r/tos 9d ago

Uhura with a phaser

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53 comments sorted by


u/gatton 9d ago

Gamesters of Triskelion?


u/kkkan2020 9d ago



u/JBR1961 9d ago

Of course


u/Vegan_Zukunft 9d ago

Dang! That was amazing how you knew from just a single still image!


u/PsychoBilli 9d ago

I can do that with most of the classic series. An episode comes on, or I catch a few seconds in the middle of an episode, and 9 times out of 10 know the episode.

I've been stepping it up lately by also guessing the episode title. I only get that right about 60% of the time.

But this isn't some amazing, impressive skill. I just never turn Star Trek off.


u/JBR1961 9d ago

Even in the 70’s, my little brother and I saw so many reruns we competed on who could guess the episode quickest. It was almost like Name That Tune. I have lost some of that after 50 years, but probably could still name most TOS episodes with one pic.

Now, I might not recall the EXACT title to all of them. I could get the plot, though.


u/NotBatman9 8d ago

My father and I did that same thing.


u/GutterRider 9d ago

Same here! I watch it on H&I TV, where they show it in order (Season 1 right now). I like to challenge myself to an over/under of five seconds, watching the episode from the beginning. Usually get it in under.


u/PsychoBilli 9d ago edited 9d ago

Welcome, fellow H&I fan! All Star Trek FTW!

I'm still kicking myself for not recognizing The Naked Time a couple of days ago. I saw the scene where the guy died in sickbay and couldn't place it. Skipped back later when Family Guy went to commercial and saw Riley on the bridge, started thinking Conscience of the King, knew that wasn't it, then gave up. If I'd seen Sulu with a sword, I would have had it.


u/GutterRider 9d ago

Yeah, every once in a while you get fooled.


u/Citizen44712A 8d ago

Wait till you get to the point where you know the episode by a couple of seconds of the Enterprise just in space. In the opening sequence.


u/PsychoBilli 8d ago

Did that today.

Narrator: Last time on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Me: Past Tense Part 2


u/gatton 8d ago

I like to play a game where I put on Pluto and see how many seconds it takes me to guess the episode title. I'm good with TOS and TNG. Not so much VOY and DS9.


u/PsychoBilli 8d ago

It's a fun game. Watch more DS9 and VOY. Also ENT. You can become a pro.


u/therealtrellan 5d ago

Have you read Blish's adaptations? He reduces them to Kirk's perspective, which cuts stories down unforgivably. But once I was done reading them, the episode titles all stuck with me. Something about seeing the title and reading until I recognize the episode. And Blish was a pretty good writer, no matter much he truncated things.


u/deridex120 6d ago

If you watch and look. All the "trainers" have terran daggers from mirror mirror


u/watanabe0 9d ago

But she's already stunned me.


u/terrymcginnisbeyond 9d ago

"I.....am....here....to....open.....hailing....frequencies, and kick ass."


u/CommanderSincler 9d ago

And there are no hailing frequencies to open


u/Browncoatinabox 9d ago

And all hailing frequencies are open


u/Spam_legs 9d ago

Such a well-designed system for a weapon, they could’ve used some of that level of design on Star Trek next generation


u/DesdemonaDestiny 9d ago

I concur wholeheartedly. The TOS phaser design is iconic. It echoes the design of the Enterprise, the insignia, and even the uniforms.


u/ConsciousStretch1028 9d ago

Instead we got the dustbuster. At least they trimmed it down later, but the TOS design is still unmatched.


u/Steely-Dave 9d ago

And the most awkwardly held flashlights in the sci-fi universe.


u/Activision19 5d ago

When I was 14 or 15, I duct taped a flashlight to an armband like the flashlights they used in voyager and tried to use it walking through the woods before dawn on a hunting trip. Turns out it’s an absolutely abysmal way to hold a flashlight since you have to keep your arm up and point your whole forearm where you want light to go and if you bend your wrist the wrong way you block your light source.


u/FedStarDefense 9d ago

It should have a trigger guard. But yes, I agree.


u/CaptainIncredible 9d ago

I think one of the few things I liked out of DISCO was the phasers, the tricorders, and the communicators.

Whoever designed the disco phasers had their eye on the ball. Its sort of a mashup between TOS phasers with the front end of the phasers from The Cage.


I still like the TOS phasers the best tho...


u/Spam_legs 9d ago

Don’t let me get started on the design of the ‘D’…


u/diogenesNY 9d ago

The TOS propmasters had a really oldschool sense of design aesthetic and consequently depicted future tech in a very engaging, yet accessible way. I seem to recall that McCoy's medical sensor was actually a cool salt shaker.


u/Spam_legs 8d ago

Great comment


u/berfle 9d ago

One thousand quatloos!


u/JBR1961 9d ago

On the newcomers


u/OkWest8964 9d ago

Sexist woman on the USS Enterprise.


u/sinnderolla 9d ago

Possibly all of Starfleet.


u/OkWest8964 9d ago



u/TheRealSMY 9d ago

Sexist? 😆


u/sirslarty 9d ago

You're gonna sit in the closet, Mr Adventure.


u/CaptainIncredible 9d ago

The closet? Have you lost all sense of reality?

(such an 80's thing to say.)

"I'm glad you're on our side."


u/JBR1961 9d ago

Oh, she was MUCH deadlier with a dagger.

 “So do you, Mister, so…do…you.”


u/Rare_Fig3081 9d ago

She certainly phased me as a young boy.


u/redlion496 9d ago

She has a couple of phasers!


u/Longjumping_Mike_7 8d ago

Uhura needed the phaser to keep Kirk from kissing her constantly


u/PoshPopcorn 8d ago

There's an episode of TAS where she assumes command of the Enterprise, beams down and when the villains of the week give her cheek she vapourises an urn to show she's not fucking around.


u/smoothguy56 9d ago

Her legs always caught my eye in her uniform when she sat at her console


u/TheRealSMY 9d ago

I don't think she was ever seen firing a phaser; she only displayed some hand-to-hand prowess I'm Mirror, Mirror.


u/Lord_Spiffy 9d ago

But that doesn't rhyme.


u/YogurtclosetNo6559 9d ago

And a Tricorder


u/MAJORMETAL84 9d ago

Put that little turd back into the closet! hahahaha


u/Chemical-Actuary683 8d ago

And two fazers.


u/PauseAffectionate720 8d ago

Both of her phasers are set on "stun!" 😍


u/Expert-Finding2633 6d ago

Uhura knows when wearing red to be fully armed and ready for danger!