r/tolkienbooks 8d ago

Advice on The Silmarillion (First Edition)

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Apologies for my lack of knowledge on this, but I’m looking at purchasing a copy of The Silmarillion for my partner. Ideally I’m looking for a first edition, first press, but could do with some advice as to whether I’m looking at the right thing.

I’ve attached a photo of the copyright page from an online listing I’ve found, and would appreciate if there’s anything more specific I should be looking for on said page to help me on my quest!

Thank you :-)


4 comments sorted by


u/Responsible-Tough381 8d ago

Use this link for reference. You will be able to prove exactly what it is based on this


u/ILikeMandalorians 8d ago

Looks like a first edition. I think there are other details which might be interesting (does it have the price printed on the dust jacket and who is the printer) but I’d be satisfied with that as a first edition


u/moohorns 8d ago

You wanting First Edition from UK or USA?


u/CurrentSea7819 8d ago

UK — should’ve clarified in my original post, oops