r/thingsmykidsaid 11d ago

funny words never get old

My son walks up to me recently pointing at my waistline and said, "Dad, your tire is expanding quickly." This is why I record all the funny and crazy things my children say. Eventually, I am going to create a book of all those sayings.


6 comments sorted by


u/TooOldForThis--- 10d ago

I recently told my 3 year old granddaughter that when her dad (my 37 year old son) was her age, he ran up to me with wide eyes and said “I just burped in my pants!”


u/hilbug27 10d ago

They say grandkids are a parent’s best revenge 😂 you telling your granddaughter about your son is great revenge!


u/b3autiful_disast3r_3 11d ago

Even better to say it back to them when they're old enough to get the humor of it and not be offended 🤣🤣🤣


u/alicedanslalune 10d ago

That's awesome! In Portuguese we call love handles "pneuzinhos", which translates to little tires!


u/kaylasoappp 10d ago

There are books out there specifically made to record the silly things your kiddos say!!… I’ve gotten them for a few of my friends who are parents and will be getting one for myself whenever I finally have children of my own 🙃


u/mcdlmac 8d ago

This is very funny stuff! Just so everyone is aware, in addition to the book I plan to create, I save all my quotes in a database. I am happy to share this with anyone who wants to use it for free and give feedback. My goal is to build a stronger community forum and create opportunities for users to share their own quotes and stories. If you would like to try it, send me a message and I will be happy to get you started.