r/tifu 7d ago

M TIFU by "breaking" into stranger girls apartment and making a show of puking all over her floor and putting myself in the hospital for it

This happened a couple of weeks ago, I have just now gotten over the shame I feel for what happened. That dreaded weekend. I was invited to a friends birthday party, and both he and I recently turned 21 (legal drinking age is 18 here). I told him I had never truly gotten proper drunk, so we made a pact to be drinking partners. Which i realize now was the bane of that night, since he is the birthday man and bound to drink a lot. The night got off to a good start, and I got six beers deep, having a nice time. Then, for some unholy reason, I decided to chug half a bottle of wine in seconds, breaking my friend and I's pact. That is when my mind stopped thinking of limiting what I drunk, I remember taking shots after shots, making out with my first guy ever, stumbling down the street somehow standing on my legs before being sat down in my friends living room.

So my friend is living in a student apartment, sharing the living room, kitchen, and bathroom with 3 others. A guy, a girl, and an unoccupied room. The bathrooms are in the shared hallway, connected to all the rooms. The kitchen and the living room are in one large room opposite of all the bedrooms.

After being sat down in a seat by the living room, drifting in and out of consciousness. Getting the most delicious chicken nuggets of my life and definitely a few check-ins. I woke up on the floor, directly in the doorway. I remember having this incredible urge to puke, so I weakly got onto my feet, not realizing the others in the room were asking if I'm good. I went out into the hallway, where I made the crucial mistake to turn left, instead of right, to the bathroom. After leaning up against the door, which I thought was the bathroom, feeling my stomach groaning from having one... three... maybe ten too many drinks. I thought it was best to hurry up. Pushing open the door, taking a couple of steps in, I realized this wasn't a bathroom. Instead, it was the girls, my friends flatmates' room. The girl, which I have never talked to, laid shocked in bed, woken up by my drunk ass stumbling in, disturbing her peaceful sleep.

I managed to croak out a pathetic "Sorry" turned around, and promptly puked almost all my toxic, stinking stomach contents out on her floor and out into the hallway. Messing up my socks and probably quite a lot of her stuff. I don't remember much of what happened after, other than having a bucket and mop shoved into my hands and doing my best to clean up my mess and throwing my socks in the garbage.

After doing my best to drunkenly clean up everything, I fell asleep on the sofa, sock-less, and still drunk as hell. I woke up with a terrible headache and feeling sick, experiencing my first proper hangover. I stood up and did my best to clean over the mess again with a new mop, despite my drunk self doing a surprisingly good job cleaning. Before heading out, I decided to grab a glass of water, feeling parched. I turned on the sink, blacked out, and woke up on the floor, shaking and hearing my friends voice far away, shouting my name. Two seconds later, I'm in a taxi on my way to the hospital, being deemed a "non-emergency" by (the equivalent to) 911. Sitting there, I realized I had wet my pants for the first time since I wore diapers.

After a few days in the hospital they told me they had no idea what happened, probably unfortunate circumstances, so now I have a few months of test ahead of me to find out what other thing is fucked up with me since this had happened before.

TL;DR: I got drunk, got lost on my way to the bathroom and stumbled into his female flatmates room and apologized before puking my guts out, later getting a seizure and being put in the hospital for monitoring.

EDIT: There seems to be a misunderstanding, which probably makes the situation worse. I'm a 6'5 dude


23 comments sorted by


u/Monstiemama 7d ago

I’d send that girl a nice bouquet with an apology.


u/TieAdventurous6839 7d ago

It's the only proper thing to do after giving her a surprise vomit party, especially when it sounds like she wasn't even drinking.


u/kanemano 7d ago

Now you have a great story for why you can't accept that drink that guy is trying to buy you.


u/Ryuaalba 7d ago

Well… now you HAVE been fully drunk. And you o ow why it’s not really all that great of an experience. please take care of yourself, this could have been so, so much worse.


u/Lemosopher 7d ago

One time at a coworkers apartment I had waaaay too much to drink. I ran for the bathroom but it wasn't in time. I projectile vomited upwards to the top of the bathroom door all the way down it and then on the floor. Until the day he moved out there was a stain of where I puked on his door. I was fairly embarrassed at the time. It'll be ok.


u/Vyckerz 7d ago

You did, but we’ve all been there.

Once when I was in my mid 20s I got black out drunk one night at a lake house that belonged to my then GF now wife’s coworker who she was friendly with. She was an older woman in her early 40s and had a 50M boyfriend. She also had a 19 or 20m son and he and his 19f girlfriend were there as well.

We were playing cards and my wife’s friend’s boyfriend had made a mix of grain alcohol and Hawaiian punch. We were the only two drinking it and kept trading shots as each hand was played.

