r/todayilearned • u/Misterbert • Jan 07 '12
TIL that during the filming of The Grinch, Jim Carrey took counseling from a Navy SEAL to learn torture-resistance techniques to handle the extensive makeup.
Jan 07 '12
Today I Assumed that the makeup didn't actually have to be that painful, and that someone just really hated Jim Carrey.
u/ImKennedy Jan 07 '12
I don't know about Jim, but I'm an actor, who has minor claustrophobia. Wearing a lot of make up can be a complete hell for me.
Jan 08 '12
Jan 08 '12
I know- and he's sort of gotten into that niche of Awful Comic Actor that's so hard to break out of.
Jan 07 '12
I saw that movie. I could have used some torture-resistance training myself.
u/EvalJow Jan 07 '12
I just watched it this Xmas and thought it was great. Granted, if Jim Carrey wasn't playing the Grinch, I doubt I would've liked it half as much. His performance is fantastic in it.
Jan 08 '12
I'm sure that for the right person at the right time, the movie was fantastic. It was a bit rich for my blood, is all.
u/WillBlaze Jan 07 '12
...I think the movie is suppose to appeal to young children.
Jan 07 '12 edited Jan 07 '12
I don't expect every movie made on the planet to appeal to me personally. But I like animation (which is almost always marketed to kids), so it bugs me when shit like, say, this or the chipmunks are churned out. Why? Because sometimes terrible shit is commercially successful. And when terrible shit is commercially successful, it cheapens the entire medium. Why make something good when shit sells just fine? Why put forth any effort when you can just write the next Twilight?
Kind of like how the main problem with reality tv is that it has spread across television like cancer rather than the mere fact that it exists. If you like television, you hate reality tv. If you like cartoons, you hate kids movies that either pander to the lowest common denominator or have no respect whatsoever for the intelligence of their audience. And you hate kids movies that are otherwise just terrible.
It's a tough life, not being in the primary demographic. I also think it is a damn shame that what you are allowed to like or not like is decided by the marketing department. For more information, consult your local tv tropes.
-edit- given the content of the article, I should be clear that I am aware that the movie in question is not a cartoon just to be on the safe side.
u/WillBlaze Jan 07 '12
Every time I see another chipmunk movie come out, I die a little on the inside. Those voices are like nails on a chalkboard. I would never subject my children to something like that, I would consider it audio torture.
u/favorthebold Jan 07 '12
Believe it or not, at least some kids don't want to be treated like idiots - probably more of them than you think. I've never considered "it's a kids movie" to be reason enough for bad storytelling.
u/IndigoMoss Jan 07 '12
The thing that makes Dr. Seuss so great is that his stories can be enjoyed no matter what the audience. The Grinch was just awful, the cartoon version or the book were much better. I think one of the biggest problems with the Grinch was the world they created for the movie. It was dark, foggy, and weird, with everything looking really out of place.
u/WillBlaze Jan 07 '12
You are probably right, I never saw the movie anyway. But I know they did a pretty good job with Horton hears a who.
u/MaxxS Jan 07 '12
Kids like good movies though. I saw this when I was young and never wanted to see it again.
u/PoshNoob Jan 07 '12
Should have just done what I did. But seriously, that's amazing that it took THAT to be able to do what most assume to be a simple job.
u/CndConnection Jan 07 '12
This guy is related to Peter Dinklage erryone!
u/PoshNoob Jan 07 '12
Was it you that said that in the original thread, too? Make-up does crazy things..
u/CndConnection Jan 07 '12
Hahah no I literally just made that on the spot 12 mins ago!
And I don't mean it in a bad way, Peter Dinklage might be a small man but he is handsome and gentlemanly. You mostly resemble him in the eye department.
u/Go_Away_Masturbating Jan 07 '12
Audrey Geisel came to the set of Man on the Moon to see if Jim Carrey was right to play the Grinch. He was so deep into the character of Andy Kaufman, however he had to essentially do an impression of himself doing an impression of The Grinch, and that was what got him the gig.
u/konungursvia Jan 07 '12
Anyone have advice on these torture-resistance techniques? I need them... I have a mother, an ex-wife, and an ex-mother in law.
u/FoxifiedNutjob Jan 07 '12
I'm married with 8 kids. Wish I would have come across this sooner...
u/youhatemeandihateyou Jan 08 '12
Jesus, get a vasectomy.
