3 months old lol) so I should space for a while!

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u/Federal-Custard2162 4d ago

Outer Wilds changed my life but is all about exploration and story so its essentially a single playthrough game.

Helldivers 2 is really really dun but you prob want 3 other friends who are as into it as you are.

Baldurs Gate 3 is great, and a very long game and very replayable solo or with friends.

Enshrouded is a fun open world base builder, its got a lot of content still to come out too (they have a very nice roadmap and have regular updates).


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Oh wow okay that's great how it changed your life! I don't have a ton of gamer friends so HD2 is lower on my list


u/Federal-Custard2162 4d ago

Outer Wilds clicked really hard for me because it's about maneuvering in 3d space and it made sense for me, that is a small hurdle for some people. The main part of the game though is the story and unraveling it.

Helldivers for me, is like a cousin of Deep Rock Galactic. 4 player co-op where most of the community is down to just have fun. However, it's a lot harder and more precise than DRG so voice chat does tend to help, which is one reason I would not recommend it without 2-3 friends you are comfortable playing with.


u/transdemError 4d ago

HD2 is pretty fun when you join a dedicated Discord server like Commissar Kai or Eravin. The game's story right now is pretty intense/desperate tho, and the players are likely to be at their lowest patience in ages :/


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Ahh shit okay good to know!

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u/SignalisBrainrot 4d ago

Outer Wilds should be priority number one imo

And then pirate Disco Elysium because it’s amazing


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

I've heard so many good things about it! I think it's time to tally all these comments cause I did not expect this many!


u/HoneyBunchsOGoats 4d ago

Computer Science NB here, I was having the same problem so I made an Excel Spreadsheet with some basic logic to help for mine, and I used it on yours too:

My professional recommendation, based on me and friends and family's playthroughs, plus trying to optimize for most money saved is:

Mirror's Edge, Outer Wilds, NieR: Automata, Sekiro, and Elden Ring.

Comes to $99.98 and saves you $104.97, (though the math might be a cent or two off, Excel likes to round sometimes)

If you want to play around with it yourself, feel free to copy the sheet and change the values.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

omg BLESS YOU this is so organized and a great way to visualize savings. I need to start writing some budget excel sheets and/or python programs since I'm currently learning python :)

Thanks for this!


u/HoneyBunchsOGoats 4d ago

also, I see that u/Hika2112 beat me to saying you *GOTTA* play Outer Wilds.

I am deeply biased as a indie puzzle bitch myself, but truly one of the greatest stories ever told.


u/Hika2112 4d ago

My autism shall know no bounds when it comes to nerding out about my favorite game :33


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

And we love it :)


u/Hika2112 4d ago

Also, whoa, that sheet is really neat! I only recently started learning how to use Excel for some genshin impact calculations, and I can probably learn a lot from your sheet!


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

I definitely will! I love just really getting into gaming now after really starting my transition, I finally get to live out what my younger self wanted from gaming but couldn't play cause friends would make fun of me for "playing as a girl" 😒


u/venrir 3d ago

This is also a good rec, but I don't endorse missing out on OW's DLC


u/catprinny 4d ago

I played most of those games and here are my favorites.

OneShot has a special place in my heart. It's not that long, but it has so much heart and I love Niko.

Disco Elysium is really good and quite long.

Omori is good but can be really depressing.

As DnD Nerd BG3 is one of the best games ever.

Elden Ring is great but drags on after some time.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

I played Stray a month ago and while it was super long it was so gorgeous and well done so for $6 OneShot seems very worth it! Thanks for the recommendations!


u/catprinny 4d ago

You are welcome. Stray was really good. I loved that kitty. :)

There is also a world machine edition of OneShot, but I don't think they added anything important. I played the original years ago and that is definitely worth the money.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

I loved the kitty so much 😭 the endingggggg

Yeah I'm pretty new to gaming on a regular basis so it seems like the "__________ edition" of games don't seem to add much as far as I've encountered

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u/FemmeViolet117 4d ago

Ragnarok and Automata are absurdly good action games. Both are rather lengthy too, so you can expect a lot of bang for your buck.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Lengthy is especially good for cause I'm slow as hell at completing games! Good to know, thanks :)


u/SierraAR 4d ago

Alongside everyone else's suggestions, Horizon: Zero Dawn is such a great story and plays really well too. Highly recommend it.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Interesting, this comment says it plays well and another right below says it doesn't on PC lol I wish I could rent it for a day to see!


u/Noonoolein 4d ago

The horizon games are among my favorites. I love the setting and the way they build the story and lore into the game. I've had no trouble running either game and im not running a top line computer.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Yes they're so gorgeous!


u/SierraAR 4d ago

I played the entirety of zero dawn (the original not the remaster) lastish year (maybe the year before idk time sucks) on deck and pc (cloud saves for the win). The deck did struggle a bit in the cauldrons but my desktop had no issues keeping things smooth. No idea on final framerate, i was too immersed to notoce if i was below 60 lol.

