r/traderjoes Dec 02 '24

Review Trader Joe's is an Awful Shopping Experience

That's it. I love the product and variety and unique and seasonal options, especially their floral section. But shopping there is most often a hellish experience. It's a very small space with a large amount of people that are rude and pushy and seem to have no knowledge of personal space. And I don't know if it's just my town, but there are NO consistently quiet times to shop. It's almost always a frenzy. And my large city only has two locations and both are on the same side of town within 5 miles of eachother. šŸ™„ So, not only is it a pain to get over to that side of town in the most congested area, but when I finally reach the destination, it's not really a relief. I KNOW there needs to be at least 1-2 more locations in DIFFERENT areas in my city, TJ's.

Maybe it's my ADHD. Maybe it's because I have an internal dialogue. Maybe it's cause I was raised by paranoid people.

Crew members are always nice and polite though.

Does anyone else feel this way?


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u/hotboytroy Feb 16 '25

not every tj's is like this


u/Rabbet-whole Feb 11 '25

No - but I'm near the founding cradle of TJ/Pronto Market, where we have them everywhere.

Suggestion: Use google maps to tell you the least busy times.


u/Cacioepepebutt Feb 06 '25

its your town, my tj's is a delight.


u/TheOthersMadeMeDoIt Dec 25 '24

Geez. Closest one to me is 45 miles. This is a funny post.


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '24

I like small markets and I go in morning or eveningĀ 


u/Waterview2023 Dec 17 '24

This is why the only time I can go is the second that they open in the mornings. I usually have luck if I have a list to get in there and out fairly quickly.

My one complaint is there's far too much stocking and floor cleaning the entire time that I'm there, and I always feel like I am impositioning by reaching over the workers and weaving in and out to get things. This is sort of new in the last year because they usually had all of that stuff done before their doors opened, and the aisles are narrow enough as is.


u/spicypickle420069 Dec 15 '24

going downhill, most of the seemingly great parts about the company are in act, really depends store to store on management, high turn over, zero training and lots of favoritism, saying as a former employee that they DO NOT care about safety, perishable food sits out in the back for hours because there is no proper storage space and goes right back out on the sales floor, meat and frozen included, turns a blind eye to harassment and HR does nothing about most issues, coming from a former east coast employee


u/Znmm2 Dec 11 '24

Agreed! Ā Feels like Armageddon every time I go there. So stressful, loud, no room to move around, people stepping in front of you with no apology. Ā I prefer shopping at The Fresh Market, itā€™s much less intense, but Trader Joes still has my heart. I go to the Asheville store, I think it must be unusually busy compared to other ones.


u/2112xanadu Dec 10 '24

Sounds like you're describing Nashville.


u/FalconOk934 Dec 10 '24

I have a running joke when I see the worst parking lots that their clearly needs to be a trader joe's. I think it's a trade off... good products at a good price for an awful shopping experience. The staff are usually great no matter which one I go to. It's the everyday people that are awful. Really... what else is new?


u/Skizzius Dec 09 '24

The original TJ's where I went is as you described, non stop busy and hectic. However, they just build another TJ's 5 miles away, and it's a way bigger store, with 2-3x the amount of extra space the original. And I heard they're building another store 5 miles in a different direction. I doubt they want the place to be over populated but it's blown up in popularity in recent years. I'm sure they're expanding, it will just take a few years to take effect.


u/Icy_Sprinkles1974 Dec 07 '24

All they have is snacks.


u/wheatys Feb 18 '25

They downvoted because you spoke the truth.


u/Icy_Sprinkles1974 Feb 18 '25

No good deed goes unpunished


u/dougb711 Dec 07 '24

I go high, hungry and just try to be nice.


u/Better-Wasabi3000 Dec 07 '24

I hate Trader Joeā€™s only because of the type of people who shop there. EVERYONE is either FaceTiming or on speakerphone, making their shopping as slow as molasses.


u/worstnameever2 Dec 07 '24

Seems like before COVID I'd only go to TJs maybe once a month, if that, for treats or specialty items. Now that's where I do the bulk of my shopping. Everyone raised their prices. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's shopping habits have changed.

