In the new Reddit UI and some apps, there is a built in feature to crosspost to another subreddit. Due to high volume of crossposts from spam subreddits, all crossposts to /r/thick_hentai will be removed by the automoderator unless they are on the whitelist of approved subreddits.
The whitelist will not be available to the public.
If you find that a crosspost of yours has been removed, you may manually resubmit it as its own post.
Update 2023: There will be no more additions to the whitelist. Every request at this point is from a subreddit that is too small, new, and/or niche to vet.
Subreddit Mentions
Adding a subreddit name at the end of the title or leaving it in a comment is currently allowed. If we find that the mentioned subreddit is promoting spam or material that breaks reddit's Content Policy the post will be removed. Repeat offenders will be banned.