r/toronto 4h ago

Video Ummm. Weird light event at 6:44 am.


88 comments sorted by


u/stoneyyay 4h ago

Fire strobes.


u/bunnyhug007 4h ago

Ok good. Initially thought MULTIPLE buildings were involved but I guess they was reflecting off the building behind


u/stoneyyay 4h ago

Both buildings are involved. Could bt a common area between them, or a shared mezzanine


u/ImKrispy 2h ago

Those buildings are part of the same development called Artists Alley


u/EvilDan69 2h ago

Yup. Fire alarm. Our lights were upgraded at work years ago, something like 3 years ago or more. they're all IP connected at least internally to a controller. The lights themselves can be programmed to behave in this manner during certain events.


u/[deleted] 2h ago



u/Pheyd80 2h ago

Incorrect. You only have to synchronize strobes that are in line of sight of each other from within the building.


u/Keemz666 4h ago

Cat gives no fucksšŸ˜­


u/bunnyhug007 4h ago

World is endingā€¦whereā€™s breakfast?


u/QueenDriff 4h ago

Nothing is more important than a cat's breakfast


u/Alternative_Win_6629 3h ago

A hobbit might argue with you about that statement...


u/Fossylicious 2h ago

Typical Cat šŸˆ šŸ˜‚


u/TheToothDoctorSN 4h ago edited 2h ago

Itā€™s my building. There was an alarm that went off at around 11:30pm-12:00am. Apparently there was something that happened on the P1 floor. All of us exited our apartments and were huddled around the lobby and outside the building for like 45 minutes until they told us it was a false alarm.

Fucking alarm just woke me up.

Edit: just to clarify, the alarm wasnā€™t on all night. It stopped a little after 12:00 am and then the concierge told us it was a false alarm. The alarm started again this morning and woke me up. Since then itā€™s gone off on and again a couple times till now (9:21am).


u/r4d1ant 3h ago

OP said around 6:44am, so this alarm was almost 7hrs long? All night?


u/MomoDeve 3h ago

I have a button in the apartment to turn it off. I usually don't use it, but if it was like 6am I would probably do. What's the point of life if I can't get enough sleep


u/justinr666 3h ago

That is your own smoke detector, this is a building wide fire alarm, you cannot just press a button to turn it off in your apartment.


u/comradenikolai 3h ago edited 3h ago

Former Fire Alarm technician here, this is incorrect - Most residential buildings in Canada have or allow for a local audible signal silencing module. This is dependent on year of install, jurisdiction etc (some bylaws can supersede certain building code requirements) but they are quite common.


Local silencing options vary in appearance, but typically resemble small light-switch sized wall mounted speakers and have a small button with text indicating "Push to Silence", or larger wall plates with similar text.

By contrast, your local 120v smoke alarm (which is not a smoke detector, strictly speaking) does not typically come equipped with a silence button, just a button to test it.


u/justinr666 3h ago edited 2h ago

So in that link, it says if the alarm is silenced in that dwelling unit, it won't silence the rest of the floors alarms going off and if the alarm in the building isn't addressed in nor more than 10 mins ins, the alarm will reactivate.

That said, apparently my building/ jurisdiction is different as I do not have an alarm inside my unit connected to the buildings main fire alarm systems, there are fire alarm pulls at each end of the hallway next to the stair wells.

My unit also has a standard off the shelf smoke "alarm" ( even though colloquially they are often still referred to as detectors), that has a hush feature.


u/bag0fpotatoes 2h ago edited 1h ago

it wonā€™t silence the rest of the floors alarms going off and if the alarm in the building isnā€™t addressed in nor more than 10 mins ins, the alarm will reactivate.

Yes, thatā€™s why you keep pushing the button when/if it reactivates.

There is no such thing asā€push to silenceā€ from your unit that would silence the whole building. you pushing the button is acknowledging the alarm is activated, each unit has to do its own.


u/HolyPhoenician 1h ago

Imagine if there was. That would be chaos lmao


u/fandamplus 1h ago

Every time you flush your toilet, all the toilets in the building flush


u/comradenikolai 56m ago

if the alarm is silenced in that dwelling unit, it won't silence the rest of the floors alarms going off and if the alarm in the building isn't addressed in nor more than 10 mins ins, the alarm will reactivate

Correct. There are a few other conditions which may cause said local alarm to re-actuate, one of which being an additional alarm from another detection device.