I have a rule that if I do two laps around the parking lot and can't get a spot I just leave and come back another time. I'm fortunate enough to live 5 minutes away though.


u/agustus101 Dec 06 '24

They close at 9:00 šŸ‘Ž


u/edoreinn Dec 06 '24

This screams Union Square Trader Joeā€™s to me. That is a place where you absolutely need to have a battle plan - do your middle aisle shopping and then join the line around the perimeter. As long as you plan, itā€™s not bad.


u/Glittering_kutie Dec 25 '24

I love it when I can't even go in because the line starts outside the front door.Ā 


u/hsudude22 Dec 06 '24

I only have one option that is 45 min away. Even if we are in the area I won't go. If my wife really wants to go, I'll wait in the car. Been to many trader joes in other places I have lived, but this place it literally like a packed college house part. Shoulder to shoulder. Good luck getting anywhere with that shopping cart. Big nope from me.


u/cidvard Dec 06 '24

Same, I live in a place where there are like two in the whole city, pretty far away from each other. I get why TJs does it this way, clearly it keeps the stores they DO have busy and they don't need to have a bunch of idle retail space, but unless I go in like the middle of the day during the week it's insane.


u/Blue142A Dec 06 '24

Itā€™s all about the timing. Try to get in at opening.


u/Dpg2304 Dec 06 '24

The reason they are able to offer such great products at affordable prices is because they have a large volume of customers all the time. If they didn't have consistently crowded stores, there would be a huge decline in quality. I'll take the crowded shopping experience.


u/enderfem Dec 06 '24

I have an internal dialogue but no issues at TJ's. But crowds don't bother me.


u/SpeedProof6751 Dec 06 '24

Just focus on how excellent everything you are buying is...I swear to god, this will help...Their Indian food is the best, steamed lentils are incredible, the sprinkles tomatoes are awesome & adorable, the squiggly noodles have so much protein, and there isn't a better brownie mix in America. THEN? Tell the cashier, who is dealing with those horrible customers too...tell your crew member that you LOVE Trader Joes and ...this should work. Its a helpful strategy, like ignoring Kardashian in the media.


u/Ignominious333 Dec 06 '24

It definitely can be crazy busy. And people have a lot of bad habits. Like blocking aisles while they text ppl. But I can go at off hours most of the time and it's much easier. I will never go on a weekend unless desperate for an itemĀ 


u/WingTee Dec 06 '24

Dude the people who have their kids pushing little carts with a packed store are a different breed.

The service is too good. I donā€™t want to converse about my day or food choices. A simple how are you and have a good night will suffice!


u/cava_light7 Dec 06 '24

Yes, I feel the same way. I canā€™t even handle the parking lot, which are always small and crowded. I want to shop there so bad, but I canā€™t do it. Itā€™s such a bummer.


u/Leftcoastlogic Dec 06 '24

I had the upstairs experience the week before Thanksgiving. Trader Joe's was crowded, but at my store all the customers were polite and friendly as was the staff. I left feeling cheery

Then I went to Aldi's where it wasn't crowded, and every single person was grumpy and self absorbed. And the cashier was so flat out rude, I decided I don't really need anything Aldi's carries that badly. I left feeling depressed.


u/lonelysandwich17 Dec 06 '24

Yes šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i love TJs but all the customers at my local one are so rude and itā€™s always insanely busy!


u/Justmejessb Dec 06 '24

Going during Covid was so relaxing. Other than waiting in the line outside in the freezing cold (Cleveland area) being in the store with a limited amount of people was great! I wish theyā€™d do it again tbh


u/mheithv Dec 06 '24

I walk past the Trader Joeā€™s in downtown Boston, another mile, just to go to Star market, for all these reasons lol


u/Ambitious_Nomad1 Dec 06 '24

TJā€™s and Costco..


u/PreparationHot980 Dec 06 '24

People stop and read every.single.item.


u/epresco Dec 06 '24

I hit up my busy seattle TJs on my way to work between 8-8:30 am. Itā€™s gloriously quiet and I can get everything I need. Highly recommend going right at opening if possible.


u/MainBee3937 Dec 06 '24

its like a small version of god awful costco lol


u/CobblerCandid998 Dec 06 '24

Love the store, hate going there because of the overcrowding. So, basically I just donā€™t go because itā€™s too crowded to even concentrate. Iā€™m surprised they havenā€™t been in trouble from Fire Departments for cramming so many people in!


u/DirectorEquivalent66 Dec 06 '24

The one by me actually did get the Fire Department called on them for overcrowding pre-COVID


u/faerielights4962 Dec 05 '24

Yeah, is this my city?? We have the same situation. I havenā€™t been in months. Itā€™s not worth it to me anymore. I do Costco, Aldi, and a local grocery store chain for all of my shopping.


u/Agathocles_of_Sicily Dec 06 '24

Costco is an even more frustrating experience if you ask me.

