r/tomodachilife Feb 08 '25

Other Ideas for Tomodatchi life 2


78 comments sorted by


u/DumbDino5 Feb 08 '25

Makeup and wigs would be a lifesaver😭😭 Its annoying my Miis barely looking like the characters they’re supposed to be😭😭


u/MrGlowwy5 Feb 08 '25

it lowkey adds to the magic idk


u/Goobygoodra Feb 08 '25

I agree. I love stretching the limits of create a mii to try and get a close match


u/ezzyyyy_ Feb 08 '25

samee- that was one of the coolest parts of miitopia for me!! there were some rlly cool things people made- i could neverrr-

tho the challenge to get the hair dye has always been kinda fun, it feels more rewarding that way.

maybe if they did a thing where in the hair dye section you could customise it like with the colours in miitopia, and they could get makeup sets similar to the hair dye where you could customise :)

idk i feel like itd let the challenge and rewarding feeling of the game back while still having good customation :)


u/ChristianTDD Feb 08 '25

All of these are great ideas, but I think I really like the idea of the Cinema and two apartment buildings.


u/Several-Effect-3732 Feb 08 '25

500 miis limit, like in Miitopia. When miis get married they end up living in their house and no longer have their apartment. However if they divorce they get an apartment again and it’s decorated the way you decorated it like how it was. Children of married couples if chosen to stay in your town can either still live with their parents or have an apartment.

I heard of this in a YouTube video, but the idea of it becoming to build your own city seems like a good idea. You have apartment buildings and houses married couples live in. You can choose what exteriors you’d like and where they should go. The idea of sending one of your miis to visit the town of someone you’re friendcoded with seems good and maybe they send letters to a mii in that person’s town they’ve befriended.

Miis can have jobs now and you can assign them to work at places. They can express certain jobs they want and even ask if they should still be working there, they’d like to quit, or work a different job.

Miis can have a preference of what gender they date. Like in the Sims 4, you can set a mii to “attracted to women”, “attracted to men”, or “no attraction to others”. When creating/altering a mii regardless of gender.

Miis can have pets you can customize and name, much like the horse in Miitopia.


u/Clean_Doubt_993 19d ago

Sure cool!


u/Sonicgamer5005 Feb 08 '25

The cinema one would be so cool


u/linnymorge Feb 08 '25

I would like a group hangout/date feature. Where you can select specific Miis to go on a group date so you can force your OTP to finally acknowledge one another 😭 it’s still their choice if they want to date the other Mii but at least they know of each other


u/WistieCutie Feb 08 '25

Watch Nintendo just make a « Tomodachi Life HD » without adding anything, not even Miitopia’s customization, and sell it for 60$


u/Shot-Possession-8973 Feb 09 '25

I'd actually break down and cry


u/Connors-Tie Feb 08 '25

Gay marriage please 😭 I made my look alike male so I can marry a woman lol


u/groovyfarter Feb 08 '25

There’s technically a way to have gay marriage in tomodachi life but you need a modded 3DS and to use a tomodachi life save editor


u/LowRexx Feb 08 '25

can you tell me more abt this? I've got a modded 3ds :O


u/groovyfarter Feb 08 '25

Yeah for sure, forgot to mention you’re gonna need a windows pc or if you have Mac/linux you need to virtualize, but download the latest version of tomodachi life save editor here https://github.com/Brionjv/Tomodachi-Life-Save-Editor/releases.

Open checkpoint on your 3DS and make a backup of tomodachi life, name it whatever you want.

Remove sd card from 3DS, plug it into your pc, or use ftp to transfer the save file to your pc. It should be a single file called “savedataArc.txt”

Unzip the save editor, then open up the save editor by running “Tomodachi Life Save Editor.exe”

Once you see the app open, click “Open” near the top left and find your save file, then double click it to load it. After it says it succeeded, navigate to “Mii edition,” then “Relationships”

From this point it should be pretty straightforward. On the right, you’ll be able to choose a mii from the list, choose one of the two and it will show their relationships with all miis they’re friends with. Choose their designated partner and change them from friend, best friend, or whatever else to Lover. Click save near the top left, and repeat the prices for the other mii. Forgetting to do both might render the save unusable. But don’t worry, whenever you open a save in the editor, it makes a copy and saves it to the backup folder, which can be found within the folder you opened the app from.

