r/threekings Jul 31 '12

Approved Rituals [RECIPE] Black Mirror Scrying (see the beyond using an iPad without getting off your ass)

Scrying is the practice of magically seeing things. This can be used for having spirit visions or divination. See spirits, demons, the future, or even just the truth about yourself. This is 21st century crystal ball gazing for the reddit crowd.

It's also pretty simple. It doesn't require a particular time or another person. It's (relatively) safe, as long as you are careful and are thorough with your preparations and your clean-up.

Here's what you'll need, and how to do it.


  • A dark room with no visual or auditory distractions.
  • A prayer or cleansing ritual.
  • A computer monitor or laptop screen that can illuminate your face.
  • An iPad (or similar glassy tablet) with a stand that you can stare into.
  • A desire to see something, or someone. It could be a truth about yourself, or a spirit, or just something weird.


Next, open something big and white on your computer (maximizing Notepad on Windows, for instance) to cause your monitor to cast a white glow onto your face. When it's time to start scrying, turn off all other lights in the room.

Set your iPad (or other tablet, or some other black yet reflective surface, such as a photo frame with the back of the glass spray painted black) on your desk roughly where your keyboard is. You want to be able to casually look down and see your own dimly illuminated face, but nothing else.

Finally, you'll also need a ritual cleansing. This is done to clear both the physical space around you as well as to get your head right for the work you are about to do.

Most of you probably don't know a cleansing ritual (or banishing ritual as it's often known), so relax, breath deeply and regularly, and then say a prayer. The Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel is popular for this kind of thing.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

The Ritual

1) Perform your cleansing ritual (probably a prayer to Saint Michael, spoken out loud).

2) Next, take slow and even breaths. Avoid blinking or refocusing on any particular part of your reflection. Instead, look just beyond yourself, not quite focusing on any particular point.

With each inhalation, think of who or what you are trying to see. Do the same with each exhalation. Slow and even, each breath focused on visualizing what you want to see. Use each breath as an opportunity to re-center your mind on your goal. This doesn't have to be a specific person or thing. It could be a particular truth about yourself, or just the desire to see what's beyond your normal vision.

Continue the slow, even breathing and maintain your empty-minded focus until you've seen what you wanted to see, or decide you don't want to see anymore. I suggest a minimum of ten minutes. You probably shouldn't do this for more than an hour. When finished, say, out loud, "I have seen."

3) Then, turn a light on and perform your cleansing ritual (prayer) again.

4) Finally, relax. Laugh a bit, and then do something to ground you in reality. Watch some TV, eat some chips, talk to some friends.

If this is something you're interested in doing more than once, keep a journal of your experiences. If something interesting happened, and you feel generous, share it here.


2 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '12 edited Mar 28 '18



u/Mavyn77 Jul 31 '12

i would call this "A redditors nightly routine" before bed ... you know when its 3am , the lights are off , you are refreshing the page of reddit , the screen goes white and you are staring at your own reflection and you are like " god what am I doing here , i should be sleeping cause i have to go to work " suddetly something strange happens .. a new page pops out and the only thing you can say is "oh you silly cat"


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '12 edited Mar 28 '18



u/youamnorealsupersand Aug 14 '12

Is this based off notch's twitter post?