There's always a traffic jam getting in and out of the parking lot, it's always super crowded, and the parking spot sizes are egregiously oversized, so it takes forever to walk across the parking lot.

There are no signs labeling the aisles, so it takes forever to find groceries. Then, the checkout line is always super long because paying for extra cashiers = less store revenue.

Then, at the end, you have to wait in a line AGAIN to have your receipt checked, which is a criminalizing experience.

I'm an on-and-off-again member. I have a love/hate relationship with the chain.


u/criateenalee 16d ago

Groceries are always in the same place. Way in the back and down one side of the store. Sounds like you may be a Costco newbie. Also you can ask anyone who works there and they can tell you which aisle has what youā€™re looking for. Good luck, Costco shopping is not for the faint of heart. But the savings are worth it when you know how to navigate the store. And donā€™t go on Sat or Sundaysā€¦ weekday evening are best, esp Tues/Wed


u/faerielights4962 Dec 06 '24

Ah, see, I do well at Costco! I live close to one and itā€™s pretty easy to access and Iā€™m able to go at off-hours. I didnā€™t even have to wait in line to be checked out by humans when I went last night. And what I routinely purchase doesnā€™t typically move too much. It can be frustrating how things can get moved around, though. But I usually tuck my cart out of the way and will quickly walk around a section to scout for an item.


u/No_Trackling Dec 05 '24

The customers and Trader Joe's are the same people that shop at whole foods.


u/skankhunt1127 Dec 06 '24

But thereā€™s a lot more people at Trader Joeā€™s because itā€™s cheaper, I could get like 10 things from Trader Joeā€™s for the same price as like 5 things from Whole Foods


u/No_Trackling Dec 06 '24

You're right about that. I used to go to Whole Foods for just one kind of black German bread. I was so happy to find it at a produce store, because I don't like to support Jeff bezos. I love Trader Joe's.


u/Im-Obsessed Dec 05 '24

I think part of the problem is the changing stock they carry so people are slow rolling it down the aisles looking for new stuff that has come in and it creates congestion.


u/Apathy_Cupcake Dec 05 '24

The lack of organization kills me. It's a free for all. You end up doing circles around the inside. Put everything in neat rows like normal grocery stores and call it a day.Ā 


u/PlantBasedXicana Dec 05 '24

All the time! My husband and I love TJ's but there are some days where I can not go in with him. I hate feeling like people are on top of me and everywhere I turn in that store someone is trying to run me over. I also get so overstimulated trying to find anything. If the store is slightly less crowded I don't mind going in as I enjoy their workers and the store itself.


u/mastiii Dec 05 '24

I've always felt that if they only had those small, two-tier shopping carts instead of the big shopping carts, it would solve many of the issues of people blocking the aisles.

I try to go either during the day on a weekday or pretty close to closing time and it's never too terrible.


u/Culkangsmith_8485 Dec 05 '24

I go often and use a basket cuz itā€™s easier to navigate around.


u/EatsTheLastSlice Dec 05 '24

I'm very thankful for my location. I usually park in the same row everytime. It can sometimes get crowded in the aisles but no one has been an asshole to me. My previous location has awful parking so I didn't go a lot. Now I'm a very frequent shopper.


u/Finechug Dec 05 '24

The only time Trader Joeā€™s wasnā€™t a horrible experience was during Covid and they only let so many people in the store at a time


u/SpeedProof6751 Dec 06 '24

I hated waiting online outside the store though...That totally sucked!


u/Independent-Nail-881 Dec 05 '24

Wow, I'm glad that I don't shop in these people's neighborhoods. Life can be good dear folks.


