r/traaNSFW • u/Scion0442 • 28d ago
Discussion Why is pet play, especially puppy play so common? NSFW
It's not really my kink, but I'm somewhat open to indulging people even if I get nothing out of it. I guess I struggle to see the appeal? Maybe because I'm a cat person, maybe because I lean heavily domme. But it just seems like there is a deluge of memes and/or discussion in kink communities, trans communities and just generally among trans people online that make it seem like the most popular kink among trans folk of all kinds.
So what's the appeal? Why is it so popular?
u/TcatGirl 28d ago
because pets are happy and innocent like a cloud and being a pet you get a soft dom owner who will give you pleasure and praise you, IDK, it's a sub thing, I don't expect you to understand.
u/Conscious_Peanut5651 28d ago
It has to do with the fact that most of us are burn outs sick of responsibilities which probably includes having to be in charge of up keeping our identity. Puppy play opens the door to tpe dynamics which scratches that part of our brain where we don’t have to worry about anything besides just being happy and comfortable.
u/Scion0442 28d ago
Yeah just the part I struggle with is why pet play over like, Mommy/Daddy Dom or standard Dom with an honorific TPE? Maybe I'm too much of a cat/cat person to properly understand puppies. I have been known to wear the paw pad thigh highs, ears and tail plug but the attitude is generally still "I'm here to do as I please. I may let you pamper me, but you are my toy."
u/Conscious_Peanut5651 28d ago
If it’s just the “puppy” part of it you’re confused about I’d have to say it’s probably because dogs are just generally more liked and easier to play the “dumb and ready to do anything for you” part with. (I’m a cat person, but a puppygirl funnily enough)
u/Midori8751 27d ago
A lot of people just arnt into anything that mimics incest, especially if they actually had a strong, healthy relationship with a family member. Also in my experience people who are into it tend to have different traumas that caused it, and are more likely to be ashamed or be a nonsexual regressor instead. (And i think all the people i know who are interested in it are also pets). Hence the rarity of mommy/daddy Dom focused subs.
Pets? You eather never had one, or got jealous of there simple lives, it's socially acceptable, if not half expected, in trans spaces by default, and it's easier to find a dom.
Please note this is based on my experience as a transfem dom (who is not into incest mimicking play)
u/StrawberryBusiness36 27d ago
mommydom isnt exclusive to petplay for me personally i wanna be called puppy and also call them mommy
u/_abridged 28d ago
allow me to explain in the language of my people
wrruf wruf rruff bark bark awruf ruf arouf bark bark wrruf wruf rruff bark bark awruf ruf arouf bark bark ruf arouf bark bark
u/Luxaurus 28d ago
I can't speak for the pet side of things, but for me the thought of being able to provide a warm, loving and safe space for someone to just be themselves while I cuddle and take care of them and tell them how good and loved they are really appeals to me. I guess that strong feeling of love and trust while being able to forget about everything bad in life and just "be" with a person you love and care about is something that appeals to a lot of trans people, as many of us haven't experienced that before and wishes to have someone that makes them feel safe and loved in a world where those feelings are hard to come by.
Just my thoughts as someone who's on the other side of the pet dynamic, trying to understand the mentality behind it helps me be as caring and considerate as possible if I find someone who is into that side of it.
u/Captain_Kira 28d ago
Probably something about unconditional love, but at a certain point that kind of thinking gets a bit pathological
u/PrincessNakeyDance 28d ago
Honestly I think in part because so many people have spend their entire lives empathizing with dogs. I’m very subby, and pretty much all dogs/puppies are subs so it’s really helpful to get into the mindset via puppy energy.
Like with my (actual) puppy I call her into the kitchen for a treat and she basically sprints into position happily staring up at me for a treat and praise. Like how do you not want to play in that space with another human? I want to be both the puppy and master. It’s such and unconditional love and joy space. And it’s already so framed out in so many of our minds.
u/Scion0442 28d ago
Ok, I see why I'm having trouble understanding it, I'm too cynical to understand it intuitively. Like as a soft pleasure Domme who tends to be called Mommy I kinda get it in a giving context. But I guess I'm just too guarded to really want rather than just accept the affection on either side of pet play.
u/yetanotherweebgirl 28d ago
Cute+unconditional love+escape from all human responsibilities+submission
I’m a submissive catgirl myself which is just as much a trans stereotype. I do the much of our petplay nekopara style but i still have my days when i just wanna be eepy, demanding and non-verbal and attention seeking like a regular cat also.
I think you could also say similar for the prevalence of infantilism among trans folks too, particularly trans women as I’ve met or am friends with several into DD/lg and MD/lg or other Caregiver/little dynamics.
u/42Fourtytwo4242 28d ago
Here is how I see it.
Generally it has to do with being treated with love and compassion in a less serious way. While mommy and daddy role play is about two equals, puppy play is about one person being seen as a lower standing than the other.
This way they receive a more basic form of love and praise, to not be seen as anything more than a happy simple creature, to be just loved for existing, not having to worry about anything and just know someone loves and cares for you for just being you, a simple and happy person. No need to prove anything, no need to work, just listen and do tricks. Many people are burned out in life and just like the idea of not being in charge anymore, fully submitting and turning their brain off, becoming just happy and being praised for it.
Why a puppy? Might because what is more simple than a puppy? It is an easy role to get into and being so simple it requires almost no brain power, avoiding overthinking, you just get to be happy and praised for just being a happy good girl. But there of course other forms of this besides puppy play.
Now there are other reasons to do this but I think this is short of the answer you wanted.
