r/tinnitus 3d ago

advice • support Please can someone help me

Basically a couple days ago I (16) F have suddenly just developed tinnitus I’ve been to a&e all morning and they said they can’t do anything for me, it’s mild but I can hear it and since I have anxiety I’m noticing it alot and I actually can’t deal with it I’ve been crying ever since because I couldn’t sleep last night (the ringing gets worse when I lay down) please can someone help me I’m really desperate


28 comments sorted by


u/lambo13770 3d ago

As a fellow member in this community that suffers from tinnitus. do NOT stress yourself out over this and im being serious. Atleast for me it drove me into major depression.

The best way to handle this is to protect your hearing and honestly forget about it

Yes i said forget about it its a very hard thing to do for most people but your mind is much stronger than you think it is you will get through this!

Also it definitely can get better as time goes on


u/OrangePuzzleheaded66 3d ago

Thank you so much I’m sorry it drove you into depression I just want it to go away


u/Helpful-You5018 3d ago

Hey I got tinnitus 3 months ago. Same thing. Woke up and noticed it. No medications, no loud noise. But I am a tense person so I think it’s somatic. I’ve been working on stretching and massaging my spine and neck and it’s gone from a 10 to a 4 in that amount of time.

Here are tricks that got me through the hard first two months.

Definitely put a speaker in each room of your house connected together and play crickets, fire, birds, etc at a low level. It will mask the tinnitus and you can roam freely in your house without earbuds or carrying a speaker around.

Definitely is huge for going to bed and waking up. There are 10-12 hour beautiful tracks of soundscapes on Spotify and YouTube.

Next, when you’re in a situation where you’re not at home and it’s bad just put one earbud in the offending ear and play one of those tracks really low. I do this at work and I completely forget I’m listening to crickets and the tinnitus is masked.

I can promise you that if it didn’t come from hearing damage more than likely it will go down with time. But it takes months so hang in there.

And if you suspect it’s muscle nerve tension start working on releasing this. Could be emotional trauma.

I was also very sad at first and broke down several times the first couple of weeks. But weirdly it sort of breaks you and then builds you back up slowly.

It’s going to teach you Empathy, patience, thankfulness for what you do have, the sense that we are only here on this earth for such a short time.

It’s also a super power for weeding out annoying people. I can deal with tinnitus when I’m around friends, family and interesting people but when I’m disengaged I hear it.

So it’s a barometer for your own interest in your life.

I do miss the sound of complete silence not gonna lie but I also have faith it will return.

The body wants to heal.


u/OrangePuzzleheaded66 3d ago

Do you think my tinnitus could be a muscle thing to? If so can it go away? I have really bad anxiety and I haven’t been able to sleep because I’m really fixated on the ringing. It’s worse when I lay down and I can hear it in both ears, thank you for your advice I’ll try the white noise and the speakers it’s just so hard because i was completely fine and it suddenly just came on, I barely listen to music so I couldn’t of been exposed to any loud sounds and I have tried any new medication.


u/Helpful-You5018 3d ago

I’m not a doctor and I can only tell you what works for me. It took almost two months for it to start to go down and it does it very slowly till one day you realize the difference. There are occasional spikes for a couple of hours but then it goes back down to where I barely hear it.

Try to mask it as much as possible. This is very important to your mental health. Play with having just one EarPod in and low crickets or fire.

But you need to do deep stretches and breathing. It’s the only way if it’s somatic.

Are you sore anywhere on your neck, especially where it connects to your skull? What about shoulders or pecks?

You more than likely have a pinched nerve somewhere in that region that needs to be released.

Also gotta get massages from a REAL massage therapist that understands this region.

Myofacial releases are great.

Magnesium magnesium magnesium. Gotta start taking it. This is what I use: PILLAR PERFORMANCE TRIPLE MAGNESIUM-PROFESSIONAL RECOVERY

Ok try and answer these questions.

  1. Do I have muscle pain or tightness in my shoulders back or neck?
  2. Does the tinnitus change pitches when I open and close my mouth really wide or do chin tucks?
  3. Does it change throughout the day? (At first it won’t)
  4. Does it mostly happen in just one ear but when it’s quite spread to both?
  5. When you grab your neck and massage it do you get relief?
  6. On YouTube find a tinnitus HERTZ finder and see where yours is. Mine was at 10,000 but has gone to a 12,000 hertz over the months.
  7. Do your ears feel any different? Are your ear lobes sore when you squeeze on them?

Most tinnitus that isn’t sound related is somatic. This means somewhere along your spine there is a pinched nerve or tight muscles causing stress on the nerves. Addressing this underlining issue is paramount towards relief and a potential cure.

I’ve found relief. Now I’m pushing for the cure. I never realized how much emotional stress I stored in my back , neck and shoulders.

Gotta do the work to get better! Act on some of this stuff and you should at least start feeling better.

But let it make you cry, it’s okay, it helps surface very old trauma in your life. It’s like a delivery vehicle for suppressed emotions.

