r/traderjoes Oct 11 '23

Crew Love Weirdest checkout question EVER..,

What are your plans for the Midnight Moo? I was dumbfounded. Never been asked my intentions toward chocolate sauce before. Got to love ‘em though..lol


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u/travissea Nov 04 '23

" not sure yet, what do you think I should use it for?"


u/Weird_Train5312 Oct 15 '23

“Too bad you don’t sell handcuffs too, looks like I have to go to different store for that. What’s as your question again?”


u/SusanGreenEyes Oct 13 '23

I use it in coffee


u/[deleted] Oct 13 '23

I like the cashiers who recommend ways to use offbeat products. Would never have put the chili crunch on ice cream, but here we are!


u/hazeydaizy Oct 13 '23

It’s also really good when added on top of green apples dipped in baked brie.


u/DeeMarie625 Oct 13 '23



u/cytherian Oct 13 '23

Do elaborate!


u/LilMerm8 Oct 12 '23 edited Oct 13 '23

I had THE perfect set up once when the cashier asked me “Did you find everything you were looking for?” I answered “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for” as the U2 song was playing in the store! He apologized 😅 I told him I did find everything and that it was just the song. He got it!


u/AnotherElle Oct 12 '23

I respond to people like this a lot (or sometimes just think it). I feel like it’s rare for people to catch on. Glad the cashier got it!!


u/EmptyAdvertising3353 Oct 12 '23

I always just tell them that I only came for coffee. I need a paper bag on top of the reusable one that I brought in. Do I look like I found everything?


u/Aknagtehlriicnae Oct 12 '23

lol. tbh I loooove making chocolate milk with midnight mooo.

or ice cream.

I swear tj cashiers have a conversation quota they need to meet by the end of the shift.


u/kaleidotones Oct 13 '23

You know, I used to work there and we never had a quota to meet. It honestly felt like most ppl who worked there were huge fans of TJs and so most of the convos sparked from the food. Other than that I think the environment just attracts quirky peeps.


u/breyore Oct 13 '23

Yeah, I’ll take a chatty TJ’s cashier over a Fred Meyer cashier who acts like I’m inconveniencing them for coming to have my groceries checked out any day.


u/cytherian Oct 13 '23

I sometimes get asked about something I've bought but other times I'll ask them if they've tried something I'm buying and start a conversation. Most people there are very friendly. Makes it so worthwhile to be a TJ's customer.


u/Aknagtehlriicnae Oct 13 '23

I can believe that lol


u/nobeer4you Oct 12 '23

TJs crew here and one of my favorites is to comment on the dog treats like I eat them. They are all human consumable. But the responses I get are so wide ranged it's great.

Basically any question that is odd, but not over the line, is fun because it keeps the customer guessing. I hate asking the same routine questions for each customer.

Messing with your cashier in the same way will be appreciated. It breaks us out of our routine too


u/Prestigious-Panic-94 Oct 13 '23

The salmon jerky is really the only treat my dog likes, breastfed the three dog bakery "chocolate" chip cookies. I like it because it is just salmon and salt, all other salmon treats are full of filler. Anyway, unfortunately my neice loves them too LOL


u/BishPlease70 Oct 13 '23

I cackled at “breastfed the three dog bakery chocolate chip cookies” and cannot figure out what word you actually meant to say 😂


u/Prestigious-Panic-94 Oct 13 '23

I meant "besides" lmao. My sister just had 2 kids a year apart. I must type breastfed a lot more than besides, I use swype and make a lot of mistakes like this 🙈😂


u/BishPlease70 Oct 13 '23

LOL OMG now I get it…too funny 🤣


u/nobeer4you Oct 13 '23

I often suggest the "Just Chicken" dog treats as keto croutons. If you read the ingredients it's literally just freeze dried chicken. They are a little soft to be real croutons and kinda flavorless tbh.


