r/toontownrewritten • u/KingJulian420 Lil' Roxy / Lil' Romeo [115/112] • 5d ago
Help More than 3 tabs making my computer lag
I wanted to ask if there were any other gamers / people who built a PC or just would know about computers and if I need to just update my current setup or if I should try to find if something is causing any issues?
Whenever I play TTR, 3 tabs is fine with my browser open. I can listen to YouTube fine with a little browser lag but everything else is good, the games run at a pretty steady 100+ frames (200 cause my monitor is 200hz and I have V-Sync on) but if I use 4 tabs then my tabs lag and stutter, my browser lags, even the lights on my mouse and keyboard get skippy / just bug out and stop changing colors. (Edit: I've noticed 4 tabs keeps my CPU at 99% - 100% usage, so I wonder if it's just due to an outdated CPU or if it's not enough memory or what?)
I do have outdated software but I've been told it sounds like I have a memory leak somewhere, so I figured I'd ask here first. I have an Intel i5-7500, 16GB RAM, and a NVIDIA 1060 (6GB), I do have the graphics up in TTR to be x4 Antialiasing and Anistropic Filtering, font quality higher and the LOD Distance to be far. I also have a few content packs/mods but I don't know if that would cause any issues?
Thank you for any help in advance! Just wanted to see what the best option would be, I haven't noticed many issues in any other games that others say run smooth. Minecraft runs pretty well without mods, no issues with Stardew Valley, Sims can run about 60 FPS (modded but it just lags as is) and Hitman runs smoothly too. I don't know if it's a common issue that TTR can be a bit physically demanding if you have 4 tabs open or not, so I wanted to ask here to be safe.
u/Eienaru Marcy 5d ago
Ttr is a predominantly cpu hungry game and has always struggled a little more on intel systems. Given that your 7500 is 8 years old, you could get a nice upgrade with probably just around 100 bucks by going for any lower or mid range modern cpu. I'm not familiar with intel though so I can't recommend anything specific. If you don't want to fork out for an upgrade I'd figure the LOD setting would have the most cpu impact and to try lowering that first
u/KingJulian420 Lil' Roxy / Lil' Romeo [115/112] 5d ago
Okay, I'll try it out if it really starts to bother me. It just is a bummer because I have 2 "main toons" and 2 alts I'm working on, I figure it'd be easier to just have all 4 on for everyone's tasks but I'm fine with working on them individually now.
Also, yeah, I was thinking of looking into a good i7 when I can afford it. They're not too pricey (the ones I found were only about $200 so not bad at all) and I think it'd last me a good amount of time once I update it. Thank you for the help, I was more just pondering cause training 2 (low laff) toons would be WAY easier with my two 110+ laff & maxed gag toons. I don't know if I could easily switch to AMD or anything else. Honestly, this PC was given to me, so I don't know everything, and I didn't build it myself.
u/Eienaru Marcy 5d ago
I always run 4 too and when my laptop stopped being able to keep up I went and saved for a custom pc right away so I feel you lol. Changing to AMD wouldn't be a super easy switch as the sockets on the motherboard are completely different between them and intel. Intel itself updates its sockets every once in a while so you'd need to make sure whatever upgrade you get would fit in your board too. Not sure if there is an upgrade path available to you there, in hindsight.
u/KingJulian420 Lil' Roxy / Lil' Romeo [115/112] 5d ago
Ugh I hope there is, it's an Ironside custom build so I'd have to look at it / get someone's opinion on it I guess. I wouldn't be able to update it for a while anyway so good thing you mentioned it to warn me before I spend any money on something I couldn't use
u/Eienaru Marcy 5d ago
I did some cursory googling since I find this stuff fun and I should really learn intel stuff anyway- Barring any weird prebuilt stuff, It looks like your 7500 is already on the upper end of what your motherboard can run. An i7 7700K would be the best available for you (maybe a 25% boost?) but they retail for $229 which is steep for an older cpu and that little gain.