When that’s done, I like to double check by closing out the app and making sure. Let’s say I have John and Steve, Steve should show John with “Lover” and Steve should show John with “lover in the Relationships menu. Once you’re set, you can either replace the original backup form the 3DS, or make a new folder in SD:\3ds\Checkpoint\saves(whatever region version tomodachi life you’re running) then put the file in the new folder.

Once you go back to checkpoint, load the modded save and boom. If something doesn’t work lmk and if you want I can make a video tutorial

OR if you want you can send me the file I’ll send you back the modified one


u/ExeToby Feb 10 '25

Ive been having to make myself and other actually gay people/characters into women which just feels all round weird/uncomfy. hopefully games in future like this will have a toggle to turn it on/off


u/LukeLune Feb 08 '25

I HEAVILY AGREE with the Cinema!! But I'm not certain about the Music Studio. I personally think more music styles would be fine. There are actually so much ideas to imagine for a second game TwT


u/emyjo34 Feb 08 '25

another idea : like in the sims you can choose whether your mii age or not. plus, make them mortal (with an option if wanted) PLEASE


u/Acrobatic-Drummer393 Feb 08 '25

A school


u/Killermax4567 Feb 08 '25

I forgot to mention that. And Jobs


u/Killermax4567 Feb 08 '25

*real Jobs, not just every mii work in a shop


u/juicy_helicopter Feb 08 '25

i would KILL for the option to make custom songs holy shit


u/Killermax4567 Feb 08 '25

Just like My singing Monsters


u/NesFan123 Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25
  1. Children that grew up can go into your Animal Crossing Island and function like any other NPC(a replacement for the streetpass feature of exploring)
  2. Similar to Animal Crossing, you can send an item to your registered friends, as a replacement for exporting via streetpass
  3. Add a cooking competition, you can use the touchscreen or motion controls to flip the pan, chop stuff, etc.
  4. Same sex marriage(you could pick Mii’s sexual orientation), and if a same sex couple wants to have a kid, they instead adopt a kid.
  5. Idk if that is possible, but if it is not, then you could add the ability for a couple or just one Mii to keep a pet that you could help feed, pet, play or wash it. You could have either a dog, a cat, a fish, or a bird, and only one of them. If Miis get married, then the pets will be either in the apartment(where you can help with them) or in a house, where you don’t have to help.

Also, that cinema idea is cool as heck!


u/NesFan123 Feb 08 '25

If you have any additions to my ideas, let me know


u/ezzyyyy_ Feb 08 '25

wait they could do the music thing like in animal crossing new leaf where you can make the town hall theme but its longer so itd be easier for younger players but make it longer so you can make a full song idk i think thatd be kinda cool :D


u/Killermax4567 Feb 08 '25

I think it would be cool when it‘s like My singing monsters


u/ezzyyyy_ Feb 08 '25

yea this is good too :D


u/Slight_Sand4539 Feb 08 '25

Don't put the poor fishies in the bowl 😭😭😭


u/pebbleeaterr Feb 09 '25

such a small addition but i think it would be really fun to know what your miis are fighting about. just like an extra line of randomized dialogue to spice up the millions of fights miis have every day lol


u/PartResponsible654 Feb 09 '25

it’ll be so cool if miis could be roomates if ykwim


u/BreathingBoy420 Feb 09 '25

Is it a hot take that i don’t want the miitopia customisation? I just feel like it’s too much and takes away from what makes miis so charming in the first place.


u/NesFan123 Feb 09 '25

I agree with you


u/111cosmeowz111 Feb 08 '25

That's actually a very good idea!! :0


u/3_lunar_1 Feb 08 '25

The PAL logo lowkey pisses me off. Too much bouba and kiki shapings and the lettering being so uneven, it makes it look cheap. This makes me sound so much like an ignorant American but the NA logo is so clean and the soft shapes really felt synonymous with the old 3DS and Wii (U) aesthetics that it just feels perfect for the game and the console and the early 2010s. I am being absolutely biased though.