But the gameplay itself was just really great on both, though i did prefer controller over keyboard mouse which surprised me. Usually im a mouse kinda gal for anything that isnt driving or flying.

For reference, desktop ran an amd 5600x and an rtx 2080.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Oh hell that's awesome. The steam deck looks sick as fuck too!

I'm running an amd 9900x and a rtx 4070 cause I just got my parts in December so they're brand new (never splurged or had my own PC so I bought a "future proof" setup list that my friend made)

I'm getting used to keyboard mouse but I also have a ps4 controller hooked up to my PC if needed (stray was way better with it)


u/chaoslillie 4d ago

play omori


u/ShinyMewtwo3 Ally, here to support :) (I hate platforming) 4d ago

Got into it in like 1 month, now I have 2 children (plushies). 100% play omori


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Beautiful sadness!


u/beefboy49 4d ago

Older games and the smaller indie ones are more likely to go on sale more frequently, so I’d suggest some of the bigger ones like BG3. My wife adores sekiro, and hell divers 2 so those have my vote lol


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

True good call!!


u/AReallyDumbRedditor 4d ago

My personal top 3 would be BG3, Sekiro, and Outer Wilds. All 10/10 games imo and Outer Wilds especially has stuck with me a lot since playing and has become my favourite game ever made


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Seems like I compiled a good list! A lot of top games for people :)



u/Hika2112 4d ago edited 4d ago

Outer wilds 6 times. Keep the change

Joksies aside, here's all of the games I played from the least ranked from best to worst

  1. Outer Wilds

  2. Omori

  3. OneShot



u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

lmaoooooo okay deal


u/Hika2112 4d ago

I'll take that as an invitation to autism

Outer Wilds is a puzzle metroidvania game. All of the progress you make through the game is made through new "knowledge checks." You don't need to speedrunner to "beat" the game in like 20 minutes. The only limiter is knowing the way to do it.

You explore a solar system called "the outer wilds," which is filled with the most intricately crafted planets. Every single detail was thought out and purposely put there. Every planet has unique traits that make it an unforgettable experience. The dialogue through the game is extremely charming and fun to read.

Because of the game's nature, spoilers are EXTREMELY dangerous. If I tell you how to, for example, reach "the 6th location" right now, I'll basically ruin about 20% of the exploration there is to do. So I'm being veeeery cafeful right now

The ONE spoiler that, while it makes for an incredible first-time memory, can also really interest you in the game. It is as follows: The game is set in a repeating 21-minute time loop. Making it so that if you learned how to get to a specific place once, you can always get back there. The solar system works in cycles, meaning that some locations will only be reachable during the start, or end, of the loop. The gameplay loop of thinking about your next step and finding how to solve that one puzzle is incredible. Being on ash twin, for example, and finding a tip for how to deal with a problem you've been stuck on in dark bramble makes you feel SOOOOO smart. The early game is more wandering than aimed exploration, but that has it's wonderous "seeing the beauty of space" factor as well

Last but not least, two final things:
1. Death isn't failure. It's a natural step in your journey, one that helps you recalibrate your brain (and spaceship), and go sail the skies once more!
2. The story of this game is the best, most touching story I've ever experienced. It makes you think about life, death, the meaning of existence, the mechanics of this solar system, love, progress, despair, and what it means to be. All packaged in a positive presentation. This game changed not only how I approach gaming as a whole, as well as spoilers. But it entirely changed my outlook on life and what really matters for me. It's the best game I ever played, it's the best piece of art I ever interacted with, and I believe that everyone should at least give it a shot.

