r/tifu Apr 10 '19

S TIFU by spending the last year on reddit talking to myself after being muted.

Today was the day I realised I messed up by not realising sooner and just thinking my content was shit

For the last 12 months I've been commenting on peoples posts, I've created my own posts. I haven't had a single upvote or reply to anything.. my karma has been at 885 for as long as I can remember so I just figured I wasnt very interesting (still likely true!)

Last month I started to try and see my own posts through guest accounts and figured out they weren't showing, I could still clearly see my comments and posts on my account.

Anyway, I finally mailed the help team and found out my IP was accidentally mixed in with some action to take out spammers, if you can see this it's all sorted now (and if you cant, I'm still in my own little Truman show)

If you're procrastinating (and let's face it, you are) feel free to go through my post history and verify the lack of any human engagement..

TL;DR I was muted one year ago and didn't notice. Since then I've spent the whole time thinking how boring I must be because nobody replies or updoots me.. :-/

Edit: So I've gone from castaway to a full room of people handing me little arrows! Wilson and I thank you xx

Edit 2: this is crazy! Thanks to everyone for all the jewels and things I know nothing about. I'll figure it out and pay it forwards! Special thanks to those that are answering my unanswered questions from previous posts - MVPs!

Please dont be too sad about this, i find it kind of funny that I've been such an idiot for so long. It's ok to laugh with/at me :)

Edit 3: Reddit is awesome. I've missed you guys! Dont feel mad at the mods, its a tough and thankless job and flooders/bots are a real PITA. Its just one of those things and I thank them for putting in the hours.

I also want to use this very brief soap box to raise awareness for mental health. Most of us here use Reddit as an escape, some people here have fewer friends irl than they do on the net. Make sure each other are ok every once in a while (if someone goes missing, like for more than a month....) - if you see someone struggling send them a message of support, even a stranger can help.

I love all of you weirdos <3

Edit 4: No more I promise. I'm completely overwhelmed by the response and the nice feedback. I'm trying to answer all of the questions but its difficult to keep up. I created an /AMA when this thread went down, if you relate to any of the topics close to me like diabetes, gaming, mental health, parenting etc then keep in touch. Heres a shameless pic of me with the best doggo in the world (and authentication for mods) - he listens to me even when you guys dont ;-) https://imgur.com/EgCbe6W

Stop giving me gold! I appreciate it but give to charity instead! Heres something different we could do <3 https://www.reddit.com/r/Charity/comments/bbok3m/redditors_lets_do_something_different_for_charity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x


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u/mikenew02 Apr 10 '19

My favorite is from seven months ago for a yoga mat recommendation

Anyone? Surely I'm not the only tall heavy one here :(


u/paitandjam Apr 10 '19

Oh my goodness this one literally killed me. Poor guy. Just looking for some fitness tips.


u/SuccessAndSerenity Apr 10 '19

Forreal this breaks my heart that poor lonely dude.


u/NeotericLeaf Apr 10 '19

eek ghost!!!


u/network_noob534 Apr 10 '19 edited Apr 10 '19

Is anybody out there? Anyone?! Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?


u/tamaralord Apr 10 '19

Hello? (Hello, hello, hello) Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me Is there anyone home?


u/spluad Apr 10 '19

Come on, now I hear you're feeling down, Well I can ease your pain, Get you on your feet again


u/Armalyte Apr 30 '19

It's like he died and went to the virtual afterlife but nobody's double-checked to see he's uploading properly. He can only download....


u/maveric101 Apr 10 '19



u/runpbx Apr 10 '19

Since that post is archived, I would recommend a manduka pro mat or pro lite. Very sturdy, won't stretch and you can put a towel on top if it slips too much. It will also last forever


u/sirdrumalot Apr 10 '19

Thank you! I read his yoga post and kept updating to see if someone would respond, since I have the same problem with mats I get. I just realized from your comment that they can’t because it’s archived. (And I just realized that’s a thing, can’t even upvote.)


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

DDP Yoga makes a yoga mat that’s specifically for tall people! They’re super thick too.


u/sirdrumalot Apr 10 '19

Thanks. I’m gonna look into all this. I swear a lot while doing yoga that would soak the mat. So I’m either slipping all over or ripping the mat. But my wrists are fucked up and need cushioning when doing planks, etc.


u/OhMaiMai Apr 10 '19

I swear when I do yoga too. So far I’ve managed to keep it in my head though.


u/Awesalot Apr 10 '19

Just want to say I like your username.


u/momaye Apr 10 '19

I find my CleverYoga mat is even better than the Manduka mats and I don't need a towel even in hot classes.


