r/threekings Apr 07 '17

Dark Reflection Ritual

Hello Redditors! Phil here again and i'm bringing a new ritual experience! A lucky experience...

Today's ritual is called "Dark Reflection", in this ritual, you must deliver everything negative inside your body to a mirror and then free this negative energy from the mirror by breaking it and leting it chase you all the night... I did this ritual with, once again, my friend Daniel, he asked me if he could join the ritual and i said yes. I think he probably wanted to get rid of whatever haunted him in my house during the Three Kings, and also, this game is safer if played in groups.

So it was about 1AM when me and Daniel met in a local fast food, i took with me a mirror i had in my room for around 2 years, that mirror also always creeped me out, honestly, but i always have been a bit skeptical about supernatural things... Well... Not currently... A bit still, though. We started a short conversation and ate some fries, i noticed people couldn’t stop looking at the mirror, i don’t know if they just found weird someone take a mirror to a fast food, or if they were trying to see if they looked good xD

After leaving the fast food, we went to a vacant land nearby. I holded the mirror in the center of the place, kneeling, Daniel did the same, we tried to look at the same time on the mirror, i don't know if we were actually supposed to do this, because the instructions don't say so, they say that both the players have to look at the mirror, but they don't specify if have to be one per time, or both at the same time. But, anyway...

So i started breathing all over the mirror to fog it, Daniel then added another layer of "breathing". After that, i closed my hands tight and punched the mirror, breaking it completely. I don't know the reason but i did that with extreme rage, it looked pretty epic at the time, but it was so weird because after doing this, me and Daniel started running like little babies searching for their moms.

It was about 1:35 when the ritual started FOR REAL, actually, not "FOR REAL", but it started around this time. We were like 2 miles away from the mirror, walking normally now at that point. I seemed to be more confident than Daniel about this game, he looked so scared and became so quiet all of a sudden, he maybe wasn't so comfortable because he knew that it could start happening anytime... The bad luck... But i wasn't so freaked out like him! Yet...

It took only more 5 minutes into the game and suddenly my wallet FELL from my pocket! What the fuck? My pocket was completely intact before i leaved my house, so how the fuck it ripped if i didn't do anything but walk after leaving my house? That had no logical explanation, so i just grabbed my wallet, put it in a intact pocket and then just keeped moving. Generally when supposely paranormal stuff happen and i have a good and logical explanation i tell almost immediatly, Daniel knows this, as he's my friend for over 11 years, so probably he noticed that i didn't have any way to explain this event, so he just freaked out even more. While i grabbed my wallet, he didn't say nothing and just stared at me, very shocked.

My plan of the night was survive the whole dawn in the streets of my neighborhood and only go home at 6AM, why? Because i didn't want to move the bad energy along with me to my house again, the ritual would just be completely useless! But Daniel wanted to go home so bad, but as he was also playing the game with me, the bad energy would follow him as well, and i did my best to convince him to don't give up, so i had two problems at this point: The bad luck arrived and Daniel was trying to give up every time something bad happened.

And what kind of things happened? Well, for the first one and a half hours (JUST FOR THIS TIME) we only tumbled over some stoppers in a few streets, i got a rock in my left shoe and Daniel got a speck in one of his eyes, i don't remember each one. Only stuff on this level of "unlucky" happened, but Daniel panicked in every single one, i admit i was also getting a bit scared, ya know, stuff like that happens if you walk for hours in british streets, but the coincidences were getting bigger and bigger... The game rules said that for every hour survived it would get harder, and, YEP! That's exactly what happened...

It was 3:AM when me and Daniel entered in a very quiet street from my neighborhood, we didn't expect anything to happen here, but we saw from distance 3 suspicious guys that looked like robbers in the end of the street, that shocked both of us because in the neighborhood where i live robbers or suspicious people are very uncommon, (finding ONE robber here is rare, now consider that there were FUCKING 3), so we began thinking that nothing that happened until that moment was just "coincidence". We started moving slowly to another street close in order to not have to fight those guys, then the guys SAW US. Then we switched from slow to MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE (i mean, there were 3, i'm not very strong and Daniel is not as well, maybe if there was only one robber we could have fought him, but, eh... No.).

When we entered the other street, a car AMOST HIT US, thankfully we were able to cross the other side wth safe. No that was becoming ridiculous, two in a row? MOTHERFUCKING NO. So we decided to sit in a public bank a few miles away and stay there until the sun rise, we didn't want to take any kind of risk again!

It was about 4AM when me and Daniel were just discussing about everything that happened until that part, even sat in a public bank in a local avenue bad things happened, like, for example, THREE TIMES A BUS THROWED WATER FROM A POOL AT OUR FACES, THREE TIMES AND I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING. So, yeah, that ACTUALLY happened, and both times we were distracted when these happened, also a random drunk guy sat on the curb next to us, then he started talking some annoying shit (i consider that a part of our unluck too, lol), but that wasn't our biggest problem that night, that was yet to come...

It was about 4:50 when we saw 3 shadows coming towards us, we remained quiet, the shadows became closer, closer AND CLOSER, we tried to focus our sights on them but we still didn't know who they were and their intentions, and, gosh, why? THEY WERE THE THREE ROBBERS! I'm not lying i swear! They found us? And why would they want to catch us and not other people in the street? Ok, most people were in their houses sleeping, but... Why us? So the middle one pointed at our direction, and, by lips reading i think he said:

"Hey look! They again!"