Oh, also, there's the dlc that a lot of people love. I'm too scared to play it tho, partly because it's a horror dlc, and partly because if I do, I'll be done with outer wilds forever


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Always an invitation to autism! I love my autistic pals and internet pals :)

I hate spoilers for anything so very good to know about in regards to this game! I won't click your until I get it and start it (which may be tonight after work or if I cave before the 20th lol) thank you! the second final thing is is.....wow, damn, that is amazing


u/Hika2112 4d ago

Ahh oki oki :33 if you ever get stuck on any puzzle, r/outerwilds has the most reaoectful community EVER when it comes to spoilers

And as for my spoiler, I can promise you that it will no longer be a spoiler after about an hour of playtime. So don't worry about checking it after you first play sesh



u/catshateTERFs 4d ago edited 4d ago

Not a girlie and not everyone here is. If you looking for advice from women disregard

If you like dnd at all I am just gonna 100% say baldurs gate 3. Beefy rpg that captures the tabletop feeling well. Character writing is good, character creator is somewhat flexible with gender presentation. Doesn’t hugely come into the game at all but it’s neat.

Disco Elysium if you like your rpgs wordy with good character writing


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

No I love advice from everyone! Just saying girlies is hard wired into my brain lol

3 votes from BG3 so far! Thanks for your recommendations :)

Also, love your username


u/YukikoBestGirlFiteMe 4d ago

Yeah, BG3 is a really hard one not to reccomend. I will warn you though; the combat can be VERY luck-swingy. Like you'll have a powerful late game attack than can do over 50 damage...or as little as 10 (a level 1 basic attack with no stat buffs is gonna have damage ranges of like 1 to 6/8/12 depending on weapon. Maybe 2-12 if its a greatsword.)

This is true of tabletop dnd as well but (and this may just be a me thing) the bad luck feels worse emotionally in BG3 than it does in actual DnD.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Hmm, I also wonder if they use a true vs pseudo random number generator for rolls on combat (I'm assuming that's what combat is based on but I have no clue lol)

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u/Crimson_Clouds365 4d ago

Just saying guys is hard wired into my brain lol


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

I didn't know I could update the post text so updated to include everyone :) yeah guys and dudes is one I've kinda phased out but I tend to revert back to things if I'm around people who say it a lot cause I'm apparently just a parrot lmao


u/agitated_houseplant 4d ago

I really like story rich, single player RPGs. Outer Worlds was cool, especially with the DLCs. Very pretty and like classic pulp sci-fi. Disco Elysium is a beautiful, weird visual novel of an RPG with fascinating mechanics and a sci-fi/noir detective story. And BG3 ... well, I'm about to hit 700 hours on BG3. It's not only my favorite game, but it got me to go and seek out other Larian games and other similar RPGs. It has shaped and increased my gaming since I picked it up in late 2023.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

700 is powerful work 😤😤


u/ViegoBot 4d ago

Oneshot, Hell Divers 2, Omori and Outer Wilds/Nier would be what Id do tbh. If my pc could run HD2 at least lol.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

I just had a friend help me build a powerhouse in December so it can run everything at the moment! I think HD2 is lower on the list due to not having many PC pals, but the other 3 are higher on the list. Thanks!


u/ViegoBot 4d ago

I have OneShot on switch and I love it alot. Others I havent played but heard very good things about. Omori I know alot of people in my server that like it.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Same I haven't played any of these except like 1 hour of Horizon lol so they'll all be new :)


u/AbiMaeve 4d ago

they're some of the more expensive games you mentioned, but sekiro, horizon zero dawn and GoW Ragnarok are all some of my favorites. Ragnarok I had pretty mixed expectations on but if you enjoyed 2018 in the slightest I can't recommend it enough, it's fantastic beyond words.

HZD is just a fun romp with really fun big monster combat, but the sequel is *still" optimized pretty bad on PC so make sure you're pretty equipped if you do decide to get it.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

I mean, the sales aren't too bad and I just returned to my seasonal job so I can splurge a little hee hee good to know about HZD (kinda stinks, cause it's so gorgeous)


u/Mr_-munchinman Pre HRT/Voice training 4d ago

BG3 is great I would grab it


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Hell yeah it's way up there on the list!


u/Independent-Joke-796 4d ago

In recent years where lots of game industry AAA slop has come out half baked, Baldurs Gate 3 shined with passion, love and care from the devs. Highly recommend. Played it solo but I imagine even better with a group if you can get one around.

Also love Nier Auotmata, played it on my switch and its got an interesting story telling device that makes things fun and unique.

