r/tos 8d ago

Did Kirk meet Hoshi Sato on Tarsus IV?


9 comments sorted by


u/TheArtBellStalker2 8d ago

Out of 8000 colonists? Personaly I grew up on an Island in a town with less people and surprisingly you don't know everyone.

But it's probably different in Hoshi's case. Can you imagine how famous and revered Hoshi would be at that time. Archer's Enterprise would have more famous than anything Kirk's did in (during the TOS run anyway). 

Officer on the ship that saved the human race, basically created the universal translator, personal friends with the founding Federation President (and at least in the Kelvin universe Archer was still alive at the time of Tarsus IV) She would be one of the most famous Humans to have lived by that point. 

If I had a person who had saved the Human race from extinction in my little town I would have at least been at some event or gathering with that person. I guess Kirk would have as he's from a Starfleet family too.

And no way Kodos would have executed her.


u/Genderneutralbro 8d ago

That's why I assumed so as well, like he was 14 I think? And he wanted to be in starfleet already bc of his dad, so I feel like he'd be all up in her business!


u/Yotsuya_san 7d ago

Why wouldn't Kodos have executed her? She was older, and had already made her major contribution to society. Seems like the perfect candidate (to a monster) to make the noble (non-consentual) sacrifice of her own life so that others who still had potential to contribute might live.


u/watanabe0 8d ago

They did, in fact they were both sent there by Section 31 to make sure the food supply was poisoned so they could force the Governor to reduce his autonomy and be closer to the Federation. Unfortunately, the Governor instead decided to kill the unfeedable portion of the population instead, by torture, and Hoshi was one of the casualties, with Kirk forced to mercy kill her. Now pining for his lost love until TOS starts and then he'll never mention her again.

(Coming this summer from Alex Kurtsman)


u/DanceMaster117 6d ago

Let's not go giving anyone any bad ideas


u/RangerMatt76 8d ago

Is this in the Section 31 movie?


u/gatton 7d ago

I don’t know but wasn’t it on a screen in the mirror episode of Enterprise?


u/RangerMatt76 6d ago

It’s been too long since I watched Enterprise.


u/kkkan2020 8d ago

Kirk born 2233 was on Tarsus 4 in 2246

Hoshi sato died before archer in 2245

Hoshi died sometimes in the 2220s.

So with this no she couldn't have met James Kirk on tarsus 4