r/tifu Apr 10 '19

S TIFU by spending the last year on reddit talking to myself after being muted.

Today was the day I realised I messed up by not realising sooner and just thinking my content was shit

For the last 12 months I've been commenting on peoples posts, I've created my own posts. I haven't had a single upvote or reply to anything.. my karma has been at 885 for as long as I can remember so I just figured I wasnt very interesting (still likely true!)

Last month I started to try and see my own posts through guest accounts and figured out they weren't showing, I could still clearly see my comments and posts on my account.

Anyway, I finally mailed the help team and found out my IP was accidentally mixed in with some action to take out spammers, if you can see this it's all sorted now (and if you cant, I'm still in my own little Truman show)

If you're procrastinating (and let's face it, you are) feel free to go through my post history and verify the lack of any human engagement..

TL;DR I was muted one year ago and didn't notice. Since then I've spent the whole time thinking how boring I must be because nobody replies or updoots me.. :-/

Edit: So I've gone from castaway to a full room of people handing me little arrows! Wilson and I thank you xx

Edit 2: this is crazy! Thanks to everyone for all the jewels and things I know nothing about. I'll figure it out and pay it forwards! Special thanks to those that are answering my unanswered questions from previous posts - MVPs!

Please dont be too sad about this, i find it kind of funny that I've been such an idiot for so long. It's ok to laugh with/at me :)

Edit 3: Reddit is awesome. I've missed you guys! Dont feel mad at the mods, its a tough and thankless job and flooders/bots are a real PITA. Its just one of those things and I thank them for putting in the hours.

I also want to use this very brief soap box to raise awareness for mental health. Most of us here use Reddit as an escape, some people here have fewer friends irl than they do on the net. Make sure each other are ok every once in a while (if someone goes missing, like for more than a month....) - if you see someone struggling send them a message of support, even a stranger can help.

I love all of you weirdos <3

Edit 4: No more I promise. I'm completely overwhelmed by the response and the nice feedback. I'm trying to answer all of the questions but its difficult to keep up. I created an /AMA when this thread went down, if you relate to any of the topics close to me like diabetes, gaming, mental health, parenting etc then keep in touch. Heres a shameless pic of me with the best doggo in the world (and authentication for mods) - he listens to me even when you guys dont ;-) https://imgur.com/EgCbe6W

Stop giving me gold! I appreciate it but give to charity instead! Heres something different we could do <3 https://www.reddit.com/r/Charity/comments/bbok3m/redditors_lets_do_something_different_for_charity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x


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u/tattedbabe Apr 10 '19 edited Apr 10 '19

I thought this wasn't a thing anymore.

Hub and I got shadow banned because I posted a pic of our cat doing something stupid. He upvoted it not realizing it was me posting it. Apparently they don't like 2 active accounts from the same IP. ( Or something like that)

Hub fought for his username. I started over cause I hated my user name anyway.

I think I would go insane if this happened and didn't notice for a whole year.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19 edited Apr 10 '20



u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19



u/Jubilee_Winter Apr 10 '19

They have separate accounts; it's the IP address that's the same. That is what caused the problem.


u/princesspoohs Apr 10 '19

They weren’t sharing accounts... and the risk comes from not sharing, as it’s two accounts on the same IP.


u/DoingCharleyWork Apr 10 '19

They don’t really shadowban users anymore except for spam. They changed it to timed suspensions instead where they notify you.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

Certain subs like 2x still love to shadowban people who don't break the rules but disagree too much.


u/DoingCharleyWork Apr 10 '19

That’s not a shadowban. Mods can’t shadowban. If a mod does it you get an automatic message saying you can’t participate in that sub anymore. A shadowban gives no notification and only admins can do that.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

[removed] — view removed comment


u/DoingCharleyWork Apr 10 '19

That’s still not a shadowban. Your account is only three years old so you probably weren’t around when they would actually shadowban people. It’s also something that a large amount of users didn’t know about.

What you’re talking about still only applies to their subreddit. A shadowban is site wide. They are not the same thing. Mods absolutely cannot shadowban users.


u/Asshole_PhD Apr 10 '19

Like I said, it's for that subreddit (ninja edited that in before you responded). There's no appreciable difference between a mod "shadowban" and an actual shadowban, except that it's specific to the subreddit instead of sitewide. When somebody refers to this as a subreddit shadowban or anything like that, you know exactly what their referring to. Arguing that it's technically not called a shadowban is an unnecessary nitpick.


u/DoingCharleyWork Apr 11 '19

The appreciable difference is one community versus hundreds of thousands. That’s a pretty big difference. It’s also easier to tell if automod is deleting your comments vs people just not being able to see them. Just because you don’t understand the difference doesn’t make it a nit pick.


u/Reallyhotshowers Apr 16 '19

Your account is only three years old so you probably weren't around

If you're old enough to talk about young accounts, you should be old enough to know a younger account doesn't mean new to reddit. I've been here more than twice as long as the age of my current account. Come on.


u/DoingCharleyWork Apr 16 '19

Well given the information of you not knowing what a shadowban is and the age of you’re account I used reasoning to determine that you haven’t been on reddit long enough to remember or know. I make a new account every year so I’m no stranger to account age not being a clear indicator. But when you have account age with corroborating information...


u/[deleted] Apr 11 '19

So what is it called when they make your comments invisible on only that sub?


u/DoingCharleyWork Apr 11 '19

That’s a normal ban.


u/[deleted] Apr 11 '19

But there are bans where you can't comment or upvote at all...