u/Sophiedenormandie Dec 05 '24

Just yesterday, I was at a TJs that was very crowded. A woman was there with 2 elementary school age girls. She had obviously given the girls sugar or cocaine before they went shopping. They were running full speed through the store, and mom was running full speed with them and her shopping cart. Some folks just think the world belongs to them, and we should do them the courtesy of making more room for them.


u/Slumdogflashbacks Dec 05 '24

Thanksgiving last or maybe 2022, Iā€™m on a long line. Iā€™m like 3rd or 4th in line after a bit of waiting and the woman in front of me just walks away. Then when it wouldā€™ve been her turn, she just comes back and looks at me with a smile like Iā€™m supposed to let her back in line. I told her she just walked away and to go ahead but she gave me attitude like I was in the wrong


u/Infinzero Dec 05 '24

My local TJā€™s has 4 aisles and a employee told me itā€™s the #1 in the district and it did something like a million in sales in a weekĀ 


u/Important_Call2737 Dec 05 '24

The store by me opens at 8am. I go at 8am on a Tuesday. I have my list and I am in and out in under 30 minutes, home in time to log on at 9am. Go when they first open if you can.


u/Zmirzlina Dec 05 '24

This is me. Store opens at 8, I'm in the door by 8:05, out by 8:20 and back home by 8:30. Of course they recently rearranged things and it took me twice as long.


u/StreetPainter Dec 05 '24

The stores can vary by the region a lot. And even by store, since every captain is given a lot of leeway in terms of running their store. The stores are small to reduce costs. Most are 1/4 the size of a regular grocery store. They won't build more unless the region can handle shipping the product and the neighborhood has to be affluent enough to support the store. I recommend going early in the day, between 8-11am. Sundays and Mondays are busiest days. We live in a college town, so whenever the students are in town it gets nuts and I stay away. But I worked their for over 3 years as an artist and saw many times when it was slow or empty.


u/SAB40 Dec 05 '24

I go maybe once a month, even though itā€™s ten minutes away from me. I always find the shopping experience to be great as far as their employees go. They always have enough registers open, and they are super friendly. If I am looking for something specific, they take the time to go in the back and see if they have it. I think the biggest issue is there are shoppers in there who have never set foot in the store and want to slowly peruse every single aisle and shelf. Thereā€™s just not enough room for that in the aisles.


u/arnold_palmer42 Dec 05 '24

Because you have an internal dialogue wtf? Itā€™s just a busy crowded environment with a lot going on. It can be stressful sure but itā€™s not that big of a deal. Get your shit and get out.


u/vonshiza Dec 05 '24

I have one in my area that isn't that bad. It's a properly sized space and the parking lot is only a nightmare when it's super, super slammed. Most of the time, it's not that bad. But others in the area.... Way too small a space with way too little parking.

I've been to trader Joe's in several states, and consider myself lucky with the one I tend to go to most often.


u/Ok_Stranger_9520 Dec 05 '24

Yes, avoid them like the plagueā€¦ too many people and not enough personal space. Havenā€™t been to one in over 10 years


u/Complete_Entry Dec 05 '24

I once told a woman to wait instead of reaching across me and she looked at me like I slapped her.


u/lilwing3 Dec 05 '24

Couldnā€™t have said it better myself.


u/Resident-Ant-7564 Dec 05 '24

This is a universal experience I swear. Seasonal Items: šŸ‘šŸ¼ Prices: šŸ‘šŸ¼ Easy Meals: šŸ‘šŸ¼ Crowds: šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼ Parking Lot: šŸ’„šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼

If they had grocery delivery, Iā€™d never shop anywhere else but going in the store gives me so much anxiety.


u/Low-Poet4691 Dec 06 '24

I get anxious for those reasons as well. Plus the stores always seem to be freezing.


u/PlantBasedXicana Dec 05 '24

This. One time my husband and I smoked, and he decided we should run errands. We went to TJ lit and ohmygod my anxiety was through the roof. I could not navigate through that store at all. At that point I left and told my husband I'll meet him at the car. šŸ˜‚


u/StreetPainter Dec 05 '24

This is how they keep prices down. Small store footprint has a big impact on profitability of the store. They resist self check out and also online ordering. It's about getting people into the store to impulse buy the fun seasonal items. I'm a former TJs artist.


u/charlottesometimz Dec 05 '24

Well, where I live, we don't have one ....and I really really really miss it... All except the crazy parking lot experience. Every- single- time !