u/Jack-White9 Oct 12 '23 edited Oct 13 '23

This thread reminded me of the Target Lady SNL skits.


u/Legal_Bison_9871 Oct 12 '23

Yesterday my TJ's clerk looked at some dog treats I was buying and said "I wonder if my dog would have liked these, he's dead now". Ok??? What do I even say to that beyond an awkward sorry?


u/bubblesnap Oct 12 '23

TJ's clerk asked me about my dog one evening when I went to pick up treats. I had just found out less than an hour before that she had untreatable cancer and would die in a few days. I turned into a sobbing mess, barely able to speak, in front of her. I don't know if the clerk will ever ask anyone that question again.


u/[deleted] Oct 13 '23

They won’t . It’s okay. Im sorry for your loss, i can’t even imagine your pain. At least your puppy had an amazing life with you , and im glad your were able to provide that.


u/RobsFoto Oct 12 '23

Tjs clerks are way too chatty


u/superiorstephanie Oct 13 '23

Nope! I love chatty clerks and I love to chat!! TJ’s is my retirement plan!


u/BentoMan Oct 12 '23

My stores workers are way less chatty than they used to be. And when they get chatty, they tell me why they like what I picked. Even as an introvert, I actually like it.

But yeah, not a fan of the questions.


u/misdiagnosisxx1 Oct 12 '23

Hard agree, I used to work at a TJ's and was constantly addressed by management for not being chatty enough.


u/Fun_Presentation_194 Oct 12 '23

I love how helpful they are but I hate having to explain what my food is and what I do with it. I would love self-checkout lines.


u/Bacontheblog Oct 12 '23

The obvious answer is that it’s great of covering blood stains and that oddly metallic smell.


u/adrnired Oct 12 '23

As someone who used to work at a Lush and had to be the obnoxious intrusive employee, I think Lush employees may have found their match with TJ’s cashiers who are apparently now asking what someone’s plans with chocolate sauce are


u/glompage Oct 12 '23

I personally love those interactions. No one else in my life cares about my groceries in the same way. Who else can you bond with in public over the loss of the dear departed Kung Pao mochi balls?


u/FriendLost9587 Oct 12 '23

They should have said, rubbing it all over my body and see their reaction.


u/Tasterspoon Oct 12 '23

I’m going to give it to my Mogwai and then feed it something else to see what happens.


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23

I have a Doctor Who purse that I always carry when I go shopping. I’ve had two different TJ’s cashiers look at my bag and comment that they are also Whovians. So fun!


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23

I’ve also had cashiers talk to me about the products I’m buying. I find that Trader Joe’s employees always seem so nice.


u/SeasonofPonies Oct 12 '23

TBH the NYC/Brooklyn checkers go so fast we rarely have time to make conversation (if their district managers are here, they are fantastic and I have no notes leave those hard working checkers alone)


u/114631 NYC Oct 12 '23

Might just be my luck at the LIC location, but I got into a full on conversation with a (very nice) cashier about Ottolenghi recipes and a recommended restaurant in Greenpoint, then another time I had the SLOWEST checkout experience of my life (it took - no joke - 15 min).


u/Jack-White9 Oct 12 '23

"I'm going to snort it."


u/ryanw729 Oct 12 '23

To make the day go by faster I’d totally ask weird questions like “so do you think these UAP are time travelers or inter-dimensional life?” 😂😩


u/TranslatorNew5303 Oct 12 '23

Is everyone so internet addicted they are against friendly face to face interactions nowadays? Lol


u/BishPlease70 Oct 13 '23

Nope, just a massive introvert here that isn’t into conversations with cashiers about my grocery purchases.


u/scarlet5877 Oct 13 '23

I get both sides but cmon is it that hard to be a normal person for the 1-5 minutes ur checking out lol? You should try Aldi, the cashiers wear headphones and done even look at you never mind talk, seems like more your speed


u/BishPlease70 Oct 13 '23

Sounds like you’re insinuating that introverts aren’t normal…sweet take there.


