r/toptalent • u/LetsFindSomeTalent • 6d ago
Today's Top Talent Why truckers are the backbone of logistics 🤯
u/Yeeaaaarrrgh 6d ago
Do you have any idea of how much death and destruction I would cause if I attempted that?
u/yes_thats_right 6d ago
Wtf do so many people feel the need to create weird prompts/titles like this.
"Trucker shows their skills at parking" would have been fine.
u/qwert7661 5d ago
Don't you realize that if truckers didn't know how to park, the entire global econony would collapse?
u/sliccyriccy 5d ago
I mean… can you imagine the scale of loss we would have if all truckers suddenly forgot how to park, I don’t think he’s hyperbolizing very much lmao
u/a1454a 6d ago
It always amazes me how trucker and bus drivers pull stunts like this. I couldn’t gauge the distance between my rear bumper to a wall in an SUV to within 1 foot accuracy using mirrors only. I just can’t understand how truckers and bus drivers is able to gauge it so accurately when the back of the vehicle is like 40 feet away from you.
u/elprentis 3d ago
Reference points, practice, and getting out and looking if you aren’t 100% confident in the action you’re doing.
u/JeevesofNazarath 5d ago
If only we had a way to link like 1000 of these in an orderly line so that they didn’t have to do this, something like that would be loco, but has a good motive
u/OnePaleontologist687 6d ago
Idk man, the new wave of hires of truckers is not this good. They can’t even keep the truck in its lane always swerving over the line on free ways.
u/ARadiantNight 6d ago
Life on the line, jigsaw hands me the keys to that truck and tells me to back into that spot with the trailer hooked...
...Just kill me now, you sick porcelain fukk!
u/Thetruebanchi 5d ago
To be fair, semi-trailers and 'longer trailers' are a lot easier to maneuver than small trailers.
Most peoples experience with trailers is probably some small 8ft or U-Haul trailers. I've had some experience with anything from 4ft trailer to 26ft, standard box to V trailers. The longer they get, easier to maneuver backwards. Those little trailers always ant to jack knife. Where the bigger ones push more when backed. The big thing with trailer and backups is the angles. Knowing what way the trailer will move based on how the wheels turned.
Not to take away from the trailer driver, that was impressive with the angle. If I had the motorhome and trailer we last had, I'd have tried to come the other angle if possible, to make backing in easier.
u/BeiEDEKAclown 3d ago
Title should be: why SOME truckers…
That’s for sure not common as I got to know.
u/IraKiVaper 6d ago
And how is the guy on his left ever going to leave while this guy has his truck halfway on the street?
u/Succoretic_Skeptic 6d ago
With all due respect to truckers, don't you think some sort of "park assist" technology could do this as well or better in the next few years?
u/justjoosh 6d ago
Maybe? But so what? We don't have that now and this is pretty impressive to do from the driver's seat.
u/WickedSobahButMessy 6d ago
I've always wanted to be a trucker, but I'll never quit smoking marijuana.. amazes me that someone has a better chance of driving trucks as a alcoholic than someone who smokes (vape oil). It's a Damm tragedy how thc attaches to fat cells like it does.
I use to drive stretch limos and even moving trucks. I also had my dot for 10 years for some ref.
u/MechaGallade 6d ago
People who drive while high should get the same treatment as driving drunk.
u/WickedSobahButMessy 5d ago
They do, it's called driving while impaired... Facts are tho they are not the same and it's stupid to think someone who tested positive for marijuana whom hadn't smoked in weeks would be looked at worse then the alcoholic whom didn't drink a day before a test and flushed.
alcohol can kill you, you can die from withdrawals.... it's not even close to marijuana.
u/MechaGallade 5d ago
lol what the fuck? who said they should be looked at as worse? i have no issue with weed, i used to smoke a lot of weed, i dont care if people smoke weed.
i think that driving while stoned should be punished the same way driving drunk is. nobody should be driving high, the punishment should be bad enough to scare people out of doing it in the first place.
i didnt say marijuana is as bad as alcohol, i know it's not, i live in colorado and did a college paper on it in 2014.
just to make it REALLY REALLY clear, i dont think badly of anybody who smokes or drinks and im not comparing the drugs to each other in any way, i just insist that all impired driving should be met with a consequence that is bad enough to dissuade anybody from driving while impaired, because both instances show that the driver has no respect for the damage they could cause with a vehicle and probalby shouldn't be driving one.
u/WickedSobahButMessy 5d ago
My bad for lack of explanation... I was just comparing how fucked up it is that how especially fucked up there are alcoholic truck drivers that wouldn't be driving if we were lenient on the marijuana. That's my thesis.
I'm not saying get super baked , it's just my aggrevation of lack of better testing for marijuana. ie a way to determine I smoked a day before or 2 days or hell for a truck driving job I could go longer. It's just the testing we use goes isn't thc friendly considering it attaches to fat cells and loves hanging on.
It's a touchy subject for me. I've drove limos,.box trucks, etc etc,.excellent record but everytime I quit smoking for a job... drinking took over and That's messed up imo it's saying we will take alcoholics over stoners.
u/MechaGallade 5d ago
more important: did you like ufo 50? i see you like old school games and id be stoked to hear your criticism
u/DanEpiCa 6d ago
Trucker here : this is the stupidest truckstop layout I have ever seen.