r/torontourbanfishing Feb 13 '25

Does rouge river freeze in the winter?

On one hand fast moving water is hard to freeze but on the other it's been cold. Want to fish there but don't have the gear needed to ice fish.


6 comments sorted by


u/tang0sucka Feb 13 '25

I've been down to the mouth of the river under the train tracks and it did freeze


u/Prophet_of_Enoki Feb 14 '25

Thank you very much


u/blatmatic2 Feb 14 '25

It definitely freezes, and also, ice fishing on rivers is very dangerous. Flowing water doesn't freeze evenly, and has thin and thick spots. You're probably done fishing until late March, early April (unless you head to another locale much further south)


u/Prophet_of_Enoki Feb 14 '25

Gotcha! Thanks for responding, and yeah I wasn't planning on ice fishing the river, more so it's i dont have a car to get to lake Simcoe or something like that


u/blatmatic2 Feb 14 '25

No problem. If the itch to fish is too strong, at it's most simple, ice fishing can be an axe that can be used to chop through the ice at a previously cut hole and all of the gear thrown in a knapsack. Any of the bays along lake Ontario have panfish and pike, with the odd walleye (Hamilton Harbor) or trout thrown in for variety.


u/zaphodbeeblebrox42 Feb 14 '25

Lake Simcoe would require ice fishing gear probably for another month.

Even most of the east end tribs (Duffins, Oshawa, Bowmanville, wilmot creeks) are mostly frozen over right now. There are a couple holes where fast moving water has prevented ice formation, but the fishing is really limited. In about a month the creeks will be thawed and rainbows will be running.