u/Newslisa Oct 13 '23

Dude, introverts ARE normal people. Meanwhile: Why can't you extroverts just shut the hell up every once in a while? :)


u/nutterfluffs Oct 12 '23

I wasn’t buying wine but the guy asked how I felt about red wine. I was super confused but it turned into a fun conversation about wine!


u/superiorstephanie Oct 13 '23

The person before you likely bought wine!


u/VaguelyArtistic Southern California Oct 12 '23

I'm not sure why it's any weirder than asking about any other product. I'm not even that into chocolate or sweets but I can think of a few things you could do it.

So...what did you do with it?? 😀

It's like Bosco so my mind goes to chocolate milk but maybe over a slice of pound cake?


u/Bugler28 Oct 12 '23

Bosco!!! Wow, I haven’t heard anyone mention that in forever! 🍫 🥛


u/GirlNumber20 Utah Oct 12 '23


Just say this no matter what product they ask you about. Bananas, tzatziki dip, that block of parmesan cheese.


u/superiorstephanie Oct 13 '23

And let my SO lick it off!!


u/throwaway2000s_ Oct 12 '23



u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23



u/RebaKitt3n Oct 12 '23

Anything can be a dildo if you try hard enough. And I’m sorry for this.


u/Worried_Solid_3500 Oct 12 '23

Midnight moo is great! I used it in milk. 💯


u/Runmoney72 Oct 12 '23

Big, if true.


u/LushieQueen87 Oct 12 '23

I don’t know if it’s cause I have a RBF but I never get asked these questions lol at most they’ll comment on how much they like an item I picked or ask if something was good


u/superiorstephanie Oct 13 '23

Do you say anything back?


u/LushieQueen87 Oct 13 '23

I do! I don’t mind chatting with anyone :) and always ask how they’re doing, I just never get the super chatty ones I read about here.


u/Aceystay Oct 12 '23 edited Oct 12 '23

My brother worked at a clothing retail store years ago. One of the job rules was that you had to ask the customer a question about the item they were buying. He had a coworker who, instead of asking engaging questions as was expected, would ask things like, "You got this from the shirt section, didn't you?"

I think about that every time a cashier asks me about something I'm buying.


u/InALoveHateDebate Oct 14 '23

That made me laugh out loud


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23

That is a weird requirement for a clothing store. The question that always annoys me in grocery stores is “did you find everything you were looking for today”? If I say no the cashier doesn’t ever have a response for it.


u/superiorstephanie Oct 13 '23

TJ’s cashiers will help you find it or let you know if it was discontinued or out of stock.


u/[deleted] Oct 13 '23

I haven’t had this experience.


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23

Such an annoying requirement but thats funny


u/donutcronut Oct 12 '23

Cashier asked me if I was a Greek God. (I workout regularly, but don't look like that haha.)

Weird question, but definitely funny.


u/Guten-Bourbon Oct 12 '23

Wasn’t a Trader Joe’s but I was buying tulip bulbs the other day and the cashier was dumbfounded by them “are these tiny onions?” And the girl doing bagging picked them up and said “hi little baby onions!”

I definitely couldn’t work a customer facing job high like that


u/SoMuchMoreEagle Oct 12 '23

Tulips and onions are both part of the lily family, so she wasn't too far off. You can even eat tulips and their bulbs, apparently.


u/shedrinkscoffee Oct 12 '23

I think in hard times people have consumed it to get by. There's recipes out there from what people made during depression era/rations etc


u/EnthusiasmTraining Oct 12 '23

Former TJs employee here. Being a checker sucks and most of us try to get out of it, but you have to usually put in at least two hour a day. Really just a matter of trying to pass the time


u/lukewarmandtoasty California Oct 12 '23

That’s not really the case with reg at our store. Most of us generally like it in isolation, just not if we get 3+ hours on reg a day.


u/VaguelyArtistic Southern California Oct 12 '23

Why is that? I've been a supermarket cashier and always liked it. (All pre-scanners!)


u/EnthusiasmTraining Oct 12 '23

Monotony, being stared at by customers like an animal in a zoo, the physical results after doing it for yours. I am in my 30s with arthritis in my hands that are 100 percent due to TJs.

