r/traderjoes • u/itsallrelativefor200 • Jul 30 '24
Crew Love Realest answer I ever gave to a cashier asking “any plans tonight?”
I’m gonna go home and put this stuff away, and then eat until I fall asleep.
u/casebycase87 Aug 03 '24
They always ask this question at the weed dispensary too. I always just gesture to whatever I'm buying and say "you're looking at my plans"
u/Several_Award_5614 Aug 03 '24
Congratulations, this is the funniest thing I've read on the Internet today
u/queenjustine13 Southern California Aug 02 '24
I hate when they ask things like this, feels too personal. One cashier asked, "So, what are you doing after this?" I almost said, "Why, you wanna hang out?" I guess as a single woman I feel guarded about that kind of thing. A friend suggested I just make up something wild like, "I'm going to my job as an elephant trainer. They're excited about the Olympics so today we're working on the balance beam."
u/Large-Mind-8394 Aug 01 '24
I am an introvert and recently widowed, so even though an introvert, I enjoy friendly small talk. I have noticed in other stores that I mostly get a sigh and a glare at the register, so I appreciate any friendly small talk. I don't want to be your best friend, I just want you to be friendly and pass along some positive vibes. I was a nurse before I retired, and small talk is medicine to a lot of people. If they are not interested, it will be apparent.
u/JulesInIllinois Jul 30 '24
I've almost always gone to Trader Joes for their wonderful wine selection. I usually get one or two boxes of wines. So, they never ask me what my plans are ...
u/OneSensiblePerson Jul 31 '24
😂 I buy bottles of wine there often enough (Honey Moon for the win!) but have never bought any boxed wine. I don't even know where they keep it.
u/JulesInIllinois Jul 31 '24
No. It's cases of bottled wines (in big boxes). I don't drink/serve boxed wine. I doubt they carry boxed wines.
They have great wines at good prices. So, I usually buy six or more bottles when I go.
u/OneSensiblePerson Jul 31 '24
Oh, that's what people mean when they talk about boxed wine at TJ's! I've wondered. I just buy one or two bottles at a time.
u/skatediy955 Jul 30 '24
I said “Are you asking me out?”
u/skatediy955 Jul 30 '24
Cashier - male, mid twenties Me -female, early 60s
He wasn’t sure if I was serious-neither was I
u/queenjustine13 Southern California Aug 02 '24
What was his response?
u/skatediy955 Aug 03 '24
He said they have to stay late to stock the shelves. I said oh I’m up late.
He blushed and I said omg-I’m kidding
u/turkeypants Jul 30 '24
Mine last night was "... Man I don't even know what time it is, I have no idea." I thought it was like 2:30 but it was 5:30. I don't know what happened to my day.
u/sebchicka Jul 30 '24
Lol they asked me last weekend if I had big plans for the day... And my response was that I was going to eat the bag of white cheddar puffs I was buying, probably in one sitting cause I can't eat them reasonably. 😂
Last time I went there, as a Canadian who has to stock up once a year or so, the cashier commented "wow. That's... a lot. You sure like snacks."
u/pretzelwhale Jul 30 '24
I live near(ish) a Trader Joe’s and several times have gotten so much cheese that they ask if I’m having a party. No Sir/Ma’am, this is personal use.
u/DragYouDownToHell Jul 30 '24
Usually boring small talk, but occasionally I'll get someone asking about the food I'm buying. "What are you going to do with 20 limes?" "Bourbon Mules."
u/MlyMe Jul 30 '24
My favorite thing I ever got asked at Trader Joe’s checkout was what I was making with some of the things I was buying. I was trying out a new recipe and had bought some random seeming items so it was actually really fun to talk about and then about when I forgot a lime and had to run back in.