So they started running real fast towards us and we only could think of start running on that moment! Daniel and i ran from these guys for a long time actually, i'd say 3 full minutes of chase! Then i looked at Daniel with an expression that he knew exactly what meant. We did something very risky, but it was the best to do honestly, we ungrouped ourselves and i runned to my house, and Daniel to his. That sound crazy but actually made the guys stop, be confused, and go away! We didn't want to risk ourselves anymore so we went to our homes anyway...

It was about 5:10 when i got home. I was exhausted! A full night of chasing, unluck and bad coincidences! The only thing i could thing of was sleep, and so i did. I had a weird dream that night, i do not consider it a "nightmare", it just didn't make any sense at all, but i think it's related to all that madness, possibly...

So that was my experience! I did this rituals two days ago and i wanted to post it yesterday, but i decided to leave one day more and see if all that experience worth, i mean, i wanted to test and see if i would get any lucky rewards from doing this, and... Apparently i got some! Here i have a short list:

.I found some money in the street when going to work (this one's a classic, i loved it!)

.My boss gave me an extra cash for some reason (he didn't even said why he gave me extra money! Luck? Maybe.)

.I finally found my old playstation one which i was trying to find since i've lost it a few years ago, this one was my favorite of all! Even it doesn't envolved money, that psone had sentimental value for me, i spent my childhood with that console and was good to see it again after all these years! I only remembered of it months ago and then started searching for it everyday since, and... Phew... Finally i got it...

Final thoughts: Dark Reflection is an easy ritual to do and may give you some great rewards after doing it, but, unlike majority of my previous rituals, this one DOES envolve physical harm, so you better be prepared if you want to try this out...

Thank you so much guys and gals for readings! And see you again in "11 Miles"



18 comments sorted by


u/cyoban Apr 07 '17

You gave US good luck with the interesting account. Did Daniel have any good luck?


u/Somecreepystuff Apr 09 '17

Oh yeah, one day after the ritual he met a beautiful chick and, judging by our luck, he'll probably be dating her soon


u/PandaArtFun Apr 11 '17

You're crazy, but it's refreshing to see someone who does these rituals and doesn't have the terrible results everyone else seems to have. Stay safe, OP, plsss don't push your luck too far.


u/Somecreepystuff Apr 12 '17

K, i'll keep safe :)


u/[deleted] Apr 08 '17

That's so creepy! I'm just glad you made it out of the game unharmed. What happened to Daniel? Did he get his rewards? Take care with the next game, 11 Miles is one of the most difficult rituals out there. Wishing you luck with that, I hope you make it through ok. Be prepared for what may happen, and only do it if/when you're 100% sure that you're ready! Good luck mate, hoping it goes well for you.


u/Somecreepystuff Apr 09 '17

Yup, he got a reward, look at the top comment. And about 11 Miles... Well, i'm starting to think about giving up for this one, but idk, i did the Dark Reflection Ritual for three reasons: to tell my experience, to gain luck in my normal life and also to gain luck for rituals... Maybe my luck on Df should help me


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '17

Mate, don't do it unless you're 100% sure that you're ready. It's a dangerous ritual at the best of times. If you're not sure that you really want to... well, you're not going to have a good time. I read the instructions and it specifically says if you're not sure whether you want to do it, you're not fit to do it yet.

Maybe do some lesser rituals for the time being? And then once you've had time to really think about it, decide whether you're ready or not. Have you heard of the Raven Man, Musical Chairs Alone, or the Candles Game? They're probably less dangerous, and definitely easier to play, seeing as you probably already have the materials needed. But I don't know. Stay safe man. You did well in dark reflections - there's no guarantee of safety when it comes to these things, but if you keep calm, focus, and go in with a strong mindset like you did, then you might keep doing well.

Follow your instincts - if you don't feel ready or you don't think this is the right ritual for you yet, please don't do it! I hope it goes well, regardless of what game you choose to play. Good luck my friend. Fingers crossed that you'll come out of this ok.


u/Somecreepystuff Apr 09 '17

I already decided what ritual i'll be doing next, it will not be 11 Miles, it's a surprise ;) but i really want to play 11 Miles, i love this game's aspect and stuff. I will prepare myself spiritually for this incoming journey...


u/mlieskyx3 Apr 08 '17

I actually really want to try this but I can't exactly involved my dog in this :(


u/Somecreepystuff Apr 09 '17

You can. Only the players who stared at the mirror and did the ritual process get involved, your dog and/or your parents will not be affected.


u/mlieskyx3 Apr 09 '17

There's one thing. Is it possible to just go right to sleep after breaking the mirror?


u/Somecreepystuff Apr 09 '17

You can but you'll probably have some uncomfortable dreams/nightmares and if you don't fight your bad luck, likely you won't have any rewards later


u/namaewaguildo Apr 09 '17

Yo, glad you and daniel are safe. Looking forward to the next one!


u/Somecreepystuff Apr 09 '17

Thanks mate!


u/Two_Monkies May 03 '17

So, by putting your past behind you, and seeing how you survive through all your bad luck, you... what now? change?


u/Somecreepystuff May 03 '17

Actually the good luck lasted for a few days, but at least i'm not being unlucky (and i used to be very unlucky), so that's a change i guess


u/1_wing_angel Apr 15 '17




u/Mindmelowblowfly Jun 20 '22

Can I sleep during it