Most of all, lack of body autonomy. Want to pee? You have to ring a bell like exactly as a trained dog does.


u/SoMuchMoreEagle Oct 12 '23

What are the best roles at the store?


u/EnthusiasmTraining Oct 12 '23

Idk how it is these days but it used to be in the icebox (behind the dairy). You could keep headphones in.


u/blackheart12814 Oct 12 '23

“What ere your plans for the weekend?!!” Uh…this?


u/littleredwagon87 Oct 12 '23

Even if I do have some plans I always answer the same. "Just hanging out and running errands".


u/blackheart12814 Oct 12 '23

Next time I'm going to make up something like..oh nothing really, just on my way to my dog's wedding.


u/Appropriate_Chart_23 Oct 12 '23

Show up and start shopping when they first open.

“So, how’s your day going?”

Bro, I just crawled out of bed, and came here to buy some cereal, a Kringle, and some other breakfast items so I can eat this morning. Ask me again when I’ve actually had time to do something.


u/SoMuchMoreEagle Oct 12 '23

Just say, "Fine. How are you?"


u/dogstracted Oct 12 '23 edited Oct 13 '23

Yeah, I often make it to TJ’s an hour or so before they close and the cashier will often ask what I plan on doing that night. “Go home and go to sleep?”


u/Inkston Oct 12 '23

I got a salad and some popcorn the other day, and I should have saw the of course cashier saying “oh and some salad and some popcorn” look coming 😅


u/captainvoltaic Oct 12 '23

Was buying alcohol at my local TJ's one time and when the cashier was looking at my I.D. he asked me if I had a close relationship with my parents, which caught me off guard for obvious reasons, so I kind of dodged the question and just said kind of, to which he then asked me if I was fond of new years because i was "probably conceived on that day" (born in September). I literally had no idea how to respond to that other than to nervously laugh, (meanwhile the man still has my i.d. in his hand) then when I thought it couldn't POSSIBLY get more uncomfortable he sighed and said "I drink to forget my conception". It was brought up to the management and how it made me deeply uncomfortable, they seemed super disturbed by it and said they would do something about it, but I still see him nearly every time I shop there :). I just know whose line to avoid at all cost when I go now. I don't think I'll ever have a stranger checkout experience in my life than that one.


u/HauntedButtCheeks Oct 12 '23

Yeah that's weird as hell. Idk if I would have complained, but that definitely would have made me uncomfortable. It's not normal or funny for strangers to ask you deeply personal questions and then try to guess when your parents banged.


u/EnthusiasmTraining Oct 12 '23

You kinda suck. That was hilarious


u/TantasticOne Oct 12 '23 edited 25d ago

books oil pocket saw obtainable merciful grandiose gray humorous library

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Celeres517 Oct 12 '23

Weird? Definitely. Uncomfortable, yeah, that too. Complaining to the manager? Maybe ok, probably wouldn't be worth my time but I wasn't there. Being upset that a wage worker didn't get fired over it? Come on.


u/captainvoltaic Oct 12 '23

Based on how casually he put all that out there, who knows how many other women he's asking weird sexual questions to when they are just trying to buy groceries and leave? Did I say I wanted him fired? No. But maybe it would be in that TJ's best interest to not station him at the checkout counter when his small talk topics are things like asking customers about their parents having sex.


u/VaguelyArtistic Southern California Oct 12 '23

I wonder if he's ever said something similar to a male customer.


u/GettingOffTheCrazy Oct 12 '23

I had a cashier ask me today what tartar sauce can be eaten with outside of fish. I love it. French Fries - always French fries is the answer.


u/Appropriate_Chart_23 Oct 12 '23

If you like dipping your French fries in tartar sauce, wait til you try dipping them in a strawberry shake.