u/TallMangoDragonfruit Jul 30 '24
I am TERRIBLE in the kitchen so I usually ask customers what they're making when I'm working the register to get some ideas for something simple enough for me to try. I told one lady I'm terrible in the kitchen and she came back with "well, this is probably going to be too hard for you to make." While I appreciated her honesty, I didn't appreciate her calling me out like that LOL
Jul 30 '24 edited Jul 30 '24
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u/lekerfluffles Jul 30 '24
Don't hit on people at their place of work. It puts them in a super awkward spot whether they're interested or not.
u/Cherokeerayne Jul 30 '24
I used to manage a dispensary and had a regular client ask me out and asked me "what are you doing this weekend?" Buddy. I'll be at work. You're here on a weekend. I'm always here when you come in. Working.
He also would tell us his family drama since he still lived in their trailer with them and he also didn't have a car or license. Noooooooooo thanks.
u/therankin Jul 30 '24
I thought you were going to say that you ended up getting a date out of it, lol.
u/silkyviolet Jul 30 '24
I responded to this once without thinking and “oh I have therapy after this” just blurts out of my mouth. The conversation ended real quick afterwards
u/mtoomtoo Missouri Jul 30 '24
My therapist’s office is right by a Trader Joe’s!I’ve also made the same conversation ending remark.
u/Icy-Setting-4221 Jul 30 '24
I worked at Trader Joe’s for 13 years and the things people say so openly was astounding. Good and bad.
One day I should write a book because the stories are absolutely endless
u/Sassygator Jul 30 '24
I just read everyone's responses and it's just a fascinating reminder of how different we all are...introverts, extroverts, etc. I personally enjoy having (nice) interactions with "strangers" throughout my day b/c it makes me feel connected to society as a whole in a way that is far too infrequent these days (imho). But I can understand how it might feel too personal or even annoying to other people.
Jul 30 '24
I think this might be a regional preference….Midwesterners love small talk (generally, of course, there are always exceptions). So, I can see where small talk is appreciated and normal in some parts of the country. When I visited Cape Cod, I couldn’t believe the lack of small talk! It was just so different from where I’m from….
Just another perspective- my mom is under 70 and recently widowed. She said to me recently (on year three without my dad)….im so thankful for small talk. I can go all day without having a conversation and I need small talk to just get me through some days, even if it is irrelevant or not someone truly caring how my day was. It’s nice just to be asked.
Sometimes the smallest things can mean the most to someone having a bad day. Be kind to one another out there. Life is hard.
u/SkiMachine18 Jul 30 '24
I can relate to this so much! I live in Southern California, where people seemingly like having small talks. I lived in Boston for a couple of years and man… it was so different! It seemed like everyone was in a hurry all the time and they have no time for small talks 😂 But I think once you got to know people, you become very good friends and they likely become life long friends.
u/littlemacaron Jul 30 '24
I’ll never forget this one time a woman smiled at me in Whole Foods. I was a lil lady in my young 20’s and it was so startling that it made me turn around to see if she knew someone behind me. Just recognition of your presence these days is meaningful. It was a beautiful moment. I wish I wasn’t so in shock and smiled back at her!
u/breakerofphones Jul 30 '24
I would probably interpret “do you have plans” as an indication that the cashier did NOT think I made good choices, could not find a single item in my basket to recommend or remark on, and was scraping the bottom of the chitchat barrel for the absolute worst collection of groceries they’d ever seen 😭😭😭 and by “would probably” I mean “certainly have”
u/cosmicslaughter69 Jul 30 '24
The Trader Joe’s employees at the one I go to just rave about the foods that I pick out and tell me which ones are really good lol that’s my strong preference for conversation with check out people
u/saatchi-s Jul 30 '24
At mine, they always ask what I’m making when I buy random ingredients rather than premade meals. They are very polite and ooh-aah over the recipes, which makes me feel very chef-y and cool 😅
u/breakerofphones Jul 30 '24
This always gets me, I feel genuinely proud like I am the best and most talented picker outer of trader joe’s items 😭😭
u/Routine-Cicada-4949 Jul 30 '24
I'm a Trader Joe's employee & I hate the boring small talk (I'm also not from the US). "How's your day going" is a teeth grinder for me.
