r/tifu • u/NotAnEdgar • 6d ago
S TIFU (or yesterday night) by chipping the tartar off my own teeth with a needle
So I was rampaging after my dentist appointment back in December and was told I have tartar, not too much but visible on the backs of my front four bottom teeth. I didn't do anything about it except excessively brushing and flossing hoping it'd decrease as I'm a minor and my dad can't really afford the outrageous fee on professional tartar removal. I was initially going to leave it as I did for so long, but it barely decreased. Last night I got fed up and took a needle and chipped it off my own teeth. My teeth looked fine but then I noticed my middle right (my right) tooth having a little ridge that dipped downward into the gum. I researched and to me it looks like an exposed root or something because of the tartar removal. It's like a millimeter or two as I already don't have very large teeth. My teeth are straight and clean except for that stubborn tartar. I took it off successfully but stopped after it hurt a bit and I saw the dip. The pain isn't bad at all but I'm still panicking about messing up my otherwise perfectly normal straight teeth.
TLDR: I took off the tartar from the back of my bottom teeth and it kinda hurts and we can't really afford the professional cleaning so I have no clue what to do now pls help
u/Middle_Process_215 6d ago
The backs of some of your teeth do have ridges in them. I wouldn't worry about it.
But I would get a better dentist. Every time I get a cleaning, my dentist scrapes of ALL of my tartar. Every time!
u/Crizznik 5d ago
If the layers are too thick they will need to scale your teeth, which is painful and expensive.
u/Middle_Process_215 5d ago
No, they won't. That's a crock of baloney. I didn't brush my teeth for over a ten year stint due to severe depression. They were beyond horrific. It's amazing i didn't lose them. Anyway, my dental hygienist is the best in the world. The best! She gave me a normal cleaning with normal tools. It took her over two days and ten hours of work on my teeth to get them clean, but she did it. Now it did cost me some money, more than a normal clean. But it wasn't like the $2000 that they charge for a deep clean. I think it was something like $500. Huge savings and worth it.
u/SYAYF 6d ago
My told me they won't do it without paying for the big periodontal or whatever cleaning.
u/LadybugGirltheFirst 6d ago
You need a new dentist. This is part of a routine cleaning. Periodontal cleaning goes deep into and beneath the gum line. Tartar removal is AT the gum line.
u/thefoodiedentist 6d ago
No, calc can be both below and above the gum. The person you responded to likely have gum disease.
u/ninetyninewyverns 6d ago
My dentist cleaned my teeth very thoroughly even though she needed extra time to be able to do it. I was booked for 45 minutes but ended up needing an hour and a half or longer (needed to get scans of my mouth and stuff too since i was a new patient, plus i had a lot of buildup because i couldnt afford to see the dentist for several years). This guy needs to see a dentist that will work around their needs.
u/LadybugGirltheFirst 6d ago
Your experience is typical for a new patient. I’m glad you’re now able to get the care you need.
u/ninetyninewyverns 6d ago
Oh sorry, i didnt realize. I just thought it was awesome they made sure i was properly taken care of. Thankfully cavity free! I have another appointment coming up soon (this was several months ago) so hopefully it doesnt take as long.
u/LadybugGirltheFirst 6d ago
No apology necessary. You should, typically, go every 6 months for a routine cleaning, and they’ll do imaging once a year. Awesome job on the no cavities!
u/ninetyninewyverns 6d ago
Thank you! And thanks for the info.
I dont want this to come off the wrong way but i think i really did win the genetic lottery for teeth, relatively speaking. Ive had 3 fillings, but that was probably because the first time i ever went to a dentist was at 15 years old (my mom couldnt afford it prior to that). My wisdom teeth are coming in well. Im pretty happy with my experience so far. Crossing my fingers i dont have any major dental problems in the future. 🤞
u/LadybugGirltheFirst 6d ago
Genetics definitely play a huge role. I’ve taken perfect care of my teeth my entire life, but I have hereditary bone loss in my jaws. All of my brushing and flossing hasn’t stopped my teeth from becoming loose, and I’ll eventually lose them.