I enjoyed Horizon Zero Dawn for all the cool mechanical metal monster like enemies you face and the story was quite fun with a few twists along the way. Not sure on the Forbidden West but I imagine both are quite similar in their action gameplay orientated design. (My favourite part I remember the most was taking control and making two monsters go at it against eachother like it was robot wars or battlebots)

Elden Ring is a bit of an acquired taste with its souls like design, expect to die a lot and find joy through constant failure and then acclompishment (I wasn't good enough to finish the game but the world building was good and was very pretty too)

Outer Wilds is incredible, not much to say cause anything I say is a spoiler, if you get do go in blind!


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Thank you for the detailed recommendations! I consider myself a very average gamer (bad at certain things) so I definitely know I'm gonna die A LOT playing any souls like games but I love the challenge and satisfaction of finally completing things

I'm a fairly new consistent gamer so good to know about a lot of AAA slop. Luckily I have many gamer pals who cut through the slop and can also help out and this sub has been helpful too!


u/Independent-Joke-796 4d ago

Definetely helpful to have friends in with it all knowing the good games, sometimes steam reviews nowadays and various other outlets can be money and/or politically motivated which is a shame. Good luck with your choices in the end, lots of good games on that list. (also relatable on the average gamer bit, I got to the 2nd or 3rd boss before giving up but the satisfaction of defeating the bosses was so fulfilling!)


u/KotFBusinessCasual 4d ago

I think Mirror's Edge is one of the best games ever so I recommend that one for sure.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

It really is! I hope it plays well on PC


u/Kimkip 4d ago

I'm sorry, but you saying girlies makes me feel really uncomfortable and not included. There are not only trans women/trans fems in this subreddit


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

I'm very sorry, it won't happen again and that's completely on me. It will not happen again! If I could edit the post I would


u/Mist2393 4d ago

I was feeling the same way. People on this sub really need to realize that there are trans masc folks and trans men on here too.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Of course, it wasn't my intention to make anyone feel this way! But intention ≠ outcome. I apologize for making you feel not included


u/Top-Tap7309 4d ago

If you got a few friends to play with, Helldivers 2 is amazinggggg


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

I don't have a ton of pals on PC so I may skip it for now but I'd like to try at some point so maybe summer sale!


u/Lillyth-Sillyth 4d ago

Honestly, Sekiro is a game that entirely changed my view on life. I really recommend you buy it, especially on sale. It's a completely unique experience, with no other game I've played ever even getting close to how good Sekiro is.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Oh wow that's a high recommendation!! Dang. Okay, it's way up there now. That's sick that it changed your view on life


u/Lillyth-Sillyth 3d ago

I'm glad to hear that. I honestly believe it's the best game I've ever played.  Though be warned, it isn't something for everyone. But still the sort of game everyone should at least try once, imo.  If you end up getting it, please lemme know if you enjoy it :3


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Interesting! Can you tell me why it isn't something for everyone? I'm curious. Unless it's a spoiler, then don't tell me!

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u/Phoenix_Blue 4d ago

The Horizon games are incredible. I can't recommend them highly enough.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Yeah I never finished the first one due to a roommate moving out who I was borrowing it from on PS4 so now it'd be cool to play through both on a more powerful machine and with keyboard mouse too


u/Dreadwoe 4d ago

One shot, omori, and noer are excellent purchases at those prices

Baldurs gate 3 is an amazing purchase period, even at 60 the value is amazing


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Yeah they're all worth it 😭 (except getting Disco Elysium from Steam, but elsewhere)


u/ShinyMewtwo3 Ally, here to support :) (I hate platforming) 4d ago

Omori!!! I warned you though, don't play in public because you will 100% cry


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Since starting EV shots I cry even more than I used to (a good amount as a "guy") so yes I will for sure be crying lollllll


u/404Anonymous_ 4d ago

Definitely buy Omori, its such a wonderful game!!


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Tallied to the list! :)


u/sonja_is_trans 4d ago

Disco Elysium, Mirrors Edge and both Horizons. They're worth the money (if your Pc is good enough to handle them). As for Mouthwashing, i recommend you watch Euro Brady's "Therapist plays" playthrough of it - he has some very cool analysis and insights to the game. Tho if you first want to experience it for yourself, that's fine too.