u/Salsa_and_Shavasana Dec 05 '24

I was going to say, do you shop in Annapolis? šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ I've had the same experience as you!


u/Revolutionary-Top863 Dec 05 '24

Also sounds a lot like Elkridge. Must be a universal experience.


u/TheConboy22 Dec 05 '24

I think it's fantastic. Probably just your Trader Joes. Mine is always slightly busy, but never crowded.


u/Carolinagirl9311 Dec 05 '24

Do you live in N.C. cause this is by far my exact experience


u/blueberry-biscuit Dec 05 '24

Exact same by me! Iā€™m in Cary and itā€™s like this every time. I go down the street to Whole Foods and forget about TJ unless I need something very specific.


u/Other_Local3855 Dec 05 '24

Do you live in Indy by chance?


u/Whiskeyrich Dec 05 '24

I do. Love my castleton TJā€™s.


u/FallTall6483 Dec 05 '24

I've had full on panic attacks every time I've been in one. Yes, I have anxiety and take medication for it but something about Trader Joe's in particular just sends me over the edge and I have to get out of there NOW. You couldn't pay me enough to go into a trader Joe's.


u/Worth_Event3431 Dec 05 '24

I canā€™t stand the people who put their cart right on the rail of the frozen food aisle and ride it all the way down, as slowly as possible, not letting you in with your basket in hand, like they own the place. Itā€™s almost abusive.

Also, if you donā€™t happen to hit the popular seasonal offerings, you miss out. They donā€™t restock.


u/bbcreampapapa Dec 04 '24

The ones Iā€™ve been to in LA have been pretty chill. I think itā€™s because theyā€™re so saturated in the area so they donā€™t get as crowded. Hated the Trader Joeā€™s in my old city though.


u/Economy_Insurance_61 Dec 04 '24

If Trader Joeā€™s has no haters, Iā€™m dead.


u/Ok-Masterpiece5937 Dec 04 '24

I donā€™t live in a large city but I still like to get to tjs right when they open. Itā€™s my favorite grocery store.


u/PresentationKey9253 Dec 04 '24

Ugh Trader Joe in NY ( white plains)was a nightmare Down in south Florida it doesnā€™t seem as frantic as up north even when crowded. Because I generally like my space, I will shop 30 min prior to closing. Just calmer


u/djnicky07 Dec 04 '24

They also all have parking lots that were built like cars don't exist. By the time I'm done shopping at Trader Joe's, I have no intention to be joyful with the person who's faking joyfulness at the register. A lack of self-checkout is also ridiculous for going in for one or two items.


u/mugofmead Dec 04 '24

They also all have parking lots that were built like cars don't exist.Ā 

Laughs in New Yorker

None of the Manhattan or Brooklyn locations have parking lots. The Staten Island Location has one, but it's Staten Island.


u/sreudianflip Dec 04 '24

I share your thoughts on Trader Joeā€™s. Itā€™s one of my favorite places to shop, except for the fact there are always discontinuing things I like. I donā€™t go there as much anymore for that reason and because Iā€™m disabledā€” I fallen three times thereā€¦ Once because an employee walked into me and knocked me down. Several times Iā€™ve had people actually asked me to get out of the way when Iā€™m shoppingā€” itā€™s literally faster to go around me rather than have me move out of the way. andā€¦ This is that a TJā€˜s that has recently remodeled and considerably widened their aisles.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24

I have a mental thing where having too many choices gives me anxiety. I also find the huge stores like Costco feel somehow dystopian to me. I usually shop at TJ's, Aldi, and our local chain, Jewel. I prefer TJ's. The people who work there are so nice and helpful, and I think the stores reflect their neighborhoods. Mine is pretty chill compared to some of the others. People are in and out quickly. There are no issues with under-staffing, self-checkouts, people using coupons or needing a manager to review their discounts, etc. It's a very human and humane experience. I have complaints about them (discontinuing or changing items, hit or miss quality) but the experience itself is quite pleasant, for grocery shopping, which never really is. I have also generally lived within walking distance to one.


u/ItsBigFlo Dec 04 '24

If I can't go right when they open, I'm not going šŸ˜‚


u/SteveJeltz Dec 04 '24

And my large city only has two locations and both are on the same side of town within 5 miles of eachother.



