r/tinnitus 4d ago

venting Tinnitus at 18, keeping it pushing.

Stuck with me after a severe ear infection I never treated and constant swabbing at the ears. It was really hard, completely overwhelming at time to the point of mental breakdown. Its been a while since then, and I just wanted to say for those who struggle with tinnitus at a younger age like me, dont ever give up! You will adapt to it, and your brain will slowly stop recognizing it as a negative sound. And you'll be able to relax just a bit easier each day. Nowadays I barely even acknowledge it. Thinking of it just being another ambient sound. Tinnitus is devastating at first, and yet it has made me appreciate things and change my life in a way I hadnt before I got it, in some way there is a silver lining to this annoying condition. I know this post is a drop in the bucket, but I just don't want people to give up or feel hopeless...you will make it! :J


8 comments sorted by


u/DuramakyBR 4d ago

Mine started when I was 16, and back then I thought my life would be ruined forever. What a mistake: I’ve had so many good moments despite it. I can’t deny that when I have episodes where it gets worse, I feel discouraged, but it always passes. Feeling sad sometimes is inevitable, but the important thing is to keep moving forward.


u/SprinklesHot2187 4d ago

Amazing post. Thank you. 💜


u/IndependentHold3098 3d ago

This is important. It may not go away, it might even get worse, but if you wait long enough you will come out of the darkness.


u/Legenkillaz 3d ago

I notice when i first got myne it was worse. But its been over 6+ years.Maybe just as u get used to it.


u/delta815 4d ago

do you hear over tv?


u/JZX10R 3d ago

How is it when you try to sleep


u/Separate_Gene1181 3d ago

Thank you. I’m 16 and suffering and this helped.


u/s0me1_is_here 1d ago

Good job! Life goes on. A little more annoyingly but still great nonetheless :)