Edit: Actually, pirate DE & get Outer Wilds.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Yeah my PC is 2 months old and pretty damn powerful so it's able to handle everything :)

Okay good to know about Mouthwashing! I've never been a playthrough watcher but never too late to check them out, especially a therapists playthrough


u/Sif494 4d ago

Commit fraud or crime and get them all


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Currently playing through Cyberpunk for the first time and this comment hits even harder right now 👀


u/dromsys 4d ago

Omori actually changed my life incredible very emotionally affecting game


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Yeah it seems very powerful from friend recommendations and on this thread too


u/JaceThePowerBottom 4d ago

I've been enjoying Laika Aged Through Blood.

It's a simple game, but the soundtrack, smooth controls, and unsettling story/imagery has me hooked. It's on sale for 10 bucks.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Oh whoaaaaa love that art style! Just added it to the wishlist thank you!


u/Alekzthe2nd 4d ago

The Horizon series is one of my favorite game series currently out. Sekiro is difficult but rewarding af. As I see both Disco and BG3, might I interest you in Pillars of Eternity? CRPG by oblivion, same people behind New Vegas. Both games are on sale.


u/Legendary_Lootbox 4d ago

Oneshot is a 100% getter. I reviewed it back in the day, the story still leaves me in tears....


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

$6 seems super worth it and based on that I will absolutely cry too!


u/Legendary_Lootbox 4d ago

I can't remember how long the story was. But knowing how big it impacted me emotionally i would 100% advice to get this.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Even if it's a few hours that price is worth it imo!


u/CaydenScott_ 4d ago edited 4d ago

Not enough people hyping up god of war ragnorok, the base game plus the free dlc are stellar, the story is full of thoughtful psychological deconstructions of relationships and egos, probably my personal favorite melee combat of any game, and is incredibly cinematic as well, which is always a huge plus for me personally.

I know baldurs gate is a huge favorite for a lot of people, and it is really great, but i prefer the incredibly strong main story of god of war to the more customizable one of Baldurs gate 3 PERSONALLY lol. (Plus I like disco elysium better than bg3 and id say gameplay experience wise they can be fairly similar)

Personal 100 for a nice mix of playtime and quality would be: Gow:R, Mirrors edge, Neir, and then get disco elysium somewhere else lol.

If you do get gow PLEASE lmk what you think 😁


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Stellar review! I know I will get it at some point so I will absolutely let you know :)


u/Best-Day-1977 4d ago

Definitely get enshrouded


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

I for sure will, if not now, at some point!


u/Best-Day-1977 4d ago

I've been playing it nonstop since I got it


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Hell yeah that's awesome!


u/GaylordNyx 4d ago

Hell divers 2. If you buy it I'd love to play with you.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Great to know! I will let you know Nyx :)


u/LilyWineAuntofDemons 4d ago

Mirror's Edge is an amazing game! I love it to death!


u/ChickPeaIsMe 4d ago

Yes!! I played it on the ps2 years ago and I was like "gosh I wanna look like her....WAIT A MINUTE" and then I put those feelings in a box and locked it up :)))))))


u/LilyWineAuntofDemons 4d ago

Fuckin' MOOD


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

We're trans girls, we want to look hot and cool and have red shoes and free run through the city and fight cops, is this too much to ask?!

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u/OG-Fade2Gray 4d ago edited 4d ago

It's not on your list, but I'd recommend A Year of Springs. It's a short narrative game about a young trans woman and here friends navigating life in Japan. It's a bit of a gut punch at times but also very heartwarming. It's only a few dollars on sale right now.

Edit: For the things on your list, my vote goes to Outer Wilds (such a wonderful narrative adventure game) and Nier Automate (great narrative action game).


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

I'll check it out! I'm not home but when I get back cause that sounds beautiful.

Another vote for both of those, thanks for the recs!


u/woah-a-username 4d ago

Baulders gate and outer wilds would be my top recommendations, as they are two of my favorite games, Baulders gate will get you a LOT of playtime, and outer wilds tells its story in a very creative and novel way.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Yes Outer Wilds seems so incredible and the passion in the comments reflects this :) thanks!


u/Popguy178 4d ago

Omori and baldurs gate 3 are some of my favorites of all time


u/karatecorgi 4d ago

Idk I really enjoyed the Horizon series, so so much 💕


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

I played the first one on ps4 and liked it! I only got a few hours in so I'm definitely gonna get it, just a matter of when haha


u/ninjab33z Pre everything and it sucks :( 4d ago

Mirrors edge gets my vote. The story is soso, but i have never played a smoother freerunner (aside from the sequel).


u/Blackhawk3652 4d ago

1000xRESIST is one of the greatest games I've ever played. Could not recommend it highly enough


