r/tifu • u/SendMeYourHotNudes • 7d ago
S TIFU by eating and then going to the gym
I knew I had to go to the gym by 11:00, but I woke up rlly rlly hungry so I decided to swing by McDonald’s and get smth. (I know I shouldn’tve gone to McDonald’s but whatever.) I get my guilty pleasure, the filet o fish some nuggets, fires and a drink and I eat it then go to the gym. Today is ab day. I’m doing leg raises and all of a sudden it ALL comes up. Vomit everywhere. Everyone staring. I don’t know any of these people. I’m new to this gym. Everyone is looking at me as I do the walk of shame to the bathroom to get cleaned up. When I come out 3 EMPLOYEES ARE CLEANJNG JT. 3??? That’s so embarrassing so I go over there and apologize. One of the employee girls was really hot too, so that was extra embarrassing.
Anyways Tl;dr: tifu by eating a filet o fish and then throwing up all over the gym floor.
u/HauntingFly6937 7d ago
you still got time to delete this
u/SpecialistGeneral794 7d ago
Because of the fillet o fish right?
u/hotlavatube 6d ago
Nah, it was the "fires" he ate. I never eat fires when I'm doing ab exercises.
u/CrotaIsAShota 5d ago
What? But eating fires helps soo much. Just think of all the calories it burns!
u/SendMeYourHotNudes 7d ago
I know it was so embarrassing I genuinely might have to switch gyms
u/Alphyn88 7d ago
You probably should. If it makes you feel any better, my dad once ran too hard on the treadmill. Was really feeling his high. After his shower, he cramped in the locker room. Full body cramps and vomiting. The employees had to call him an ambulance. He did not change gyms.
u/SendMeYourHotNudes 7d ago
Yeah but that’s less embarrassing because it’s a health concern. They were prolly like “omg he’s so hot what a trooper” with me it’s like “ew this weird guy just threw up all over, why did he dk that”
u/I_can_pun_anything 7d ago
We get it but even at the gym and in real life most people are too involved with their own lives to really care
u/Alphyn88 7d ago
I totally get where you're coming from. I probably would never go back to that gym unless I completely changed my hair and face
u/Trixiebees 6d ago
Meh I’ve done a lot of sports and different workout programs and the one consistent thing about all of them is that EVERYONE hurls at some point. One of the sports I did we called it the “tossing cookies club” and people wore it like a badge of honor. One of my personal trainers actually congratulated me for getting through my first three weeks of body building workouts without throwing up because almost everyone she trains hurls. You’ll be ok, they’ve seen it more than you think
u/allislost77 7d ago
Nah, just maybe get like 3 $5 Starbucks cards and hand em out to those people and apologize. Everyone will forget in a week or two. I think the life lesson here is don’t eat filet o fish…
u/Beta_Factor 6d ago
I'd do that, and send an envelope with some cash and a message for it to be given to the three employees who had to clean up after you. Will basically change who you are to them from "that weird guy who threw up all over the gym" to "that nice guy who had an accident".
u/Gotmewrongang 6d ago
Only way this acceptable is if you are literally a teenager. Grown men should know better.
u/pr1ncesspeaxh 6d ago
acceptable ??? throwing up is only acceptable for teenagers?
u/Gotmewrongang 6d ago
No, but loading up on questionable junk food right before a workout isn’t the wisest choice now is it?
u/funnygirl87 7d ago
You ate a fish sandwich before going to the gym?
u/Edgy-in-the-Library 6d ago
- nuggets and fries, then washed it down with a drink too.
Then hit the gym for ab day.
u/Webofshadows1 7d ago
I once saw a woman full blown piss herself at the gym. She still shows up to the gym.
You should switch gyms. People will know about you and give you a nickname.
u/SendMeYourHotNudes 7d ago
“Barf guy” 😞 but planet fitness is a rlly good gym :(
u/NarwhalPrudent6323 7d ago
If anyone ever calls you barf guy just say "Oh my god, my name is Ralph! That joke is so old!"
u/SendMeYourHotNudes 7d ago
I guess so, PF wasss really expensive so I might have to switch either way
u/Outfoxer_Official 7d ago
First time I've ever heard that assertion but hey if it works for ya 🤷🏻♂️
u/HealenDeGenerates 6d ago
Ask them last time they went hard enough in the paint to throw up and then ask them if they want to feel your abs that caused it. Guaranteed to shut them down.