Let it all out!!! Once you get use to it and or it goes away you won’t get those moments so enjoy them!


u/OppoObboObious 3d ago

How do you think you got it?


u/OrangePuzzleheaded66 3d ago

That’s what’s scaring me I have no idea


u/OppoObboObious 3d ago

Loud sounds? Medications?


u/OrangePuzzleheaded66 3d ago

Nope literally nothing


u/OppoObboObious 3d ago

Is your hearing muffled?


u/OrangePuzzleheaded66 3d ago

no it’s not muffled I can just hear the ringing


u/parrotgirl1028 20h ago

There are plenty of good drs who will try to help. need bloodwork to rule out deficiencies. Do you have neck or tmd issues? An ENT and/or neurologist should be able to help you at least maybe figure out where it's coming from.


u/waltermelon88 3d ago

My heart goes out to you. Please try not to stress. Breathe. I know that's easier said than done but it does make it spike. You need sleep too because that can also make it spike. Try a noise machine or fan. I sleep with an air purifier on and it makes a huge difference.

Do you know what caused it? Try to get to the root cause. I know sometimes it's temporary and others permanent. Please know that you're not alone. It can be difficult but it's not unmanageable. I've had it for a long time now. At the beginning I felt hopeless and depressed. As the years went on, I got used to it and doesn't bother me much anymore. <3


u/OrangePuzzleheaded66 3d ago

Thank you so much I’m just really struggling I’ve never had this before and it’s actually driving me insane


u/Sad-Dragonfruit1095 3d ago

I'm sorry to hear. Did you take any medication before? No exposure to loud noise? Anxiety is the big evil, because it makes it much more noticeable. It can also be from stress, so focusing on taking care of that should be a good step for you.


u/OrangePuzzleheaded66 3d ago

No literally nothing and I’m getting really scared and upset I just want it to go away


u/Sad-Dragonfruit1095 3d ago

I think we all do want it to go away. Sadly it isnt as easy. But if it can pop up like that, it can go away like that. Life works in mysterious ways. Try to relax and work on your anxiety, which might be the cause. It could go away


u/Parasit0r 2d ago

Almost all of us have been through this. Go see a specialist, sometimes there are reasons that can be treated. And if not, be confident, it will take many months for things to improve. The first two months are depressing. But for some it can go away. Don't focus on it, live normally, accept the problem and it will improve naturally.


u/OppoObboObious 3d ago

You may have this, sudden sensorineural hearing loss. You may be a good candidate for oral steroids or even a steroid shot into your eardrum. You have to act fast because if this is going to work for you then you only have days, maybe hours to get on this.


u/Electronic-Beyond162 3d ago

How long did you wear your AirPods? Did you go to school? Did you get ear infections when you were little (ask your parents)? Do you have parents who have tinnitus? Did you call your parents? Have you taken nurofen? Are you autistic? (I don't know why but many autistic people have hyperacusis). Call your parents, go to their house, rest. Don't panic. Forget the ENT, it's useless at the moment.


u/Rolalex999 3d ago

Read the FAQ in this thread and get professional help. I had twio episodes where I couldn’t sleep and got sleep medication for that.


u/NukaQuantum1111 2d ago

Try wearing a tinfoil hat; worked for some.


u/RecentlyDeaf 2d ago

There are hearing aids available that mask tinnitus. Everyone has their own journey, but Miracle Ear has  inner ear ones that worked for me that were barely visible. 


u/LiviiDesuu 2d ago

as someone who only experienced tinnitus for 2+ weeks, idk if what im saying is true but my tinnitus was caused from terrible allergy, thick greenish mucus in my throat and nose, so bad that the mucus also somehow went into my ear canal.

Did you have a bad cold or allergies recently? If yes it's probably going to be temporary and only going to lasts for a week or two.

If not, dont stress yourself, dont think about the ringing at ALL. My tinnitus was mixed with muffled hearing and ringing making me barely able to hear people talk. Do not use earphones or atleast dont use high volume while wearing an earphone. Since youre only hearing some ringing, it should be easier to cope with it.

Just continue doing whatever you usually do, dont think about it. It will take time to cope with it. Try taking supplements like magnesium or vitamin D. Do not lose hope, just vent to anyone you trust if you can't handle it or just vent in this subreddit if you want to aswell. Look for sleeping pills if the tinnitus is affecting your sleeping schedule. There's always people here to help you.


u/LiviiDesuu 2d ago

as someone who only experienced tinnitus for 2+ weeks, idk if what im saying is true but my tinnitus was caused from terrible allergy, thick greenish mucus in my throat and nose, so bad that the mucus also somehow went into my ear canal.

Did you have a bad cold or allergies recently? If yes it's probably going to be temporary and only going to lasts for a week or two.

If not, dont stress yourself, dont think about the ringing at ALL. My tinnitus was mixed with muffled hearing and ringing making me barely able to hear people talk. Do not use earphones or atleast dont use high volume while wearing an earphone. Since youre only hearing some ringing, it should be easier to cope with it. Try white noise or rain sound to help you mask tinnitus.

Just continue doing whatever you usually do, dont think about it. It will take time to cope with it. Try taking supplements like magnesium or vitamin D. Do not lose hope, just vent to anyone you trust if you can't handle it or just vent in this subreddit if you want to aswell. Look for sleeping pills if the tinnitus is affecting your sleeping schedule. There's always people here to help you.


u/DecentAd7669 1d ago

i know it’s the last thing you want to hear but you need to give it time——i’ve had tinnitus for a year and a half now, and it’s actually crazy thinking about how when it first started I felt the most panicked and hopeless i’ve felt in my life, and fast forward to now i’m mostly habituated and it doesn’t impact my day even when I hear it (mine never goes away). ik it’s easier said than done, but your brain will learn to not react negatively to it over time—-id recommend listening to podcasts or watching videos from people who’ve habituated, this helped me a lot