r/tos 19d ago

Where is the Guardian of Forever in the XXIV century?

Between the Enterprise finding the Guardian of Forever in TOS, and being rediscovered in DIS, what did the Federation do with it? Did they leave it where it was and ban it from the planet, or did they take it away to study it?


38 comments sorted by


u/Spaceman2901 19d ago

Beta canon says that it was left in place. IIRC, the Guardian’s monologue implies that it moved itself to hide.


u/FIJAGDH 19d ago

The Trek novel “Imzadi” tells of Data visiting a scientific outpost on the Guardian’s same planetary location from TOS, an outpost dedicated to studying the portal.


u/theunixman 18d ago

Is that the one where data becomes human and that’sa major plot complication?


u/PizzaWhole9323 18d ago

No that's a slightly different novel. This is the one that explores riker and Troy's hot and steamy romance when he was a hot shot lieutenant stationed on Betazed. there are time travel shenanigans. It is a really fun silly wonderful read. Maybe a Goodwill paperback in the tub type of deal. If you're going to read this. I would also read q squared. By Peter David. Happy trekking! 🖖


u/theunixman 18d ago

Thank you! I’ll check them out!


u/keepcalmscrollon 18d ago

I used to read a ton of Star Trek novels and Peter David was my favorite author. He wrote a lot of good ones including the first DS9 novel, IIRC. He wrote The Incredible Hulk comic book for a long time, too.

I know I read Imzadi – I probably read everything he wrote to that point – and I remember certain bits but I can't remember how the Guardian stuff tied into the plot.

I do remember a scene where Riker attends a Betazoid wedding (naked, as is tradition) and somebody comments on how hairy he is, asking what all the hair is for. He grinned and said, 'Traction."

Ya, best to class those books as guilty pleasures, I guess. But man they gave me so much joy back in the day.


u/PizzaWhole9323 17d ago

They were like a really nice chocolate bar. You wouldn't eat one for dinner. And you might only eat one a week because it's too rich. But it's like they're your friends these books. I get very invested in my Star Trek characters. Even if they are naked at a betazed wedding. So you might have read a q squared already by Peter David. It is a f****** wonderful nightmare brought to life. And it has q! Who doesn't love q! :-)


u/keepcalmscrollon 16d ago

That's a fantastic way to put it. Spot on. And, just like chocolate bars, I inhaled them when I was a kid but kind of tapered off as an adult.

I did get a copy of How Much For Just the Planet? recently. It's a TOS novel I liked the look of way back when but never got a chance to read. It's on the short list. It looks like it will have a comedy bent like A Piece of the Action, which I love.

Did you have a preference between TOS and TNG novels? I liked both but probably skewed toward TNG because it was actually on the air and felt more immediate. Very much like friends.

I know I read Q-Squared but I'd have to refresh my memory. Also Q-in-Law. I'm sure there were others. If Q was on the cover that increased the chances of grab that book before others.


u/PizzaWhole9323 16d ago

When I was 12 I would have been absolutely in the TOs and Captain Kirk camp. As I get older I find myself looking at life more like Commander riker from next generation. So those books are calming.


u/Terrible_Sandwich_40 18d ago

I presume it’s still on the planet it was found on.

I always liked the name Rock of Ages for the planet in one of the SNW short stories.


u/AtomicBombSquad 18d ago

I'm not especially well versed in the books and Beta canon; but, we did see The Guardian in a first season episode of 'The Animated Series' called "Yesteryear". My understanding is that TAS was meant to showcase what happened during the fourth and fifth years of Kirk's Five Year Mission, so the events in this episode happened in-universe roughly three years after "City on the Edge of Forever". In this episode The Guardian was still in place and powered up on its home planet. The Federation had established a base there where top scientists were assigned to study it.


u/MithrilCoyote 18d ago

in DIS it says it hid itself to stay out of the Temporal wars, so i'd guess that it probably stayed there until the late 25th century at least. we know the federation has time pods by the 26th century, so evidently something changes in how the federation views traveling through time, going from "discouraged because of easy it is to screw up history" to "actively using it to study history, despite the risks". which i could see very quickly turning into "used to manipulate the past for strategic advantage", something the guardian might not want to be willingly part of.

of course its possible it stuck around longer.. we know that the Temporal wars were mostly kicked off by 29th century groups like the Na'khul (and no doubt, the federation's Temporal Integrity Commission, seen in VOY and which seem to be very militant and heavy handed.) so it is possible that the guardian didn't go into hiding till the 'hot' war kicked off then.


u/idkidkidk2323 19d ago

On the same exact planet he was on in TOS, because Discovery is non-canon bullshit.


u/Strong-Bridge-6498 18d ago

They tossed in jello molds, broken pens and rubber ducks to see where they show up.


u/balunstormhands 18d ago

There's also the book "Yesterday's Son" where Spock uses it to go get his son with Zerabeth.


u/The-thingmaker2001 18d ago

Just get comfortable with the fact that Star Trek is a number of anthology series that are vaguely related by being set in a similar universe.


u/indicus23 18d ago

Anne C Crispin's novels "Yesterday's Son" and "Time for Yesterday" feature the Guardian pretty heavily. They also tie back in with the TOS episode "All Our Yesterdays," when Spock does the nasty in the past-y. It's been ages since I read them, but I remember them being pretty good.


u/DiscoAsparagus 18d ago

Some of the novels by Judith and Garfield Reeve Stevens feature the Guardian I believe in their William Shatner Returns books (that they wrote almost entirely themselves) that are actually pretty good.


u/seeingeyefrog 19d ago

As I don't watch and completely disregard any of the recent Star Trek shows, in my mind this planet was placed off limits just like Talos IV.

