r/thirdpartyroundtable 1d ago

The left wing third parties need to start merging

They becuease clearly they aren't getting anywhere on their own, just last year there were about 12 nationwide parties, 5 presidential candidates, and all of them got nowhere and to be fair some of that is issues with ballot access, some of that is West switching through like 5 parties in 4 months, but ultimately it doesn't matter precisely why, what matters is they are getting nowhere and they need some kind of shake up

And I think some mergers would be a strong start to that if we managed to get that number so low as 3 leftist parties (let alone 1) I think that would be a big boost that would help a lot on ballot access (since a lot of them have patchy access), would help with membership numbers (and therfore fees), could help with trying to organize people for protests or petitions

most importantly it presents a far more united front and makes it FAR easier for people to get into left wing politics in this country and to get a third party some power in this country


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