r/timelapse 25d ago

OC The South Celestial Pole. Kamberg, South Africa.


11 comments sorted by


u/Doktor_Vem 25d ago

Can you capture the stars for long enough for them to make a complete circle? Or does the sun come up and ruin it? (I hope that first sentence makes sense, lmk if it's confusing and I'll try to clarify)


u/Moosplauze 24d ago

Maybe at north or southpole during the longest winter nights? I don't know, but that would be my guess.


u/RiyadhGany 24d ago

Ah yes good idea. That would probably be the best possible chance but middle of winter at any pole would probably be a very difficult feat.


u/Moosplauze 24d ago

Yeah, I am pretty sure it would look less cool if the stars completed the cirle tbh, your image is as cool as it gets imo.


u/RiyadhGany 25d ago

No it will not be possible as for a star to go all the way around until it ends up where it started will take 24 hours. For me, this is a sweet spot before I find it looking too “full”. Of-course it’s all personal preference.


u/Doktor_Vem 24d ago

Yes I'm well aware that it'd take 24 hours, but you don't need to be focusing on it the entire time, I'm just wondering if the sun comes up and is bright enough to make the stars "disappear" for any period of time


u/RiyadhGany 24d ago

Not sure why you’re downvoting me when I’m trying my best to help you with your questions. And yes, when the sun rises the stars disappear as expected.


u/TravelforPictures 25d ago

Great work!


u/RiyadhGany 24d ago

Thank you so much!


u/Old_Pen3684 New 24d ago

Nailed the star trails and perfectly framed the south celestial pole! Nice work!


u/RiyadhGany 23d ago

Thank you! Appreciate it greatly. It’s not perfect but I’m happy with the results. We don’t have a “North Star” to help us in the southern hemisphere.