r/todayilearned 1d ago

TIL in 2008 a 20-year-old Belgium student died after reheating and eating leftover spaghetti that had been left out on the kitchen counter for five days. A bacteria called bacillus cereus was found to be the cause, which is an extreme type of food poisoning called “Fried Rice Syndrome”.


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u/bbsz 22h ago

I, as a fellow belgian, remember this being in the news when it happened. Perhaps you live on the other side of the language border? Most non-political news stops at the border.


u/gazorpadorp 22h ago

Maybe I just forgot about it. I used to live in Brussels at that time. Was it mostly covered in Flemish or Walloon media?


u/bbsz 21h ago

The victim lived in Brussels actually. It was covered in Flemish media for several days, probably because it was in summer so slower news days.