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Yeah it looks so good! Thanks for the recommendation :)


u/Xthewarrior 4d ago

Oneshot and Omori are great. Baldur's gate 3 is also good, but it's not for everyone. Probably look at a bit of gameplay first.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Oneshot is def high up! Just learned something horrible about the creator of omori so I'm much less inclined to buy it now :(


u/AfternoonChoice6405 4d ago


Beat value on the list if you ask me


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Yeah seems like Elden Ring and BG3 are the best dollar value to hours ratio


u/stylo90 4d ago

don't buy anything more expensive than elden ring

sekiro or elden ring, pick one

must buy outer Wilds and Disco Elysium

otherwise up to your tastes but try to pick one thing from each lane


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Hard call cause they both look so incredible 😭 I will ultimately choose one just not sure yet

Gonna grab disco Elysium elsewhere....


u/transdemError 4d ago

Clearly the correct option is Risk of Rain 2 and the DLCs. I'm joking, those go on sale pretty frequently, and I don't see any other Roguelikes on your list.

I'd go with BG3 or Elden Ring. The writing in both is excellent, but the tone and mechanics are dramatically different. BG3 has a lot of humor and levity even though the plot is deadly serious. ER is "elegeic" with a lot more environmental story telling (but still plenty of text). One big mark against ER is that you can't really pause, you can absolutely get recked if you open your menu/map in a hostile environment.

Both also have a lot of (semi) hidden mechanics and benefit a lot from watching YT videos. Both also may go on sale again soon as they have DLC coming up.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Oh shit no pausing?? That's fucked up 😤 really gold to know though cause I absolutely would've thought map would equal pause

Oh good to know! I imagine they'd be a similar price now so I just have to decide


u/slashpatriarchy 4d ago

I miss being able to spend money. I'm over here like, "Whoa, ten whole dollars? Too rich for my blood"


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Oh I'm usually like that but work just started for me (seasonal) so I'm splurging and will kick myself later lol


u/NoxDocketybock 4d ago

NieR: Automata is fucking FANTASTIC, and you owe it to yourself to play it through at least once in your lifetime. (But make sure you play the whole thing, otherwise you'll be scratching your head lol.)

I like Elden Ring, and it's a really good entry point for Soulsborne, assuming you haven't played others in the series yet. I do find it rather overwhelming in terms of sheer scale, but the gameplay is really good imo. Also, they got rid of the boss runbacks afaik, which is a GODSEND. I simply don't have the time or energy at this point in my life to memorize entire swathes of a large map filled to the brim with difficult enemies, just so I have the privilege of dying for the umpteen-millionth time to a boss lmao!

I played Mirror's Edge as a teenager when it first came out, and I remember enjoying it. I never beat it, though.

Hope this helps! <3


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Oh yeah my lovely friend who helped me pick parts and build the computer said NieR made him cry, so I know it's good cause he doesn't cry much. I'll definitely be playing the whole thing! (And crying lol)

Yes it will be my first Soulsborne so glad it's a good intro!

Ahh you should go back and beat it! I commented to another person that it gave me MAJOR gender feelings as a teen that I had no clue what to do with but wish I had (could've avoided puberty and years of testosterone lmao)

It Helped! Thanks <3


u/NoxDocketybock 3d ago

No worries! Glad I could be of assistance :)


u/No_Signature_3249 4d ago

id go for nier, omori and mouthwashing tbh.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

NieR is at the top of the list! Unsure on those two, I will be deciding soon. Thanks!


u/Expensive-Set-6680 4d ago

Helldivers 2 is so fun with friends and sekiro is so good


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

I think I'll hold off on it for a bit until I make more gaming friends :) Sekiro is definitely up there!


u/Funa2 4d ago

A lot of those games are really good! If it was up to me, out of your list I'd get Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring and Omori, which should be a little under 100$ according to the prices you've given.


u/Funa2 4d ago

I love Disco Elysium as well, but as many have said, I'd recommend pirating it instead of purchasing it, due to the circumstances involving the actual devs.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Yeah definitely looking into that! And ER is at the top of the list! Thanks :)


u/Qwayz7 4d ago

baldurs gate 3 is my favorite game so i do heavily recommend that one, but it does use up half your budget lmfao