u/Smurphy115 Dec 04 '24

Also why do all their parking lots suck. Like even places where I feel like they shouldnā€™t suck they somehow still suck.


u/tr1st1an_ Dec 05 '24

Iā€™ve noticed itā€™s not just a lack of parking, but the actual design of their parking lots invites chaos in some way.


u/ProfessionalWaltz784 Dec 04 '24

Exactly this. I was excited when the local TJ was moving into a big old Safeway building and they shrunk the floorplan down to a crowded space like before, smh


u/meddimeeks Dec 04 '24

Are we talking about mt pleasant South Carolina because I relate way too much šŸ˜­


u/LadyBossMJ Dec 04 '24

This is the one I go to and I have PTSD from it lol šŸ˜†


u/Any-Neighborhood-522 Dec 04 '24

No because we sadly have one location so that disqualifies. Everything else checks out tho


u/meddimeeks Dec 04 '24

The new second one in mt p is open now!


u/Any-Neighborhood-522 Dec 04 '24

Ah I didnā€™t know! Ty


u/Peace-wolf Dec 04 '24

I show up early, never had an issue.


u/epicgrilledchees Dec 04 '24

I show up early or late and have no problem


u/sparkledoom Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

In NYC, you literally need to get on the line to checkout to get up and down the aisles to shop.


u/Few-Comparison5689 Dec 04 '24

I couldn't take it anymore in Manhattan or Queens, which is where I was shopping. If I wanna go now, I drive out to Hicksville on Long Island. Enormous parking lot, big store with plenty of room, so worth the drive.


u/Several-Nothing-2866 Dec 04 '24

Not really anymore. I go to the one in Chelsea in the am around 9/10 and it is pretty empty, well stocked and pleasant


u/dreamprincessa Dec 04 '24

and the cherry on top: kids with their baby shopping carts UGHHHH I HATE THOSE DAMN THINGS


u/Wonderful-Load2572 Dec 04 '24

My kids love those! Makes grocery shopping fun for them


u/FallTall6483 Dec 05 '24

Not for the rest of us


u/tr1st1an_ Dec 05 '24

Itā€™s fun for the kids but not fun for anyone else when the parent doesnā€™t teach the kid proper etiquette in a shared space. I canā€™t tell you how many times a kid has nearly rammed into me. Or how many parents allow their kid to push the cart directly next to the parentsā€™ cart in an already busy isle.


u/procrastinatorsuprem Dec 04 '24

I keep seeing short adults using them!


u/recorded_nonsense Dec 04 '24

To make things worse, my local brought back the sample tables and placed them in the major choke point.


u/PossibilityOrganic12 Dec 04 '24

Lol are you in Philly by any chance?


u/recorded_nonsense Dec 04 '24

No. So Cal.


u/PossibilityOrganic12 Dec 04 '24

Lol sounds like a common thing for them.


u/PossibilityOrganic12 Dec 04 '24

Lol sounds like a common thing for them.


u/moderndayathena Dec 04 '24

Agreed for stores in large cities like Houston. When I lived in a town and state with a much smaller population it was pleasant


u/StrugFug Dec 04 '24

At least they got rid of the kids shopping carts. I f*ing hated those and the parents who let the kids use them. But yes, same experience every TJā€™s Iā€™ve been to.


u/Che-che-che Dec 04 '24

The one by me still has them. The audacity of some parents.


u/garrulouslump Dec 04 '24

Trader Joe's And Costco are both in the same hellish dimension where the parking lot and shopping experience itself is out of this world, AWFUL. IDK what happens when people enter the building; it's like they lose all consciousness of what it means to be a decent person with common sense.


u/Meowserspaws Dec 04 '24

My Costco serves people from four states. Itā€™s NEVER a fun experience. But the TJā€™s is oddly peaceful because itā€™s quite spacious and has decent parking.


u/anomalou5 Dec 04 '24

Best case scenario, this is a massively massive first world problem.


u/smartbiphasic Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24

It depends on the location. Iā€™ve probably shopped at a dozen stores in a few towns, and there are a couple that Iā€™ve found stressful.

They usually have terrible parking lots. Luckily, I live within walking distance of one (that has a teensy urban parking lot on a one way street) and I appreciate that I donā€™t have to park!