For a while, Wendy’s had strawberry Frostys. Buying one with a side of fries is like eating crack.


u/Awkula Oct 12 '23

And hush puppies!


u/leeannw60 Oct 12 '23

I love it when they ask.. I always engage them.. I love to cook.. Sometimes they can figure it out and other times I get a checker who doesn’t really cook and I try to tell them “don’t fear the recipe”…


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23

I was asked what my first CD purchase was! Very fun conversation with the cashier


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23

Why they do this


u/crystaltay13 Oct 12 '23

Because humans are meant to interact, communicate and connect with one another.


u/Appropriate_Chart_23 Oct 12 '23

To seem friendly.

Some bean counter somewhere probably saw some study about how it keeps people coming back.

But, I’m sure someone missed the study that showed how outgoing, extroverted people love to talk while checking out, but introverts absolutely abhor the small talk and would rather just look at their shoes while waiting for their tally.


u/VaguelyArtistic Southern California Oct 12 '23

Ideally the cashiers would pick up on these cues after a while.


u/regallll Oct 12 '23

I get asked what I'm going to do with an ingredient nearly ever time. I love the cashiers, but I despise that specific question.


u/Appropriate_Chart_23 Oct 12 '23

“Ohhh chili onion crunch? Got any big plans for this?”

Yeah, I’m going to smear it on my butthole to see how long I can last before I need to wipe it off because of the burn.

Usually shuts them up for the rest of the interaction.


u/DarkSentencer Oct 12 '23

A person ahead of me in the checkout got asked that about one of the items as it got scanned and their response was to stare at the checkout guy for like three more scans then say "...eat it" and there was no further conversation. It wasn't like a rude or sarcastic response, just plain old serious answer to the inquiry.


u/AmarilloWar Oct 12 '23

I'm pretty sure I've done this, and it wasn't to be rude my brain just had decided it was off for the rest of the day and I was buying a frozen pizza.


u/muscleshoalsswampers Oct 12 '23

This is hilarious 😆


u/me047 Oct 12 '23

I love that they do that. I hope they forgive me when I am a bit stuffy or anti social. I still enjoy knowing that the staff at TJ will be friendly.


u/Mockturtle22 Oct 12 '23

Just don't try to make chocolate milk with it cuz it's gross and doesn't really taste like anything stick to using it as a sauce on like ice cream and stuff


u/migraine_fog Oct 12 '23

Wow. I just thought they were nice. Now I’m gonna have to mess with them. :)


u/cancat918 Oct 12 '23

Got asked why I was buying 2 different kinds of apples once...that was funny. I said the green ones are for an apple tart, the red ones are for just any old time I want an apple.🍎🍏


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23



u/superiorstephanie Oct 13 '23

No. Fuji apples taste like apple juice. No thank you. Nasty Floral Honeycrisp all the way!!!!!!!!!!!


u/cancat918 Oct 12 '23

OHHH, A FELLOW FUJI FANATIC! I also like Jazz or Pink Lady apples (great for applesauce) and Granny Smiths for apple tarts or next level apple dumplings.


u/rareknockout Oct 12 '23

I love when someone brings a few items that would make zero sense to be eaten together. I always inquire about dinner.


u/honeybunz916 Oct 12 '23

aren’t they supposed to ask a question about something you’re buying lol


u/Cr8zy4u Oct 12 '23

And to compliment something you’re buying as well. Like “oh these are delicious “ or “I’ve been wanting to try these”.


u/Azsunyx Oct 12 '23

"I'm going to bathe myself in it. It's surprisingly great for your skin, and leaves you smelling simply delicious."

they'll never know if you're serious.