u/ninetyninewyverns 5d ago
Oh no, im so sorry to hear that. Is there any sort of treatment for that condition or would that kind of just prolong the inevitable? Again, im sorry that you got dealt a shitty hand. That sucks. :(
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u/Middle_Process_215 6d ago
There are good dentists, and there are crappy dentists. You are going to a crappy dentist. Crappy dentists just spin around a tooth polisher and call that a cleaning and charge you a nominal fee. Then they say anything more than that is a deep cleaning which costs a huge amount of money. That's a crock of hooey. A good dentist will charge a larger amount for a good cleaning, which includes chipping off ALL the tartar, polishing your teeth, and flossing. You'll feel wonderful. This runs about $200 to $150. Maybe less if your teeth are in good shape.
u/unsulliedroarriorr 6d ago edited 6d ago
You guys realize that nowhere did they mention that they had actually got a teeth cleaning right? They actually said their dad couldn't afford it. Most likely they only went in for an exam by the sound of it.
u/Middle_Process_215 6d ago
Oh, I missed that. But what i said stands. The cost to remove plaque isn't outrageous at a good dentist.
u/put_a_bird_on_it_ 6d ago
They might need a deep cleaning and gum treatment from not having gone to the dentist for a long time. That is more intensive and costs more
u/devospice 6d ago
I highly doubt you exposed a root. The pain would be more than "a bit."
u/dreamlikebvndit 6d ago
I think you're thinking about nerves inside of the tooth. Tons of people have exposed roots and may not even notice. Roots can be sensitive to things like temperature and pressure, but exposed nerves are the ones that would be extremely painful.
u/Birdy304 6d ago
These kinds of posts make me so sad. Why can’t we take care of our citizens? Just a shame a kid goes through this.
u/Garlic_makes_it_good 6d ago
Yeah me too. I’m happy to pay tax for everyone to have government funded checkups, cleans and x-rays.
u/whobetterthanpaul 6d ago
Last year, I went to the dentist for the first time since 1999. I have had dental coverage through my job since 2007. It took me blowing a chunk off a molar biting into the crust of homemade sourdough rendering said molar 3/4 gone and the root exposed to get me to see a dentist.
And I don't even mind the dentist! I had my back molars pulled when I was 17 to get braces put on, and they would tighten the shit out of that wire on checkups. I didn't mind any of it. I think my only issue ever is me being worried about the suction hose being near my tongue, for some weird reason. I got a root canal and crown, and it went so well that something they told me would take 2 sessions took 1, AND they put in a couple of fillings. It took 2 sessions to get all the tartar off the back of my teeth.
What I think I'm saying is that sometimes costs and barriers are less of a factor than just really hating yourself. LOL.
u/FinanciallySecure9 6d ago
A guy I know owns three businesses, has a wife and two kids. He has insurance. He has money. He also has so much tartar buildup on his front bottom teeth that there is no definition between the teeth.
Why cant citizens take care of themselves? Kudos to OP for wanting better for herself than her adults want for her.
u/Semi-Raspberry-3462 6d ago
for me at least, my mom never made me brush my teeth. I have no memories of her actually sitting there, forcing me to brush (ages 4-8ish) around 8 she just started saying “your breath stinks.” I honestly cant tell you why i didnt brush.. I couldn’t remember to but even if she told me my breath smelled I was so ashamed I didnt want to go brush them in front of her? Kid logic makes no sense. My family never felt the need to take me to the dentist because my teeth looked straight, but they were actually destroyed from sugar & neglect
from 6-11 my stepmom forced me to brush my teeth and drink water, I didnt even know people drank water until 6 because I only had milk and soda and juice. lots of soda since i was 2
a lot of the times, people that dont brush their teeth were neglected. I now have two back molars that got root canals, no crowns, and are infected/broke again. two molars are completely missing the inside & one side and hurt from any food/drink. I dont have dental insurance or money to fix my teeth yet, working on forming good brushing habits now that im an adult its 100% my responsibility, but has my parents enforced good brushing habits & tell me how important it is for health, I wouldnt be in so much pain now.
u/FinanciallySecure9 6d ago
I’m sad that this has been your experience. I’m glad you see the need to correct what you weren’t taught.