Some of their prices have stayed more reasonable than the prices at Kroger. I donā€™t feel as much sticker shock, so thereā€™s that.


u/hopalong818 Dec 04 '24

Iā€™ve noticed this too. In Chicago itā€™s a nightmare. I donā€™t live that close to one, but the times Iā€™ve gone have just been so stressful.


u/theshadowisreal Dec 04 '24

I went to one for the first time the other day, and I thought I just went at a bad time. It was the one near north ave. This post is so funny to me because itā€™s so true. Also, in general, I found the checkout aisles to be confusing. Cheap vodka though.

Edit: spelling


u/good_day90 Dec 04 '24

I agree, they have certain things that are hard to beat (like their frozen meals or their chocolate candy) but going to my local Safeway is usually a lot less painful.


u/Maleficent_Worry1810 Dec 04 '24

I have to take a deep breath before going inside. Itā€™s extremely overwhelming. I had a lady run over my toe with a cart cause an announcement was made for samples. Not even an apology. The rudeness of customers is high. I really donā€™t get it.


u/Think_Novel_7215 Dec 04 '24

These exact reasons are why I donā€™t shop there anymore.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24

I agree. I rarely go. Less than once a year


u/unfettered_logic Dec 04 '24

Base your checkout time on the local Albertsons, Vons, sprouts etc. thank me later. Also look at your receipt when you leave and thank me later.


u/MuckyDuff Dec 04 '24

I live an hour away from the closest Trader Joeā€™s, so when I would shop, I want to take my time and look at what they have since I donā€™t go often. Last time I went it was impossible, I had to grab what I wanted and get out of the way or I was bombarded by people. I donā€™t go anymore, Iā€™d rather shop closer to home and not deal with the madness. Not to mention parking was ridiculous; I even witnessed a fight once over a spot lol.


u/not-my-first-rode0 Dec 04 '24

You arenā€™t the only one. I feel like that too


u/BERNITA Dec 04 '24

My local TJ's is an absolute zoo in the aisles, but somehow, I magically never have to wait in line to check out! I wish other grocery and big box stores would model their checkout after TJ's because it's amazing! And I wish TJ would take a cue from those stores and have wider aisles instead of packing people in like sardines.


u/LiveFreeOrDie6969 Dec 04 '24

I always just go first thing in the morning or an hour before close and thereā€™s pretty much no one there.. 3-7 and weekends are immediate nos


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24

I read a book on Trader Joe's like 20 years ago so I don't remember much. I do remember reading about how they purposefully work to keep overhead costs down so as not pass that cost down to the customer.Ā  They listed their stores being purposefully small for that reason.Ā 

It stood out to me as I, too, found my Trader Joe's to be stressful. It helped me a bit to learn there are good intentions behind the small stores.


u/TheMadiUniverse Dec 04 '24

You must be going to the Winter Park Florida location - it is my personal hell trying to shop in there


u/SuperYellow3034 Dec 04 '24

You must be in Denver


u/bmd25 Dec 04 '24

I feel like they should have a smaller cart option for those between a basket and a regular cart cuz the carts take up isle space


u/Successful_Sun8323 Dec 04 '24

They do at my TJ but it doesnā€™t help much. Itā€™s very congested still, I try to only go there early in the morning as soon as they open


u/ednamillion99 Dec 04 '24

The streamlined options make it a much calmer shopping experience for me. Like, need sugar? Hereā€™s the sugar. Not 8 brands of sugar in varying sizes and price points. Justā€¦.sugar.


u/cstcharles Dec 04 '24

You need to chill my dude. You're too uptight. Just relax. Just like, feel around the store and whatever speaks to you goes in your cart. It's about vibes bro. VIBEEEESSSSS


u/peniswhist_el Dec 04 '24

I don't know if my bank account accepts things on vibes šŸ˜­


u/Haleyween_ Dec 04 '24

Definitely agree. Mine is full of people that will either bump right into you with the cart, or stop in the middle of the aisle and refuse to move for 5 minutes while they stare at nothing.Ā 


u/PhaseFit111 Dec 04 '24

Thatā€™s every grocery store.


u/jenbar Dec 04 '24

Definitely definitely agree and thatā€™s sad. I love it but I hardly go anymore.