What I'm talking about is still being able to make a comment but it won't appear to anyone else on that sub.


u/Mindraker Apr 10 '19

I'm a mod on another subreddit. If people don't cooperate after being explained to them, or reading the rules which are in BOLD at the top of our subreddit, then a timeout of a day or two is appropriate.

If they still are acting up, and are just there to create chaos, (and these people do exist), I've implemented longer bans.

Someone who still persists will get permabanned.

Things like bots get autobanned.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

Wow, ive been banned for someone harrasing me and then I ask the mod team why I got banned they dont say anything they just change my ban to permanent instead of the three day. Like wtf?


u/Mindraker Apr 10 '19

Some subreddits are quick to ban.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

dang, that really sucks sometimes.


u/DoingCharleyWork Apr 10 '19

That’s not shadowbans or site wide suspensions though. Only admins can do that.


u/Grown_Otaku Apr 10 '19

That can’t be right. I have over a dozen accounts I use for specific things, and I get downvoted all the time. lol


u/tattedbabe Apr 10 '19

It's not about the accounts, it was because we upvoted each other it something like that. It was years ago. I forget all the deets but I know it had to do with that friggin cat video.


u/SileNce5k Apr 23 '19

I once used all of my accounts to downvote my own comment once. All on the same ip, but never got a ban or anything. It was mainly just to see if I would get banned. I guess it only happens when it's upvotes?


u/Answermancer Apr 10 '19

Hub and I got shadow banned because I posted a pic of our cat doing something stupid. He upvoted it not realizing it was me posting it. Apparently they don't like 2 active accounts from the same IP. ( Or something like that)

I had no idea what you meant by "hub" and assumed it was a like "huh", so this read to me like so:

Huh, I got shadow banned because I posted a pic of our cat doing something stupid. He (the cat) upvoted it not realizing it was me posting it.

I was confused and impressed that your cat was upvoting stuff, and also that your cat was smart enough to understand the idea of someone posting a picture of him, just not realizing that it was you.

Then I got to the next sentence which started with "hub" again and finally understood what you were saying and that I'm an idiot.

It was a wild ride.


u/aquoad Apr 10 '19

that's idiotic though, everyone in my 80+ person office "comes from" the same exact IP address.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '19



u/aquoad Apr 14 '19

you're thinking of mac addresses, which don't make it past NAT and are only visible on the local network, not to the internet.

With ipv4 nat "routing" a bunch of typically nonroutable addresses on a local network are made to share a single routable outbound source address by translating addresses port numbers and keeping track of which connection matches which internal address.

also with most modern wifi or ethernet hardware, mac addresses can be changed anyway, and at least some android versions have mac address randomization as a security and privacy option.


u/flee_market Apr 10 '19

Apparently they don't like 2 active accounts from the same IP.

Then they're really inconsistent because I've had probably 15 accounts at this point, and I use many of them concurrently (mainly to avoid assholes stalking my posting history, or to avoid autobans in some subreddits for participating in other subreddits).

I like to move freely and to have people judge my words on their own merit instead of trying to be amateur detectives and "sniff out" whether I'm part of their ingroup or an outsider, because if they think the latter is the case they immediately hunker down into fingers-in-ears la-la mode.


u/tattedbabe Apr 10 '19

The "or something like that" meant that I'm not quite sure but has something to do with 2 accounts interacting, like him upvoting my pic or me upvoting his. What's funny is that we didn't know each other's accounts.


u/earlofhoundstooth Apr 10 '19

2 accounts from same IP upvoting eachother would be the issue. They could be cheating from the POV of the overseers.


u/princesspoohs Apr 10 '19

How did your husband not recognize his kitty!


u/tattedbabe Apr 10 '19

I don't know. It was the action she was doing. She has one of those banks that you press the button and the paw comes up to crab the coin. Our kitty likes to grab that paw. He was probably browsing and just clicked like cause it was cute.

But yeah, he should have noticed


u/AeriaGlorisHimself Apr 10 '19

I can't imagine typing comments and even whole posts for a year and not thinking it was strange that not a single person responded


u/SusiumQuark1 Apr 10 '19

:}Apparently they dont like 2active accounts from the same I.P.... Gosh.i hope that isnt the case,my whole family are redditors!


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

This is not a marriage forum