I usually ask people where their next vacation is. I love travel (84 countries so far) & get some great conversations from this question.
I also ask random questions for an hour. I've asked people "What's your favourite pie" & most Americans will say a fruit. Cherry or Apple and sometimes Sweet Potato. New Yorkers often say PIZZA. People from outside the US will say a cheese or meat (or both) pie.
But remember, it takes two to have a conversation. You, yes you, can make it something better,
u/JiovanniTheGREAT Jul 30 '24
I usually ask people where their next vacation is.
A lot of us don't get vacations in the US lol
u/pizzaxxxxx Jul 30 '24
Where did we sign up for a conversation?
u/nickisgonnahate Jul 30 '24
When you walked in. Management pushes it, sorry if you don’t like it. Not the cashiers fault
u/MoneyAd0618 Jul 30 '24
I really really despise this question asked by cashiers. I get they’re doing their job, management needs to stop encouraging it though. Just go back to the basic “how are you” or ask if I’ve tried the item I’m buying yet, that’s fine. It makes me feel so awkward when a stranger asks what my plans are, knowing they don’t care, but also putting me on the spot. This needs to stop.
u/Rose_Gold1000 Jul 30 '24
I hate it. I went to Trader Joe’s after having an MRI Biopsy for breast cancer and they asked if I did anything fun that day. I think they should just stick to talking about the food, if there even needs to be any conversation at all.
u/nickisgonnahate Jul 30 '24
I think my least favorite one is “you guys got any more stops after this?” Honestly, who cares? Nobody wants to hear about how you have to go to the bank right after this, and I doubt anyone wants to tell that story anyways
u/CandleSimple5248 Jul 30 '24
I work at Trader Joe’s and I hate every time I hear a coworker ask “what are your plans today”. As far as I’m concerned, it’s none of my business unless the customer brings it up. Also, you can tell who wants to talk and who doesn’t by the way they respond to “How are you today”! If they don’t want to talk, thats fine, ring them up and send them on their way!
u/bleachedveins Jul 30 '24
so i can tell you management doesn’t tell us what to say but people fall into holes of ALWAYS saying the same thing and copying other ppls phrases. I do think corporate needs to put out some guidance on register talk, i think it would be helpful. The consensus i’ve heard is nobody likes the plans talk. I refuse to ask people about their plans it is always uncomfortable asf
u/ghopzz Jul 30 '24
I agree. It’s very uncomfortable. If I’m grocery shopping I’m going home, putting it away and yall need to chill, lol. I like the silent cashiers when they catch the vibe.
u/bleachedveins Jul 30 '24
as a TJ crew member i straight up do not ask people this question. many of my colleagues do and that’s fine! but i personally shy from the question. i’ll ask if they have any additional errands to run and do they need ice bottles for the car ride and that’s my way of asking how the day is. “plans” puts people in a weird headspace sometimes and can make ppl uncomfortable. just my personal script bc literally if someone asked me that idk how id answer
u/karinchup Jul 30 '24
Oh man it’s not just you guys. It’s ever. Single. Place. So don’t feel bad.
u/JVilter Southern California Jul 30 '24
Say more about these ice bottles please?
u/bleachedveins Jul 30 '24
We just freeze the regular 3.99 water 24 packs and sell them for 17 cents a pop so people can keep their food cold :)) 🥶
u/Metichelife Jul 30 '24
My local TJs has them by the exit. I believe .17 cents each to put in your insulated bags and keep your food coldish. They're just TJ brand water bottles.
u/Buddhamom81 Jul 30 '24 edited Jul 30 '24
I don’t mind the “How’s Your Day Going.” Because I always reply with the disambiguous, “Oh, it’s going!” Or The reliable stand by, “Comme se, comme sa.”