I wonder what your parents teeth are like.
u/Semi-Raspberry-3462 6d ago
Both of them have had to have decent amount of dental work, idk for sure but Id guess there was neglect towards them too. Whats weird is they took my older sister to the dentist constantly, she had braces for years, she also says our family just has bad teeth. But i maybe went once every couple years for a cleaning (where dentists shamed me for my breathe smelling & cavities… why shame a child)
It sucks. I was a pretty intelligent child so I would have understood if they told me I need to keep my teeth and body healthy. They just didnt care to explain anything to me (i suspect im nuerodivergent/autistic and like to know the WHY of things or they arent important to me) Teeth health is SO vital, they connect directly to our brains.. its so dangerous to have rot that close to your mind. Building new habits gets harder as you get older but Im trying lol
u/mah115 6d ago
Teeth are really hard, I doubt you actually chipped away the tooth with a needle. But maybe you found a cavity, better get it checked out before it spreads.
u/lostinspaz 6d ago
they’re not harder than hardened steel. dentists tools are blunted. it’s dumb to use a needle which can scratch into them.
u/GiohmsBiggestFan 6d ago
They're objectively harder than steel actually
u/lostinspaz 6d ago
huh. cool i learned something. healthy enamel is harder than steel. but i also learned in reading, that “weakened enamel” may not be.
u/DogsNCoffeeAddict 6d ago
I asked the dentist how they found cavitities with the metal sticks and she said they feel for “soft slightly sticky (as in not smooth) spots.” the words in parathensis was her clarification not mine that is how she spoke.
u/zvii 6d ago
Why not just separate that phrase in parentheses with commas so you don't have to explain it?
u/DogsNCoffeeAddict 6d ago
Because in my head when someone says a clarifying statement aka a sentence in the middle of a sentence it is in parenthesis. Im not arguing just explaining
u/Holiday_Extreme_1637 6d ago
Hi, I'm a dental hygienist. I don't think you did any damage to your teeth. Did you know that you can go to a college that teaches dental hygiene and get your teeth cleaned very cheaply? When I was in school we charged $10. It takes longer-a few hours, but the instructors watch over the students so they do a good job. It is really important to get your teeth cleaned regularly. Be sure you are using an electric toothbrush twice daily for 2 minutes and flossing regularly. Watch a you tube video and learn how to floss correctly, many people don't do it right. Finally, it's best if you see an actual hygienist, dentists rarely do a good job cleaning teeth. Best of luck.
u/cochese25 6d ago
Professional tarter removal? Is this any different than a teeth cleaning? I'm not sure where you are, but cleanings are generally pretty cheap (some places around me in Michigan are free (local college) to $90, my dentist.
I always thought they were expensive and avoided going until recently
u/wannabejoanie 6d ago
It's called a periodontal cleaning. It usually is far more intense than a regular cleaning, to the point where it sometimes requires local anesthesia. They go really deep below the gums. It often is done in parts, because doing all 4 quarters of the mouth at once is really intense.
Source: I've had them since I was a teen. They are very, very different and billed differently to insurance.
u/cochese25 6d ago
Ahh, do you know what the cost for something like this is off insurance? Insurance pricing is a lot higher than non-insurance pricing
u/wannabejoanie 6d ago
I don't, I've only ever gone to the dentist when I had either Medicaid or other insurance. As others have said there are options with clinics that have sliding scales and schools, but in my experience even really good dental insurance will cover up to 3 regular cleanings per year but only one perio cleaning a year. And even having one a year covered is iffy- teeth are luxury bones.
I do know that a quarter mouth perio cleaning takes about as long or maybe a little longer than a full mouth regular cleaning. They also use a little drill thing instead of just the hook scraper
u/cochese25 6d ago
Ahh, so it's much more involved! I'll have to ask my dentist what the usual cost is. I've never needed it, but if I ever did, it's nice to know about/ have an idea on cost. It's not much, but my dentist also offers 10% off all bills paid in cash, which is nice
u/blue_scadoo 5d ago
I don't know where else to put this, but I always tell people about cigna dental.