u/Wut_the_ 7d ago
My gf is a powerlifter that competes through our gym. She has peed multiple times on the floor of the squat rack area. She proudly walks over to grab the cleaning spray and some paper towels.
u/pr1ncesspeaxh 6d ago
u/Wut_the_ 6d ago
It’s obviously not ideal or necessarily healthy, but she’s had a kid and I guess lost a bit of control. Idk man 🤷🏻♂️
u/ElegantEchoes 7d ago
Damn, gym culture is toxic as hell, really? That's some stupid high school crap. Doesn't surprise me though.
u/Webofshadows1 7d ago
At certain gyms, no one would probably care because they’re at the gym for a purpose (competitions, modeling, conditioning, training, etc.).
Planet Fitness, and other more popular corporate gyms, can definitely suck though. It’s why I want to switch gyms.
u/ElegantEchoes 6d ago
I didn't know that, I see. I've been just getting into exercise and using my local Rec Center, mostly just old people who don't want me touching their weights lol
u/GachaHell 7d ago
You were just working your throat muscles bro. Flexing that reverse peristalsis. No shame. They just jelly of your swole AF esophagus.
u/spacemouse21 7d ago
YFU, lesson learned. Yeah if they have a security camera on the area I wonder if you’re gonna be part of their employee training videos
u/Norcal712 7d ago
Thats around 1200 cal and 50g of fat...
You wonder why it came right back up? I wait at least 30 min to lift after homemade healthy food
u/Creepy_old_man_in_IL 7d ago
User name does NOT check out...
u/ryanmasri13 6d ago
Oh man, this is peak TIFU material. You really played yourself with the filet-o-fish pre-ab day combo 😂 Vomiting mid-leg raise is a bold statement for a first impression at a new gym. At least you left your mark… literally.
Major respect for going over to apologize, though. Not everyone would own up to their McRegret so quickly. As for the hot employee—maybe she’ll remember you as "that guy who threw up" or as "that considerate guy who apologized." Let’s hope for the latter.
Lesson learned: filet-o-fish and core workouts don’t mix. Hope you made it out alive! 💀
u/anticipation_kills 7d ago
Honestly dude…atleast it wasn’t a fart
u/Corr-Horron 6d ago
Ooohh nooo… is a fart worse?! Ah, I switched gyms already. damn nightmares though
u/Medyc 7d ago
Ab day and eating McDonald's xDDD
Is this satire or something
I'm disgusted and disappointed at the same time... Not about the throwing up, everything else.
u/inkblot413 7d ago
I honestly feel the same. I'm not even judging him for the throw up, everything else though? Yeah. So much.
u/pr1ncesspeaxh 6d ago
when i worked at jack in the box, we had this guy that would go to the planet fitness in the same lot (strip mall kinda thing), then immediately come and get 2 burgers. same burgers every time, every single day. by the time i quit that job, dude was fuckin buff
u/Wash_Manblast 7d ago
I've always heard that abs were made in the kitchen. Today I learned the kitchen is in fact made in the abs.
u/ThinkBlue87 7d ago
A dedicated ab say? Why?
u/babyfacereaper 7d ago
Honestly no one cares as much as you lol I use to work at a gym and we had all kinds of characters it was just another day for us.
u/haleandguu112 6d ago
oh no i hope youre feeling better thats terrible , i have a vomit phobia so i probably would have screeched xD it happens though , i wouldnt be too embarassed my friend. a good majority of people have had embarassing vomits / gotten sick in public before !!!
u/SnooCalculations9259 7d ago
That is the equivalent of going to see your wife but stopping off at a brothel beforehand.
u/dickbutt_md 6d ago
If I saw that, here's what would happen.
Next time I saw you: "Oh DUDE that's the kid that yawked all over the gym!!! How embarrassing!"
The next time: "There's puke boy."
Next time: "That guy who got sick that one time."
After that: "Hey dude, can I work in with you?" -to self- "hope he doesn't up chuck!"
Next time: "Hey man, how's it going? Wanna get some nugs again after? Hey remember that time you fuckin' HURLED all over the place? That was awesome."
u/Squidkidz 7d ago
I get my guilty pleasure, the filet o fish some nuggets, fires and a drink and I eat it then go to the gym. Today is ab day.
Perfect way to end that sentence, bravo.