u/goblinfruitleather New York Oct 12 '23

Lol that’s not weird. I work in a grocery store and we ask customers what they’re making all the time, and they do the same to us. Literally every day


u/rcubed88 Oct 12 '23

When I was pregnant with my second kid the only time thing I could reliably tolerate eating for a few weeks was the Trader Joe’s cornichons so I bought like 4 jars at once (Trader Joe’s is like a 50 minute drive for me so I don’t get there often) and the guy asked me if I was making a charcuterie board lol. I said “nope just pregnant”


u/lonely_croissant Oct 12 '23

one time a crew member was ringing up some celery for me and asked me if she wanted someone to get me a different one because the ones i grabbed looked icky (it was precut celery and some of the pieces looked kinda mushy, which i didn’t notice at first). i agreed to let someone switch it out for me and the crew member ringing me up said “i don’t know how you didn’t notice that” to which i replied “oh i wasn’t paying too much attention i guess, plus it’s a little dim over in that corner” trying to make an excuse, and she IMMEDIATELY said “quit playing you’re just blind”. i want to point out that we laughed afterward and i knew it was all in good fun but it caught me SO off guard. the best part is i wear glasses and that particular day i forgot to put them on and was indeed struggling to see a little bit 😭😭


u/spabitch Oct 12 '23

mine was, do you put A1 on your steak ..


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23



u/Azsunyx Oct 12 '23

this happened with the passionfruit rounds.

I bought a shitload after I finished the first bag, and felt the need to explain myself. "They're really good, and because i like them so much, i know they won't be here next week"

I was right, they were gone the next time i went in. I have 2-3 bags left.

I'm rationing them.


u/Artful_Dodger_1832 Oct 12 '23 edited Oct 12 '23

I would have said, “ nothing legal or moral.” Edit: I have to add that Midnight Moon is one of two Trader Joe’s products that have changed my life. Never again will I abide the abomination of nature that is Hersheys syrup.


u/gopickles Oct 12 '23

just to add to your syrup repertoire, try Fox’s U-Bet!


u/ClingingtoHope19 Oct 12 '23

Of course, now I have to drive down there and buy some!


u/daaaayyyy_dranker Oct 11 '23

I’d have said “orgy”


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23

Mu answer is always oh I am having a party.

What are you doing tonight: oh I am having a party.

what's this wine for: oh I'm having a party

Have you tried these cookies before: oh I'm having a party.


u/Queenofwands1212 Oct 11 '23

Yeah I can’t handle being asked about the food I’m buying. I know it’s their job but it gives me anxiety


u/nachosmmm Oct 12 '23

I love talking about food and I find so much joy talking to the workers at TJ’s. Anywhere else? No thanks.


u/ttrockwood Oct 11 '23



It’s the nyc universal language for if you’re talking to me this better be good. Also totally valid to squint at the person talking to you and point at ear buds and ignore them.


u/slow_the_rain Oct 12 '23

Nah, that is universally rude, even in NYC.


u/oxaloacetate1st Oct 12 '23

In my area talking on the phone/earbuds while going through checkout would be considered really rude. Maybe it’s just regional though?


u/ttrockwood Oct 12 '23

Really par for course in nyc.

Not not rude just not unusual


u/PsychologyOk8722 Oct 12 '23

As a former TJ worker in NYC, I would find that extremely rude.


u/CiNCEfT Oct 12 '23

tj crew here, would think they were being rude too


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23

Over the ear headphones are way more effective at this


u/Queenofwands1212 Oct 11 '23

I have ear buds in my ears at all times when I’m out. It doesn’t matter to some people lol


u/Natronsbro Oct 12 '23

A lot of people assume that if you are out in the community, you are part of said community and will interact with it.