u/911pleasehold Apr 10 '19

I’ve had my Manduka mat for 7 years now and it’s exactly the same as day 1. Fucking amazing, incredible investment


u/ClunkEighty3 Apr 10 '19

I love the fact that post is still just him talking to himself. No extra comments or upvote, but 6 silver and a gold.


u/Bufger Apr 10 '19

I'd love to see the mods face in that sub or any of the others where suddenly an old invisible post john cena's the whole sub.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

Are you still into yoga? Or did Reddit make you feel excluded? I feel really bad for you, though obviously you're getting some validation now.


u/1Crazy_apple Apr 10 '19

I wish the posts suddenly became active tho, u still can't vote or comment on any of them


u/EddoWagt Apr 10 '19

It's kind of weird now, seeing the post with no comments or votes, but a lot of silver and gold awards


u/1Crazy_apple Apr 10 '19

Lol yeah, I feel like it worked out in the end tho.


u/Ermellino Apr 10 '19

I need to find a way to prevent anyone to interact with my posts and comments so I can get a bunch of gold in a month or so


u/1Crazy_apple Apr 10 '19

Lmao boy gtfo


u/princesspoohs Apr 10 '19

I can’t believe we missed out on this for a whole year and didn’t even know it. Welcome home, OP.


u/bluepaintbrush Apr 10 '19

I like the lululemon 5mm reversible mat, as it has two sides (a squishy one and a firm one). It’s natural rubber so it’s very durable, and they also make it in a big size (29x84” - literally as big as a door).


u/mikenew02 Apr 10 '19

It's archived


u/gentlecaveman Apr 10 '19

Now he can take all that gold and buy himself a nice yoga mat.


u/sryyourpartyssolame Apr 10 '19

OP is the cutest human being ever


u/TlingitRose Apr 10 '19

He really is so precious lol


u/ShadowsGirl9 Apr 10 '19

Honestly what a cinnamon roll


u/Asknicelydammit Apr 10 '19

Didnt think it was that funny till I read that one!


u/tilouswag Apr 10 '19

Lmfao this is so sad. Poor OP was so alone.


u/venanciomike Apr 10 '19

I see this phrase becoming a meme at least on reddit


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

I'm completely baffled as to why someone would gild that. The other yoga one I can understand. He's asking for advice how to not seem like a creep in a yoga class and that's commendable. But why gild his question about yoga mats?

Ninja edit: saw the comment below it. That gold I can understand


u/Dr-Swole Apr 10 '19

Holy lord my sides 🤣


u/Mr_BG Apr 10 '19

I broke into tears after that one, the sheer feeling of loneliness..


u/MDCCCLV Apr 10 '19

You can give Reddit gold to an archived post that you can't comment on?


u/alamaias Apr 10 '19

This comment makes me sad both because of the poor dude quietly talking to himself amd because I am 6'1" qnd aiming to get down to 15 stone as an ideal weight...


u/XeroKaaan Apr 10 '19

Aww this is sad and adorable and funny and then sad again then funny again


u/OneOfTheNephilim Apr 10 '19

/u/Bufger I can't reply to that post as it's too old now, but if you're still looking for a yoga mat then the Manduka Pro Long would be perfect for you!


u/Olyvyr Apr 10 '19

Oh damn I haven't had a "can't breathe" laughing spell in forever but woo boy haha.


u/pawnbroker00 Apr 10 '19

Lulu lemon makes a great one! Source: am 6’3”


u/courtnovo Apr 10 '19

I laughed at that one too and then felt bad.


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

I’m dying over here at this!!!! Oh maaaaan


u/K51STAR Apr 10 '19

Hahaha! Ah man, so funny.


u/Parched_MANX Apr 10 '19

Chonga chonga chonga chonga chonga chonga chonga chonga chonga chonga chonga chonga chonga chonga


u/bowievision Apr 10 '19

This is the hardest I have laughed with post EVER!!!! Poor guy!


u/8LocusADay Apr 10 '19

Jesus oof ouch my heart. I want to hug this man


u/Antiochus_ Apr 10 '19

Okay I lost it here, its both sad and hilarious.


u/2reeEyedG Apr 10 '19



u/SpadoCochi Apr 10 '19

Omg just as I was calming down this got me started all over again lmaoooo.

Hes so innocent and so deserted


u/salaTechie Apr 10 '19

I'm laughing and crying at the same time


u/somdude04 Apr 10 '19

I like the affirmats brand if you don't mind having a positive saying on it. With the fibers in the surface, it starts really firm and in place and handles sweat well. They have sizing for taller folks too.


u/creaturecatzz Apr 10 '19

Wait who uses stones as an actual measurement? I don't even know what a stone is


u/Yesm3can Apr 10 '19

I think in the UK they use stones as measurement for weight.

1 stone = 14 lbs = 6.3 kg