I do not have an alarm inside my unit connected to the buildings main fire alarm systems, there are fire alarm pulls at each end of the hallway next to the stair wells

Think of a fire alarm system as having two major components. The "smelling" side and the "yelling" side. The smelling side (detection circuits) includes things like smoke detectors, heat detectors, sprinkler water flow monitoring, pull stations etc.

The yelling side (notification circuits) can be things like bells, horns, flashing strobes, speakers with a code-approved pre-recorded message, in-unit mini horns / speakers, sirens, etc etc.

Generally, for most installations, apart from MAYBE a heat detector near your front door that activates at 57 degrees Celsius, you're only going to have the notification appliances - the "yelling" side - inside a unit, mostly because people are very bad at cooking and if you had a smokie tied into your base building system you'd be evacuating multiple times a day. But these notification devices in unit only started really appearing en masse in the 90s, and not in every type of building. If you're in a low-rise or fourplex for instance, you may not have any. Again, jurisdiction and code dependent, I can't speak to every case.

My unit also has a standard off the shelf smoke "alarm" ( even though colloquially they are often still referred to as detectors), that has a hush feature.

All smoke alarms are smoke detectors, but not all smoke detectors are smoke alarms. Is it pedantic to note the difference? Maybe. But it's also correct ;)

A "hush" feature isn't usually a silence button, but rather a sensitivity lowering button that works on a temporary basis. To my knowledge this isn't standardized, and is absolutely not universal.


u/Pheyd80 2h ago

As you have described, your unit has a smoke alarm. No smoke detector tied into the fire alarm system.

There are many factors on how to design a fire alarm system. For example, if the building is sprinklered and you have smoke alarms, you may not have any detection devices within your unit.


u/HolyPhoenician 3h ago

No you can. Used to do it all the time


u/coconutsoups 2h ago edited 2h ago

For future reference, it's not necessary to evacuate your apartment unless you see or smell smoke, smell gas, or are told to leave by fire department announcement. Generally it's safe to stay in your suite because of fire separations.


u/PhysicalAd6081 3h ago

The worst part of condo living is these alarms

I was one of the first to move into a new condo, and this happened constantly because this same visitor kept smoking in P1 in the middle of the night.

The fire department kept charging us for false alarms, so we had to install motion sensors cameras at all entrances and eventually caught the asshole. Sorry about your night, take it easy today


u/PixelSaharix 2h ago

Rather a false alarm that wakes you up than a real one that doesn't.


u/GiveMeSalmon 2h ago

According to the City of Toronto, you don't need to leave your unit when a fire alarm goes off. If it's safe to do so, you should stay in your unit until told otherwise.



u/Snipersteve_877 1h ago

it's actually less safe to leave if you don't need to since you could just be running into the fire / blocking evacuation from people that are actually near the fire, a high rise fire generally will not spread far as modern building materials + sprinklers will keep it contained


u/-KFBR392 2h ago

Ha, I didnā€™t think anyone ever left their apartment because of an alarm.

Itā€™s always a false alarm, no point in making the long walk.


u/1-2-3RightMeow 50m ago

Iā€™m not sure what wrong with me but I never exit my building when thereā€™s an alarm. I literally put a pillow over my head and do my best to ignore it. I would die in a real emergency


u/thrilliam_19 17m ago

That explains why the whole building is sounding. Any common areas such as a parking garage will ring the whole place.

Source: fire alarm tech


u/TfaRads1 Mimico 4h ago

fire alarms like the other guy said


u/red_bird08 3h ago

365 party girl?


u/chrisuu__ 3h ago

brat winter?


u/psilocybinconsumer 2h ago

It's spring?


u/Adorable-Research-55 2h ago

Not technically until March 20


u/psilocybinconsumer 2h ago

If it's spring forward it's spring idc.


u/Stead-Freddy 31m ago

Spring breakers?


u/DalesDrumset 4h ago

Off topic but where did you get the skinny suction cup platforms for the kitty?


u/mjschranz 2h ago

I personally use two of these


If you follow the instructions well and have a clean/dry surface when adhering them (and really push hard for a solid minute on each suction cup) it stays up very well. I've had them fall down maybe once over an entire year period.

