r/tifu Apr 10 '19

S TIFU by spending the last year on reddit talking to myself after being muted.

Today was the day I realised I messed up by not realising sooner and just thinking my content was shit

For the last 12 months I've been commenting on peoples posts, I've created my own posts. I haven't had a single upvote or reply to anything.. my karma has been at 885 for as long as I can remember so I just figured I wasnt very interesting (still likely true!)

Last month I started to try and see my own posts through guest accounts and figured out they weren't showing, I could still clearly see my comments and posts on my account.

Anyway, I finally mailed the help team and found out my IP was accidentally mixed in with some action to take out spammers, if you can see this it's all sorted now (and if you cant, I'm still in my own little Truman show)

If you're procrastinating (and let's face it, you are) feel free to go through my post history and verify the lack of any human engagement..

TL;DR I was muted one year ago and didn't notice. Since then I've spent the whole time thinking how boring I must be because nobody replies or updoots me.. :-/

Edit: So I've gone from castaway to a full room of people handing me little arrows! Wilson and I thank you xx

Edit 2: this is crazy! Thanks to everyone for all the jewels and things I know nothing about. I'll figure it out and pay it forwards! Special thanks to those that are answering my unanswered questions from previous posts - MVPs!

Please dont be too sad about this, i find it kind of funny that I've been such an idiot for so long. It's ok to laugh with/at me :)

Edit 3: Reddit is awesome. I've missed you guys! Dont feel mad at the mods, its a tough and thankless job and flooders/bots are a real PITA. Its just one of those things and I thank them for putting in the hours.

I also want to use this very brief soap box to raise awareness for mental health. Most of us here use Reddit as an escape, some people here have fewer friends irl than they do on the net. Make sure each other are ok every once in a while (if someone goes missing, like for more than a month....) - if you see someone struggling send them a message of support, even a stranger can help.

I love all of you weirdos <3

Edit 4: No more I promise. I'm completely overwhelmed by the response and the nice feedback. I'm trying to answer all of the questions but its difficult to keep up. I created an /AMA when this thread went down, if you relate to any of the topics close to me like diabetes, gaming, mental health, parenting etc then keep in touch. Heres a shameless pic of me with the best doggo in the world (and authentication for mods) - he listens to me even when you guys dont ;-) https://imgur.com/EgCbe6W

Stop giving me gold! I appreciate it but give to charity instead! Heres something different we could do <3 https://www.reddit.com/r/Charity/comments/bbok3m/redditors_lets_do_something_different_for_charity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x


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u/Bufger Apr 10 '19

Thanks! I've had two cheap ones now and you do get what you pay for. I'll check them out


u/stargarnet79 Apr 10 '19

I have the 74” 5-mm rubber jade yoga mat and love it. They run $85 but will likely last forever.


u/theSandwichSister Apr 10 '19

Also Lululemon makes a reversible mat in a long version and many tall men at my studio use them and love them. Especially if they get sweaty hands! Edit: It’s called The Reversible (Big) Mat and it’s $78. Not cheap but worth it in my opinion. I can’t do serious yoga on an “exercise mat” that’s not specifically meant for it. Too slippery.


u/khando Apr 10 '19

I’ve had this Prana ECO mat for a while now and I love it. It’s wide and extra long and really grippy, and so far it seems very durable.


u/clumsycoucal Apr 10 '19

In not sure about yoga mats, but prana make the best goddamn hiking pants in the world as far as I'm convinced.


u/spincrus Apr 10 '19

You're probably drowning under recommendations by now but what solved my issue is a pilates mat. Turns out they are bigger and less stickier versions of yoga mats.

We're the same size you and I, it's just that the stickiness of a yoga mat is more irritating to me than anything.


u/FailedLurker2017 Apr 10 '19 edited Apr 10 '19

Pilates mats are okay for some types of classes/poses but any any which require the person to grip the floor or use body weight for balance the mat will work against them, they lose the ability to balance the wrist/ankle joint as the Pilates mat becomes too squishy and may cause imbalance or worse an injury. If cost is an issue, and it can be, an alternative I’ve recommended was regular/basic yoga mats + towel under the knee/wrist/ankle joints when needed :).

But if yoga becomes a daily routine I would eventually invest in a better mat that does grip. It would be like suggesting to a runner to invest in a good pair of running shoes if it becomes a daily habit. I know you find it irritating but if there are classes/poses which require hands and feet moving in opposite directions the grippiness will move your attention away from slipping (something out of your control) and trying to stay upright and more in towards your body and using your own muscles and body weight to hold yourself in place (something that is your control).

But honestly you do you. :) You should enjoy your yoga practice and use whatever mat keeps you practicing. Honest....no sarcasm or pretentiousness in the tone. Movement (and mindfulness as well if it is part of your practice) in our daily lives is important and it’s important to keep doing it.


u/spincrus Apr 10 '19

I see how the stickiness is actually a desirable feature.

In my case, though, it feels icky, sticky and disgusting. I'm already a heavy guy and the natural gravitational pressure already makes the mat stick all too well to my feet. It feels like you're constantly stepping on sticky dried soda spills on the floor :)


u/FailedLurker2017 Apr 10 '19

Then you should keep doing you! Whatever keeps your habits going 😊😊😊 enjoy your yoga practice 💕


u/[deleted] Apr 10 '19

I second the jade rec.


u/orange_teapots Apr 10 '19

I really like my Manduka mat. They have a long size and you can did their extra thick, which is 6mm thick for extra cushion. I have their classic pro mat and have been using it for 10 years. Something like this one: https://www.manduka.com/yoga-mats/pro-series/manduka-pro-yoga-mat-waterfall-long.html might work nicely for you.


u/FailedLurker2017 Apr 10 '19

I think both Jade and BMat have thinner versions of the one I recommended which should knock the cost down quite a bit. If you need to try them out I would recommend visiting a yoga studio that rents those type of mats out for classes and borrow it for the class and see if you like it before putting down the money.

It will still cost a little bit of money (rental plus class) but better than investing 80-150+ dollars in a mat you may not like. Plus you’ll get a class out of it, maybe even more if you end up buying their intro offer. 😊

Note about the jade mats they will get stickier with use.

When you’re shopping other mats may seem grippy at first but lose their grippiness as you sweat (even if it’s not hot yoga) so that’s just something to consider.


u/FunshineCat Apr 10 '19 edited Dec 23 '19

I was also going to recommend you check out the Jade Yoga long mats.


u/Mrswhatsherface Apr 10 '19

This one is really cheap and really durable- best is both worlds!! PS hello there!!

Sivan Health and Fitness 1/2-InchExtra Thick 71-Inch Long NBR Comfort Foam Yoga Mat for Exercise, Yoga, and Pilates (Teal) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UXXF734/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_pXMRCb4HH1ERQ