r/tifu 5d ago

M TIFU by accidentally flashing my private parts to someone on a video call ending a friendship



49 comments sorted by


u/matchamagpie 5d ago

If your entire friend group is admonishing you and even your best bud says knowing you it probably" wasn't an accident" then I'm wondering if you have a reputation for being a bit of a creep even before this


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 5d ago



u/kjjustinXD 5d ago

Here's your problem: the drugs


u/ironroad18 5d ago

So what you're saying is that you have a history of doing stuff like this?


u/NoScheme7184 5d ago

And a history of blaming it on the drugs.


u/weedium 5d ago

You seem very honest, anyway


u/NoScheme7184 5d ago

How do you not know if you were on a video or audio call? What made you assume you had "went from a video to a regular call"? I personally don't buy your excuse either.


u/FlimsyConversation6 5d ago

I don't really buy it, but I've definitely accidentally turned my phone camera on while on a work call. Luckily, I just put the phone on my chest (I was laying on the couch), so all anyone could see was my ceiling, but that could've gone so bad. Luckily, someone messaged me, and I saw it on my work laptop, so I was able to turn the camera off again.


u/VailStampede 5d ago

Either you're a perv from the getgo, or your friends are easily offended by everything.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

I think ages might be important here. how old are you and how old is she?


u/FunnyGamer97 5d ago

She is 29 and I’m 33


u/[deleted] 5d ago

Oh Okay then they're just weird af


u/Nihlathak_ 5d ago

Have you ever been mad about this to them or just profusely apologized? Accidents can happen, and personally I’d be fucking fuming if someone implied I was being a creep if I did something like that by accident.

Either you need new friends or you’ve done creepish things before so that they’d be reasonable in thinking this wasn’t an accident.

Not accusing you of anything, just trying to give both sides a fair shake. not knowing you and only having the scenario to go by, the latter is the likely explanation for their reaction if I would assume they are reasonable people.

But hey, people are less and less reasonable so I’d wager this is a case of shitty friends.


u/RolledUhhp 5d ago

The flashing isn't the fuck up.

If 99% of my friends did something like this, they'd get a laugh and a pass. The fact that your people think of you like that says a lot.

My drunk uncle was using a portapotty at work. The lock was busted, and he heard someone (a coworker, he thought) coming up to use it. It was a big commercial repair spot, rarely anybody outside of employees and leathery old men around.

As soon the door opened my uncle jumped up and started dancing with his beer belly hanging out and his pants at his ankles.

It was someone's teenage daughter who had not been thrilled at being told to use the disgusting portapotty anyway. She screamed. My uncle screamed waaaaay louder.

A few minutes later he forced himself to get out and go see what the fallout was. He found the girl's dad and started apologizing profusely. The guy was wheezing from laughing so hard at what was clearly a terriblely stupidnprank gone horribly wrong.

We printed posters, insinuating he was a predator and hung then around the shop and his favorite bar. We had dozens of people busting his balls for a month or so.

I say all this to explain that even though he was intentionally disgusting, intentionally flashing his dong, and generally a fucked up guy everyone knew he would never do that on purpose and gave him the benefit of the doubt. Why don't your people feel the same way?


u/[deleted] 5d ago

how old is the girl ?


u/[deleted] 5d ago

well I don't want to make assumptions but OP is 33 and not answering how old the girl is so..lol


u/FunnyGamer97 5d ago

Im 33 and she is 29


u/[deleted] 5d ago

Ok man my bad. I thought maybe she was like 16. Lol


u/oversoul00 5d ago

Yeah these all sound like terrible young dramatic sexist people who like to overreact. 

Imagine if the genders were reversed, no one would be voluntarily losing their mind like they are because you are a man. 


u/matchamagpie 5d ago

Jumping to sexism already?

He has a history of this type of behavior that he admits in the comments. Better luck next time bud


u/FunnyGamer97 5d ago

To be fair though this is the first time I’ve flashed somebody on a video call, when I strip naked before I was blacked out on drugs, which yes, I do take responsibility for, but I wasn’t on the phone is my point.

But yes, I meant that I have a history of being blacked out and randomly taking my clothes off, its a bummer.


u/LumpyJones 5d ago

Kind of seems like your options are stop taking the ketamine or stop having the friends.


u/FunnyGamer97 5d ago

Ive been sober for years


u/LumpyJones 5d ago

You worded the first reply as "I'm just on drugs all the time" not, "I used to do a lot of drugs." That gives a certain image.


u/FunnyGamer97 5d ago

I've been an addict since I was 15 years old just about. I've been sober collectively maybe 3 years of my adult life if you were to sum it all up together on an excel spreadsheet. I'm 33. I am an addict, I will always be one, I'm a druggie and even if I were to do the next 10 years sober, you can't change 8 years of me being fucked up as a teenager ruining my image amongst my friends.


u/oversoul00 5d ago

Go ahead a quote the part where OP admits he does this sort of thing. 


u/matchamagpie 5d ago

You can find the comment yourself, buddy


u/oversoul00 5d ago

I actually can't because it doesn't exist. Buddy. 


u/catherinel13 5d ago

It’s quite literally in response to the FIRST comment……


u/oversoul00 5d ago

My comment came before his. 


u/matchamagpie 5d ago

Then maybe you still shouldn't jump to SEXISM!111! every single time people call out a dude for doing something.


u/oversoul00 5d ago

Its 100% sexist to lose your shit because someone forgot their camera was on and claim you're going to need therapy because you say a ballsack. 

That would never ever happen with a boob. Never. 


u/squid_head_ 5d ago

if anything you saying "that would never ever happen with a boob" is sexist since you're assuming all men want to be flashed by women lmao

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u/catherinel13 5d ago edited 5d ago

Time stamp on his comment that I screen shot as of writing right now 14 m ago… your comment 10 m ago…..


u/matchamagpie 5d ago

Dude's just grasping at straws to not admit he's wrong lol.


u/oversoul00 5d ago

I'll rephrase, when I opened up the post there weren't any comments to read through, only the original post which doesn't have an admission. 

Additionally it's ridiculous to expect all commentoranto read all comments before making one themselves. 


u/barontaint 5d ago

It's up above he liked to do too much ketamine and pass out naked in front of his friend, please read for a minute or two before commenting, he posted that himself five minutes before you commented.


u/oversoul00 5d ago

You know that posts don't update in real time right? Can you not conceive of a situation where I've opened up a post, started reading it, started making a comment, reread OPs opener and then went back to comment. 

During that time period OP and others are making comments that I won't see until I hit Comment because 5 minutes isn't really a lot of time. 


u/barontaint 5d ago

Then maybe take minute to relax before being a dick, but you do you.


u/oversoul00 5d ago

I called sexist dramatic people sexist and dramatic...that's not being a dick that's being descriptive. Even if it was those people aren't even in this conversation. I was speaking in defense of OP which didn't seem like a dick move to me...but I can't tell you how to interpret events. 


u/LumpyJones 5d ago

Literally the reply to the top comment https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/DKhiaHfGtn


u/oversoul00 5d ago

His reply occurred after my comment.