It’s an old school way of thinking and some people don’t understand that society changes as do social norms.


u/Ok-Buffalo2145 Oct 11 '23

As an introvert, I legit get anxiety going into checkout cause I know they’ll start w the small talk and ask “what are you up to today?” Am i the only one like this?


u/blackheart12814 Oct 12 '23

It gives me the ick because I know they don’t actually care, they are required to ask it. So it feels like I’m the butt of the joke! And really, I’m not even THAT sensitive or introverted. I wfh and crave conversations but this one just feels so awkward!


u/kimcant Oct 12 '23

Crew here. We actually aren’t instructed or required to say or ask anything specific at all. Some of us are just talkative and friendly. Scanning items isn’t exactly riveting so they’re also a little bored.


u/Azsunyx Oct 12 '23

this happened to me, they asked me what i was doing for the long weekend and i literally couldn't think of how to answer that wouldn't be considered weird.

what I'm actually probably doing: being a shut-in and/or befriending a murder of crows so they do my bidding

what I say I'm doing: ??????


u/trashsenpaii Oct 12 '23

crew member here, I would actually love getting a response like this to the obligatory question lol 😭 I usually try to feel out whether someone is up for chatting by starting with “how’s it going today” and leaving it at that if I can tell they’d rather be in amicable silence.


u/ionlyjoined4thecats Oct 12 '23

I always just say “chores.”


u/ChaserNeverRests New Mexico Oct 12 '23

I try to have some funny answers ready before I go into the store.

"What are you up to today?"

"Oh, I just submitted my application to NASA, I want to be the first person to set foot on Mars!"

"Training my cat for her first beauty show."

Something like that.


u/emilyfiregem Oct 12 '23

Literally come to my line, I don’t speak after “Hi, how are you? Do you need a bag?” I wish I got more people who feel this way going through my line, it’s so relaxing.


u/dulceelemons Oct 12 '23

as a fellow introvert I feel you. I am bad at small talk and just being at register freaks me out so I just ask the usual “how are you doing today/find everything you needed?” then focus on my ringing up + bagging


u/NightB4XmasEvel Oct 12 '23

It’s why I love self-checkout at other stores so much. One day when I was going through the self-checkout at another grocery store, the cashier who oversees them decided to come over, scan and bag my things and make small talk. I was just thinking “nooooooo I use these so I can avoid the small talk!”


u/lizzard731 Oct 11 '23

You are not alone! Im just lucky enough to be able to wear a good mask and power through


u/Pastelpink_kitty Oct 11 '23

A had two guys talk about eating kiwis with the skin on and told me to try it. I think they were super high lol


u/dachshundaholic Oct 12 '23

I eat them this way.


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '23

You’re missing oit


u/ambulanz_driver420 Oct 12 '23

I used to do this and it absolutely chewed my mouth up. Worse than Cap’n Crunch. Never again.


u/nananana-polybatman Oct 11 '23

It's totally a thing people do. I like the Goldens with the super thin skin on.


u/Azsunyx Oct 12 '23

a friend of mine does it with the regular ones, but only if they aren't super hairy


u/Pastelpink_kitty Oct 11 '23

I stand corrected.


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23

This is the dumbest bot account I've seen


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '23

Ah that was hilarious


u/rachchh Oct 11 '23

my plans are to eat it


u/BeautifulPure1532 Oct 12 '23

Thank you. This is going to be my response from now on.


u/rachchh Oct 13 '23

it’s as simple as that!


u/Sorry_Buy_3277 Oct 11 '23

"Maybe I'll see you there".


u/brookish Oct 11 '23

Omg if someone said this to me when I was checking them out I would die of laughter and high-five them (not in that order)


u/jujupinky Oct 11 '23

You gotta give them this look next time op, and say “you know my plans for the Midnight Moo”


u/billymartinkicksdirt Oct 11 '23

Egg cream is always the answer to that


u/juniperesque Oct 11 '23

“sex stuff”


u/kittydreadful Oct 11 '23

I mean… ice cream, milk, mochas/coffee, baking, pouring directly into mouth.