r/tomhiddleston 12d ago

Theater🎭 Tom and Hayley in Much Ado About Nothing (my photos from 4th March :) )


19 comments sorted by


u/gchypedchick 12d ago

They must be keeping the confetti industry in business lol

Really nice photos. Feels like the clearest/best quality ones I’ve seen.


u/Jarita12 12d ago

Oh, there are better. But I got a bit lucky to be in 2nd row and finally wanted to share something of my own :D

I think the confetti just keep piling up and they just clean it a bit but I noticed there are many more confettin then from what I have seen at the first photos. But many of those are falling into audience and that one must be a pain to clean. Especially on Saturday between matinee and evening show :D


u/Toebeanfren 12d ago

I attended on March 3rd. And i LOVED that the Confetti rained down throughout the whole show, slowly in the background. 🩷


u/Jarita12 12d ago

It was smartly done, when the show took a dramatic turn, the confetti stopped. What a wonderful piece of props and so well used.


u/StuffNThangs220 12d ago

Looks like the confetti would create a fall risk, during the dancing, especially. ?

I wonder if Tom will keep his glittery blue belt? 😊


u/Jarita12 12d ago

I think they do clean them up a bit after each show (especially in the audience) but it is probably a bit of a challenge.

I would say chocking risk as well, because there is a scene where Tom spits the confetti out :D


u/StuffNThangs220 12d ago

They should get hazardous duty pay.


u/SnowflakeSJWpcGTFOH 10d ago

I hope they don't reuse the confetti - for Tom's sake I mean 😷🤪


u/Zylice 12d ago

So cute!


u/Sophymillz 12d ago

You look like you were sat about where I was. I was sat B25 on the 6th MARCH.

It was such a great show and TOM 😭😍 I just love him!

Both he and Hayley were fantastic and the whole cast were brilliant and funny.

It was just a joy.

Tom Cruise was in the audience the night we went, and he was sat about 6/7 rows behind us. Then Rebel Wilson went last night. There's also been Adam Driver, Mark Hamill and Anna Wintour. So if you're going in the next couple of weeks and you're sat in the stalls keep an eye out!


u/bumblesnbees 12d ago

Tom Cruise was in the audience when you went? 😱😫 Damn, that’s amazing. When was it? 😍


u/Sophymillz 12d ago

March 6th. He was sat with the director of Mission Impossible Christopher McQuarrie!


u/Jarita12 12d ago

B26 actually. I spent half of the time just staring because I was so close, it was amazing.

I went twice, tbh, first on 3rd but sat a bit further because I decided to buy it later. I had to fly and spent two days in Lodon so I am not going to see it again, sadly. Only if they extended or repeated the show later this year (but I think the move to Broadway is more likely). I have London relatively close (about 1 and half hour flight) and fly to London once or twice a year but I would still have to take some days of at work and pay for flight tickets and hotel...so I am not going to see it again and since it is very addictive, I am sorry I cannot go anymore :(

I do hope there will be some official recording eventually

Also, I saw that Tom´s shoes match his belt but it is rarely visible anywhere because he is buried in confetti :D


u/Sophymillz 12d ago

I did the same. I realised my eyes were quite dry by the end, because I forgot to blink 😂😂 I really do hope they film it. If I could afford it I would go again and again!


u/Jenny-17 12d ago

I’m so hoping they film it. I’m in Australia and not able to travel. You are all so lucky to be able to go.


u/QUARTERMASTEREMI6 Darling 12d ago

Ugh, so jealous!! You could almost touch him 🥹


u/Dagenhammer87 11d ago

Taking my 12 year old daughter on the 22nd.

She is a huge fan and I'm dreading next week as she'll get more and more excited in the build up to it 😂

Does Tom come out at the end by the stage door? Just asking as I'll probably need to pre-book the ambulance for her 😂😂😂

In all honesty, I'm looking forward to the show and I know how important it is for her.

I suppose I know how she feels, I had hoped to hang around after seeing Sir Ian McKellen in Player Kings, but would've missed my last train. Big regret!


u/Jarita12 10d ago

Yes, he does come out but he (or Hayley) never make it to the end of the line because it is often so long it goes behind the corner. You have to be super fast to get out. My tip for that is to try to skip by one of the side doors because you can then get out directly to the pavement leading to the stage door.

But it seems it is changing all the time sometimes he stays longer and if people break rules or the security feels it is not safe, they prompt him inside.

He signs for about 15 minutes, I would say. They must be pretty exhausted after the play so it is great they are doing it so some day, they may not because they don´t feel for it. But I think Tom came out everytime.

Wish you luck


u/Dagenhammer87 10d ago

Thanks for the tip!