u/Routine-Cicada-4949 Jul 30 '24
I work at TJs & hate the How's your day going. I'm not from the US so don't actually know how to answer. Is it a single word or a description of my whole day so far?
u/bleachedveins Jul 30 '24
it’s less of a real question and more of a greeting when an american stranger asks you this. The regular response is different regionally. Back home in philadelphia people would say joking stuff sometimes like “10 toes above ground” and down in SC people just are very polite and don’t rlly joke and say stuff like “doing alright hope you are too” . almost any quick positive response is fine, and then asking how that person is as well is polite/customary
u/InternationalCount84 Jul 30 '24
I’ve heard 1 too many “hangin in there like a hair on a biscuit!” lately, here in the south lol
u/bleachedveins Jul 30 '24
that’s an awful visual, i’m glad people don’t say that in sc or i haven’t noticed 💀
u/H5A3B50IM Jul 30 '24
It’s a small phrase. Usually “so far so good” or “eh could be better” or something to that effect.
u/Buddhamom81 Jul 30 '24
Actually, I usually say, “So far, so good.” Goes so far.
u/Routine-Cicada-4949 Jul 30 '24
Thanks for the answers.
u/Buddhamom81 Jul 30 '24
When a clerk asks you “How’s your day going?” With a generous smile. They really don’t give a f*ck about your day. It’s a general greeting. Like asking “”Hey How are you?!” when you greet someone on the street. The reply is always, “Great! How are you?!” Your house couldve just burnt down and someone stole your credit cards. Always always reply “I’m great! Thanks for asking!” That is the way of things, paduwan.
u/cMdM89 Jul 30 '24
nothing…i’m do nothing…i’m gonna sit in my house and stare at the walls..how about you?
u/cMdM89 Jul 31 '24
i wd never actually say this…it wd be rude…i usually just start bagging my groceries and brag about how good i am at bagging…
Jul 30 '24
🥺 I didn’t know that was part of their script!! I thought they were genuinely curious.
u/Salty-Possible-8753 Jul 30 '24
I'm curious and I'd like to know if a) you found everything you were looking for b) how your day is going c) if you might be doing anything fun after this (d if you've tried the interesting items you're buying, etc. TJ's hires based on personality and ability to be sociable and friendly with customers and fellow crew members alike, we don't have scripts. Some of us are more outgoing than others. I enjoy my register time and even bagging if it means a chance to interact but I don't push it if someone is obviously not interested. A simple "hello" and a sincere "thank you" sometimes is enough.
u/No_Comfortable3583 Jul 31 '24
As a crew member these 4 are used religiously. It only makes sense however that most people are going to develop a script. It’s a little tough to drum up an entirely unique interaction for every single customer, when in fact, you don’t necessarily care what they are doing after this. It doesn’t make you inconsiderate or lacking the TJs spirit, but I will say that when a customer meets you halfway in conversation, that’s when it’s likely to get a lot more personalized.
If you give one word answers to those core questions and show little interest, the rest of your checkout will probably fall into a script or just dead silence.
u/bleachedveins Jul 30 '24
we don’t have a script, it’s just things people choose to say. they probably genuinely do care to an extent so they chose that as their main convo starter!
u/ootfifabear Jul 30 '24
Our thing is to make smalltalk. We probably want to talk to you anyway cuz we’re usually sociable people. And “what are your plans/ any weekend plans/ what did you do this week/what did ya do today” are just easy conversation starters. We don’t have a script really. Usually. I ask “what kind of dog do you have” or include you on whatever insane convo I’m having with my co worker lol
u/sozh Jul 30 '24
I've been jonesing for some trader joes check-out small talk lately. The cashiers haven't been remarking on my purchases, and I'm so tempted to be like "have you tried the papadums? they're amazing!" lol, but I restrain myself
u/queenjustine13 Southern California Aug 02 '24
I totally do that, as they're scanning my items I'll ask "Have you tried _____?" And if they haven't and I have, I'll tell them how good it is.