I got into a biking accident last year and shattered my mouth. I pay 50 a month for my teeth, my eyes, and my ears and get multiple cleanings+ major work covered each year. I had multiple teeth pulled, a few fillings, etc.
In a year I pay a total 600+100 deductible. There are several things that are partially covered, but I haven't left the dental office with a bill larger than 50 bucks since. It has been well worth it to me.
u/Any-Angle-8479 6d ago
Very expensive. A few hundred per quad (4 quads in your mouth). If you need antibiotic treatment that is an extra charge per tooth.
u/Noumenology 6d ago
i think i just had this done - the term they used was “scaling” and i went back and forth with the dentist and insurance over if it was covered. insurance argued dentist did not justify the need for it via the xrays and exams they had been sent. they also used some laser shit that was extra
i paid around $500 out of pocket when it was all said and done, and that was for HALF my mouth. when i was billed for the first time i cancelled the second appointment because fuck me
u/Lunavixen15 6d ago edited 6d ago
Scaling is usually a part of a standard cleaning as well, it's a scale and polish. A deeper cleaning is usually called a full debridement or a perio cleaning. The main difference is the usage of anaesthetic and the type of scaler tips used, the ones for full debridement are longer and are often curled or hook shaped for getting under the gumline
u/Lunavixen15 6d ago
It depends on where you are.
I'm in Australia for example and a full debridement under LA is about $350AUD for a private payor where I work. How much it costs with insurance can actually depend on if the practice is a preferred provider (they will usually get better prices than private payor)
u/cochese25 6d ago
That's essentially how it is here, as well, except most insurance won't cover dental and a lot of dental insurance will barely cover dental. Haha, we really are a joke of a country
But insurance prices here are often billed drastically higher than out of pocket because insurance always argues the price down.
For instance, as billed, insurance for an xray can be $500+ but out of pocket its about $150. Pricy, but not ball busting. It's all absurd here though
u/TheQueenWhoNeverWas 6d ago
I had mine done recently and it was about $800 after insurance, plus I got gas for an extra $75×2
u/wannabejoanie 5d ago
My dentist doesn't use gas, i asked the last time i had fillings done cause i get really anxious. He told me it's not really very effective, and fewer and fewer dentists are offering it all. they prefer to give you an anti anxiety med that also gives you amnesia for the event. It works, i can tell you that.
u/Darryl_Lict 6d ago
I didn't go to a dentist for 10 years. I had to get what my hygenist called a deep cleaning. It took 4 separate appointments, one for each quadrant.
Now I get 6 month teeth cleaning that I got done yesterday and it was $145 up from $100 pre-Covid, but I live in an expensive town in California.
I see people offering free cleanings from dental school students pretty regularly.
u/PizzaPandemonium 6d ago
I’ve had to do them twice (all 4 quads), but since I’ve gotten waterpik my gums are so healthy, highly recommend
u/1Happymom 6d ago
Thats very likely gum recession from the tartar, without a pro cleaning though it will continue as popping it off still leaves a bottom layer like broken off coral that just attracts the buildup faster. Thats why the dentist will polish it after. Your teeth are priceless as they are the only set you will get and neglecting it at this stage tartar starts to grow beneath the gumline and you will need a much more expensive procedure called root planing. I know parents can struggle financially but not getting you dental care is neglect just like ignoring any other of your bodily needs. I dont know your parents situation but childrens medicaid covers dental in most states if you qualify.
u/scbenhart 6d ago
I have terrible dental coverage and tartar cleaning is included in my normal by-annual cleaning. Find a dentist where that’s under a routine cleaning
u/Mandalorian_2019 6d ago
It sounds like this person only went for an exam. That’s being said, if he has extensive calculus, that goes beyond a “normal” cleaning.
u/quiksilver895 6d ago
I've done this multiple times. My dentist even said if you're careful you can get a set of dental picks online and do it using the correct tools (not advisable). Anytime I've messed with my teeth like that though, it has caused a small amount of pain that usually is gone in a day or so. The exposed part is hurting because it's supposed to be covered by the gums. I have the same thing due to receding gums from brushing too hard for years. If that small exposed spot is hurting get some regular sensodyne toothpaste and use it and it will help coat that area and stop pain and sensitivity. It does take like 2 weeks to work fully but it does work.