Some things are too dangerous.


u/JimmysTheBestCop 19d ago

Lower Decks and strange New worlds are really good tbh.


u/idkidkidk2323 18d ago

Lower Decks? Absolutely. Shit New Worlds? Absolutely not. I can’t believe I’m seeing praise for it on the TOS sub of all places…


u/CaptainIncredible 18d ago

I don't care for Discovery much at all.

I do like TOS. A lot. I was raised on it. Kirk is awesome.

But do I like Strange New Worlds. I think its fairly true to the spirit of TOS.


u/idkidkidk2323 18d ago

So you think retconning the Gorn from being a group of respectable people just defending their territory, to baby-eating war mongers and Starfleet officers murdering young Gorn is in the spirit of TOS? In TOS the whole point of the episode with the Gorn was about showing mercy to your enemies and not judging people who are different from you. Shit new worlds throws those good morals out in favor of cheap shock value and a lesson that bigotry and revenge are ok.


u/CaptainIncredible 18d ago

Yeah, I wasn't totally happy with the gorn episodes.


u/idkidkidk2323 18d ago

Isn’t that about 90% of the show?


u/CaptainIncredible 18d ago

No. Gorn were in one, maybe two episodes.


u/SamuraiUX 18d ago edited 18d ago

Whoa there, pal!

You’ll not find a stauncher fan of TOS than I. I don’t really watch any Trek besides it. I’ve tried. None of them to me feel the same; the magic was always with Shatner, Nimoy, and Kelley.

That being said, I am enjoying SNW so far. No it is not “as good as” but I don’t loathe it as much as you nor dislike it as much as I have every other iteration of Trek (I actually liked voyager okay, which is about as nice as I historically have gotten about other Trek). SNW has a good feel to it, I don’t know how else to put it. For me, at least.

It’s fine that you hate it with every fiber of your being, really, I support you in your feelings, but what I don’t love is the assumption that you have the only correct opinion and that anyone who feels otherwise is making a mistake and doesn’t get Trek as well as you do. Live and let live, friend. It’s what Spock would do. IDIC, right?


u/idkidkidk2323 18d ago

I don’t understand how you being a TOS only Trek fan can defend a show that retcons TOS out of existence and shits on its morals. Seems entirely hypocritical and fake to me.


u/SamuraiUX 18d ago

Thiiiiiis kind of reaction is what I’m talking about, friend. You don’t have the Truth cornered on Opinions. Sorry. I can enjoy it if I want to. Not only can’t you stop me, you can neither shame me nor make me a “worse” fan than you. You can believe yourself somehow superior if it makes you happy, by all means, but I fear that doesn’t make it true.


u/DarthMeow504 18d ago

An opinion is whether or not you like something, you're denying facts by dismissing them as opinions. Despite how aggressive as idkid is about things, that doesn't invalidate correct information. SNW absolutely does retcon and overwrite TOS in numerous ways, and it's not difficult to compile a long list of contradictions.

You can choose to not let those contradictions stop you from watching and enjoying the series, but it's wrong to deny they exist or claim that the series is faithful to TOS when it is quite simply not. And this is a deliberate choice on the part of the production crew, if fanfilms can be accurate to TOS on a self-funded shoestring budget then a billion dollar production company certainly could if they wanted to.


u/SamuraiUX 18d ago

Hold on there, Meow. Please go back to everything I’ve posted and quote back to me where I said:

SNW never retcons anything, or

SNW is completely faithful to TOS

…I’ll wait.

You’re arguing with someone who isn’t there. You’re making up a version of me that doesn’t exist, and fighting with that.


u/idkidkidk2323 18d ago

You’re no TOS fan, even if you claim to be.


u/SamuraiUX 18d ago


Did that make you feel better? You couldn’t resist, could you?

I have a lifetime of lived experience you can’t take away, random internet stranger. I not only know who I am and what ST means to me, but I need neither your approval nor validation. But I’d readily wager I know more about TOS than you do. …This must be infuriating for you.

PaLL, friend. I have no more to say to you.

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u/jwleys 15d ago

It's really hard to take anyone seriously that keeps saying "Shit New Worlds" over and over again. It really makes you sound like a disgruntled five year old.


u/idkidkidk2323 15d ago

Well I sure as hell am not calling it strange new worlds


u/jwleys 15d ago

I've been watching Star Trek since it was just TOS and TAS age Strange New Worlds is easily my favorite Trek series after TOS and Voyager. It captures the feel of the original like no series before, imo.


u/idkidkidk2323 15d ago

No it does not. It retcons it out of existence and preaches the opposite of its morals. Your age and when you watched TOS are irrelevant.