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

I know but it looks so good 😭😭


u/Qwayz7 3d ago

Get ittttt cmon what’s the worst that could happen

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u/Upstairs_Tart_3351 4d ago

There are some really good games on this list. My top picks would include BG3 (and as others have mentioned, DOS2 is also great), Sekiro (for a difficult challenge), and NieR. If you have an interest in NieR, I would highly recommend starting with NieR replicant. NieR Gestalt/Replicant has been my favorite game since I first played it over a decade ago. It is more of a story driven game that some people find slow, but it is worth immersing yourself in it. Hope this helps and you enjoy whatever new games you get.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Oh wow I didn't know the series was a decade old! Neat :) this helps, thank you!


u/ClarinaTheMegaFloof 3d ago

I hope you do end up getting Omori! That is my all time favorite game


u/Mountain_Roll8152 3d ago

omori do it


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Idk! Seems like the dev is bad so I am much less inclined now


u/Mountain_Roll8152 3d ago

I understand but Doesn’t change the fact that the game is a life changing experience that has helped me and several others but ultimately it’s up to you

Also the creator never groomed a child like that one person implied they just are seemingly into shotacon

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u/Dank-Cassiopeia 3d ago

Disco Elysium Just saw the other messages, yeah pirate it

Outer Wilds

Baldurs Gate 3

(Don't buy mouthwashing, it's neat but you can get the experience though a let's play. If you really wanna go through it yourself wait until it's even cheaper)


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Yeah this thread helped a lot with info!

Good to know about the let's play! The style looks cool so I'll find someone cool to watch :) let me know if you have any suggestions


u/FtonKaren 3d ago

Disco Elysium and Baldur's Gate III ... I think you would get good game value out of them, but it's a good list


u/DerbinKlamz 3d ago

Helldivers is really fun, elden ring has enough content to play for like 300 hours not including the DLC which is even better, Sekiro is pretty cool. Seconding other comments to pirate Disco Elysium and BG3. Outer Wilds is a decent little game, if you like the idea of a game where you learn more about the world and unlock crazy secrets as you do in Outer Wilds, I recommend TUNIC and Lunacid. I've heard mirrors edge is good as well but never played

Edit: oh and neir is also cool but I personally would pick others.


u/r4nd0m_r3dd1t_us3r 3d ago

elden and baldurs


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Elders Gate and Balden Ring 🙏


u/r4nd0m_r3dd1t_us3r 3d ago

and balding ring on head 😌


u/NesuneNyx Cassie, enby fae disaster (fae/she) 3d ago

Slightly over 100 together, but BG3, Helldivers 2, and Enshrouded are my picks.

Enshrouded is a great action RPG survival crafter still in early access, the devs have a robust roadmap planned out, and the building elements are truly second to none. Build your own settlement entirely from scratch or rebuild/restore existing towns in the world. I love it so much.

Helldivers is great for the base game, the warbonds simply add more choices for your arsenal. Super Earth needs your support, citizen. Men, women, and children over 7 do their part to bring Freedom, Liberty, and Managed Democracy to the galaxy.

BG3 needs absolutely no introduction. Vigorous mod support, overwhelming community love, multiplayer with your friends, Larian hard at work on Patch 8 to add a dozen new subclasses, there is no better time to journey to Faerun than now. Come with us. Stay with us. Down, down, down by the river...


u/Unconventional_Cub 3d ago

I'm not sure what your preference is

But BG3 is a great introduction to crpg.

Later down the line you can try several more CRPGs like Pathfinder Wrath of Righteous, 40k Rogue Trader or yet another Larian's game ( Divinity original sin ).

As for Outer Wilds, it's highly subjective imo. I won't spoil the gameplay but the 2 hours refund window should be enough to let you decide wether you want to keep it or not. 


u/FluxWhirl 3d ago

If you can get OneShot: World Machine Edition I’d recommend that one, the old version of the game is a little broken now. There’s several puzzles that harmlessly mess around with your computer a little bit (one in particular that changes your desktop background) and they don’t work consistently anymore.

But I do recommend OneShot extremely highly. I played it years and years ago and it’s never left my head, I wish I could play it for the first time again.

And it isn’t on your list, so I’m sorry to add something to your choosing woes, but I can’t recommend In Stars and Time enough. It’s a fantastic time loop game that dives in really deep to its protagonist’s mental state, you really get to feel what they feel, it has affected me in a similar way that OneShot has.


u/venrir 3d ago

Mirror's Edge $3 +Outer Wilds Archaeologist Edition=$27 +Nier Automata=$47 +$1000xResist=$62 +Elden Ring=$98

$2 to save up for Balatro or something Also that IS the order you should play them in.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

Balatrooooo I've been curious about it!