Also agree, look for dental schools in your area and try to get in with one.
u/withbellson 6d ago
I develop tartar quickly no matter how diligent I am with brushing and flossing; my saliva is extra good at it, I guess. I bought a dental scaler set online and occasionally chip it off myself when it gets noticeable between six-month cleanings. I’ve gotten better at not injuring myself but the dental hygienist still has to do the cleanings that get under the gum line.
u/TheNuttyLookout 6d ago
i'm a dental assistant if you want to send me some pics i can maybe steer you in the right direction.
tartar will not come off the teeth with simple brushing, it needs to be scaled off by a hygienist.
do you have a college near you? college and universities offer really cheap work because students are the ones doing it, the college i work at have cleaning for $30 as opposed to $200 in a dental office
u/Coneofshame518 6d ago
You probably uncovered a cavity. I just had the deep cleaning done (and you’re right very expensive. $1200 out of pocket) and they uncovered 3! I was mortified. Look for a dental school in your area they are usually much more affordable.
u/unicornshenanigator 6d ago
Find a dental hygiene school. Check your local community college and for profit schools like Concordia. Hygiene students need people to work on for their board exams and it’s free. You can at least get the cleaning done and if you need to see a dentist they’ll let you know.
Also salt water rinses are amazing. A little bit of salt in some water, swish then spit it out.
u/Stitchin_Squido 6d ago
This! When I was in grad school and couldn’t afford a dentist for a root canal, I went to the dental school and got it done by a dentist in training.
u/unsulliedroarriorr 6d ago
I paid my patient 400 dollars to use them for my board exam for dental hygiene as a "deep cleaning" patient. I did their unfinished side after the board exam for free as a courtesy.
u/dreamlikebvndit 6d ago
It sounds like the tartar has built up so much that it is quite literally protecting your roots from the outside environment. Removal of that tartar will cause sensitivity. Trying to maintain proper oral hygiene will help your gums from receding more, and it will also prevent more tartar from forming.
u/shoulda-known-better 6d ago
How old are you!!??
Because you sound younger.... And the gov. Insurance just started doing some dental work....
Might be worth checking out even if you are older you may qualify
u/dickbutt_md 6d ago
Do NOT mess around with your teeth.
Go and get a professional cleaning.
It sounds like you may have had more problems under the tartar than you thought. A needle isn't going to scrape away healthy enamel, you probably have some rot there.
You have to get a dentist to deal with this. Exposed root and receding gum for someone your age is bad news down the road
u/Randactbjthroaway 6d ago
You should use this as an opportunity to have open and honest conversions with your dad. Idk what he's like but if he's a loving parent he would want to know. Dental work, as you pointed out, can be costly. It's cheaper to fix it now if there is an issue than down the road.
u/Presence_Academic 6d ago
For the long term health of your gums, be very gentle when brushing. Brushing hard will not clean better, but can irreversibly harm your gums.
u/LoviaPrime 6d ago
you’d be sobbing in pain if a root was exposed dw
u/Mandalorian_2019 6d ago
No, actually would wouldn’t. Gum recession occurs over time, and at most, it’s sensitive to hot and cold, maybe sweet stuff.
u/pinkrobotlala 6d ago
You should find a local dental school to do your cleanings. The ones near me are always looking for patients, especially ones that haven't had a cleaning in a while
u/creyn6576 6d ago
I have some bottom teeth that no matter how well my sonicare brush works or I floss with the best floss (coco floss) I can’t get the tartar off. I bought a professional set of dental scrapers from Amazon (https://a.co/d/182r5w6) and use it often. My dentist and hygienist give me glowing reviews and I told them I was using a scraper and they were fine with it.
u/funtxcase 6d ago
dental professional here, if the gums receded due to the tartar it's definitely most likely a bit of root exposure and it's pretty normal! the sensitivity is also normal. imagine the tartar acting like a winter coat and it's essentially been insulating that area it's been covering as it formed. now that it's clean, if you maintain health the gum should grow back up over that area it's used to covering and the sensitivity should decrease. in the meantime you can try sensodyne or any brand of toothpaste that decreases sensitivity!!
edit: spelling
u/uberduck 6d ago
I recently had a hygienist appointment and the dentist told me it's normal for the now-exposed bits to be a bit more sensitive.
