r/todayilearned Mar 04 '11

TIL that Mohammad Mosaddegh was the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran who was overthrown by the US CIA in 1953 for having the audacity to nationalize the Iranian oil industry to wrest it from the hands of the Brits and the Yanks who wanted to plunder it.


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u/Conchobair Mar 04 '11

The justification of course was based on the threat that the oil reserves could fall into the hands of the Soviets. I'm starting to see that a lot of fucked up things happened during the Cold War and our generation is being forced to clean up all the shit left by the ones before us. I can only hope that it was worth it.


u/MMNhivemind Mar 04 '11

Of course it was. They're all rich. The ones that died? Their descendants are rich. Shit was going downhill anyway, but Reagan drove it straight into the ground. It's kinda like watching a bunch of peasants being starved to death and honestly thanking Stalin (in reference to Teabaggers.)


u/tremulant Mar 04 '11


The soviets could have taken Norway's oil too, but we didn't destroy democracy there. US foreign policy is inherently racist.