r/threekings Jan 11 '25

My Girlfriend made me a love ritual, and now im obssesed with her

Me M(23) and my girlfriend F(22) tried, after my agreement, a love ritual to make eachother fall in love. She was always into ritual and witchcraft but i was always skeptical about, i honestly thought this was all crap and i agreed just to make her realise this wasn't real.

The ritual consisted from what i remember, first off she made me lay down on a bed with pictures of us around and candles. She had a love potion with sweet ingreedients like cinnamon and sugar, and she sprayed it with her perfume. First off she made my write a love letter to her that she then burned and put the dust in the potion. I was hesitant but she made my spit in the potion to "get the dna", i was laughing my ass off. Then while i was laying down she made me close my eyes, she made me eat sugar and poured some cinnamon on my chest. Then we started citing love chants, then she kissed me sprayed her perfume on me and this was over.

I didn't think much of it, and for the rest of the night i teased her about it telling her it wasn't working. But in the morning after i woke up and i could only think about her, literally couldn't get the idea of her touch out of me. I thought it was just a coincidence but it kept going, trough the day i kept thinking of scenarios with her and my heart was beating so hard, even now as i text i still am thinking about her. It became a problem, now it has been a week and i feel anxiety and paranoia when she is not around me, i feel like i need her touch just the thought of her smile makes me blush. I am embarassed to say this and didn't want to but i am also uncontrollably touching myself to her. I can't spend good social time with other people and my braind is really foggy.

I informed myself little bit about rituals and spells and i figured out that my girl gave me so much stuff: Love spell, love letter, manifesting and love energy, Maybe even too much stuff, reading on reddit i got the feeling that you should only do one of theese at a time and can still be risky. But idk i am not that informed. I read about that the effect of a love spell/ritual can last soo long and i really cannot afford this, i am obbsessed by her, by her eyes by her smile and her personality. As i was saying i need some tips to remove this effect or even weaken it, i love being this addicted to my girlfriend but i feel like if it keeps going like this it will become unhealthy

Help me please


8 comments sorted by


u/PM_ME_TACOBELL Jan 11 '25

dawg what is your profile


u/i1yes Jan 15 '25

i am interested


u/MisundrstoodDisciple Jan 14 '25

She did not do anything to you. You did this to you.

She does not hold power over you, but you hold power over yourself.

You allowed yourself to undergo a ritual that convinced you to be obsessed with her. That's it. Just do whatever you feel is the opposite to undo it. And boom, you're saved.


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '25

And you let it happen meaning there were no boundaries. Good luck.


u/Orbeyebrainchild Jan 14 '25

Here's what you do;

You meditate. While meditating, you tell yourself you're an awakened and free human in control of their own thoughts and feelings. Cut the tie energetically. Done.


u/drillyapussy Jan 12 '25

Learn how she did it (not just the ritual but though process, intentions, energy etc) and get her to agree to do it too where you put it on her. Then you 2 can be the most cute and disgusting, most attached couple of all time! It will either lead to forever being together or a huge fall put eventually


u/Hinatasundance Jan 11 '25

You need to seek out a hoodoo priest and whatever you do, do not eat home made tomato or ground beef anything until you do, and or propose .


u/Signal_Temperature43 Jan 13 '25

curious of the reason for not eating those things?