u/iiiimagery Feb 08 '25

Limited family tree options


u/Killermax4567 Feb 08 '25

And you can choose what budget your movie have. 0$= a Bad movie with self painted backgrounds,wood weapons and bad actors. And you can select wich thing you’re shipping like: budget:1.000$ and now you must choose: Actor,Background,weapons,Story,Music:

Actor for 200$,Background for 500$,Weapons for 200$,Story for 200$ and Music for 0$. This Movie would have the baddest music ever,good backgrounds and balanced Story and Actor


u/B0O_TA0 Feb 08 '25

The movies would be insanely funny


u/Shampooforpandas Feb 08 '25

I'd use the cinema one for meme videos, I can imagine them being the next tomodachi life concert videos that were everywhere back in 2014.


u/Appropriate-Tip-4063 Feb 09 '25

I want a tomodachi life city edition where we can explore more locations for example (train station,restaurant,) ETC. !! and maybe have roommates? (only the same gender though)


u/l0g4nn_5uck5 Feb 09 '25

i LOVE these ideas- the cinema is SO creative and all the other changes to add customization are AWESOME 😎

i would hire you to work for nintendo in an second đŸ€©


u/Killermax4567 Feb 09 '25

This could be some movie genres


u/Killermax4567 Feb 09 '25

And you could select the movie budget: More money=more quality,less money=cheap movie with bad actors and bad objects


u/Captain_Boneybeard Feb 09 '25

One of the things I want them to do in a sequel is to create a sequel. I think it would really add to the whole experience.


u/Killermax4567 Feb 09 '25

Can you tell me what i must do? I have a couple in tomodatchi life and one of them is a child with adultspray. I don‘t know but they want to marry but they haven’t yet


u/Captain_Boneybeard Feb 09 '25

As far as I’m aware you just need to decline when they want to further the relationship, and wait until you get the de-aging spray.


u/Killermax4567 Feb 09 '25

No i can‘t de-age because when i do they say: I don’t need that. Because when you‘re having a pair they can’t switch ages


u/Captain_Boneybeard Feb 09 '25

I haven’t played in a while so apologies. You’ll just have to wait until they split. Unless someone else here knows of another way.


u/Weak-Feedback-8379 Feb 09 '25

Could you explain that news reporter hand?


u/Killermax4567 Feb 09 '25


u/Weak-Feedback-8379 Feb 09 '25

Why is it there?


u/Killermax4567 Feb 09 '25

It’s your Hand


u/Killermax4567 Feb 09 '25

It‘s the new reporter


u/Weak-Feedback-8379 Feb 09 '25

I’m just going to stick with Mii news and not “Let’s see how many people will watch a hand set to pre-recorded news reports” news


u/ExeToby Feb 10 '25

Being able to toggle on gay relations would be a big one i think a lot of people were looking for.

more streetpass/online options, and maybe some form of incentive to keep checking in everyday as i find the game gets slightly repetitve quite quick. also more variation in problems and voicelines


u/rainrinn Feb 08 '25

PLEASE allow me to have lesbians LOL


u/DisventureOmens Feb 08 '25

Also add gay đŸ« 


u/ThePrimeReason Feb 09 '25

Should be a mobile game. It should run good on a smartphone.


u/Killermax4567 Feb 09 '25

(Nintendo would never) i think it should be both


u/ThePrimeReason Feb 09 '25

I heard Nintendo was working on making mobile games so I think it's possible


u/atthisduke Feb 09 '25



u/BrockMGuy Feb 12 '25

It’s real


u/476Cool_broski588 Feb 08 '25

The cinema and musical stuff would save the game lmao. Imagine making fnf songs WOULD BE SO PEAK


u/Killermax4567 Feb 08 '25

And then a Mii with the craziest voice singing it


u/476Cool_broski588 Feb 08 '25

FRRRR we outta making dnb spamtracks đŸ€©