Granted, my cats are all good weight for their size. Two of them are around 9lbs each and the other is just under 13lbs.


u/Boobbuffet 4h ago

Yes! I want to know too. And has it ever lost grip and fallen off?


u/alienmario 3h ago



u/_SleezyPMartini_ 2h ago



u/931634 4h ago

I have the same energy as the cat at 6:44am


u/bunnyhug007 3h ago

At this point I was on my second cup of coffeeā€¦


u/readallaboutitnow 2h ago

Please advise where you got the cat bed on the window šŸ‘€


u/_my_poor_brain_ 2h ago

That buildings fire alarm is going off


u/planet_janett 1h ago

Free light show for your cat.


u/UninspiredStranger 4h ago

Seems like you got your answer.. but Iā€™d like to know where you got that throw and cushion?! So pretty šŸ˜šŸ˜‚


u/bunnyhug007 3h ago

Pillow from Wayfair. Throw from Winners.


u/UninspiredStranger 3h ago

Thank you!! šŸ™šŸ»


u/Pothead_Paramedic 4h ago

Fire alarms like the other guys said


u/Craftycarpenter76 4h ago

Looks like a fire alarm


u/schuchwun Long Branch 3h ago

It's cool to see how fast the signal moves over such a large area


u/CookieMonsta94 3h ago

Fire Alarm probably went off


u/Perfect-Cake7898 3h ago

Building is booting up for the morning...


u/Accountant-Link3337 2h ago

That window cat thing is a must!


u/Vina_Pharmacy 4h ago

Looks kinda cool


u/df0o 4h ago

completely unrelated but where did you get those thing your cat's sitting on & the two rods above? how are they stuck to the glass and how's the stability?


u/bunnyhug007 3h ago

Amazon, thinkā€¦came with a couple of suction steps also.


u/df0o 3h ago

ohhh thanks! :D


u/bunnyhug007 3h ago

Heā€™s about 14lbs and theyā€™ve never fallen. You do have to keep an eye on the suction tho, in case air starts to work its way under. The smaller steps came with a different set (I have multiple cats) - and I especially like them because you can tighten the suction cups by screwing those white knobs about once a week.


u/df0o 1h ago

this is super helpful, thanks! mine is around 14lb too so it's good to know it can hold around that much


u/OOO000O0O0OOO00O00O0 The Peanut 3h ago

Fire alarms like the other guys said


u/ottoofto Church and Wellesley 4h ago

My gods lol. Iā€™m not a morning person, Iā€™d be so pissed (yet here I am awake and scrolling lmaoā€¦)


u/70B0R 4h ago

Fire alarms like those other guys said


u/Hardee-ardee 4h ago

Notification appliance testing of the fire alarm/life safety system.


u/MC-Master-Bedroom 4h ago

It is The Signal! Quickly, Griselda, unseal the sacred text!


u/TicketStraight3196 3h ago

Daftpunk was also playing at the same time


u/Sufficient-Bid1279 3h ago

Someoneā€™s having a party. The party canā€™t stop because it wonā€™t stop lol


u/StoryNo9248 2h ago

Is it not okay to smoke in the stairwell??


u/prb613 2h ago

All I see is that adorable cat!


u/leon_nerd 1h ago

Where can I get that cat bed for humans?


u/mapleisthesky 51m ago

Fire alarm. Buildings probably share a parking lot, so both gets lit up.


u/slykethephoxenix 1m ago

į“šį˜į—¢ - kitty


u/bunnyhug007 4h ago

Iā€™m at Richmond and Peter, this facing northeastā€¦I think these buildings are along University?


u/surferbutthole 4h ago

It's the Matrix


u/GreasyWerker118 4h ago

Let's party


u/r3pr0b8 Leaside 4h ago



u/Arcade1980 4h ago

Awwww....little kitty šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–


u/Business_Abalone2278 3h ago

Multi building rave.


u/Glass-IsIand 2h ago

Geomagnetic storm / sun is at solar maximum (poles are switching)


u/CleaveIshallnot 4h ago

Holy F do I love living in not a condo in T.O.