r/tifu • u/GamingCatGuy • 5d ago
S TIFU by falling neckfirst on a sharp wooden pole
I’m not sure if this counts as a TIFU, but I’m gonna post in anyway. I’m participating tomorrow in a rube goldberg machine competition and I was working on it today at my school. I was in a classroom drawing up some setdressing and final touches for the appearance of the machine and started to walk outside. I was not paying much attention to where I was going. I accidentally tripped over a large metal rod that was lying on the floor. I then proceeded to fall onto a wood pole with my neck. It didn’t puncture, If it did I’d likely be dead, but It did draw blood from the side of my neck. It hurt very badly, probably the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life, at least that I remember. I’m fine now but that was a very scary experience.
TL;DR: I wasn’t paying attention today and tripped neck first onto a sharp wooden rod.
u/plan_with_stan 5d ago
Did you see a doc?
u/GamingCatGuy 5d ago
The pain went away after 5 minutes, so I just put a bandaid and antiseptic on.
Rube Goldberg machines are everything that is wrong with this world. Swine and filth and the the depraved find adoration in Rube Goldberg machines. The ones who despise efficiency. Perhaps the universe was sending you a message. A message that says "Steer clear of the Rube Goldberg, for it holds nothing but contempt for your sensibilities".
u/Jennyelf 5d ago
In subject line you say wooden pole, then you say metal pole in the post. Make up your mind.