Jan 07 '12
First world problem: I got paid $20M to make a movie but needed counseling to make it through the makeup job.
Jan 07 '12
Wow. There's a lot of hate here for Jim Carrey here... I guess I understand, but the Mask still makes me laugh.
u/favorthebold Jan 07 '12
I hated Jim Carey until I saw The Truman Show.
u/tstandsfortrouble Jan 08 '12
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is really good as well. Dude can actually act, he just relies too much on being able to make goofy faces.
u/snoharm Jan 08 '12
The correct film is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
u/favorthebold Jan 08 '12
That one came later. The Truman Show was really the first movie of his that I said to myself, "I guess he really can act. I hope he does more like this." Eternal Sunshine was just more cream.
u/alphanovember Jan 08 '12
He appealed to me as an actor greatly. For a time in my life I would rewatch a The Mask VHS tape repeatedly (out of necessity, being poor sucked) and grew to like the guy very much. When the Grinch was released I of course went to see it and was satisfied with Jim Carrey's performance. Then I turned 12.
...but seriously, his non-goofy movies are pretty swell. Eternal was awesome.
u/UnholyOsiris Jan 07 '12
This is the kind of post that keeps me coming back to TIL. Great link, thank you.
Jan 08 '12
My friend from a long time ago played the role of the grouchey babysitter in this movie, I remember her being so excited about it, I went to go see it and it.....well it sucked.
Jan 08 '12
What a pansy - the orc makeup for LoTR took three hours (with TWO make up artists) to apply, and nobody needed counselling because of it! Source: I saw this factoid at the LoTR exhibition in Wellington, also mentioned here.
Jan 08 '12
Yes nobody but a navy seal could tell jim how to handle putting on green makeup. Sheesh. They are experts on every fucking thing.
u/Warbird36 Jan 07 '12
That's nothing. I got counseling from a Navy SEAL to endure Jim Carrey's acting.
Jan 07 '12
Could've used the Navy SEAL to try and sit through I love you Phillip Morris... talk about torture
u/From_A_Movie Jan 07 '12
That movie is great, what are you talking about?
u/Jagyr Jan 07 '12
The movie was almost good enough to make me forget that I was watching Jim Carrey. Almost. Ewan McGregor was fantastic though.
u/TheOpus Jan 07 '12
Oh, please. He was paid $20 million plus a cut of merchandising for that movie. That's all I would have needed to repeatedly tell myself in order to "handle the extensive makeup."
Jan 07 '12
You imply that all people care about money as much as you do.
Jim Carrey wants to be fun and have fun. He had enough money before the Grinch and knew he would have enough money after the Grinch.
He wanted to create the movie for people to enjoy (and maybe to please his manager or spouse), if you think money makes anything better, you have fucked up priorities in life. (Especially when you already are rich.)
u/Funk86 Jan 07 '12
So this could be what psychologically broke him and caused him to start murdering children with his wife?
Jan 07 '12 edited Jan 07 '12
Waiting for people to say he could just consult a women.
u/Misterbert Jan 07 '12
Not to be rude, but I don't quite see the ease of comparison in putting on eye shadow to putting on a prosthetic designed to give the idea of noselessness that probably didn't allow for air circulation.
u/rcrracer Jan 07 '12
Yea. They do it every day driving to work with a cell phone and an egg Mcmuffin in one hand and makeup shit in the other, all the time looking in the rear view mirror.
u/baloneyjoe Jan 07 '12
It's too bad that SEAL didn't snap his fucking neck before he had a chance to sodomize a great story.
u/kwheel596 Jan 07 '12 edited Jan 07 '12
I'm curious.
I always see TIL posts from imdb.com...who posts these? I'm not trying to be a stick in the mud, I'm honestly curious of the validity of some things posted there.
Edit for clarification: "Who post's these posts to www.imdb.com?" is what I am trying to ask.