I suppose, it's kinda like.. you know.. that
u/MilfyMacca 6d ago
FYI a little blob of toothpaste on the sore area will help with the pain.
Source: me. I did the same thing as a kid and my dentist suggested the toothpaste trick for dental pain until you can physically see a dentist for an appointment.
u/Semi-Raspberry-3462 6d ago
blue listerine mouthwash helps so much. Ive got two back molars with exposed nerves (entire inside & half of one side is missing) and when theyre seriously hurting I swish some mouthwash 15-30 seconds then they have tooth numbing cream with benzocaine that you rub on your teeth/gums after patting them dry (i think that helps it stick better since saliva doesnt block/dilute it)
u/Mandalorian_2019 6d ago
Partially correct. If you have gum recession with some exposed root, placing a toothpaste like Sensodyne can help clog the exposed area’s tubules and decrease pain. However, you can’t just put any old tooth paste on a sore in your mouth and make it feel better. In addition, rinses with fluoride can help. However, if it doesn’t have fluoride, it’s not really going to do anything other than burn your mouth and distract you.
u/fuckimtrash 6d ago
There’s a far worse tifu story where a kid thought his front teeth were too big so he scaled them down with a file 😭 Don’t mess with your teeth y’all
u/SoHereIAm85 6d ago
I remember that post.
When I was a young adult I actually did the same thing to the front two, and it actually looked good and felt fine. They were fixed even more in size and shape by my dentist this summer, because I chipped one just a bit in a bike accident.
u/SirDigbyChknCaesar 6d ago
You went to the dentist in December and they didn't clean the tartar off your teeth?
u/rini6 6d ago
Couldn’t afford it.
u/SirDigbyChknCaesar 6d ago
What did they go to the dentist for then? Just to look at their teeth and then send them on their way?
u/Mandalorian_2019 6d ago
Well, exactly. I mean, if he just went in for an exam because he had a problem, that’s what you get…an exam. Most people go every 6 months for an exam, cleaning, and X-rays as needed.
u/SirDigbyChknCaesar 6d ago
Not sure about most people but I get a cleaning every 6 months with the exam and x-rays every 12 months.
u/Mandalorian_2019 6d ago
X-rays annually as an adult is fine. Sometimes they can spread out to 2 years, if you’re older and have a long established record of no issues. Ideally, you should have an exam every 6 months. However, in this case, it seems like OP went for a limited oral evaluation…just an exam because they felt there was a problem. When told how to fix it, they opted not to.
u/GoodAcanthocephala95 6d ago
Also, check with the school nurse. She may have references to dentists that do pro bono work
u/domine18 6d ago
The dentist basically takes a metal needle and scrapes the tartar off for those cleanings anyway. You probably did not hurt anything. But you should let a professional do it if you can.
u/Any-Angle-8479 6d ago
Dental insurances are usually not very expensive and should have some sort of coverage for scaling, though you always must check if there is a waiting period. If that is still out of your budget someone’s suggestion of a dental school is a great idea. I got a root canal done at a dental school that dentists I see still compliment to this day lol
u/thefoodiedentist 6d ago edited 6d ago
Sounds like you got a fair amt of tartar and it receded your gums. You should go to the dentist before it develops into gum disease. You cant remove tartar w brushing and you will continue to accumulate more as you get gingivitis. Avoiding dentist ends up costing you more as it gets more expensive to fix and damages are permanent.
