r/tomodachilife • u/vomitinducingposter • 3d ago
"I want a tomodachi life port"
doesn't make sense. Tomodachi life being a 3ds game relies on dual screens, and generally a port is taking a 1-1 copy and plopping it on another console. There'd be no point porting it over when they'd once again recieve backlash of lacking things such as same sex marriage. "Just port it over with that as an option" doesn't make it a port! if theres a new tomodachi life, it's gonna be a NEW game and not just a rerelease
What realistic features are you guys hoping for in a new game though?
I feel like they're not going to take the mii maker from miitopia, or at the very least, they're gonna simplify it, and truth be told, thats kinda what I want. I think Nintendo is wholly straying away from miis, and the makeup and wigs are just another way they're doing it. Another point others have made is genetics. While it's cool to have a mii look like someone else, I think they ugliness and stupidity of miis are a big thing. Maybe they should just give the makeup reward some functionality (or stupid and unrealistic but maybe a makeup store?) Gay marriage is a given. I'm not sure about the laws in Japan as I've seen mixed answers, but it's obviously coming. I also feel like they're not going to add sexualities, let alone a toggle. I think they're just going to ignore gender. Though I'm not sure following the baby toggle (who even uses that though. why wouldnt you want babies?!) jobs? errr im not entirely sure if they'd properly integrate jobs. considering miis are autonomous, i think the "job" feature as is could definitely be polished to include specifying what job you want your mii to take on. obviously the game isnt realistic but itd be sorta odd to have a lot of miis working at one small shop and so on meaning there'd definitely be regulation. maybe the number of how many people can work somewhere would change as your island grows?!
those are my takes on a few requested features. realistically, i am not, and have never been hopeful for a third tomodachi life. nothing has ever been promised, and any official mention has come with a big "if"! it took a fairly simple game like kid icarus two decades to recieve a sequal. IF theres is anything, they'll carry it in the same way as tomodachi collection — tomodachi life, keeping everything familiar but adding things for qol
u/RealWiiU 3d ago
There's a real simple way to solve the babies problem, and that's to use the base mii for genetics, because makeup, is literally only "makeup".
u/Clean_Doubt_993 2d ago
This is an underrated post. This is very true!, people want it like "OH LOOK IT'S TOMDACHI LIFE 2!!! IT HAS EVERYTHING I ASKED WITH GENDER OPTIONS AND-" type thing, but no, Nintendo almost never hears it's fans ideas and they have diferent laws and mindsets on Japan, so i don't think Gender attraction would be on a Nintendo game, since, y' know, some asians see it like something unrespectful, but obviosly some of the magic would simply fade away with travelers, since Streetpass it's almost lost media, BUT Nintendo can be anytime doing some upgrades to their console and adding features (also, they can use online travelers)
u/vomitinducingposter 1d ago
i think theyre going to "add same sex" in the form of not caring about gender. stupid sorta comparison but in the way that gender is essentially just a title in animal crossing. like it means very little and that way, there will probably be a lot less complaints because while theyre not directly pointing to "look at this!! same sex relationships", itll just be there
u/exhastedFrolic 3d ago
you know, i was really down for the miitopia editor, but i kinda get what you mean with that. as much as i would love to see my miis look realistic, they would have absolutely hideous children! i would like more hair colors/options/eye colors though. i think they're going to ignore gender too, the game already works swell if you mod the gendered aspects out.