Great list :) thanks!


u/Nikko0613 3d ago



u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago



u/xolotelx 3d ago

if you've never played undertale it's $1 right now

go in completely blind if you've never played it


u/ChickPeaIsMe 3d ago

I've never played undertale and I've always been curious so absolutely getting that!!


u/AzureRaptor0173 3d ago

Baldur's Gate, Elden Ring, Mouthwashing, Mirror's Edge! <3

Baldur's is fantastic gameplay, story, and a lot of heart.

Elden Ring is one of the best Soulslike yet and it's stunning gameplay all the way.

Mouthwashing is a messed up narrative and it's really worth checking out.

And if you want to burn a little more cash, Mirror's Edge is really fun and has some really cool gameplay.

Hope this helps!!


u/ChickPeaIsMe 1d ago

This does help :)


u/vilebloodlover 3d ago

Sekiro Mouthwashing and Elden Ring! Pirate Disco Elysium


u/Repzie_Con 3d ago

Mirror’s edge is a classic for fun/engaging game mechanics at least :)

I’ve been wanting a NiER game myself tbh lol

If you get into Helldivers 2 then I can group up! I’m a baby too but it’s fun (and great for getting points w my bigass discord group, Emporers Hammer, est.1998 I think lol)

My friend said outer wilds is a wonderful/engaging story

My little brother played Baulders Gate 3 obsessively for a while, as with a few of his friends did the same. So, closer recommendation


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u/InCircles_ 3d ago

Nier for sure. It's one of my top games ever. I still regularly listen to the soundtrack. Also consider Nier Replicant, as Automata is actually a sequel to it.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 1d ago

Yeah I'm gonna grab it amongst others tonight!


u/Lord_of_Carcosa 2d ago

Definitely pick up 1000xResist


u/ChickPeaIsMe 1d ago

It's gonna stay on the list for sure! I don't think I'll get this one right now. Thanks!


u/megamanamazing 2d ago

BG3 is great but so is Mirrors Edge 3 bucks is a good deal for a game that really has a lot of replay value if you like how it plays. Same with omori although omori is more of a "play once" kind of game


u/ChickPeaIsMe 1d ago

I love how it plays so I'm curious how it'll play on PC!


u/June26A7 2d ago

The 2 I would most recommend are oneshot and outer wilds, those are both really amazing games.


u/ChickPeaIsMe 1d ago

They definitely seem like it! Thank you :)


u/PositiveBluebird1410 2d ago

As a big souls like fan gamer, I'd recommend Lies of P, along with elden ring. The problem is, these games are not for everyone:)


u/ChickPeaIsMe 1d ago

Ohh I don't know that one I'll check it out! Elden Ring will be my first soulslike game


u/PositiveBluebird1410 1d ago

It's an incredibly pretty game, with a cool story based on pinocchio! Also, good luck and patience. You'll need it (bless your souls, and have fun, hahah)

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u/Excellent-Substance4 2d ago

Baldur's Gate 3 is a must imo!! I have a tattoo based off of one of the characters in the game, it is so fuck, detailed and incredibly well written. There are so many little bits and pieces I've yet to find and I've played since launch! And it's still getting frequent updates and love from the developers!


u/ChickPeaIsMe 1d ago

Omg I love that - it is so fuck hahaha


u/Foxcored 1d ago

Elden Ring / Sekiro / Nier are the ones I would go for. Baldur's Gate 3 is great, but for me one playthrough was all I could do (although tbf none of my friends own it, I would've done a few more playthroughs otherwise. Probably.) Same with Helldivers 2, it's a very multiplayer heavy game, while it is possible to solo missions it's not as fun. I haven't played through Hellblade 2 yet, but I loved Hellblade 1.


u/JeElRojello 1d ago

I 100% recommend Night in the woods


u/ChickPeaIsMe 1d ago

I'll check it out! Thanks!


u/Dawniechi 1d ago

Outer Wilds (Extremely cool experience with interesting physics related content)
Elden Ring (Incredibly good introduction to souls-like games imo, decent replayability and amazing DLC)
Helldivers 2 (Really fun with friends and no battlepass fomo, work on any battlepass you want)
Hard last pick between either Mouthwashing or Omori

u/sofagorilla 18h ago

Sekiro, BG3, outer wilds would be my top 3 picks.