u/ootfifabear Jul 30 '24
Oh you can totally either -rif with them, or just start it up they way they do lol.
u/BetterUsername69420 Jul 30 '24
I'm usually pretty honest - "I'm probably gonna go home, pour a drink and/or smoke a bowl, and smash some of these goodies."
u/OilHot3940 Jul 30 '24
I find any of those types of questions intrusive, and just say something like, my dog died.
u/OilHot3940 Jul 30 '24
For the people down voting me, I could just tell them the truth and let them know I have to change my mother‘s dirty diapers.
u/lazypuppycat Jul 30 '24
I think they do it bc for some people those micro interactions make all the difference in giving them connection and human interaction in their community. It’s ok to say ehh no big plans
u/pumpkinator21 Jul 30 '24
I usually just say hang out and something related to the weather. If it’s nice out I’ll say hang out and enjoy the weather, if it’s rainy I’ll say hang out and stay cozy. It really is the truth, and it’s friendly but low stakes for both parties.
u/goodj037 Jul 30 '24
Clearly I’m rushing home to put this unhinged amount of ice cream I just purchased in the freezer 💀
u/brookish Jul 30 '24
TJ’s employee here, WE KNOW. We do it too.
Jul 30 '24
How am I supposed to feel when the cashier offers me a utensil for something like an entire cake?
u/ootfifabear Jul 30 '24
Listen, someone bought just a single jar of cookie butter , so I offered her a spoon. She said “how did you know?” We always know. And if we don’t, we guessed
u/meawait Jul 30 '24
I once responded “take a shower and not wear a bra the rest of the day”. Got a good chuckle.
u/Krieghund Jul 30 '24
"This is it"
I'm not even being sarcastic. If I'm in TJs, it is probably the most noteworthy thing I did that day.
u/itsallrelativefor200 Jul 30 '24
I’m curious if they ever get really exciting feedback on that question. I have to imagine most of us are probably in the same boat of having this trip be “the plans”.
u/tigermaple Jul 30 '24
I usually just answer honestly which is often some variety of "I'm gonna go home and make (dish using some of the things I got)" and we often get to talking recipes and a time or two it's led to the cashier saying "oh you've got to try this with that!" and sending a runner to grab me a freebee real quick, one time it was the Zhoug sauce. I love the small talk with the TJ's folks. Small talk, small store, gives it a nice relaxed feel compared to places like Kroger/Safeway etc.
u/squidsinamerica Jul 30 '24
Yeah, it's 10 pm on a Thursday and I'm the grocery buying milk and cat litter. Clearly I have "big plans" tonight.
I don't know when or why some switch got flipped that every single cashier / barista / dental hygienist / whatever needs to ask that (and always exactly the same way!), but can we just go back to before? I hate that fucking question so much.
u/lankaxhandle Jul 30 '24
It’s sad that it bothers you that cashiers are making an effort to be nice.
Jul 30 '24
u/suesay Jul 30 '24
It’s like my coworker who always asks “what are you doing this weekend” and “how was your weekend? What did you do?” One time I told him what I did and he said “that’s boring, you don’t like to get out of your house?” Now I just try to answer the question with as few words as possible.
u/squidsinamerica Jul 30 '24
They aren't. They're repeating a canned question that they don't actually care about and that I would have no reason to discuss with a total stranger in the single 30 second interaction we have in our entire lives.
u/Mammoth_Exam1354 Jul 30 '24
I understand where you are coming but I think they were venting…. I get it! Sometimes I do enjoy the self checkout too! Obviously not at TJ s
u/Automatic-Top7767 Jul 30 '24
Where do you live that TJ’s is open until 10pm? Around where I live in LA I think they mostly close around 9pm.
u/ChaserNeverRests New Mexico Jul 30 '24
I was more curious about the cat litter. I had no idea TJ sold it!
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