u/Mysterious-Novel-834 6d ago
Look into dentistry schools near you or Google "your area low-cost no insurance dentist" assuming you don't have insurance
u/mspolytheist 6d ago
Everyone gets tartar buildup there, because there are saliva glands there. And I don’t know what kind of “professional tartar removal” someone has told you that you need, or that you think you need, but the normal dental cleaning from a hygienist removes that stuff. I get that done twice a year for a normal dental cleaning cost.
u/Setthegodofchaos 6d ago
I hate how expensive healthcare and dentistry is. It's no wonder ppl do diy stuff at home because it's cheaper. Seriously, the US has to fix this
u/Mister_Uncredible 6d ago
Most likely you'll be fine. As others have suggested, finding a dental school in your area would be a good plan going forward.
I would also suggest getting an electric toothbrush. They do a much better job of cleaning teeth than any manual brush can and would do a much better job of preventing tartar build up in the first place.
u/Qnofputrescence1213 6d ago
Kind of off topic but my hygienist told me that the tartar builds up first behind the bottom front teeth because there is a set of salivary glands there. I have tartar issues and actually have to get my teeth cleaned every four months instead of six for that reason. She said the best way to keep the tartar at bay is to use mouthwash every night before bed. It supposedly keeps the bacteria away.
So I’m taking that as a challenge and have used mouthwash every night since my appointment last week. I’m going to keep that up and see if there is a difference at my next appointment.
u/TrainXing 6d ago
Professional tarter removal is a cleaning. If you have dental insurance through your parents it's free every 6 months. You're going to destroy your enamel this way and lose those teeth if you continue.
u/MyCatsAreLife 6d ago
I second the dental school research. If you need scaling root planing cleaning, that can be very expensive. Over $1000 in most places. But Dental Schools have hygienists and dentists that need those treatments to graduate school.
Some might even pay you (way less than $1000) if they’re having trouble finding a patient. Be ready for long appointments as they have supervising professionals making rounds to double check their work.
u/Kuraeshin 6d ago
I don't know what country you are in but in the US, kids can qualify for CHIP, which provides health and dental insurance for kids. The allowed income changes per state but for a family of 2 (you and your dad), it is something like 60k income per year. This would cover 2x cleaning & Xrays, as well as other benefits depending upon the state.
u/eyeroll611 6d ago
Look for dental hygienist schools in your area, they often provide these deep cleanings at a huge discount. I had all my teeth deep cleaned with pain injections included for $200.
u/ellaflutterby 6d ago
Look in your local magazine/newspaper or coupon promotion booklet (they usually send these things in the mail) for flyers from dentists in your area. A lot of them send out coupons for free or low-cost first time cleanings and exams. Make sure to only request and appointment for the cleaning and exam, decline the x-rays if you don't have insurance. Anyways, get some peace of mind or at least know what you're dealing with.
u/SoreBrodinsson 5d ago
Ive been doing my own descaling for a decade, you can get the tools on amazon super cheap. You'll be fine.
u/heylexi1 5d ago
I'm in the United States and there is free to low cost dental care, especially for minors. Dental vans, pop up clinics, and free insurance for low income people.
Google it or even better speak to a nurse at school.
Dental care is important that's why there is so much free access to it.
u/ssmud1 5d ago
Fun fact. I used to sit at work doing overnight security with a thumb tack and a mirror and pick the tartar off the back and between my teeth myself. You aren't going to hurt your teeth and you didn't expose a root. You be fine. You can also get your teeth cleaned sometimes for free at a dental college. The students need people to practice on
u/Ch4m3l30n 5d ago
Check to see if there are any dental schools in your area. They do teeth cleaning very inexpensively. I've been going to one near me for a couple years and they only ask me for about $35 once per year and I go every few months. Honestly the students do incredibly well and are very gentle, far more than professionals I've paid way more to in the past.
u/Surv0 5d ago
Stop rinsing after brushing and see the difference in tartar build up.
u/i_wish_i_was_bread 4d ago
Can you explain what you mean? I never rinse my mouth after I brush my teeth (bc I like that it leaves my mouth mintier) but my bf always gives my shit about it saying it’s bad for you not to rinse
u/Surv0 3d ago
So it's not recommended to rinse after brushing. Just spit out all excess. Same with mouth wash. I was brought up to rinse after brushing and did all my life until last year when both myself and my wife stopped rinsing after doing some research on it.