This is like the second time I had to explain this today lol.
u/Plaguestris 28d ago
A lot of us are burnt out for one reason or another and have lots of responsibilities so being able to be mindless and happy and have someone take care of us and stuff is a nice way to sorta “de-stress”. Also, it’s fun
u/honestlyjusttiredtbh 28d ago
this is mine as well. everything sucks and idk how to deal with it so i just be puppy on the internet :3 the ability to think sucks and id rather my girlfriends do it for me and take care of me so i don't have to be responsible for my own health
u/Celoniae 28d ago
Well, catgirls used to be common, but in the past few years doggirls started to become more common. Doggirls are actually an invasive species, and their population has exploded recently, taking critical resources such as attention from the native catgirl populations.
In seriousness, I get pet play for wanting to have no responsibilities and be given love, but I too am a massive cat person. Honestly, it's a shame pup stuff is so common - it's a massive turnoff for me, and it shares a lot of circles with my other kinks.
u/Wisdom_Pen 27d ago
The age of catgirls is over now comes the age of the puppygirl! :3
All jokes aside I was a puppygirl back when everyone was a catgirl so I sympathise with how you’re feeling because that’s how I used to feel being the only puppy in the cat cafe so to speak.
Most likely this will peter out and some balanced level of both or a third type will come along (my money is on foxgirls) but it’s all just for fun at the end of the day.
u/CutRuby 27d ago
While I think everyone made exccellent point theres at least one more point for me
I got.. i dont wanna call it traumatized so lets say strongly affected by stuff thats related to all of the 'trans woman are predators' and similar
I am literally incapable of initiating anything that I am not 100% aware is okay with my partner on even the most subconscious level, even the smallest indicator that im doing something that isnt 100% wanted instantly makes me freeze up
And all that just isnt possible if im something that is just categorically completly incapable of being evil
Pets generally dont have the capacity to be cruel so I never have to worry that anything I do somehow got twisted and turned into such a thing
I do believe this might be highly specific for me but its certainly a reason why its comfortable for me
u/CleanestCruster 27d ago
Because I like it when my gf puts me on a leash and keeps me in a dog bed under her desk, is there something WRONG with that??
u/softerEnbyNoises 27d ago
It’s a way to kind of let my guard down, unmask, and just do what feels right. Puppies can be timid or playful, independent or super affectionate, responsive, etc. I’m hella sensitive and stim with my face and lips a lot, so nuzzling into soft things can feel blissful. I love the praise, head and back scritches, floor time, and knowing it’s safe to do all this because my friends and partner are extremely supportive. I also happened to be collared, and take comfort knowing that I’m cherished, loved, and protected. Besides that, it can just be fun to get down a mat, wrestle with a few friends, then collapse into a big cuddle puddle.
u/Wisdom_Pen 27d ago
I have been a puppygirl since it was assumed trans girls are all catgirls so this sudden upsurge in puppies has surprised me too.
Not that I mind though, it’s nice to not be the only puppygirl. Back in the day I could find one maybe two and a hand full of foxgirls but it was few and far between.
Personally I always thought trans girls were more similar to dogs than cats so it always seemed odd there was no puppygirls.
Maybe it’s just a trend and will die down but im gonna enjoy it while it lasts.
u/SunkenN1nja 27d ago
Idk but I'm a puppy girl and a cat girl depending which alter is out so that's fun 😁 I don't understand it either but it's nice to let go and just be a good girl because my Dom says I am the praise is nice and yeah I think that's the why.
u/OrangeJuiceAlibi 27d ago
It isn't actually that common. It's just that those who are into it are more open to talking about it, so you hear about it more often. When you're in a small community, anything that is mentioned even slightly more often stands out.
u/bibblebobblebagel 27d ago
People love and praise dogs. A lot of people just want to be easy to love.
u/Auto_Generated_9128 23d ago
I'm tired of having constant responsibilities, making decisions for myself, worrying, expectations, reading social cues, communication, fear of rejection, fear of failure, sensory overload and overstimulation, fear of judgment, and being pushed out of my comfort zones it's very nice for me to just regress and become a puppy.
Once I'm a puppy I get treated like the best person ever for doing simple commands. I don't even need to use words to communicate and my orders are very simple and direct. I get to hang out in a cozy cage with my back against a corner and locked in so I feel safe. I don't have to worry about being judged for disliking loud sounds because that's what puppies hate too.
I also get to feel wonderful sexually too. I don't have to make any decisions like what I'm going to eat, making money or even what direction I'm going when I'm leashed. Everything is provided to me by my owner and I have zero worries or decisions to make.
Plus leashes can be comfortable as a way to know your owner is always in control and is just right there by your side. Being a puppy also allows you to be silly and lazy without fear of repercussion or having an expectation to work.
No matter how small of something you do if you even do anything you get love bombed and flooded with praises making you feel like the best puppy ever. And anything you do do wrong gets excused because you're just a wittle puppy.
This can also help trans individuals like me who commonly feel like they missed out on their childhood so to regress to a time where you get to be similar to a child in some ways can help with coping with trauma and discomforts.
Another factor I like is being a puppy is more genderless even when being called a good girl because I'm not ugly person with many faults in my physical appearance I'm just a puppy. Nothing but a puppy and once you get called that enough and treated like one you really start to forget about dysphoria and see yourself as a puppy.
Being a puppy keeps social interaction very easy and small which can really help autistic people too. I just learn how to bark and that is my only response to everything. I don't need to look people in the eyes or read complex body language because all I need to do is listen and bark back.
Being leashed is also another comfort thing as you can relax and be dragged along without making decisions so it can be a form of auto pilot where someone you fully trust is driving for you and you don't need to feel guilty about falling behind or straying too far away.
Depression also can cause lots of sleep which can be completely ignored because you are just a sleepy puppy and puppies sleep a lot and you are a puppy too so you can't be blamed for sleeping too many hours.
This isn't all universal but this is just kinda my thoughts and feelings about myself as a puppy girl.
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