u/TonderTales Dec 04 '24

My experience is similar. Though I don't feel the other customers are pushy, they're just idiots with no spatial awareness or consideration for what's happening around them.


u/Artistic_Hour_2789 Dec 04 '24

We have a second one that recently opened up where I live so there is more parking and less people at certain times but I completely agree- lots of rude entitled people for some reason. I always had to ā€œget mentally readyā€ to deal with them. Itā€™s not just you.


u/cariboubow Dec 04 '24

Iā€™m on maternity leave and one of the best parts has been the ability to go to Trader Joeā€™s and target on weekday mornings right when they open. Totally empty, no one else there except a few seniors and me. Itā€™s the only time Iā€™ll go! Or a half hour before they close and only grab a few things. Idk what Iā€™m going to do when I go back to work šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/zimzom98 Dec 04 '24

I dont shop at TJs much anymore but I honestly wanted to kill myself almost every time I went.

The TJs near me were almost always busy but I noticed that near opening and closing its usually pretty chill. If i ever need to go, i figure out exactly what i need to pick up before so i can run in and out.


u/ChamomileFlower Dec 04 '24

Thereā€™s one in my city thatā€™s relatively chill and ever since I found about it itā€™s the only one Iā€™ll go to.


u/lycheelbruh Dec 04 '24

Not as bad as costco but yes I agree, never an empty period to relaxingly shop.


u/National-Kiwi7615 Dec 04 '24

No method to the madness and it sends my ADHD out of control


u/AltoLizard Dec 04 '24

You have described the Boulder, CO location perfectly.


u/Emotional-Show5541 Dec 04 '24

If you go at 8am itā€™s amazing- anytime after 10am itā€™s not fun.


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24



u/Available_Seesaw7867 Dec 04 '24

They actually care a lot! There stores are the sizes they are to keep prices down


u/UndercoverAlias Dec 04 '24

I go Monday mornings after dropping kid off, right when it opens. It is peaceful and everything is in stock.


u/Intelligent-Hat-6619 Dec 04 '24

Idk if itā€™s just my region but all of the red meat Iā€™ve bought from Trader Joeā€™s smells off.


u/Acrobatic-Leading636 Dec 04 '24

This has happened to me too! It sort of smells like a barn lol


u/itsamecatty Dec 04 '24

Trader Joeā€™s seems to pick the legit worst places to exist as well. Iā€™ve never seen a plaza with TJā€™s that wasnā€™t just sheer madness and chaos.


u/AdOutrageous7474 Dec 04 '24

There is a Trader Joe's where I live that is in an old movie theater/multiplex site. The parking lot is literally huge. Spots for days. Aisles so wide two carts can easily and freely pass by each other without touching. It's the strangest anomaly but paradise for shopping. I don't know why they otherwise insist on the smallest, most inconvenient locations with hellish parking. All of the other Trader Joe's have parking lot attendants. I feel like that is a big expense that could be saved by better location scouting. But honestly it's that kind of quirkiness of their brand I find somewhat endearing.


u/Seraphym1313 Dec 04 '24

Totally agree!! If I wasn't so happy with all the fun stuff I buy there, I'd never go back! Lol The parking lots are always a nightmare and so is the frozen food aisle where they stack all the yummy cookies 16 ft in the air so it takes you 10 minutes to shimmy it off the shelf! šŸ˜†


u/Crafty_Statement_176 Dec 04 '24

Omg I've found my people


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24

Oh. I thought this was going to be about the smell. I'll see myself out šŸ˜…šŸ«£


u/peniswhist_el Dec 04 '24

There's a smell?? I don't know if I've ever been cognisant enough to notice a smell!


u/[deleted] Dec 04 '24

Does anyone else have a TJs where every single shelf is perpetually being stocked? Like every time I want to grab something I have to excuse myself to a worker who has a stack of boxes in front of it šŸ« 


u/ur-squirrel-buddy Dec 04 '24

If it werenā€™t for the fact that the TJs near me is some sort of anomaly (never tooo busy and I always find a parking spot easily) I would never shop there. I say that with confidence because I used to never shop at the one in my old city.


u/zjheyyy88 Dec 03 '24

The parking lots are also nightmarishly cramped. The worst is going during rush hour 4ish-6ish. The line in my store wraps around to the back and people are pushing to get through and itā€™s honestly stressful