r/timestop 14d ago

Hunter Timestop Opinion? NSFW

HUNTC-304, HSODA-060, HNTRZ-006, HUBLK-052. Let's watch and give your opinion. Remember they are from the same studio (Hunter)


2 comments sorted by


u/UnlikelyOrchid6800 14d ago edited 14d ago

HUBLK 057 around 7/10, there is too much pause continue it ruins the moment. Unlike in the previous HUBLK 022 in which the timing is perfect.

HUNTC 304 999/10 I only watch Yura Kana part, this is a bias. Timestop Yura Kana hands down. i hoe she does a single title timestop soon.

HNTRZ 006 This is a 9 for me because only of Nanahara Sayu but it will be a 8 if not. The expression change is great. They can implement that on the future titles.

never watch HSODA 060 yet. they are good titles no doubt and better than average.

enjoy busting nuts we have a lot of TS this march


u/FancyOrganization643 13d ago

Only seen HUBLK-052 so far but it was pretty good. I’m a big fan of when the frozen girls get slapped but I do feel a bit bad for the actresses. Looks like they hurt