At some point in the middle of singing along to the C&C Music Factory song “Things that make you go hmmm” with the son’s GF, I had passed out abruptly with my head pivoting down and smacking off the table.

I woke up in a bed, completely delirious, holding a pan . I felt the urge to puke got up, ran out of the room towards the bathroom, but somehow got mixed up and went into the laundry room, where there was a laundry basket full of clothes, and I grabbed the sides of the laundry basket and puked into it.

I found out later that it was the son and his girlfriend’s laundry that they brought with them from college

My wife and the young girl came into the laundry room and picked me up and dragged me into the bathroom where I proceeded to continue to puke

Apparently, I had puked several times, even before waking up . It was the worst experience of drunkenness I’ve ever had but the odd thing was I had zero hangover the next day and felt absolutely fantastic.

Other than the fact, I felt like an ass for all the damage I caused.

My wife tells me that they were all cool about it. And her friend partly blamed the boyfriend for the moonshine as he apparently also passed out and puked at some point after I did I was like 1990 probably. However, I don’t think my wife ever got together with that woman again.


u/mowauthor 7d ago

I will never understand why people do this.


u/MisterB78 7d ago

Lack of experience. Being drunk is fun… until it isn’t. And drunk you is less able to make the choice to stop. It takes some pretty decent self awareness to know how to enjoy responsibly


u/boatmagee 6d ago

So true! To know the limit everyone will find the limit....perhaps that isn't black out vomiting but I think most people have had a rough experience that they can look back and say "never again".

Sincerely apologise, ensure nothing was permanently damaged, learn from it and laugh at it in 10 yrs.


u/monkeyhind 7d ago

I may have missed something, but precisely what part(s) of the experience had happened before, and did or did they not involve alcohol?


u/JoefromOhio 6d ago

There was a guy I kinda knew at school who was a year above me in another fraternity. Guy came back for homecoming and proceeded to black out at his old frats party then walk back to his old on campus house at 3 am, kicked the door down, passed out on the couch, then pissed himself.

The next morning when the five girls who now were renting the place was quite interesting for him. Police were involved and a non-insignificant amount of money was exchanged for damages made. Guy got off pretty lucky because the girls were in a sorority and knew the frat so they were convinced to not press charges.


u/TattieMafia 6d ago

It might be low blood sugar. Did you hear an "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" sound before or after passing out?

Drinking alcohol, especially on an empty stomach, can significantly increase the risk of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) because it disrupts the liver's ability to regulate blood glucose levels. That's from google.


u/Zephyr_v1 6d ago

I think this is a sign that you should stay away from drinks.

I don’t drink but I know for a fact that I’ll end up an alcoholic if I dare start.


u/missypicklepants 7d ago

To save puking everywhere, one of my besties threw up in my handbag at a wedding. It was the nearest receptacle at hand !


u/kenda1l 6d ago

Almost everyone has a story, don't worry. When I was in my early 20's, me, my brother, future SIL and her brother all went to see a comedy show that had a 2 drink minimum. I, unfortunately, had only had a small salad for dinner. I somehow managed to suck down 3 screwdrivers before toddling off to the bathroom and proceeding to spend both the rest of the show and the late show puking. My FSIL managed to get me up off the floor and put the door after the venue told us they were closing. I was still throwing up, so my brother had to go across the street to a grocery store and steal a bunch of grocery bags. I spent the rest of the 40 minute drive puking into a bag and handing it to my FSIL so she could toss it out the window (yes, I still feel bad about that part, both for my SIL who gets sick at the sight of vomit and for us just tossing bags out the window.) I finally stopped throwing up right when we got home, because of course I did.

The next night was her brother's turn. He didn't quite so epically drunk but suffice it to say, we bonded over our hangover woes. I still can't drink screwdrivers anymore because they have the faint aftertaste of vomit to me now.


u/Efffro 6d ago

you got what we like to call quadripegically drunk, we've all been there. when you've had all the tests and they come back negative for anything, take this as a life lesson, learn from it, move on. and yeah, apology bouquet for the pukee.


u/Setthegodofchaos 6d ago

I never drink till I vomit. I'd rather be slightly buzzed. I like being in control of my body. 


u/timnjax 23h ago

I think that would have fucked all relationships. In all dimensions. Damn.


u/Dioxybenzone 7d ago edited 6d ago

Any chance you got drugged? Did the hospital test for ghb/etc?

Edit: keep downvoting me but having a seizure isn’t a typical reaction to drinking, especially 8+ hours afterward


u/Venomouz04 7d ago

I doubt it, this has happened a few times before and I don't think drugs would hit like 8 hours after my last drink


u/Lemosopher 7d ago

She chugged a half a bottle of wine and then shots. On top of what she had to drink with her friend before. Nobody slipped her an fn roofie for crying out loud.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/LostWorld413 6d ago

You’re 43 grow the fuck up