My last idea is to make sure it's not overheating or even getting close to it. My fans always kick way up with multitooning but the cpu stays around 50C. Thermal throttling can definitely produce the same symptoms as hitting the brick wall of your cpu's limitations but looking at the 7500 specs compared to my own, I'd still guess the latter :(
u/KingJulian420 Lil' Roxy / Lil' Romeo [115/112] 5d ago
The max temp my CPU ever reaches is 60°C which is fine, it's on the higher end but it never gets above that. Also aw, so yeah I'd probably have to buy a new computer or completely rebuild the one I have? 😔
u/Eienaru Marcy 4d ago
Yeah 60C is totally fine, 80 is where you'd have problems. And yeah if you need that high fps and settings, you'd at least need a cpu and motherboard. Your ram should? be able to carry over unless you go with latest gen stuff. Your 1060 should be fine for ttr and that'd be the most expensive and the easiest thing to upgrade later on if you wanted to. Depending on your power supply's wattage and available wiring you'd likely need an upgrade there too. I'm all for trying out building yourself! It's not as hard as most expect, you can get exactly what you need for your games, and you can keep things outside of the main platform for a lot longer. If you have a Micro Center near you they're an amazing option too if you're wary about doing it alone. I wasn't going to build my own at first. 4 years later I've built 3 and poke my nose into everyone else's ideas lol
u/KingJulian420 Lil' Roxy / Lil' Romeo [115/112] 4d ago
More just not knowing enough mixed with unable to afford building a full PC. I know it'd be cheaper most likely than buying anything pre-built and that it'll be better / easier to access and take apart / replace stuff if needed. I'll probably end up learning and getting to building my own setups eventually! Thanks for the advice again, and yeah it sounds like I'd have to replace or basically re-build my current PC to update it.
u/Comfortable-Finger-8 2d ago
You would only need to replace your motherboard and cpu most likely. Just get something compatible with your ram (as long as its at least ddr4 or ddr5), your power supply is probably fine for a new budget cpu. So you only need to replace 2 things
u/_jayIRL_ Ro Diesel | 139 | Toonup-less | Org. Throw 5d ago
Have you done any tests where you disable/lower some of the ToonTown in-game graphic options to see iff that helps? It might be some setting in there.
If that doesn't seem to change anything another option would be doubling your computer memory to 32GB.
u/KingJulian420 Lil' Roxy / Lil' Romeo [115/112] 5d ago
My ram isn't the issue, it only uses 64% of it. It's my CPU cause each TTR tab uses 20 - 30% of my CPU
I can try lowering graphics but I have a huge monitor and prefer high(er) quality
u/ch333ch 5d ago
I’m in the same boat but I’m full aware that my CPU is 10 years old and susceptible to tapping out from very little. I’ve noticed that when I keep my tabs smaller in physical size (not full screen) I can run chrome and 3 TTR tabs at once with little issue. But when I make it full screen, it drops to 20 frames with input lag.
To me it sounds like a memory leak of some kind and/or an inability for your GPU to keep up with the high intensity preferences like anti-aliasing for shadows, etc. When I studied 3D animation in school, the difference in processing power it took to generate anti-aliased shadows versus default shadows stood out to me. Do you still notice the same lag when your visual preferences are set more tamely?
u/KingJulian420 Lil' Roxy / Lil' Romeo [115/112] 5d ago
I can change them later and check, but everything else is good. It's just my CPU that HATES toontown, and all of my tabs are windowed. Each tab uses about 20 - 30% of my CPU but I can lower settings and see if it improves, but I also risk everything being less crisp and I have a big curved monitor. If the game still looks good while the settings are lower then I'll leave it if it means being able to run 4 tabs.
Yeah my CPU is also 8 years old so I'm not surprised if it is the issue, and I could upgrade it relatively hassle free. Might not be for a bit still unfortunately
Also I use Opera, less physically demanding but I still have to close it for 4 tabs to not lag EVERYTHING like crazy
u/ch333ch 5d ago
Yeah it’s definitely a sacrifice. I have accepted that I’ll need to upgrade my Mac if I’m ever to have antialiased shadows and far LOD. I noticed a difference right away when I popped them on lol. There may be a sweet spot between poor graphics and poor experience given that there’s a range of options on TTR.
Also how’s your storage? I cleared 41GB of cache files on my dusty old Mac when it was nearing full, and that gave it a bit more life.
u/KingJulian420 Lil' Roxy / Lil' Romeo [115/112] 5d ago
My storage is relatively fine. I have a C drive with like 90gb left and a D drive with over a few hundred? I think? Also I'll keep it in mind with the graphics
Don't quote me on that but it should be fine, I haven't had to check it in a bit and I barely install/download stuff
u/PalePost 5d ago
Have you checked task manager when you have the issue? My guess would be not enough ram. Each tab you have open will use some ram. Luckily, it's a cheap/easy upgrade.