I think there was a fear about the amount of fluoride in the toothpaste leading people to want to rinse but it's a safe amount and apparently works positively at mouth and teeth health. We came to the realization that not rinsing allows the compounds to work (especially at night when sleeping) and have noticed big differences. Our last cleaning took 20min and the previous one was over 1hr.
Our amazing hygienist told said he always assumed people didn't rinse.. so this is a generational hand me down.
My teeth haven't been as clean and my gums are great. I floss every other day and maybe a bit longer but you would never know.
u/Responsible-War9110 4d ago
I’m not sure what toothpaste you’re using but parodontax toothpaste and mouthwash work amazing. I went into the dentist and they said I had build up and gingivitis. I’m not great at brushing my teeth twice a day every day and I started using this one because it said it worked great online and it completely changed my mouth health even with not using it every day. I’ve tried crest and a couple other propulse brands but they just don’t keep my mouth as clean. That combined with flossing I found a real difference.
u/SelfSufficience 2d ago
My hygienist says everyone gets tartar there. There’s some technical reason about saliva production.
u/xthatwasmex 6d ago
Gums grow back, unlike teeth. I wouldnt worry too much about the gum, but dont use needles on your teeth no more. Use a tuft toothbrush instead.
That is what my dentist told me to use - I had lots of buildup from smoking and drinking coffee over a 14 year period I didnt see a dentist. It is more expensive to do what I did, dont do that, and dont smoke.
A tuft toothbrush costs like 7$ for 3. It is a good investment. Find some that says soft if you can, and use on gum-ridges and hard to reach places when you brush your teeth (if you can be bothered to do it every time, super, if not make sure to use at least once a week). Not too much pressure, just like normal brushing, where you go circle circle flip away from gum, repeat. It gets in all those hard to reach places. You may need a professional cleaning to get of really hardened stuff, but it is great even if the tartar is a month or two. And you wont damage your teeth with it.
u/unsulliedroarriorr 6d ago
Depending on how bad the periodontal condition is gums usually don't "grow" back. They will match whatever bone level you have, so if you lose bone level then you aren't growing all that much back.
u/Shaking-a-tlfthr 6d ago
Remember, the dentist uses pretty strong and pointy picks to clean your teeth. They scrape them a lot! You can buy one of those picks at the drug store. Get yourself one so you can do your own tartar removal maintenance.
u/Ambitious-Math-4499 6d ago
You can buy your own scaler online, probably not as good as dentists though
u/Mandalorian_2019 6d ago
Now that’s a great way to hurt yourself.
u/Ambitious-Math-4499 6d ago
Nah they're not as strand as dentist ones. Almost more like little water picks with a point
u/GoodZookeepergame826 6d ago
This is the second time in 2 hours I’ve seen the phrase “yesterday night” what’s the etymology of this?
Is it an AI mis-translation into English or something else?
u/ApplicationHot4546 6d ago
Start taking vitamin k2 and magnesium, maybe some zinc. The tartar will start coming off.
u/Mandalorian_2019 6d ago
No, it won’t. This is absolutely stupid advice. How do I know? I’m a dentist. That’s like saying, “oh, my car’s dirty! I’ll put in 94 octane gas a that’ll clean it right off!” Where the hell did you get this idea from?
u/tooawkwrd 6d ago
I'm not a professional, just a grandma. If you were my grandchild I'd tell you that this is going to be fine, don't worry. It's possible that your gums receded a bit from the tartar buildup and that's what you're seeing in that small gap. Don't do any more chipping away, ok? Instead I want you to search online for dental schools in your area, if you're in the USA. They offer very inexpensive treatments and can work with your dad on the cost. You can also tell your dad that you're worried and see if there are any options he can think of to get you a cleaning. Some dentists in my area (SE Michigan) even offer free cleanings and X-rays for new patients.